Adding vagrant integration

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AxyFr 2023-04-13 13:10:34 +02:00
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commit 64997bae8c
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@ -942,3 +942,86 @@ Configuration of BunkerWeb is done by using specific role variables :
| `custom_plugins` | string | Path of the plugins directory to upload. | empty value |
| `custom_www_owner` | string | Default owner for www files and folders. | `nginx` |
| `custom_www_group` | string | Default group for www files and folders. | `nginx` |
## Vagrant
<figure markdown>
![Overwiew](assets/img/integration-vagrant.svg){ align=center }
<figcaption>BunkerWeb integration with Vagrant</figcaption>
List of supported providers :
- vmware_desktop
- virtualbox
- libvirt
**_Note on Supported Base Images_**
Please be aware that the provided Vagrant boxes are based **exclusively on Ubuntu 22.04 "Jammy"**. While BunkerWeb supports other Linux distributions, the Vagrant setup currently only supports Ubuntu 22.04 as the base operating system. This ensures a consistent and reliable environment for users who want to deploy BunkerWeb using Vagrant.
Similar to other BunkerWeb integrations, the Vagrant setup uses **NGINX version 1.20.2**. This specific version is required to ensure compatibility and smooth functioning with BunkerWeb. Additionally, the Vagrant box includes **PHP** pre-installed, providing a ready-to-use environment for hosting PHP-based applications alongside BunkerWeb.
By using the provided Vagrant box based on Ubuntu 22.04 "Jammy", you benefit from a well-configured and integrated setup, allowing you to focus on developing and securing your applications with BunkerWeb without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
Here are the steps to install BunkerWeb using Vagrant on Ubuntu with the supported virtualization providers (VirtualBox, VMware, and libvirt):
1. Make sure you have Vagrant and one of the supported virtualization providers (VirtualBox, VMware, or libvirt) installed on your system.
2. There are two ways to install the Vagrant box with BunkerWeb: either by using a provided Vagrantfile to configure your virtual machine or by creating a new box based on the existing BunkerWeb Vagrant box, offering you flexibility in how you set up your development environment.
=== "Vagrantfile"
<pre style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5rem; display: block; overflow-x: auto; white-space: pre; border-radius: 4px;"><code>Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bunkerity/bunkerity"
Depending on the virtualization provider you choose, you may need to install additional plugins:
* For **VMware**, install the `vagrant-vmware-desktop` plugin. For more information, see the [Vagrant documentation](
* For **libvirt**, install the `vagrant-libvirt plugin`. For more information, see the [Vagrant documentation](
* For **VirtualBox**, install the `vagrant-vbguest` plugin. For more information, see the [Vagrant documentation](
=== "New Vagrant Box"
<pre style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5rem; display: block; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 4px;"><code>
vagrant init bunkerity/bunkerity</code></pre>
Depending on the virtualization provider you choose, you may need to install additional plugins:
* For **VMware**, install the `vagrant-vmware-desktop` plugin. For more information, see the [Vagrant documentation](
* For **libvirt**, install the `vagrant-libvirt plugin`. For more information, see the [Vagrant documentation](
* For **VirtualBox**, install the `vagrant-vbguest` plugin. For more information, see the [Vagrant documentation](
After installing the necessary plugins for your chosen virtualization provider, run the following command to start the virtual machine and install BunkerWeb:
<pre style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5rem; display: block; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 4px;"><code>
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox # or --provider=vmware_desktop or --provider=libvirt</code></pre>
Finally to access the virtual machine using SSH, execute the following command:
<pre style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5rem; display: block; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 4px;"><code>
vagrant ssh</code></pre>
**Example Vagrantfile**
Here is an example `Vagrantfile` for installing BunkerWeb on Ubuntu 22.04 "Jammy" using the different supported virtualization providers:
<pre style="border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5rem; display: block; overflow-x: auto; white-space: pre; border-radius: 4px;"><code>Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Ubuntu 22.04 "Jammy" = "bunkerity/bunkerity"
# Uncomment the desired virtualization provider
# For VirtualBox (default)
config.vm.provider "virtualbox"
# For VMware
# config.vm.provider "vmware_workstation" # Windows/Linux
# For libvirt
# config.vm.provider "libvirt"