from abc import ABC from time import time, sleep from requests import get from traceback import format_exc from shutil import copytree from os.path import isdir, join from os import mkdir, walk, rename from re import sub, search, MULTILINE from subprocess import run from logger import log from string import ascii_lowercase, digits from random import choice class Test(ABC): def __init__(self, name, kind, timeout, tests, no_copy_container=False, delay=0): self._name = name self.__kind = kind self._timeout = timeout self.__tests = tests self._no_copy_container = no_copy_container self.__delay = delay self._domains = {} log( "TEST", "ℹ️", f"instiantiated with {len(tests)} tests and timeout of {timeout}s for {self._name}", ) # called once before running all the different tests for a given integration @staticmethod def init(): try: if not isdir("/tmp/bw-data"): mkdir("/tmp/bw-data") run("sudo chmod 777 /tmp/bw-data", shell=True) rm_dirs = ["configs", "plugins", "www"] for rm_dir in rm_dirs: if isdir(rm_dir): run(f"sudo rm -rf /tmp/bw-data/{rm_dir}", shell=True) if not isdir("/tmp/tests"): mkdir("/tmp/tests") except: log("TEST", "❌", f"exception while running Test.init()\n{format_exc()}") return False return True # Class method @staticmethod def end(): return True # helper to check domains def _check_domains(self): for k, v in self._domains.items(): if v is None: log("TEST", "⚠️", f"env {k} is None") # called before starting the tests # must be override if specific actions needs to be done def _setup_test(self): try: rm_dirs = ["configs", "plugins", "www"] for rm_dir in rm_dirs: if isdir(f"/tmp/bw-data/{rm_dir}"): run( f"sudo bash -c 'rm -rf /tmp/bw-data/{rm_dir}/*'", shell=True, ) if isdir(f"/tmp/tests/{self._name}"): run(f"sudo rm -rf /tmp/tests/{self._name}", shell=True) copytree(f"./examples/{self._name}", f"/tmp/tests/{self._name}") except: log( "TEST", "❌", f"exception while running Test._setup_test()\n{format_exc()}", ) return False return True # called after running the tests def _cleanup_test(self): try: run(f"sudo rm -rf /tmp/tests/{self._name}", shell=True) except: log( "TEST", "❌", f"exception while running Test._cleanup_test()\n{format_exc()}", ) return False return True # run all the tests def run_tests(self): if not self._setup_test(): self._debug_fail() return False if self.__delay != 0: log("TEST", "ℹ️", f"delay is set, sleeping {self.__delay}s") sleep(self.__delay) start = time() while time() < start + self._timeout: all_ok = True for test in self.__tests: ok = self.__run_test(test) sleep(1) if not ok: all_ok = False break if all_ok: elapsed = str(int(time() - start)) log( "TEST", "ℹ️", f"success ({elapsed}/{self._timeout}s)", ) return self._cleanup_test() log("TEST", "⚠️", "tests not ok, retrying in 1s ...") self._debug_fail() self._cleanup_test() log("TEST", "❌", f"failed (timeout = {self._timeout}s)") return False # run a single test def __run_test(self, test): try: ex_url = test["url"] for ex_domain, test_domain in self._domains.items(): if search(ex_domain, ex_url): ex_url = sub(ex_domain, test_domain, ex_url) break if test["type"] == "string": r = get(ex_url, timeout=10, verify=False) return test["string"].casefold() in r.text.casefold() elif test["type"] == "status": r = get(ex_url, timeout=10, verify=False) return test["status"] == r.status_code except: return False raise (Exception(f"unknown test type {test['type']}")) # called when tests fail : typical case is to show logs def _debug_fail(self): pass @staticmethod def replace_in_file(path, old, new): try: with open(path, "r") as f: content = content = sub(old, new, content, flags=MULTILINE) with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(content) except: log("TEST", "⚠️", f"can't replace file {path} : {format_exc()}") @staticmethod def replace_in_files(path, old, new): for root, dirs, files in walk(path): for name in files: Test.replace_in_file(join(root, name), old, new) @staticmethod def rename(path, old, new): for root, dirs, files in walk(path): for name in dirs + files: full_path = join(root, name) new_path = sub(old, new, full_path) if full_path != new_path: rename(full_path, new_path) @staticmethod def random_string(length): charset = ascii_lowercase + digits return "".join(choice(charset) for i in range(length))