from contextlib import suppress from os import getenv from requests import get from requests.exceptions import RequestException from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException from time import sleep from traceback import format_exc try: ready = False retries = 0 while not ready: with suppress(RequestException): resp = get("", headers={"Host": ""}) status_code = resp.status_code text = resp.text if status_code >= 500: print("❌ An error occurred with the server, exiting ...", flush=True) exit(1) ready = status_code <= 401 and text == "ready" if retries > 10: print("❌ The service took too long to be ready, exiting ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif not ready: retries += 1 print("⚠️ Waiting for the service to be ready, retrying in 5s ...", flush=True) sleep(5) firefox_options = Options() firefox_options.add_argument("--headless") use_auth_basic = getenv("USE_AUTH_BASIC", "no") auth_basic_location = getenv("AUTH_BASIC_LOCATION", "sitewide") auth_basic_username = getenv("AUTH_BASIC_USER", "bunkerity") auth_basic_password = getenv("AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD", "Secr3tP@ssw0rd") print("ℹ️ Starting Firefox ...", flush=True) with webdriver.Firefox(options=firefox_options) as driver: driver.delete_all_cookies() driver.maximize_window() if use_auth_basic == "no" or auth_basic_location != "sitewide": print("ℹ️ Navigating to ...", flush=True) driver.get("") sleep(2) try: driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//img[@alt='NGINX Logo']") except NoSuchElementException: print("❌ The page is not accessible ...", flush=True) exit(1) if use_auth_basic == "no": print("✅ Auth-basic is disabled, as expected ...", flush=True) else: print( f"ℹ️ Trying to access{auth_basic_location} ...", flush=True, ) status_code = get( f"{auth_basic_location}", headers={"Host": ""}, ).status_code if status_code != 401: print("❌ The page is accessible without auth-basic ...", flush=True) exit(1) print( "✅ Auth-basic is enabled and working in the expected location ...", ) else: print("ℹ️ Trying to access ...", flush=True) status_code = get("", headers={"Host": ""}).status_code if status_code != 401: print("❌ The page is accessible without auth-basic ...", flush=True) exit(1) sleep(2) print( f"ℹ️ Trying to access http://{auth_basic_username}:{auth_basic_password} ...", flush=True, ) driver.get(f"http://{auth_basic_username}:{auth_basic_password}") try: driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//img[@alt='NGINX Logo']") except NoSuchElementException: print("❌ The page is not accessible ...", flush=True) exit(1) print("✅ Auth-basic is enabled and working, as expected ...", flush=True) except SystemExit: exit(1) except: print(f"❌ Something went wrong, exiting ...\n{format_exc()}", flush=True) exit(1)