from traceback import format_exc from kubernetes import client, config, watch from threading import Thread, Lock from logger import log from Controller import Controller from ConfigCaller import ConfigCaller class IngressController(Controller, ConfigCaller) : def __init__(self) : Controller.__init__(self, "kubernetes") ConfigCaller.__init__(self) config.load_incluster_config() self.__corev1 = client.CoreV1Api() self.__networkingv1 = client.NetworkingV1Api() self.__internal_lock = Lock() def _get_controller_instances(self) : controller_instances = [] for pod in self.__corev1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False).items : if pod.metadata.annotations != None and "" in pod.metadata.annotations : controller_instances.append(pod) return controller_instances def _to_instances(self, controller_instance) : instance = {} instance["name"] = instance["hostname"] = controller_instance.status.pod_ip health = False if controller_instance.status.conditions is not None : for condition in controller_instance.status.conditions : if condition.type == "Ready" and condition.status == "True" : health = True break instance["health"] = health instance["env"] = {} for env in controller_instance.spec.containers[0].env : if env.value is not None : instance["env"][] = env.value else : instance["env"][] = "" for controller_service in self._get_controller_services() : if controller_service.metadata.annotations is not None : for annotation, value in controller_service.metadata.annotations.items() : if not annotation.startswith("") : continue variable = annotation.replace("", "", 1) if self._is_setting(variable) : instance["env"][variable] = value return [instance] def _get_controller_services(self) : return self.__networkingv1.list_ingress_for_all_namespaces(watch=False).items def _to_services(self, controller_service) : if controller_service.spec is None or controller_service.spec.rules is None : return [] services = [] # parse rules for rule in controller_service.spec.rules : if is None : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported ingress rule without host.") continue service = {} service["SERVER_NAME"] = if rule.http is None : services.append(service) continue location = 1 for path in rule.http.paths : if path.path is None : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported ingress rule without path.") continue if path.backend.service is None : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported ingress rule without backend service.") continue if path.backend.service.port is None : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported ingress rule without backend service port.") continue if path.backend.service.port.number is None : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported ingress rule without backend service port number.") continue service_list = self.__corev1.list_service_for_all_namespaces(watch=False, field_selector="" + if len(service_list) == 0 : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring ingress rule with service " + + " : service not found.") continue reverse_proxy_host = "http://" + + "." + service_list[0].metadata.namespace + ".svc.cluster.local:" + str(path.backend.service.port.number) service["USE_REVERSE_PROXY"] = "yes" service["REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_" + str(location)] = reverse_proxy_host service["REVERSE_PROXY_URL_" + str(location)] = path.path location += 1 services.append(service) # parse tls if controller_service.spec.tls is not None : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported tls.") # parse annotations if controller_service.metadata.annotations is not None : for service in services : for annotation, value in controller_service.metadata.annotations.items() : if not annotation.startswith("") : continue variable = annotation.replace("", "", 1) if not variable.startswith(service["SERVER_NAME"].split(" ")[0] + "_") : continue variable = variable.replace(service["SERVER_NAME"].split(" ")[0] + "_", "", 1) if self._is_multisite_setting(variable) : service[variable] = value return services def _get_static_services(self) : services = [] variables = {} for instance in self.__corev1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False).items : if instance.metadata.annotations is None or not "" in instance.metadata.annotations : continue for env in instance.spec.containers[0].env : if env.value is None : variables[] = "" else : variables[] = env.value server_names = [] if "SERVER_NAME" in variables and variables["SERVER_NAME"] != "" : server_names = variables["SERVER_NAME"].split(" ") for server_name in server_names : service = {} service["SERVER_NAME"] = server_name for variable, value in variables.items() : prefix = variable.split("_")[0] real_variable = variable.replace(prefix + "_", "", 1) if prefix == server_name and self._is_multisite_setting(real_variable) : service[real_variable] = value services.append(service) return services def get_configs(self) : configs = {} supported_config_types = ["http", "stream", "server-http", "server-stream", "default-server-http", "modsec", "modsec-crs"] for config_type in supported_config_types : configs[config_type] = {} for configmap in self.__corev1.list_config_map_for_all_namespaces(watch=False).items : if configmap.metadata.annotations is None or "" not in configmap.metadata.annotations : continue config_type = configmap.metadata.annotations[""] if config_type not in supported_config_types : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring unsupported CONFIG_TYPE " + config_type + " for ConfigMap " + continue if not : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "⚠️", "Ignoring blank ConfigMap " + continue config_site = "" if "" in configmap.metadata.annotations : config_site = configmap.metadata.annotations[""] + "/" for config_name, config_data in : configs[config_type][config_site + config_name] = config_data return configs def __watch(self, watch_type) : w = watch.Watch() what = None if watch_type == "pod" : what = self.__corev1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces elif watch_type == "ingress" : what = self.__networkingv1.list_ingress_for_all_namespaces elif watch_type == "configmap" : what = self.__corev1.list_config_map_for_all_namespaces else : raise Exception("unsupported watch_type " + watch_type) while True : locked = False try : for event in : self.__internal_lock.acquire() locked = True self._instances = self.get_instances() self._services = self.get_services() self._configs = self.get_configs() if not self._config.update_needed(self._instances, self._services, configs=self._configs) : self.__internal_lock.release() locked = False continue log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "ℹ️", "Catched kubernetes event, deploying new configuration ...") try : ret = self.apply_config() if not ret : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "❌", "Error while deploying new configuration ...") else : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "ℹ️", "Successfully deployed new configuration 🚀") except : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "❌", "Exception while deploying new configuration :") print(format_exc()) self.__internal_lock.release() locked = False except Exception as e : log("INGRESS-CONTROLLER", "❌", "Exception while reading k8s event (type = " + watch_type + ") : ") print(format_exc()) if locked : self.__internal_lock.release() def apply_config(self) : self._config.stop_scheduler() ret = self._config.apply(self._instances, self._services, configs=self._configs) self._config.start_scheduler() return ret def process_events(self) : watch_types = ["pod", "ingress", "configmap"] threads = [] for watch_type in watch_types : threads.append(Thread(target=self.__watch, args=(watch_type,))) for thread in threads : thread.start() for thread in threads : thread.join()