version: '3.6' # clone the repository into the root directory and run the following command: ./scripts/setup # when executing the file ./scripts/setup do this: # Should greenlight be included? (y/n): y # Should an automatic HTTPS Proxy be included? (y/n): n # ... # Please enter the domain name: (your domain name) # after generating your bigbluebutton docker-compose.yml file, you can modify the following to add bunkerweb to it services: ... nginx: ... # comment this line # network_mode: host # then add the following lines networks: bbb-net: ipv4_address: ... ... mybunker: image: bunkerity/bunkerweb:1.5.3 ports: - 80:8080 - 443:8443 environment: - SERVER_NAME=${DOMAIN} - API_WHITELIST_IP= - AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT=yes - USE_CLIENT_CACHE=yes - USE_GZIP=yes - USE_REVERSE_PROXY=yes - REVERSE_PROXY_WS=yes - REVERSE_PROXY_URL=/ - REVERSE_PROXY_HOST= labels: - "bunkerweb.INSTANCE=yes" # required for the scheduler to recognize the container # You have to put this IP address in your docker-compose.yml file networks: bbb-net: ipv4_address: bw-universe: bw-scheduler: image: bunkerity/bunkerweb-scheduler:1.5.3 depends_on: - mybunker environment: - DOCKER_HOST=tcp://bw-docker-proxy:2375 volumes: - bw-data:/data networks: bw-universe: bw-docker: bw-docker-proxy: image: tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy:nightly volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro environment: - CONTAINERS=1 - LOG_LEVEL=warning networks: - bw-docker ... volumes: ... bw-data: networks: ... bw-universe: ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: bw-docker: