#!/bin/bash integration=$1 if [ -z "$integration" ] ; then echo "📟 Please provide an integration name as argument ❌" exit 1 elif [ "$integration" != "docker" ] && [ "$integration" != "linux" ] ; then echo "📟 Integration \"$integration\" is not supported ❌" exit 1 fi echo "📟 Building badbehavior stack for integration \"$integration\" ..." # Starting stack if [ "$integration" = "docker" ] ; then docker compose pull bw-docker if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Pull failed ❌" exit 1 fi docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Build failed ❌" exit 1 fi else sudo systemctl stop bunkerweb sudo pip install -r requirements.txt echo "USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=yes" | sudo tee -a /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env echo "BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=400 401 403 404 405 429 444" | sudo tee -a /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env echo "BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=86400" | sudo tee -a /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env echo "BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=10" | sudo tee -a /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env echo "BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME=60" | sudo tee -a /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo touch /var/www/html/index.html export TEST_TYPE="linux" fi manual=0 end=0 cleanup_stack () { exit_code=$? if [[ $end -eq 1 || $exit_code = 1 ]] || [[ $end -eq 0 && $exit_code = 0 ]] && [ $manual = 0 ] ; then if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR: "no"@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR: "yes"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES: "400 401 404 405 429 444"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES: "400 401 403 404 405 429 444"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME: "60"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME: "86400"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD: "20"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD: "10"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME: "30"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME: "60"@' {} \; else sudo sed -i 's@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=.*$@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=yes@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=400 401 403 404 405 429 444@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=86400@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=10@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME=60@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env unset USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR unset BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES unset BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME unset BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD unset BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME fi if [[ $end -eq 1 && $exit_code = 0 ]] ; then return fi fi echo "📟 Cleaning up current stack ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then docker compose down -v --remove-orphans else sudo systemctl stop bunkerweb sudo truncate -s 0 /var/log/bunkerweb/error.log fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Cleanup failed ❌" exit 1 fi echo "📟 Cleaning up current stack done ✅" } # Cleanup stack on exit trap cleanup_stack EXIT for test in "activated" "deactivated" "status_codes" "ban_time" "threshold" "count_time" do if [ "$test" = "activated" ] ; then echo "📟 Running tests with badbehavior activated ..." elif [ "$test" = "deactivated" ] ; then echo "📟 Running tests without badbehavior ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR: "yes"@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR: "no"@' {} \; else sudo sed -i 's@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=.*$@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=no@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env export USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR="no" fi elif [ "$test" = "status_codes" ] ; then echo "📟 Running tests with badbehavior's 403 status code removed from the list ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR: "no"@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR: "yes"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES: "400 401 403 404 405 429 444"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES: "400 401 404 405 429 444"@' {} \; else sudo sed -i 's@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=.*$@USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR=yes@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=400 401 404 405 429 444@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env export USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR="yes" export BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES="400 401 404 405 429 444" fi elif [ "$test" = "ban_time" ] ; then echo "📟 Running tests with badbehavior's ban time changed to 60 seconds ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES: "400 401 404 405 429 444"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES: "400 401 403 404 405 429 444"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME: "86400"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME: "60"@' {} \; else sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES=400 401 403 404 405 429 444@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=60@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env export BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES="400 401 403 404 405 429 444" export BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME="60" fi elif [ "$test" = "threshold" ] ; then echo "📟 Running tests with badbehavior's threshold set to 20 ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME: "60"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME: "86400"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD: "10"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD: "20"@' {} \; else sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME=86400@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=20@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env export BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME="86400" export BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD="20" fi elif [ "$test" = "count_time" ] ; then echo "📟 Running tests with badbehavior's count time set to 30 seconds ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD: "20"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD: "10"@' {} \; find . -type f -name 'docker-compose.*' -exec sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME: "60"@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME: "30"@' {} \; else sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD=10@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env sudo sed -i 's@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME=.*$@BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME=30@' /etc/bunkerweb/variables.env export BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD="10" export BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME="30" fi fi echo "📟 Starting stack ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then docker compose up -d if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Up failed, retrying ... ⚠️" manual=1 cleanup_stack manual=0 docker compose up -d if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Up failed ❌" exit 1 fi fi else sudo systemctl start bunkerweb if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Start failed ❌" exit 1 fi fi # Check if stack is healthy echo "📟 Waiting for stack to be healthy ..." i=0 if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then while [ $i -lt 120 ] ; do containers=("badbehavior-bw-1" "badbehavior-bw-scheduler-1") healthy="true" for container in "${containers[@]}" ; do check="$(docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" $container | grep "healthy")" if [ "$check" = "" ] ; then healthy="false" break fi done if [ "$healthy" = "true" ] ; then echo "📟 Docker stack is healthy ✅" break fi sleep 1 i=$((i+1)) done if [ $i -ge 120 ] ; then docker compose logs echo "📟 Docker stack is not healthy ❌" exit 1 fi else healthy="false" retries=0 while [[ $healthy = "false" && $retries -lt 5 ]] ; do while [ $i -lt 120 ] ; do if sudo grep -q "BunkerWeb is ready" "/var/log/bunkerweb/error.log" ; then echo "📟 Linux stack is healthy ✅" break fi sleep 1 i=$((i+1)) done if [ $i -ge 120 ] ; then sudo journalctl -u bunkerweb --no-pager echo "🛡️ Showing BunkerWeb error logs ..." sudo cat /var/log/bunkerweb/error.log echo "🛡️ Showing BunkerWeb access logs ..." sudo cat /var/log/bunkerweb/access.log echo "📟 Linux stack is not healthy ❌" exit 1 fi if ! [ -z "$(sudo journalctl -u bunkerweb --no-pager | grep "SYSTEMCTL - ❌")" ] ; then echo "📟 ⚠ Linux stack got an issue, restarting ..." sudo journalctl --rotate sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1s manual=1 cleanup_stack manual=0 sudo systemctl start bunkerweb retries=$((retries+1)) else healthy="true" fi done if [ $retries -ge 5 ] ; then echo "📟 Linux stack could not be healthy ❌" exit 1 fi fi # Start tests if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from tests else sudo -E python3 main.py fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "📟 Test \"$test\" failed ❌" echo "🛡️ Showing BunkerWeb and BunkerWeb Scheduler logs ..." if [ "$integration" == "docker" ] ; then docker compose logs bw bw-scheduler else sudo journalctl -u bunkerweb --no-pager echo "🛡️ Showing BunkerWeb error logs ..." sudo cat /var/log/bunkerweb/error.log echo "🛡️ Showing BunkerWeb access logs ..." sudo cat /var/log/bunkerweb/access.log fi exit 1 else echo "📟 Test \"$test\" succeeded ✅" fi manual=1 cleanup_stack manual=0 echo " " done end=1 echo "📟 Tests are done ! ✅"