version: "3" services: myapp1: image: php:fpm networks: bw-services: aliases: - myapp1 # ⚠️ UID and GID of BunkerWeb (101:101) and php:fpm (33:33) are not the same ⚠️ # but both needs access to the files and folders of web-files # don't forget to edit the permissions of the files and folders accordingly # example : chown -R 33:101 ./www && find ./www -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && find ./www -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; volumes: - ./www/ # folder containing PHP app1 (don't forget to rename it) labels: - - bunkerweb.USE_CORS=yes - bunkerweb.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN=^https://app2\.example\.com$$ - bunkerweb.REMOTE_PHP=myapp1 - bunkerweb.REMOTE_PHP_PATH=/app myapp2: image: php:fpm networks: bw-services: aliases: - myapp2 # ⚠️ UID and GID of BunkerWeb (101:101) and php:fpm (33:33) are not the same ⚠️ # but both needs access to the files and folders of web-files # don't forget to edit the permissions of the files and folders accordingly # example : chown -R 33:101 ./www && find ./www -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && find ./www -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; volumes: - ./www/ # folder containing PHP app2 (don't forget to rename it) labels: - - bunkerweb.REMOTE_PHP=myapp2 - bunkerweb.REMOTE_PHP_PATH=/app myapp3: image: php:fpm networks: bw-services: aliases: - myapp3 # ⚠️ UID and GID of BunkerWeb (101:101) and php:fpm (33:33) are not the same ⚠️ # but both needs access to the files and folders of web-files # don't forget to edit the permissions of the files and folders accordingly # example : chown -R 33:101 ./www && find ./www -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && find ./www -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; volumes: - ./www/ # folder containing PHP app3 (don't forget to rename it) labels: - - bunkerweb.REMOTE_PHP=myapp3 - bunkerweb.REMOTE_PHP_PATH=/app networks: bw-services: external: true name: bw-services