from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from traceback import format_exc try: print( 'ℹ️ Executing the command "bwcli ban -exp 3600" ...', flush=True, ) result = Popen( ["bwcli", "ban", "", "-exp", "3600"], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, ) _, err = result.communicate() if result.returncode != 0: print(f'❌ Command "ban" failed, exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}\nexit_code: {result.returncode}') exit(1) print(err.decode(), flush=True) print( 'ℹ️ Executing the command "bwcli bans" and checking the result ...', flush=True, ) result = Popen(["bwcli", "bans"], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) _, err = result.communicate() if result.returncode != 0: print(f'❌ Command "bans" failed, exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}\nexit_code: {result.returncode}') exit(1) if b"-" not in err: print(f'❌ IP not found in the output of "bans", exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}') exit(1) elif b"List of bans for redis:" not in err: print(f'❌ Redis ban list not found in the output of "bans", exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}') exit(1) elif b"1 hour" not in err and b"59 minutes" not in err: print(f"❌ Ban duration isn't 1 hour, exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}") exit(1) print( 'ℹ️ Executing the command "bwcli unban" ...', flush=True, ) result = Popen(["bwcli", "unban", ""], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) _, err = result.communicate() if result.returncode != 0: print(f'❌ Command "unban" failed, exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}\nexit_code: {result.returncode}') exit(1) print(err.decode(), flush=True) print( 'ℹ️ Executing the command "bwcli bans" to check if the IP was unbanned ...', flush=True, ) result = Popen(["bwcli", "bans"], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) _, err = result.communicate() if result.returncode != 0: print(f'❌ Command "bans" failed, exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}\nexit_code: {result.returncode}') exit(1) found = 0 for line in err.splitlines(): if b"No ban found" in line: found += 1 if found < 2: print( f"❌ IP was not unbanned from both redis and the local ban list, exiting ...\noutput: {err.decode()}", flush=True, ) exit(1) print(err.decode(), flush=True) except SystemExit: exit(1) except: print(f"❌ Something went wrong, exiting ...\n{format_exc()}", flush=True) exit(1)