from contextlib import suppress from datetime import datetime from re import search from docker import DockerClient from os import getenv from requests import get from requests.exceptions import RequestException from time import sleep from traceback import format_exc try: ready = False retries = 0 while not ready: with suppress(RequestException): resp = get("", headers={"Host": ""}) status_code = resp.status_code text = resp.text if status_code >= 500: print("❌ An error occurred with the server, exiting ...", flush=True) exit(1) ready = status_code < 400 and text == "ready" if retries > 10: print("❌ The service took too long to be ready, exiting ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif not ready: retries += 1 print("⚠️ Waiting for the service to be ready, retrying in 5s ...", flush=True) sleep(5) use_bad_behavior = getenv("USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR", "yes") == "yes" bad_behavior_status_codes = getenv("BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES", "400 401 403 404 405 429 444") bad_behavior_ban_time = getenv("BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME", "86400") bad_behavior_threshold = getenv("BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD", "10") bad_behavior_count_time = getenv("BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME", "60") print( "ℹ️ Sending 15 requests to ...", flush=True, ) for _ in range(15): get( "", headers={"Host": ""}, ) sleep(1.5) sleep(3) status_code = get("", headers={"Host": ""}).status_code if status_code == 403: if not use_bad_behavior: print("❌ Bad Behavior is enabled, it shouldn't be ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif bad_behavior_status_codes != "400 401 403 404 405 429 444": print("❌ Bad Behavior's status codes didn't changed ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif bad_behavior_ban_time != "86400": print( "ℹ️ Sleeping for 65s to wait if Bad Behavior's ban time changed ...", flush=True, ) sleep(65) status_code = get("", headers={"Host": ""}).status_code if status_code == 403: print("❌ Bad Behavior's ban time didn't changed ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif bad_behavior_threshold != "10": print("❌ Bad Behavior's threshold didn't changed ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif bad_behavior_count_time != "60": print( "ℹ️ Sleeping for 35s to wait if Bad Behavior's count time changed ...", flush=True, ) current_time = sleep(35) print( "ℹ️ Checking BunkerWeb's logs to see if Bad Behavior's count time changed ...", flush=True, ) found = False if getenv("TEST_TYPE", "docker") == "docker": docker_host = getenv("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock") docker_client = DockerClient(base_url=docker_host) bw_instances = docker_client.containers.list(filters={"label": "bunkerweb.INSTANCE"}) if not bw_instances: print("❌ BunkerWeb instance not found ...", flush=True) exit(1) bw_instance = bw_instances[0] for log in bw_instance.logs(since=current_time).split(b"\n"): if b"decreased counter for IP (0/10)" in log: found = True break else: with open("/var/log/bunkerweb/error.log", "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if search( r"decreased counter for IP \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} \(0/10\)", line, ): found = True break if not found: print("❌ Bad Behavior's count time didn't changed ...", flush=True) exit(1) elif use_bad_behavior and bad_behavior_status_codes == "400 401 403 404 405 429 444" and bad_behavior_threshold == "10": print("❌ Bad Behavior is disabled, it shouldn't be ...", flush=True) exit(1) print("✅ Bad Behavior is working as expected ...", flush=True) except SystemExit: exit(1) except: print(f"❌ Something went wrong, exiting ...\n{format_exc()}", flush=True) exit(1)