#!/usr/bin/python3 from json import loads from glob import glob from pytablewriter import MarkdownTableWriter def print_md_table(settings) : values = [] for setting, data in settings.items() : values.append([ "`" + setting + "`", "" if data["default"] == "" else "`" + data["default"] + "`", data["context"], "no" if not "multiple" in data else "yes", data["help"] ]) writer = MarkdownTableWriter( headers=["Setting", "Default", "Context", "Multiple", "Description"], value_matrix=values ) writer.write_table() print("") print("# Settings\n") print("!!! info \"Settings generator tool\"\n\n To help you tuning BunkerWeb we have made an easy to use settings generator tool available at [config.bunkerweb.io](https://config.bunkerweb.io).\n") print("This section contains the full list of settings supported by BunkerWeb. If you are not familiar with BunkerWeb, you should first read the [concepts](/1.4/concepts) section of the documentation. Please follow the instructions for your own [integration](/1.4/integrations) on how to apply the settings.\n") print("As a general rule when multisite mode is enabled, if you want to apply settings with multisite context to a specific server you will need to add the primary (first) server name as a prefix like `www.example.com_USE_ANTIBOT=captcha` or `myapp.example.com_USE_GZIP=yes` for example.\n") print("When settings are considered as \"multiple\", it means that you can have multiple groups of settings for the same feature by adding numbers as suffix like `REVERSE_PROXY_URL_1=/subdir`, `REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_1=http://myhost1`, `REVERSE_PROXY_URL_2=/anotherdir`, `REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_2=http://myhost2`, ... for example.\n") # Print global settings print("## Global settings\n") with open("settings.json", "r") as f : print_md_table(loads(f.read())) # Print core settings print("## Core settings\n") core_settings = {} for core in glob("./core/*/plugin.json") : with open(core, "r") as f : core_plugin = loads(f.read()) if len(core_plugin["settings"]) > 0 : core_settings[core_plugin["name"]] = core_plugin["settings"] for name, settings in dict(sorted(core_settings.items())).items() : print("### " + name + "\n") print_md_table(settings)