version: '3' services: mybunker: image: bunkerity/bunkerweb:1.4.2 ports: - 80:8080 - 443:8443 # ⚠️ read this if you use local folders for volumes ⚠️ # bunkerweb runs as an unprivileged user with UID/GID 101 # don't forget to edit the permissions of the files and folders accordingly # example if you need to create a directory : mkdir folder && chown root:101 folder && chmod 770 folder # another example for existing folder : chown -R root:101 folder && chmod -R 770 folder # more info at volumes: - ./bw-data:/data # contains custom server configuration for proxy buffers size environment: - # replace with your domain - SERVE_FILES=no - DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER=yes - AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT=yes - USE_CLIENT_CACHE=yes - USE_GZIP=yes - USE_REVERSE_PROXY=yes - REVERSE_PROXY_URL=/ - REVERSE_PROXY_HOST=http://mymagento:8080 mymagento: image: bitnami/magento:2 volumes: - ./magento-data:/bitnami/magento environment: - MAGENTO_USERNAME=admin # replace with admin username - MAGENTO_PASSWORD=changeme42 # replace with a stronger password - # replace with admin email - # replace with your domain - MAGENTO_ENABLE_HTTPS=yes - MAGENTO_ENABLE_ADMIN_HTTPS=yes - MAGENTO_DATABASE_HOST=mydb - MAGENTO_DATABASE_NAME=magentodb - MAGENTO_DATABASE_USER=user - MAGENTO_DATABASE_PASSWORD=db-user-pwd # replace with a stronger password (must match MYSQL_PASSWORD) - ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=myelasticsearch myelasticsearch: image: bitnami/elasticsearch:7 # ⚠️ you need to create the directory and fix permissions ⚠️ # see volumes: - ./elasticsearch-data:/bitnami/elasticsearch/data mydb: image: mariadb:10.2 volumes: - ./db-data:/var/lib/mysql environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db-root-pwd # replace with a stronger password - MYSQL_DATABASE=magentodb - MYSQL_USER=user - MYSQL_PASSWORD=db-user-pwd # replace with a stronger password (must match MAGENTO_DATABASE_PASSWORD)