
32 lines
1018 B

server {
# server name (vhost)
server_name {{ SERVER_NAME }};
# HTTP listen
{% if LISTEN_HTTP == "yes" +%}
listen{{ HTTP_PORT }}{% if MULTISITE == "no" and DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER == "no" %} default_server{% endif %}{% if USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL == "yes" %} proxy_protocol{% endif %};
{% endif %}
{% if USE_IPV6 == "yes" +%}
listen [::]:{{ HTTP_PORT }}{% if MULTISITE == "no" and DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER == "no" %} default_server{% endif %}{% if USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL == "yes" %} proxy_protocol{% endif %};
{% endif %}
index index.php index.html index.htm;
# custom config
include /etc/bunkerweb/configs/server-http/*.conf;
{% if MULTISITE == "yes" +%}
include /etc/bunkerweb/configs/server-http/{{ SERVER_NAME.split(" ")[0] }}/*.conf;
{% endif %}
# reason variable
set $reason '';
# include LUA files
include {{ NGINX_PREFIX }}set-lua.conf;
include {{ NGINX_PREFIX }}access-lua.conf;
include {{ NGINX_PREFIX }}log-lua.conf;
# include config files
include {{ NGINX_PREFIX }}server-http/*.conf;