
196 lines
5.7 KiB

import subprocess, shutil, os, traceback, requests, time, dns.resolver, io, tarfile
import Controller
from logger import log
"conf": "/etc/nginx",
"letsencrypt": "/etc/letsencrypt",
"http": "/http-confs",
"server": "/server-confs",
"modsec": "/modsec-confs",
"modsec-crs": "/modsec-crs-confs",
"acme": "/acme-challenge"
class Config :
def __init__(self, type, api_uri, http_port="8080") :
self.__type = type
self.__api_uri = api_uri
self.__http_port = http_port
def __jobs(self) :
log("config", "INFO", "starting jobs ...")
proc = subprocess.run(["/bin/su", "-c", "/opt/bunkerized-nginx/entrypoint/jobs.sh", "nginx"], capture_output=True)
stdout = proc.stdout.decode("ascii")
stderr = proc.stderr.decode("ascii")
if len(stdout) > 1 :
log("config", "INFO", "jobs stdout :\n" + stdout)
if stderr != "" :
log("config", "ERROR", "jobs stderr :\n" + stderr)
if proc.returncode != 0 :
log("config", "ERROR", "jobs error (return code = " + str(proc.returncode) + ")")
return False
return True
def gen(self, env) :
try :
# Write environment variables to a file
with open("/tmp/variables.env", "w") as f :
for k, v in env.items() :
f.write(k + "=" + v + "\n")
# Call the generator
proc = subprocess.run(["/bin/su", "-c", "/opt/bunkerized-nginx/gen/main.py --settings /opt/bunkerized-nginx/settings.json --templates /opt/bunkerized-nginx/confs --output /etc/nginx --variables /tmp/variables.env", "nginx"], capture_output=True)
# Print stdout/stderr
stdout = proc.stdout.decode("ascii")
stderr = proc.stderr.decode("ascii")
if len(stdout) > 1 :
log("config", "INFO", "generator output : " + stdout)
if stderr != "" :
log("config", "ERROR", "generator error : " + stderr)
# We're done
if proc.returncode == 0 :
if self.__type == Controller.Type.SWARM or self.__type == Controller.Type.KUBERNETES :
return self.__jobs()
return True
log("config", "ERROR", "error while generating config (return code = " + str(proc.returncode) + ")")
except Exception as e :
log("config", "ERROR", "exception while generating site config : " + traceback.format_exc())
return False
def reload(self, instances) :
ret = True
if self.__type == Controller.Type.DOCKER :
for instance in instances :
try :
except :
ret = False
elif self.__type == Controller.Type.SWARM or self.__type == Controller.Type.KUBERNETES :
ret = self.__api_call(instances, "/reload")
return ret
def send(self, instances, files="all") :
ret = True
fail = False
for name, path in CONFIGS.items() :
if files != "all" and name != files :
file = self.__tarball(path)
if not self.__api_call(instances, "/" + name, file=file) :
log("config", "ERROR", "can't send config " + name + " to instance(s)")
fail = True
if fail :
ret = False
return ret
def stop_temp(self, instances) :
return self.__api_call(instances, "/stop-temp")
def __tarball(self, path) :
file = io.BytesIO()
with tarfile.open(mode="w:gz", fileobj=file) as tar :
tar.add(path, arcname=".")
file.seek(0, 0)
return file
def __ping(self, instances) :
return self.__api_call(instances, "/ping")
def wait(self, instances) :
ret = True
if self.__type == Controller.Type.DOCKER :
ret = self.__wait_docker(instances)
elif self.__type == Controller.Type.SWARM or self.__type == Controller.Type.KUBERNETES :
ret = self.__wait_api(instances)
return ret
def __wait_docker(self, instances) :
all_healthy = False
i = 0
while i < 120 :
one_not_healthy = False
for instance in instances :
if instance.attrs["State"]["Health"]["Status"] != "healthy" :
one_not_healthy = True
if not one_not_healthy :
all_healthy = True
i += 1
return all_healthy
def __wait_api(self, instances) :
try :
with open("/etc/nginx/autoconf", "w") as f :
i = 1
started = False
while i <= 10 :
if self.__ping(instances) :
started = True
i = i + 1
log("config", "INFO", "waiting " + str(i) + " seconds before retrying to contact bunkerized-nginx instances")
if started :
log("config", "INFO", "bunkerized-nginx instances started")
return True
else :
log("config", "ERROR", "bunkerized-nginx instances are not started")
except Exception as e :
log("config", "ERROR", "exception while waiting for bunkerized-nginx instances : " + traceback.format_exc())
return False
def __api_call(self, instances, path, file=None) :
ret = True
nb = 0
urls = []
if self.__type == Controller.Type.SWARM :
for instance in instances :
name = instance.name
try :
dns_result = dns.resolver.query("tasks." + name)
for ip in dns_result :
urls.append("http://" + ip.to_text() + ":" + self.__http_port + self.__api_uri + path)
except :
ret = False
elif self.__type == Controller.Type.KUBERNETES :
for instance in instances :
name = instance.metadata.name
try :
dns_result = dns.resolver.query(name + "." + instance.metadata.namespace + ".svc.cluster.local")
for ip in dns_result :
urls.append("http://" + ip.to_text() + ":" + self.__http_port + self.__api_uri + path)
except :
ret = False
for url in urls :
req = None
try :
if file == None :
req = requests.post(url)
else :
file.seek(0, 0)
req = requests.post(url, files={'file': file})
except :
if req and req.status_code == 200 and req.text == "ok" :
log("config", "INFO", "successfully sent API order to " + url)
nb += 1
else :
log("config", "INFO", "failed API order to " + url)
ret = False
return ret and nb > 0