2022-11-11 14:55:04 +01:00

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!!! info "Settings generator tool"

To help you tune BunkerWeb, we have made an easy-to-use settings generator tool available at [config.bunkerweb.io](https://config.bunkerweb.io).

This section contains the full list of settings supported by BunkerWeb. If you are not yet familiar with BunkerWeb, you should first read the concepts section of the documentation. Please follow the instructions for your own integration on how to apply the settings.

As a general rule when multisite mode is enabled, if you want to apply settings with multisite context to a specific server, you will need to add the primary (first) server name as a prefix like www.example.com_USE_ANTIBOT=captcha or myapp.example.com_USE_GZIP=yes for example.

When settings are considered as "multiple", it means that you can have multiple groups of settings for the same feature by adding numbers as suffix like REVERSE_PROXY_URL_1=/subdir, REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_1=http://myhost1, REVERSE_PROXY_URL_2=/anotherdir, REVERSE_PROXY_HOST_2=http://myhost2, ... for example.

Global settings

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
IS_LOADING no global no Internal use : set to yes when BW is loading.
NGINX_PREFIX /etc/nginx/ global no Where nginx will search for configurations.
HTTP_PORT 8080 global no HTTP port number which bunkerweb binds to.
HTTPS_PORT 8443 global no HTTPS port number which bunkerweb binds to.
MULTISITE no global no Multi site activation.
SERVER_NAME www.example.com multisite no List of the virtual hosts served by bunkerweb.
WORKER_PROCESSES auto global no Number of worker processes.
WORKER_RLIMIT_NOFILE 2048 global no Maximum number of open files for worker processes.
WORKER_CONNECTIONS 1024 global no Maximum number of connections per worker.
LOG_FORMAT $host $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" global no The format to use for access logs.
LOG_LEVEL notice global no The level to use for error logs.
DNS_RESOLVERS global no DNS addresses of resolvers to use.
DATASTORE_MEMORY_SIZE 256m global no Size of the internal datastore.
USE_API yes global no Activate the API to control BunkerWeb.
API_HTTP_PORT 5000 global no Listen port number for the API.
API_SERVER_NAME bwapi global no Server name (virtual host) for the API.
API_WHITELIST_IP global no List of IP/network allowed to contact the API.
AUTOCONF_MODE no global no Enable Autoconf Docker integration.
SWARM_MODE no global no Enable Docker Swarm integration.
KUBERNETES_MODE no global no Enable Kubernetes integration.

Core settings


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_ANTIBOT no multisite no Activate antibot feature.
ANTIBOT_URI /challenge multisite no Unused URI that clients will be redirected to to solve the challenge.
ANTIBOT_SESSION_SECRET random global no Secret used to encrypt sessions variables for storing data related to challenges.
ANTIBOT_SESSION_NAME random global no Name of the cookie used by the antibot feature.
ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SCORE 0.7 multisite no Minimum score required for reCAPTCHA challenge.
ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY multisite no Sitekey for reCAPTCHA challenge.
ANTIBOT_RECAPTCHA_SECRET multisite no Secret for reCAPTCHA challenge.
ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY multisite no Sitekey for hCaptcha challenge.
ANTIBOT_HCAPTCHA_SECRET multisite no Secret for hCaptcha challenge.

Auth basic

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_AUTH_BASIC no multisite no Use HTTP basic auth
AUTH_BASIC_LOCATION sitewide multisite no URL of the protected resource or sitewide value.
AUTH_BASIC_USER changeme multisite no Username
AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD changeme multisite no Password
AUTH_BASIC_TEXT Restricted area multisite no Text to display

Bad behavior

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_BAD_BEHAVIOR yes multisite no Activate Bad behavior feature.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_STATUS_CODES 400 401 403 404 405 429 444 multisite no List of HTTP status codes considered as 'bad'.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_BAN_TIME 86400 multisite no The duration time (in seconds) of a ban when the corresponding IP has reached the threshold.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_THRESHOLD 10 multisite no Maximum number of 'bad' HTTP status codes within the period of time before IP is banned.
BAD_BEHAVIOR_COUNT_TIME 60 multisite no Period of time during which we count 'bad' HTTP status codes.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_BLACKLIST yes multisite no Activate blacklist feature.
BLACKLIST_IP_URLS https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/?exit global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad IP/network to block.
BLACKLIST_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_RDNS .shodan.io .censys.io multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to block.
BLACKLIST_RDNS_GLOBAL yes multisite no Only perform RDNS blacklist checks on global IP addresses.
BLACKLIST_ASN multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to block.
BLACKLIST_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_USER_AGENT_URLS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker/master/_generator_lists/bad-user-agents.list global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad User-Agent to block.
BLACKLIST_URI multisite no List of URI, separated with spaces, to block.
BLACKLIST_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to block.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing IP/network to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_RDNS multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_ASN multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing User-Agent to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_URI multisite no List of URI, separated with spaces, to ignore in the blacklist.
BLACKLIST_IGNORE_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing URI to ignore in the blacklist.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_BROTLI no multisite no Use brotli
BROTLI_TYPES application/atom+xml application/javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/vnd.ms-fontobject application/x-font-opentype application/x-font-truetype application/x-font-ttf application/x-javascript application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/eot font/opentype font/otf font/truetype image/svg+xml image/vnd.microsoft.icon image/x-icon image/x-win-bitmap text/css text/javascript text/plain text/xml multisite no List of MIME types that will be compressed with brotli.
BROTLI_MIN_LENGTH 1000 multisite no Minimum length for brotli compression.
BROTLI_COMP_LEVEL 6 multisite no The compression level of the brotli algorithm.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_BUNKERNET yes multisite no Activate BunkerNet feature.
BUNKERNET_SERVER https://api.bunkerweb.io global no Address of the BunkerNet API.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_CORS no multisite no Use CORS
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN * multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS Content-Length,Content-Range multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
CORS_MAX_AGE 86400 multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header.
CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS no multisite no Send the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
CORS_ALLOW_METHODS GET, POST, OPTIONS multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.
CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range multisite no Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

Client cache

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_CLIENT_CACHE no multisite no Tell client to store locally static files.
CLIENT_CACHE_EXTENSIONS jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|ico|svg|tif|css|js|otf|ttf|eot|woff|woff2 global no List of file extensions that should be cached.
CLIENT_CACHE_ETAG yes multisite no Send the HTTP ETag header for static resources.
CLIENT_CACHE_CONTROL public, max-age=15552000 multisite no Value of the Cache-Control HTTP header.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
BLACKLIST_COUNTRY multisite no Deny access if the country of the client is in the list (2 letters code).
WHITELIST_COUNTRY multisite no Deny access if the country of the client is not in the list (2 letters code).

Custom HTTPS certificate

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_CUSTOM_HTTPS no multisite no Use custom HTTPS certificate.
CUSTOM_HTTPS_CERT multisite no Full path of the certificate or bundle file.
CUSTOM_HTTPS_KEY multisite no Full path of the key file.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
DATABASE_URI sqlite:////data/db.sqlite3 global no The database URI, following the sqlalchemy format.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_DNSBL yes multisite no Activate DNSBL feature.
DNSBL_LIST bl.blocklist.de problems.dnsbl.sorbs.net sbl.spamhaus.org xbl.spamhaus.org global no List of DNSBL servers.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
ERRORS multisite no List of HTTP error code and corresponding error pages (404=/my404.html 403=/errors/403.html ...).


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_GREYLIST no multisite no Activate greylist feature.
GREYLIST_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good IP/network to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_RDNS multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_RDNS_GLOBAL yes multisite no Only perform RDNS greylist checks on global IP addresses.
GREYLIST_ASN multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good User-Agent to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_URI multisite no List of URI, separated with spaces, to put into the greylist.
GREYLIST_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to put into the greylist.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_GZIP no multisite no Use gzip
GZIP_TYPES application/atom+xml application/javascript application/json application/rss+xml application/vnd.ms-fontobject application/x-font-opentype application/x-font-truetype application/x-font-ttf application/x-javascript application/xhtml+xml application/xml font/eot font/opentype font/otf font/truetype image/svg+xml image/vnd.microsoft.icon image/x-icon image/x-win-bitmap text/css text/javascript text/plain text/xml multisite no List of MIME types that will be compressed with gzip.
GZIP_MIN_LENGTH 1000 multisite no Minimum length for gzip compression.
GZIP_COMP_LEVEL 5 multisite no The compression level of the gzip algorithm.

HTML injection

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
INJECT_BODY multisite no The HTML code to inject.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
CUSTOM_HEADER multisite yes Custom header to add (HeaderName: HeaderValue).
REMOVE_HEADERS Server X-Powered-By X-AspNet-Version X-AspNetMvc-Version multisite no Headers to remove (Header1 Header2 Header3 ...)
STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY max-age=31536000 multisite no Value for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
COOKIE_FLAGS * HttpOnly SameSite=Lax multisite no Cookie flags automatically added to all cookies (value accepted for nginx_cookie_flag_module).
COOKIE_AUTO_SECURE_FLAG yes multisite no Automatically add the Secure flag to all cookies.
CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY object-src 'none'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; multisite no Value for the Content-Security-Policy header.
REFERRER_POLICY strict-origin-when-cross-origin multisite no Value for the Referrer-Policy header.
PERMISSIONS_POLICY accelerometer=(), ambient-light-sensor=(), autoplay=(), battery=(), camera=(), cross-origin-isolated=(), display-capture=(), document-domain=(), encrypted-media=(), execution-while-not-rendered=(), execution-while-out-of-viewport=(), fullscreen=(), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), hid=(), idle-detection=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), midi=(), navigation-override=(), payment=(), picture-in-picture=(), publickey-credentials-get=(), screen-wake-lock=(), serial=(), usb=(), web-share=(), xr-spatial-tracking=() multisite no Value for the Permissions-Policy header.
FEATURE_POLICY accelerometer 'none'; ambient-light-sensor 'none'; autoplay 'none'; battery 'none'; camera 'none'; display-capture 'none'; document-domain 'none'; encrypted-media 'none'; execution-while-not-rendered 'none'; execution-while-out-of-viewport 'none'; fullscreen 'none'; 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; layout-animation 'none'; legacy-image-formats 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; midi 'none'; navigation-override 'none'; payment 'none'; picture-in-picture 'none'; publickey-credentials-get 'none'; speaker-selection 'none'; sync-xhr 'none'; unoptimized-images 'none'; unsized-media 'none'; usb 'none'; screen-wake-lock 'none'; web-share 'none'; xr-spatial-tracking 'none'; multisite no Value for the Feature-Policy header.
X_FRAME_OPTIONS SAMEORIGIN multisite no Value for the X-Frame-Options header.
X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS nosniff multisite no Value for the X-Content-Type-Options header.
X_XSS_PROTECTION 1; mode=block multisite no Value for the X-XSS-Protection header.

Let's Encrypt

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
AUTO_LETS_ENCRYPT no multisite no Activate automatic Let's Encrypt mode.
EMAIL_LETS_ENCRYPT multisite no Email used for Let's Encrypt notification and in certificate.
USE_LETS_ENCRYPT_STAGING no multisite no Use the staging environment for Lets Encrypt certificate generation. Useful when you are testing your deployments to avoid being rate limited in the production environment.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_LIMIT_REQ yes multisite no Activate limit requests feature.
LIMIT_REQ_URL / multisite yes URL where the limit request will be applied.
LIMIT_REQ_RATE 2r/s multisite yes Rate to apply to the URL (s for second, m for minute, h for hour and d for day).
USE_LIMIT_CONN yes multisite no Activate limit connections feature.
LIMIT_CONN_MAX_HTTP1 10 multisite no Maximum number of connections per IP when using HTTP/1.X protocol.
LIMIT_CONN_MAX_HTTP2 100 multisite no Maximum number of streams per IP when using HTTP/2 protocol.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
DISABLE_DEFAULT_SERVER no global no Close connection if the request vhost is unknown.
REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS no multisite no Redirect all HTTP request to HTTPS.
AUTO_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS yes multisite no Try to detect if HTTPS is used and activate HTTP to HTTPS redirection if that's the case.
ALLOWED_METHODS GET|POST|HEAD multisite no Allowed HTTP methods to be sent by clients.
MAX_CLIENT_SIZE 10m multisite no Maximum body size (0 for infinite).
SERVE_FILES yes multisite no Serve files from the local folder.
ROOT_FOLDER multisite no Root folder containing files to serve (/var/www/html/{server_name} if unset).
HTTPS_PROTOCOLS TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3 multisite no The supported version of TLS. We recommend the default value TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3 for compatibility reasons.
HTTP2 yes multisite no Support HTTP2 protocol when HTTPS is enabled.
LISTEN_HTTP yes multisite no Respond to (insecure) HTTP requests.
USE_OPEN_FILE_CACHE no multisite no Enable open file cache feature
OPEN_FILE_CACHE max=1000 inactive=20s multisite no Open file cache directive
OPEN_FILE_CACHE_ERRORS yes multisite no Enable open file cache for errors
OPEN_FILE_CACHE_MIN_USES 2 multisite no Enable open file cache minimum uses
OPEN_FILE_CACHE_VALID 30s multisite no Open file cache valid time
EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_URLS global no List of external plugins URLs (direct download to .zip file) to download and install (URLs are separated with space).
DENY_HTTP_STATUS 403 global no HTTP status code to send when the request is denied (403 or 444). When using 444, BunkerWeb will close the connection.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_MODSECURITY yes multisite no Enable ModSecurity WAF.
USE_MODSECURITY_CRS yes multisite no Enable OWASP Core Rule Set.
MODSECURITY_SEC_AUDIT_ENGINE RelevantOnly multisite no SecAuditEngine directive of ModSecurity.
MODSECURITY_SEC_RULE_ENGINE On multisite no SecRuleEngine directive of ModSecurity.
MODSECURITY_SEC_AUDIT_LOG_PARTS ABCFHZ multisite no SecAuditLogParts directive of ModSecurity.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
REMOTE_PHP multisite no Hostname of the remote PHP-FPM instance.
REMOTE_PHP_PATH multisite no Root folder containing files in the remote PHP-FPM instance.
LOCAL_PHP multisite no Path to the PHP-FPM socket file.
LOCAL_PHP_PATH multisite no Root folder containing files in the local PHP-FPM instance.

Real IP

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_REAL_IP no multisite no Retrieve the real IP of client.
USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL no multisite no Enable PROXY protocol communication.
REAL_IP_FROM multisite no List of trusted IPs / networks where proxied requests come from.
REAL_IP_FROM_URLS global no List of URLs containing trusted IPs / networks where proxied requests come from.
REAL_IP_HEADER X-Forwarded-For multisite no HTTP header containing the real IP or special value proxy_protocol for PROXY protocol.
REAL_IP_RECURSIVE yes multisite no Perform a recursive search in the header container IP address.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
REDIRECT_TO multisite no Redirect a whole site to another one.
REDIRECT_TO_REQUEST_URI no multisite no Append the requested URI to the redirect address.

Reverse proxy

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_REVERSE_PROXY no multisite no Activate reverse proxy mode.
REVERSE_PROXY_INTERCEPT_ERRORS yes multisite no Intercept and rewrite errors.
REVERSE_PROXY_HOST multisite yes Full URL of the proxied resource (proxy_pass).
REVERSE_PROXY_URL multisite yes Location URL that will be proxied.
REVERSE_PROXY_WS no multisite yes Enable websocket on the proxied resource.
REVERSE_PROXY_HEADERS multisite yes List of HTTP headers to send to proxied resource separated with ; (values for proxy_set_header directive).
REVERSE_PROXY_HEADERS_CLIENT multisite yes List of HTTP headers to send to client separated with ; (values for add_header directive).
REVERSE_PROXY_BUFFERING yes multisite yes Enable or disable buffering of responses from proxied resource.
REVERSE_PROXY_KEEPALIVE no multisite yes Enable or disable keepalive connections with the proxied resource.
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST multisite yes Enable authentication using an external provider (value of auth_request directive).
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST_SIGNIN_URL multisite yes Redirect clients to sign-in URL when using REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST (used when auth_request call returned 401).
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_REQUEST_SET multisite yes List of variables to set from the authentication provider, separated with ; (values of auth_request_set directives).
USE_PROXY_CACHE no multisite no Enable or disable caching of the proxied resources.
PROXY_CACHE_PATH_LEVELS 1:2 global no Hierarchy levels of the cache.
PROXY_CACHE_PATH_ZONE_SIZE 10m global no Maximum size of cached metadata when caching proxied resources.
PROXY_CACHE_PATH_PARAMS max_size=100m global no Additional parameters to add to the proxy_cache directive.
PROXY_CACHE_METHODS GET HEAD multisite no HTTP methods that should trigger a cache operation.
PROXY_CACHE_MIN_USES 2 multisite no The minimum number of requests before a response is cached.
PROXY_CACHE_KEY $scheme$host$request_uri multisite no The key used to uniquely identify a cached response.
PROXY_CACHE_VALID 200=24h 301=1h 302=24h multisite no Define the caching time depending on the HTTP status code (list of status=time).
PROXY_NO_CACHE $http_pragma $http_authorization multisite no Conditions to disable caching of responses.
PROXY_CACHE_BYPASS 0 multisite no Conditions to bypass caching of responses.
REVERSE_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 60s multisite yes Timeout when connecting to the proxied resource.
REVERSE_PROXY_READ_TIMEOUT 60s multisite yes Timeout when reading from the proxied resource.
REVERSE_PROXY_SEND_TIMEOUT 60s multisite yes Timeout when sending to the proxied resource.

Self-signed certificate

Setting Default Context Multiple Description
GENERATE_SELF_SIGNED_SSL no multisite no Generate and use self-signed certificate.
SELF_SIGNED_SSL_EXPIRY 365 multisite no Self-signed certificate expiry.
SELF_SIGNED_SSL_SUBJ /CN=www.example.com/ multisite no Self-signed certificate subject.


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_UI no multisite no Use UI


Setting Default Context Multiple Description
USE_WHITELIST yes multisite no Activate whitelist feature.
WHITELIST_IP_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good IP/network to whitelist.
WHITELIST_IP multisite no List of IP/network, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_RDNS .google.com .googlebot.com .yandex.ru .yandex.net .yandex.com .search.msn.com .baidu.com .baidu.jp .crawl.yahoo.net .fwd.linkedin.com .twitter.com .twttr.com .discord.com multisite no List of reverse DNS suffixes, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_RDNS_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing reverse DNS suffixes to whitelist.
WHITELIST_RDNS_GLOBAL yes multisite no Only perform RDNS whitelist checks on global IP addresses.
WHITELIST_ASN 32934 multisite no List of ASN numbers, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_ASN_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing ASN to whitelist.
WHITELIST_USER_AGENT multisite no List of User-Agent, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_USER_AGENT_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing good User-Agent to whitelist.
WHITELIST_URI multisite no List of URI, separated with spaces, to whitelist.
WHITELIST_URI_URLS global no List of URLs, separated with spaces, containing bad URI to whitelist.