
206 lines
7 KiB

import utils
import subprocess, shutil, os, traceback, requests, time
class Config :
def __init__(self, swarm, api) :
self.__swarm = swarm
self.__api = api
def initconf(self, instances) :
try :
for instance_id, instance in instances.items() :
env = instance.attrs["Spec"]["TaskTemplate"]["ContainerSpec"]["Env"]
vars = {}
for var_value in env :
var = var_value.split("=")[0]
value = var_value.replace(var + "=", "", 1)
vars[var] = value
utils.log("[*] Generating global config ...")
if not self.globalconf(instances) :
utils.log("[!] Can't generate global config")
return False
utils.log("[*] Generated global config")
if "SERVER_NAME" in vars and vars["SERVER_NAME"] != "" :
for server in vars["SERVER_NAME"].split(" ") :
vars_site = vars.copy()
vars_site["SERVER_NAME"] = server
utils.log("[*] Generating config for " + vars["SERVER_NAME"] + " ...")
if not self.generate(instances, vars_site) or not self.activate(instances, vars_site, reload=False) :
utils.log("[!] Can't generate/activate site config for " + server)
return False
utils.log("[*] Generated config for " + vars["SERVER_NAME"])
with open("/etc/nginx/autoconf", "w") as f :
utils.log("[*] Waiting for bunkerized-nginx tasks ...")
i = 1
started = False
while i <= 10 :
if self.__ping(instances) :
started = True
i = i + 1
utils.log("[!] Waiting " + str(i) + " seconds before retrying to contact bunkerized-nginx tasks")
if started :
utils.log("[*] bunkerized-nginx tasks started")
proc = subprocess.run(["/bin/su", "-s", "/opt/entrypoint/jobs.sh", "nginx"], env=vars, capture_output=True)
return proc.returncode == 0
else :
utils.log("[!] bunkerized-nginx tasks are not started")
except Exception as e :
utils.log("[!] Error while initializing config : " + str(e))
return False
def globalconf(self, instances) :
try :
for instance_id, instance in instances.items() :
env = instance.attrs["Spec"]["TaskTemplate"]["ContainerSpec"]["Env"]
vars = {}
for var_value in env :
var = var_value.split("=")[0]
value = var_value.replace(var + "=", "", 1)
vars[var] = value
proc = subprocess.run(["/bin/su", "-s", "/opt/entrypoint/global-config.sh", "nginx"], env=vars, capture_output=True)
if proc.returncode == 0 :
return True
else :
utils.log("[*] Error while generating global config : return code = " + str(proc.returncode))
except Exception as e :
utils.log("[!] Exception while generating global config : " + str(e))
return False
def generate(self, instances, vars) :
try :
# Get env vars from bunkerized-nginx instances
vars_instances = {}
for instance_id, instance in instances.items() :
if self.__swarm :
env = instance.attrs["Spec"]["TaskTemplate"]["ContainerSpec"]["Env"]
else :
env = instance.attrs["Config"]["Env"]
for var_value in env :
var = var_value.split("=")[0]
value = var_value.replace(var + "=", "", 1)
vars_instances[var] = value
vars_defaults = vars.copy()
# Call site-config.sh to generate the config
proc = subprocess.run(["/bin/su", "-s", "/bin/sh", "-c", "/opt/entrypoint/site-config.sh" + " " + vars["SERVER_NAME"], "nginx"], env=vars_defaults, capture_output=True)
if proc.returncode == 0 and vars_defaults["MULTISITE"] == "yes" and self.__swarm :
proc = subprocess.run(["/bin/su", "-s", "/opt/entrypoint/multisite-config.sh", "nginx"], env=vars_defaults, capture_output=True)
if proc.returncode == 0 :
return True
utils.log("[!] Error while generating site config for " + vars["SERVER_NAME"] + " : return code = " + str(proc.returncode))
except Exception as e :
utils.log("[!] Exception while generating site config : " + str(e))
return False
def activate(self, instances, vars, reload=True) :
try :
# Get first server name
first_server_name = vars["SERVER_NAME"].split(" ")[0]
# Check if file exists
if not os.path.isfile("/etc/nginx/" + first_server_name + "/server.conf") :
utils.log("[!] /etc/nginx/" + first_server_name + "/server.conf doesn't exist")
return False
# Include the server conf
utils.replace_in_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "}", "include /etc/nginx/" + first_server_name + "/server.conf;\n}")
# Reload
if not reload or self.reload(instances) :
return True
except Exception as e :
utils.log("[!] Exception while activating config : " + str(e))
return False
def deactivate(self, instances, vars) :
try :
# Get first server name
first_server_name = vars["SERVER_NAME"].split(" ")[0]
# Check if file exists
if not os.path.isfile("/etc/nginx/" + first_server_name + "/server.conf") :
utils.log("[!] /etc/nginx/" + first_server_name + "/server.conf doesn't exist")
return False
# Remove the include
utils.replace_in_file("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "include /etc/nginx/" + first_server_name + "/server.conf;\n", "")
# Reload
if self.reload(instances) :
return True
except Exception as e :
utils.log("[!] Exception while deactivating config : " + str(e))
return False
def remove(self, vars) :
try :
# Check if file exists
if not os.path.isfile("/etc/nginx/" + vars["SERVER_NAME"] + "/server.conf") :
utils.log("[!] /etc/nginx/" + vars["SERVER_NAME"] + "/server.conf doesn't exist")
return False
# Remove the folder
shutil.rmtree("/etc/nginx/" + vars["SERVER_NAME"])
return True
except Exception as e :
utils.log("[!] Error while deactivating config : " + str(e))
return False
def reload(self, instances) :
return self.__api_call(instances, "/reload")
def __ping(self, instances) :
return self.__api_call(instances, "/ping")
def __api_call(self, instances, path) :
ret = True
for instance_id, instance in instances.items() :
# Reload the instance object just in case
# Reload via API
if self.__swarm :
# Send POST request on http://serviceName.NodeID.TaskID:8000/action
name = instance.name
for task in instance.tasks() :
if task["Status"]["State"] != "running" :
nodeID = task["NodeID"]
taskID = task["ID"]
fqdn = name + "." + nodeID + "." + taskID
req = False
try :
req = requests.post("http://" + fqdn + ":8080" + self.__api + path)
except :
if req and req.status_code == 200 :
utils.log("[*] Sent API order " + path + " to instance " + fqdn + " (service.node.task)")
else :
utils.log("[!] Can't send API order " + path + " to instance " + fqdn + " (service.node.task)")
ret = False
# Send SIGHUP to running instance
elif instance.status == "running" :
try :
utils.log("[*] Sent SIGHUP signal to bunkerized-nginx instance " + instance.name + " / " + instance.id)
except docker.errors.APIError as e :
utils.log("[!] Docker error while sending SIGHUP signal : " + str(e))
ret = False
return ret