Nick Spaargaren 580d5aeff0 Update regex install script (#160)
* Update readme

* Update install script
2022-10-16 11:39:18 +02:00

231 lines
8 KiB

import json
import os
import sqlite3
import subprocess
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
def fetch_url(url):
if not url:
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0'}
print('[i] Fetching:', url)
response = urlopen(Request(url, headers=headers))
except HTTPError as e:
print('[E] HTTP Error:', e.code, 'whilst fetching', url)
except URLError as e:
print('[E] URL Error:', e.reason, 'whilst fetching', url)
# Read and decode
response ='UTF-8').replace('\r\n', '\n')
# If there is data
if response:
# Strip leading and trailing whitespace
response = '\n'.join(x for x in map(str.strip, response.splitlines()))
# Return the hosts
return response
url_regexps_remote = ''
install_comment = ''
cmd_restart = ['pihole', 'restartdns', 'reload']
db_exists = False
conn = None
c = None
regexps_remote = set()
regexps_local = set()
regexps_mmotti_local = set()
regexps_legacy_mmotti = set()
regexps_remove = set()
# Start the docker directory override
print('[i] Checking for "pihole" docker container')
# Initialise the docker variables
docker_id = None
docker_mnt = None
docker_mnt_src = None
# Check to see whether the default "pihole" docker container is active
docker_id =['docker', 'ps', '--filter', 'name=pihole', '-q'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).stdout.strip()
# Exception for if docker is not installed
except FileNotFoundError:
# If a pihole docker container was found, locate the first mount
if docker_id:
docker_mnt =['docker', 'inspect', '--format', '{{ (json .Mounts) }}', docker_id],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True).stdout.strip()
# Convert output to JSON and iterate through each dict
for json_dict in json.loads(docker_mnt):
# If this mount's destination is /etc/pihole
if json_dict['Destination'] == r'/etc/pihole':
# Use the source path as our target
docker_mnt_src = json_dict['Source']
# If we successfully found the mount
if docker_mnt_src:
print('[i] Running in docker installation mode')
# Prepend restart commands
cmd_restart[0:0] = ['docker', 'exec', '-i', 'pihole']
print('[i] Running in physical installation mode ')
# Set paths
path_pihole = docker_mnt_src if docker_mnt_src else r'/etc/pihole'
path_legacy_regex = os.path.join(path_pihole, 'regex.list')
path_legacy_mmotti_regex = os.path.join(path_pihole, 'mmotti-regex.list')
path_pihole_db = os.path.join(path_pihole, 'gravity.db')
# Check that pi-hole path exists
if os.path.exists(path_pihole):
print('[i] Pi-hole path exists')
print(f'[e] {path_pihole} was not found')
# Check for write access to /etc/pihole
if os.access(path_pihole, os.X_OK | os.W_OK):
print(f'[i] Write access to {path_pihole} verified')
print(f'[e] Write access is not available for {path_pihole}. Please run as root or other privileged user')
# Determine whether we are using DB or not
if os.path.isfile(path_pihole_db) and os.path.getsize(path_pihole_db) > 0:
db_exists = True
print('[i] DB detected')
print('[i] Legacy regex.list detected')
# Fetch the remote regexps
str_regexps_remote = fetch_url(url_regexps_remote)
# If regexps were fetched, remove any comments and add to set
if str_regexps_remote:
regexps_remote.update(x for x in map(str.strip, str_regexps_remote.splitlines()) if x and x[:1] != '#')
print(f'[i] {len(regexps_remote)} regexps collected from {url_regexps_remote}')
print('[i] No remote regexps were found.')
if db_exists:
# Create a DB connection
print(f'[i] Connecting to {path_pihole_db}')
conn = sqlite3.connect(path_pihole_db)
except sqlite3.Error as e:
# Create a cursor object
c = conn.cursor()
# Add / update remote regexps
print('[i] Adding / updating regexps in the DB')
c.executemany('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO domainlist (type, domain, enabled, comment) '
'VALUES (3, ?, 1, ?)',
[(x, install_comment) for x in sorted(regexps_remote)])
c.executemany('UPDATE domainlist '
'SET comment = ? WHERE domain in (?) AND comment != ?',
[(install_comment, x, install_comment) for x in sorted(regexps_remote)])
# Fetch all current mmotti regexps in the local db
c.execute('SELECT domain FROM domainlist WHERE type = 3 AND comment = ?', (install_comment,))
regexps_mmotti_local_results = c.fetchall()
regexps_mmotti_local.update([x[0] for x in regexps_mmotti_local_results])
# Remove any local entries that do not exist in the remote list
# (will only work for previous installs where we've set the comment field)
print('[i] Identifying obsolete regexps')
regexps_remove = regexps_mmotti_local.difference(regexps_remote)
if regexps_remove:
print('[i] Removing obsolete regexps')
c.executemany('DELETE FROM domainlist WHERE type = 3 AND domain in (?)', [(x,) for x in regexps_remove])
# Delete mmotti-regex.list as if we've migrated to the db, it's no longer needed
if os.path.exists(path_legacy_mmotti_regex):
print('[i] Restarting Pi-hole'), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# Prepare final result
print('[i] Done - Please see your installed regexps below\n')
c.execute('Select domain FROM domainlist WHERE type = 3')
final_results = c.fetchall()
regexps_local.update(x[0] for x in final_results)
print(*sorted(regexps_local), sep='\n')
# If regex.list exists and is not empty
# Read it and add to a set
if os.path.isfile(path_legacy_regex) and os.path.getsize(path_legacy_regex) > 0:
print('[i] Collecting existing entries from regex.list')
with open(path_legacy_regex, 'r') as fRead:
regexps_local.update(x for x in map(str.strip, fRead) if x and x[:1] != '#')
# If the local regexp set is not empty
if regexps_local:
print(f'[i] {len(regexps_local)} existing regexps identified')
# If we have a record of a previous legacy install
if os.path.isfile(path_legacy_mmotti_regex) and os.path.getsize(path_legacy_mmotti_regex) > 0:
print('[i] Existing mmotti-regex install identified')
# Read the previously installed regexps to a set
with open(path_legacy_mmotti_regex, 'r') as fOpen:
regexps_legacy_mmotti.update(x for x in map(str.strip, fOpen) if x and x[:1] != '#')
if regexps_legacy_mmotti:
print('[i] Removing previously installed regexps')
# Add remote regexps to local regexps
print(f'[i] Syncing with {url_regexps_remote}')
# Output to regex.list
print(f'[i] Outputting {len(regexps_local)} regexps to {path_legacy_regex}')
with open(path_legacy_regex, 'w') as fWrite:
for line in sorted(regexps_local):
# Output mmotti remote regexps to mmotti-regex.list
# for future install / uninstall
with open(path_legacy_mmotti_regex, 'w') as fWrite:
for line in sorted(regexps_remote):
print('[i] Restarting Pi-hole'), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# Prepare final result
print('[i] Done - Please see your installed regexps below\n')
with open(path_legacy_regex, 'r') as fOpen:
for line in fOpen:
print(line, end='')