unit Main; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$warnings off} {$hints off} // Created at 23th of January 2020, by Linuxer (https://gitlab.com/psposito), from scratch with Free Pascal // Redesigned and further Developed at 28th of January 2020, by Initial developer // to provide Camera and Mic status alone with On/Off and Mute/Unmute fuctions // Developed further for intrusion feeling and logging at 2nd of February 2020, by Initial developer // Developed for Blacklisting/Whitelisting functions for both camera & audio at 7th of February 2020, by Initial developer // Finalized, except traslations at 15th of February 2020. // Further Capabilities added alone with better Logging at 22nd of February 2020 // Development Ended at 5th of March 2020. Minor Updates will follow, if needed interface uses {$IFDEF UNIX} cthreads, {$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Menus, PopupNotifier, UTF8Process, UniqueInstance, VpClock, Unix, process, About, Logs, Reboot, RebootDialog, OutputForm, MessageForm, InputForm, PidsList, DateUtils, LCLType, LCLTranslator, BaseUnix; type { TForm1 } TForm1 = class(TForm) ImageListCam : TImageList; ImageListCam1 : TImageList; ImageListStatus : TImageList; ImageListMic : TImageList; AProcess : TProcessUTF8; ImageListSystem : TImageList; MenuItem1 : TMenuItem; MenuItem10 : TMenuItem; MenuItem11 : TMenuItem; MenuItem12 : TMenuItem; MenuItem13 : TMenuItem; MenuItem14 : TMenuItem; MenuItem15 : TMenuItem; MenuItem16 : TMenuItem; MenuItem17 : TMenuItem; MenuItem18 : TMenuItem; MenuItem19 : TMenuItem; MenuItem2 : TMenuItem; MenuItem20 : TMenuItem; MenuItem21 : TMenuItem; MenuItem22 : TMenuItem; MenuItem23 : TMenuItem; MenuItem24 : TMenuItem; MenuItem25 : TMenuItem; MenuItem26 : TMenuItem; MenuItem27 : TMenuItem; MenuItem28 : TMenuItem; MenuItem29 : TMenuItem; MenuItem3 : TMenuItem; MenuItem31 : TMenuItem; MenuItem32 : TMenuItem; MenuItem33 : TMenuItem; MenuItem34 : TMenuItem; MenuItem36 : TMenuItem; MenuItem37 : TMenuItem; MenuItem38 : TMenuItem; MenuItem4 : TMenuItem; MenuItem40 : TMenuItem; MenuItem41 : TMenuItem; MenuItem42 : TMenuItem; MenuItem44 : TMenuItem; MenuItem45 : TMenuItem; MenuItem5 : TMenuItem; MenuItem6 : TMenuItem; MenuItem7 : TMenuItem; MenuItem8 : TMenuItem; MenuItem9 : TMenuItem; PopupMenu1 : TPopupMenu; PopupMenu2 : TPopupMenu; PopupMenu3 : TPopupMenu; PopupMenu4 : TPopupMenu; PopupMenu5 : TPopupMenu; PopupMenu6 : TPopupMenu; PopupNotifier1 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier2 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier3 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier4 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier5 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier6 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier7 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier8 : TPopupNotifier; PopupNotifier9 : TPopupNotifier; ProcessUTF8_1 : TProcessUTF8; Timer1 : TTimer; TrayIcon1 : TTrayIcon; TrayIcon2 : TTrayIcon; TrayIcon3 : TTrayIcon; TrayIcon4 : TTrayIcon; TrayIcon5 : TTrayIcon; UniqueInstance1 : TUniqueInstance; VpClock1 : TVpClock; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem10Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem12Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem13Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem27Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem29Click(Sender: TObject); //procedure MenuItem2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem31Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem32Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem33Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem34Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem36Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem37Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem38Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItem9Click(Sender: TObject); procedure PopupNotifier1Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); procedure PopupNotifier2Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); procedure PopupNotifier3Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); procedure PopupNotifier4Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); procedure PopupNotifier5Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); procedure TrayIcon1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TrayIcon2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TrayIcon3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TrayIcon4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TrayIcon5Click(Sender: TObject); procedure UniqueInstance1OtherInstance(Sender: TObject; ParamCount: Integer; const Parameters: array of String); procedure VpClock1SecondChange(Sender: TObject); private CamImageIndex : integer; MicImageIndex : integer; public end; var ReleaseNo : String = '2.0.3'; Form1 : TForm1; S : LongInt; MicSwitchStr : String; Password : String; Password2 : String; isMicOn : boolean; MicStatus : boolean; //MicSavedStatus : boolean; CamStatus : byte; CamSavedStatus : Byte; HasPassword : boolean; MicClicked : boolean; CamClicked : boolean; MicClicksCounter : byte; CamClicksCounter : byte; GridLine : Integer; SndCardsStringList : TStringList; SndCardsCountNumber : Integer; n : Integer; HomeDir : String; CmdString : String; FileString : String; FileDestDir : String; LastAction : byte; NewWidth : Integer; NewHeight : Integer; Breath : Integer = 50; VideoCapt : boolean; //VideoStringList : TStringList; VideoCardsCountNumber : Integer; LoopCounter : Integer; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus : Boolean; V4L2Val : integer; CameraIcon : byte; MicIcon : byte; FromMain : boolean; OneVideoCard : boolean; RebootNeededFlag : boolean; VideoDevicesNumber : byte; ActionTime : TDateTime; CountNumber : Integer; CaptureStatus : Integer; LogsDateString : String; LogsFileNameDir : String; SavedLogsFilenameDir : String; LogsStringList : TStringList; CaptureAppName : String; SecondCaptureDevice : boolean; SecondCaptureDeviceOn : boolean; Str2 : String; WantsPassword : boolean; DistrNameStr : string; DistrName : string; implementation procedure RebootSystem; forward; procedure AskPassword; forward; Procedure AppendLogs; forward; {$R *.frm} { TForm1 } procedure AdjustBalloonPosition; var BaloonWidth : Integer; BaloonHeight : Integer; Width : Integer; Height : Integer; begin BaloonWidth := 110; BaloonHeight := 325; Width := Screen.Monitors[0].Width; NewWidth := Width div 2 - BaloonWidth - 130; Height := Screen.Monitors[0].Height; NewHeight := Height div 2 - BaloonHeight - 50; end; procedure PopUpWebcamOn; begin Form1.PopupNotifier2.Text := 'Camera is On' + LineEnding + 'Video Device: /dev/video' + IntToStr(CountNumber)+ '/'; Form1.PopupNotifier2.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight - 325 div 2 - 20); Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera Status' + LineEnding + 'Camera is On'; end; procedure PopUpWebcamOff; begin Form1.PopupNotifier1.Text := 'No Camera' + LineEnding + 'Video Device: /dev/video' + IntToStr(CountNumber)+ '/'; Form1.PopupNotifier1.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight - 325 div 2 - 20); Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera Status' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Disabled'; end; procedure PopUpWebcamCaptures; begin Form1.PopupNotifier7.Text := 'Camera is Capturing' + LineEnding + 'Video Device: /dev/video' + IntToStr(CountNumber)+ '/' + LineEnding + 'Application Name: ' + CaptureAppName; Form1.PopupNotifier7.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight - 325 div 2 - 20); Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera Status' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Capturing' + LineEnding + CaptureAppName; end; procedure PopUpWebcamNotCapturing; begin Form1.PopupNotifier6.Text := 'Camera is not Capturing' + LineEnding + 'Video Device: /dev/video' + IntToStr(CountNumber)+ '/'; Form1.PopupNotifier6.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight - 325 div 2 - 20); Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera On' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Enabled, but is not Capturing'; end; procedure PopUpWebcamHacked; begin Form1.PopupNotifier8.Text := 'Camera is Hacked' + LineEnding + 'Video Device: /dev/video' + IntToStr(CountNumber)+ '/' + LineEnding + 'Check Logs'; Form1.PopupNotifier8.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight - 325 div 2 - 20); Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera Status' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Hacked' + LineEnding + 'Check Logs'; end; procedure PopUpMicHacked; begin Form1.PopupNotifier9.Text := 'Microphone is Hacked' + LineEnding + 'Alsa Driver Changed Status'; Form1.PopupNotifier9.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight - 325 div 2 - 20); Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Microphone Status' + LineEnding + 'Microphone is Hacked' + LineEnding + 'Check Logs'; end; procedure PopUpNoWebcam; begin Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'No Camera' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Disabled'; end; procedure PopUpWebcamCapturing; begin Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera On' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Enabled and Capturing'; end; procedure PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; begin Form1.TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera On' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Enabled, but is not Capturing'; end; procedure PopUpMicOn; begin Form1.PopupNotifier3.Text := 'Microphone is Unmuted' + LineEnding + 'Alsa Driver Status: cap'; Form1.PopupNotifier3.ShowAtPos(NewWidth, NewHeight); Form1.TrayIcon2.Hint := 'Microphone Status & Menu' + LineEnding + 'Microphone is Unmuted'; end; procedure PopUpMicOff; begin Form1.PopupNotifier4.Text := 'Microphone is Muted' + LineEnding + 'Alsa Driver Status: nocap'; Form1.PopupNotifier4.ShowAtPos(NewWidth , NewHeight); Form1.TrayIcon2.Hint := 'Microphone Status & Menu' + LineEnding + 'Microphone is Muted'; end; procedure GetDistrName; var AStringList : TStringList; AProcess : TProcess; begin AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); AProcess.Executable := '/bin/sh'; AProcess.Parameters.Add('-c'); AProcess.Parameters.Add('cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_ID='); AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; AProcess.Execute; AStringList := TStringList.Create; AStringList.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output); DistrNameStr := Copy(AStringList.Strings[AstringList.Count-1], 12, Length(AStringList.Strings[AstringList.Count-1])); AStringList.Free; AProcess.Free; end; procedure GetMicCaptureStatus; var AStringList : TStringList; AProcess : TProcess; begin AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); AProcess.Executable := '/bin/sh'; AProcess.Parameters.Add('-c'); AProcess.Parameters.Add('amixer get Capture control'); AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; AProcess.Execute; AStringList := TStringList.Create; AStringList.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output); MicSwitchStr := TrimLeft(RightStr(AStringList.Strings[AstringList.Count-1], 5)); if CompareText(MicSwitchStr,'[On]') = 0 then begin isMicOn := true; end //if CompareText(MicSwitchStr,'[Off]') = 0 then else begin isMicOn := false; end; AStringList.Free; AProcess.Free; end; procedure RebootNeededDialog; begin RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Clear; RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Clear; RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('The limit of 59 Hacking preventing On/Off functions'); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('has been reached. (Check Link Below)'); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add(''); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('You must Reboot the System in Order to Reset their'); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('number, otherwise the application will not be able'); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('to provide, any further Actions.'); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add(''); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('Please Save your opened Files & Close Windows'); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add(''); RebootDialog.Form5.ListBox1.Items.Add('Press Reboot or Quit to exit the Application'); RebootDialog.Form5.Show; end; procedure ShowKilledPidsList(var PidsStringList:TStringList); begin PidsList.Form9.Label1.Caption := PidsStringList.Text; PidsList.Form9.ShowModal; end; procedure KillCapturingApplication; var AStringList : TStringList; AProcess : TProcess; j : Integer; Str : String; begin Str := 'pgrep -f ' + CaptureAppName; // Full test command is: lsof /dev | grep video && ls /dev/ | grep v4l AStringList := TStringList.Create; AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); AProcess.Executable := '/bin/sh'; AProcess.Parameters.Add('-c'); AProcess.Parameters.Add(Str); AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; AProcess.Execute; AStringList.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output); //ShowMessage( 'Pids List of ' + CaptureAppName + ':' + sLineBreak + // '---------------------------' + sLineBreak + AStringList.Text); j := 0; while j <= AStringList.Count - 1 do begin S := FpSystem('kill -KILL ' + AStringList.Strings[j]); Inc(j); end; ShowKilledPidsList(AStringList); end; procedure KillCapturingApplicationSudo; var AStringList : TStringList; AProcess : TProcess; j : Integer; Str : String; begin Str := 'pgrep -f ' + CaptureAppName; // Full test command is: lsof /dev | grep video && ls /dev/ | grep v4l AStringList := TStringList.Create; AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); AProcess.Executable := '/bin/sh'; AProcess.Parameters.Add('-c'); AProcess.Parameters.Add(Str); AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; AProcess.Execute; AStringList.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output); //ShowMessage('Pids List of ' + CaptureAppName + ':' + sLineBreak + AStringList.Text); j := 0; while j <= AStringList.Count - 1 do begin S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password2, ' | sudo -S kill -KILL ' , AStringList.Strings[j])); Inc(j); end; //j := 0; //while j <= AStringList.Count - 1 do // begin // S := FpSystem('kill -KILL ' + AStringList.Strings[j]); // Inc(j); // end; ShowKilledPidsList(AStringList); end; procedure GetVideoCards; // VideoCards /dev/ Names var AStringList : TStringList; CleanStringList : TStringList; AProcess : TProcess; Str : String; SubStr : String = '(deleted)'; n : integer; m : integer; l : integer; //StrLength : integer; begin SecondCaptureDevice := false; m := 0; l := 0; CaptureStatus := 0; CaptureAppName := ''; //StrLength := 0; if (Length(Password2) > 0) and (HasPassword = true) then // Full test command is: lsof /dev | grep video && ls /dev/ | grep v4l Str2 := Concat('echo ', Password2, ' | sudo -S sh -c "lsof /dev | grep video"') else Str2 := Concat('lsof /dev/ ' , '|' , ' grep video'); Str := Str2; AStringList := TStringList.Create; CleanStringList := TStringList.Create; AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); AProcess.Executable := '/bin/sh'; AProcess.Parameters.Add('-c'); AProcess.Parameters.Add(Str); AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; AProcess.Execute; AStringList.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output); V4L2Val := StrToInt(BoolToStr(not DirectoryExists('/dev/v4l/'))); n := 0; while n <= AStringList.Count - 1 do if (CompareText(LeftStr(AStringList.Strings[n], 6), 'lsof: ') = 0) or (CompareText(LeftStr(AStringList.Strings[n], 6), ' ') = 0) then Inc(n) else begin CleanStringList.Add(AStringList.Strings[n]); //writeln (Pos('mem', AStringList.Strings[n])); Inc(n); end; AStringList.Clear; AStringList := CleanStringList; writeln(CleanStringList.Text); if V4L2Val = -1 then begin VideoCardsCountNumber := 0; CaptureStatus := -1; end; if (AstringList.Count = 0) and (V4L2Val = 0) then begin VideoCardsCountNumber := 0; CaptureStatus := 0; end; //if AstringList.Count = 1 then // begin // VideoCardsCountNumber := 0; // VideoDevicesNumber := 0; // end; if (AstringList.Count >= 1) and (AstringList.Count <= 58) then begin for n:= 1 to AStringList.Count - 1 do begin if CompareText(RightStr(AStringList.Strings[n], Length(SubStr)), SubStr) = 0 then Inc(m); // lsof /dev | grep video ---> count number of /dev/video(n) (deleted) //write('m = '); //write(m); if CompareText(AStringList.Strings[n - 1], AStringList.Strings[n]) < 0 then Inc(l); // when l < m - 1 --> webcam captures ---> GetCameraSatus procedure below, is rewriten //write(', l = '); // when l = m --> webcam on //writeln(l); // when V4L2Val = - 1 --> webcam off end; VideoCardsCountNumber := l - m; // Note: Some of the if Conditions for Capturing are here from testing period. In any case, one more if, is not a problem to leave it here. if (l <= m + 1) then CaptureStatus := 1; if (l = m) then CaptureStatus := 0; if V4L2Val = - 1 then CaptureStatus := -1; if (AstringList.Count = 1) and (V4L2Val = 0) then VideoCardsCountNumber := 1; VideoDevicesNumber := AstringList.Count; if (VideoDevicesNumber = 2) and (V4L2Val = 0) and (m = 0) and (l = 0) then CaptureStatus := 1; if (AStringList.Count - 1) >= 0 then CaptureAppName := LeftStr(AStringList.Strings[AStringList.Count - 1], pos(' ', AStringList.Strings[AStringList.Count - 1])); if ((AStringList.Count - 1) >= 1) and (m = 0) and (l = 0) then begin CaptureAppName := LeftStr(AStringList.Strings[AStringList.Count - 1], pos(' ', AStringList.Strings[AStringList.Count - 1])); CaptureStatus := 1; if SecondCaptureDeviceOn = false then SecondCaptureDeviceOn := true; //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; SecondCaptureDevice := true; end; if (CompareText(RightStr(DistrName, Length(DistrName) - 1), 'Debian') = 0) then begin if CaptureAppName <> '' then CaptureStatus := 1; if (CaptureStatus = 1) and (AstringList.Count = 1) and (Length(CaptureAppName) > 0) then CaptureStatus := 0; if (CaptureStatus = 1) and (AstringList.Count = 2) and (Length(CaptureAppName) > 0) then CaptureStatus := 1; end; end; if (AstringList.Count >= 59) then RebootNeededFlag := true; CountNumber := AstringList.Count; write('CaptureStatus = ', CaptureStatus, ' VideoCardsCountNumber = ' , VideoCardsCountNumber, ' '); //writeln(AStringList.Text); writeln('CountNumber= ', AstringList.Count, ' m = ', m, ' l = ', l, ' ', OneVideoCard, ' VideoDevicesNumber = ', VideoDevicesNumber, ' CaptureAppName = ', CaptureAppName); AStringList.Free; AProcess.Free; end; procedure GetCameraStatus; // My way because v4l2 sucks and does not provide webcam getstatus method. begin /////////////// This Code will remain as fallback if the new below, faces any troubles, and for historical reasons //////////////////// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //V4L2Val := StrToInt(BoolToStr(not DirectoryExists('/dev/v4l/'))); // If there is another way, please make an issue //if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (V4L2Val = -1) then // -> Camera is off // CamStatus := 0; //if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (V4L2Val = 0 ) then // -> Camera is On // CamStatus := 1; //if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 1) and (V4L2Val = -1) then // -> Camera is Capturing // CamStatus := 1; //if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (CountNumber = 0) and (V4L2Val = 0) then // -> Camera is On // CamStatus := 1; //if (VideoDevicesNumber = 1) and (CountNumber = 1) and (V4L2Val = 0) then // -> Camera Stopped Capturing // CamStatus := 1; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if CaptureStatus = -1 then // -> Camera is off CamStatus := 0; if CaptureStatus = 0 then // -> Camera is On CamStatus := 1; if CaptureStatus = 1 then // -> Camera is Capturing CamStatus := 2; //DistrNameStr := RightStr(DistrName, Length(DistrName) - 1); if (CompareText(DistrNameStr, 'Debian') <> 0) then // Not for Debian Based Distros begin if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 1) and (V4L2Val = 0) then CamStatus := 2; if (CountNumber = 2) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 2) and (CaptureStatus = 1) then CamStatus := 2; if (CountNumber = 1) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 1) then CamStatus := 1; if (CountNumber = 1) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 1) and (VideoCardsCountNumber = 1) and (CaptureStatus = 1) then CamStatus := 2; if (CountNumber = 0) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 1) and (CaptureStatus = 0) and (Length(CaptureAppName) = 0) then CamStatus := 1; if (CountNumber = 1) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 1) and (CaptureStatus = 0) and (Length(CaptureAppName) > 0) then CamStatus := 2; if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 1) and (CountNumber = 1) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 1) and (CaptureStatus = 0) and (CompareText(CaptureAppName, 'qv4l2') = 1) then CamStatus := 1; if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (CountNumber = 2) and (VideoDevicesNumber = 2) and (CaptureStatus = 1) and (CompareText(CaptureAppName, 'qv4l2') = 1) then CamStatus := 2; end; writeln('CamStatus = ',CamStatus, ', qv4l2 = ', inttostr((CompareText(CaptureAppName, 'qv4l2')))); if CamStatus < 2 then begin Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := false; end else begin if HasPassword = false then begin Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; end else begin Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := false; end; end; //if (Length(Password2) > 0) and (HasPassword = true) then // Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := false; end; procedure NoCapturePassword; begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Incorrect password input, or password ' + LineEnding + 'input cancelled by user' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'The Application will catch and will' + LineEnding + 'be able to kill, only Users Events.' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'For better protection, please provide' + LineEnding + 'the sudo password, on the Menu at' + LineEnding + 'Camera''s Indicator Menu or add the ' + LineEnding + 'line: export MYSECRET=''passwordtext''' + LineEnding + 'at ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc files, so it' + LineEnding + 'will be read by the application on ' + LineEnding + 'start' + LineEnding; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; end; procedure PasswordInputQuery; begin InputForm.Form7.Caption := 'Camera Control'; InputForm.Form7.Label1.Caption := 'Authorization Needed / User Input' + LineEnding + 'Please Enter Password'; InputForm.Form7.Edit1.PasswordChar := Chr(149); InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Clear; InputForm.Form7.ImageList.GetBitmap(7, InputForm.Form7.Image.Picture.Bitmap); InputForm.Form7.ShowModal; if InputForm.Form7.CancelOk = false then begin HasPassword := true; Password2 := InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Text; //Password2 := UserString; end else begin //NoCapturePassword; WantsPassword := false; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; HasPassword := false; Password2 := ''; end; end; procedure GetCapturePassword; begin if (HasPassword = false) and (WantsPassword = true) then begin PasswordInputQuery; if InputForm.Form7.CancelOk = false then begin S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password2, ' | sudo -S sh -c "ls /root"')); if S <> 0 then begin WantsPassword := false; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; HasPassword := false; Password2 := ''; NoCapturePassword; end else begin if (HasPassword = false) and (Length(Password2) > 0) then Password := Password2; WantsPassword := false; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := false; HasPassword := true; MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Password is Correct' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Now Kill Capturing (Sudo) is available' + LineEnding + 'on the Camera Indicator Menu' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Got correct password from User' + LineEnding + 'Input'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(7, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage( 'Password is Correct' + sLineBreak + // 'Now Kill Capturing (Sudo) is available' + sLineBreak + // 'on the Camera Indicator Menu'); end; end else NoCapturePassword; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //SetReleaseNo; application.showmainform := false; // Hide Main form HasPassword := false; CamImageIndex := 0; MicImageIndex := 0; MicClicked := false; CamClicked := false; MicStatus := false; CamClicksCounter := 0; MicClicksCounter := 0; GridLine := 1; VideoCapt := false; VpClock1.Active := true; LoopCounter := 0; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; V4L2Val := StrToInt(BoolToStr(not DirectoryExists('/dev/v4l/'))); FromMain := false; RebootNeededFlag := false; VideoDevicesNumber := 0; //LogsDateString := FormatDateTime('DD/MM/YYYY-hh-mm-ss',now); LogsStringList := TStringList.Create; SecondCaptureDeviceOn := false; MenuItem13.Visible := false; MenuItem37.Visible := false; Password2 := FpGetEnv('MYSECRET'); //ParamStr(1); DistrName := ParamStr(1); WantsPassword := true; MenuItem38.Visible := false; HomeDir := expandfilename('~/'); LogsDateString := FormatDateTime('DD/MM/YYYY-hh:mm:ss',now); LogsFileNameDir := HomeDir + '.cameracontrol-' + LogsDateString + '.log'; SavedLogsFilenameDir := '.cameracontrol-' + LogsDateString + '.log'; LogsStringList.Clear; //Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.Clean; AdjustBalloonPosition; //GetDistrName; Writeln(RightStr(DistrName, Length(DistrName) - 1)); DistrNameStr := RightStr(DistrName, Length(DistrName) - 1); // Load Trays with Basic Icons ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListSystem.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon4.Icon); GetVideoCards; GetCameraStatus; // My how-to find out camera status // if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (V4L2Val = -1) then CamStatus := 0; // -> Camera is off // if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (V4L2Val = 0 ) then CamStatus := 1; // -> Camera is On // if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 1) and (V4L2Val = 0 ) then CamStatus := 2; // -> Camera is Capturing if CamStatus = 0 then // -> Camera is off begin ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); //PopUpWebcamOff; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); CameraIcon := 0; //ShowMessage('Camera is Off or No Camera exists'); CamClicked := false; CamClicksCounter := 0; CamSavedStatus := 0; end; if CamStatus = 1 then // -> Camera is On begin //ImageListCam.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon1.Icon); //PopUpWebcamOn; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); CameraIcon := 2; //ShowMessage('Camera is On'); CamClicked := false; CamClicksCounter := 0; CamSavedStatus := 1; end; if CamStatus = 2 then // -> Camera is Capturing begin ActionTime := now; //PopUpWebcamCaptures; //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon5.Icon); CameraIcon := 1; VideoCapt := true; CamClicked := false; CamClicksCounter := 0; CamSavedStatus := 2; end; GetMicCaptureStatus; if isMicOn = true then begin ImageListMic.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon2.Icon); MicStatus := true; MicClicked := false; MicClicksCounter:= 0; //PopUpMicOn; MicIcon := 0; end; if isMicOn = false then begin ImageListMic.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon2.Icon); MicStatus := false; MicClicked := false; MicClicksCounter:= 0; //PopUpMicOff; MicIcon := 1; PopUpMenu6.Close; end; // Reload Final Icons... (cthreads, and -O3 build level not enough? lol) ImageListCam1.GetIcon(CameraIcon, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon3.Icon); //ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListMic.GetIcon(MicIcon, TrayIcon2.Icon); ImageListSystem.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon4.Icon); FromMain := true; end; procedure CheckSStatus; begin if (S <> 0) then begin if (S = 256) then begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Incorrect password input, or password '; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := true; //ShowMessage('Incorrect password'); end; if (S <> 256) then begin ShowMessage('Error Number: ' + IntToStr(S)); end; HasPassword := false; end; if (S = 0) then begin HasPassword := true; Password2 := Password; Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := false; end; end; procedure GetSoundCards; // GetSoundCards Unique Driver Names var AStringList : TStringList; AProcess : TProcess; m : Integer; n : Integer; RightChar : Integer; begin AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); AProcess.Executable := '/bin/sh'; AProcess.Parameters.Add('-c'); AProcess.Parameters.Add('cat /proc/asound/modules '); AProcess.Options := AProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; AProcess.Execute; AStringList := TStringList.Create; SndCardsStringList := TStringList.Create; SndCardsStringList.Sorted := true; SndCardsStringList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; AStringList.LoadFromStream(AProcess.Output); m := AStringList.Count - 1; n := 0; SndCardsCountNumber := 0; While (n <= m) do begin RightChar := Pos(' ', AStringList.Strings[n]) + 1; SndCardsStringList.AddStrings(Copy(AStringList.Strings[n], RightChar + 2, (Length(AStringList.Strings[n])))); inc(n); end; SndCardsCountNumber := SndCardsStringList.Count - 1; AStringList.Free; AProcess.Free; end; procedure AskPassword; begin InputForm.Form7.Caption := 'Camera Control'; InputForm.Form7.Label1.Caption := 'Authorization Needed / User Input' + LineEnding + 'Please Enter Password'; InputForm.Form7.Edit1.PasswordChar := Chr(149); InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Clear; InputForm.Form7.ImageList.GetBitmap(7, InputForm.Form7.Image.Picture.Bitmap); InputForm.Form7.ShowModal; Password := InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Text; //Password2 := Password; //Password := PasswordBox('Authorization Needed / User Input','Please Enter Password'); HasPassword := True; InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Clear; end; Procedure AppendLogs; // Appends each Log to the Log file Directly begin //HomeDir := expandfilename('~/'); //FileDestDir := Concat(HomeDir,'.cameracontrol-', LogsDateString, '.log'); Form3.StringGrid1.TopRow:= Form3.StringGrid1.RowCount-Form3.StringGrid1.VisibleRowCount; //-1; if GridLine = 1 then begin FileString := Concat(Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[0].Strings[0],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[0].Strings[1],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[0].Strings[2],'/' , Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[0].Strings[3]); S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ' , FileString, ' >> ', LogsFileNameDir)); end; FileString := Concat(Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[0],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[1],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[2],'/' , Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[3]); S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ' , FileString, ' >> ', LogsFileNameDir)); //writeln(GridLine); end; Procedure CloseLogs; // Appends each Log to the Log file Directly begin //HomeDir := expandfilename('~/'); //FileDestDir := Concat(HomeDir,'.cameracontrol-', LogsDateString, '.log'); Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ',now) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(Form1.VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Application Closed', '']); FileString := Concat(Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[0],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[1],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[2],'/' , Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[GridLine].Strings[3]); S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ' , FileString, ' >> ', LogsFileNameDir)); end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem10Click(Sender: TObject); // Exit begin CloseLogs; Form1.Close; //VideoStringList.Free; SndCardsStringList.Free; //SaveLogs; LogsStringList.Free; Halt(0); end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem12Click(Sender: TObject); //Show Logs; begin Logs.Form3.Show; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem13Click(Sender: TObject); // Kill Capturing as User begin KillCapturingApplication; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Capturing killed at User Level', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem37Click(Sender: TObject); // Kill Capturing Sudo begin if HasPassword = true then begin KillCapturingApplicationSudo; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Capturing killed at System Level', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end else begin AskPassword; S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password, ' | sudo -S ls /root ')); if S <> 0 then begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Incorrect password input, or password ' + LineEnding + 'input cancelled by user' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'The Application will catch and will' + LineEnding + 'be able to kill, only Users Events.' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'For Better Protection, please provide' + LineEnding + 'the sudo password, on the Menu at' + LineEnding + 'Camera''s Indicator Menu'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; end //ShowMessage('Incorrect Password') else begin KillCapturingApplicationSudo; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Capturing killed at System Level', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; end; end; procedure MenuPasswordInputQuery; begin InputForm.Form7.Caption := 'Camera Control'; InputForm.Form7.Label1.Caption := 'Authorization Needed / User Input' + LineEnding + 'Please Enter Password'; InputForm.Form7.Edit1.PasswordChar := Chr(149); InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Clear; InputForm.Form7.ImageList.GetBitmap(7, InputForm.Form7.Image.Picture.Bitmap); InputForm.Form7.ShowModal; if InputForm.Form7.CancelOk = false then begin HasPassword := true; Password := InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Text; end else begin //NoCapturePassword; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := true; Password := ''; HasPassword := false; end; InputForm.Form7.Edit1.Clear; end; procedure MenuGetCapturePassword; begin if (HasPassword = false) then begin MenuPasswordInputQuery; S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password, ' | sudo -S sh -c "ls /root"')); if S <> 0 then begin Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := false; HasPassword := false; Password2 := ''; NoCapturePassword; end else begin Password2 := Password; HasPassword := true; MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Password is Correct' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Now Kill Capturing (Sudo) is available' + LineEnding + 'on the Camera Indicator Menu' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Got correct password from User' + LineEnding + 'input'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(7, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := false; //ShowMessage( 'Password is Correct' + sLineBreak + // 'Now Kill Capturing (Sudo) is available' + sLineBreak + // 'on the Camera Indicator Menu'); end; end; //if (HasPassword = false) and (InputForm.Form7.CancelOk = true) then // begin // Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; // Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := true; // Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := false; // HasPassword := false; // Password2 := ''; // NoCapturePassword; // end; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem38Click(Sender: TObject); begin if (HasPassword = false) then MenuGetCapturePassword; end; procedure DeleteOldLogs; // Deletes old Log files var SearchResult : TSearchRec; LogsFilesList : TStringlist; LogsFilesNames : TStringlist; i : Integer; k : integer; begin LogsFilesList := TStringList.Create; LogsFilesList.Clear; LogsFilesList.Sorted := true; LogsFilesNames := TStringList.Create; LogsFilesNames.Clear; LogsFilesNames.Sorted := true; OutputForm.Form6.ListBox.Items.Clear; i := 0; if FindFirst(Concat(HomeDir,'.cameracontrol-*'), FaAnyFile, SearchResult) = 0 then begin repeat if SearchResult.Name <> SavedLogsFilenameDir then begin LogsFilesList.Add(SearchResult.Name + ' Deleted'); LogsFilesNames.Add(SearchResult.Name); OutputForm.Form6.ListBox.Items.Add(SearchResult.Name + #9 + ' Deleted'); inc(i); end; until FindNext(SearchResult) <> 0; FindClose(SearchResult); end; for k := 0 to i-1 do begin S := FpSystem(Concat('rm ', HomeDir, LogsFilesNames[k])); end; //ShowMessage(IntToStr(i)); if i > 0 then begin OutputForm.Form6.Caption:= 'Old Logs Files List at ' + HomeDir; OutputForm.Form6.ImageList.GetBitmap(6, OutputForm.Form6.Image.Picture.Bitmap); OutputForm.Form6.Show; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(Form1.VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Old Log files deleted by User', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end else begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'No Old Log Filenames detected'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(6, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage('There were not detected any Old Log Filenames'); end; LogsFilesList.Free; end; //procedure SaveLogs; // not used on build, use AppendLogs on each Log //var // LogsStringList : TStringList; // n : Integer; // //begin // HomeDir := expandfilename('~/'); // FileDestDir := Concat(HomeDir,'.cameracontrol-', LogsDateString, '.log'); // // LogsStringList := TStringList.Create; // LogsStringList.Clear; // // n := 0; // // while n <= Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do // begin // if Length(Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[n].Strings[0]) > 0 then // LogsStringList.Add(Concat(Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[n].Strings[0],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[n].Strings[1],'/', Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[n].Strings[2],'/' , Form3.StringGrid1.Rows[n].Strings[3])); // Inc(n); // end; // // //ShowMessage(LogsStringList.Text); // // n:= 0; // // while n <= LogsStringList.Count - 1 do // begin // FileString := LogsStringList.Strings[n]; // S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ' , FileString, ' >> ', FileDestDir)); // Inc(n); // end; // // LogsStringList.Free; //end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem34Click(Sender: TObject); begin DeleteOldLogs; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem36Click(Sender: TObject); // Reset Shield Icon begin ImageListStatus.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon3.Icon); Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(Form1.VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Shield Icon was reset by the User', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; //procedure ClearLogs; //Save Current and Clear Logs, not used on build // //begin // SaveLogs; // // Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.Clean; // GridLine := 1; // Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues(0,['Number','DateTime Stamp', 'Event Description', 'Video Devices Number']); // Form1.ImageListStatus.GetIcon(0, Form1.TrayIcon3.Icon); // if CamClicked then // CamClicked := false; // // CamClicksCounter := 1; //end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem27Click(Sender: TObject); // Blaclist Camera and Reboot var BlackListStr : String; begin Password := ''; AskPassword; CmdString := ''; HomeDir := expandfilename('~/'); FileString := Concat(HomeDir,'.blacklistuvcvideo '); FileDestDir := '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklistuvcvideo.conf '; BlackListStr := '''blacklist uvcvideo'''; if (FileExists(FileDestDir) = false) then begin if (HasPassword = false) then begin AskPassword; end; CmdString := Concat('rm ', FileString); S := FpSystem(CmdString); CmdString := Concat(Concat(Concat('echo ', BlackListStr),' >> '), FileString); S := FpSystem(CmdString); CmdString := Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat('echo ', Password), ' | sudo -S cp '), FileString), FileDestDir); S := FpSystem(CmdString); CheckSStatus; if (S = 0) then begin LastAction := 0; RebootSystem; end; end else begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Camera was not Whitelisted before'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage('Camera was not Whitelisted'); end; CmdString := ''; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem29Click(Sender: TObject); // Whitelist Camera and Reboot begin Password := ''; AskPassword; CmdString := ''; FileDestDir := '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklistuvcvideo.conf'; if (FileExists(FileDestDir) = true) then begin If (HasPassword = false) then begin AskPassword; end; CmdString := Concat(Concat(Concat('echo ', Password), ' | sudo -S rm '), FileDestDir); S := FpSystem(CmdString); CheckSStatus; if (S = 0) then begin LastAction := 1; RebootSystem; end; end else begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Camera was not Blacklisted before'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage('Camera was not Blacklisted'); end; CmdString := ''; end; //procedure TForm1.MenuItem2Click(Sender: TObject); // Password Reset //begin // HasPassword := false; // ShowMessage('Passsword, has been reset'); //end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem31Click(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem32Click(Sender: TObject); // Blacklist Audio and Reboot begin Password := ''; HasPassword := false; CmdString := ''; AskPassword; GetSoundCards; HomeDir := expandfilename('~/'); FileString := Concat(HomeDir,'.blacklistaudio '); FileDestDir := '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklistaudio.conf '; S := FpSystem(CmdString); if SndCardsStringList <> Nil then begin CmdString := Concat(Concat('rm ', HomeDir),'.blacklistaudio'); S := FpSystem(CmdString); //ShowMessage(SndCardsStringList.Text); for n := 0 to SndCardsStringList.Count - 1 do begin CmdString := Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat('echo blacklist ''', SndCardsStringList.Strings[n])), ''' >> '), FileString); S:= FpSystem(CmdString); end; If (HasPassword = false) then begin AskPassword; end; CmdString := Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat('echo ', Password), ' | sudo -S cp '), FileString), FileDestDir); S:= FpSystem(CmdString); CheckSStatus; if (S = 0) and (HasPassword = true) then begin LastAction := 2; RebootSystem; end; end else begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Audio Card(s) not Whitelisted before'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage('Audio Card(s) not Whitelisted before'); end; CmdString := ''; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem33Click(Sender: TObject); // Whitelistlist Audio and Reboot begin Password := ''; HasPassword := false; CmdString := ''; AskPassword; FileString := '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklistaudio.conf'; CmdString := Concat(Concat(Concat('echo ', Password), ' | sudo -S rm '), FileString); if (FileExists(FileString) = true) then begin If (HasPassword = false) then begin AskPassword; end; S:= FpSystem(CmdString); CheckSStatus; if (S = 0) and (HasPassword = true) then begin LastAction := 3; RebootSystem; end; end else begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Audio Card(s) not Blacklisted before'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage('Audio Card(s) not Blacklisted before'); end; CmdString := ''; end; procedure RebootSystem; begin Reboot.Form4.Button2.Default := true; Reboot.Form4.ListBox1.Items.Add(' System will now Reboot!!! '); Reboot.Form4.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); Reboot.Form4.ListBox1.Items.Add('Please make sure that you have saved'); Reboot.Form4.ListBox1.Items.Add('all of your files and closed all open'); Reboot.Form4.ListBox1.Items.Add('Windows, before pressing the Reboot '); Reboot.Form4.ListBox1.Items.Add('Button below.'); Form4.Password := Password; Form4.HasPassword := HasPassword; Form4.LastAction := LastAction; Reboot.Form4.Show; end; procedure CameraOn; begin S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password, ' | sudo -S modprobe uvcvideo')); CheckSStatus; end; procedure CameraOff; begin S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password, ' | sudo -S rmmod -f uvcvideo')); //S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password, ' | sudo -S modprobe -rf uvcvideo')); CheckSStatus; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem3Click(Sender: TObject); // Camera Off -> On begin GetVideoCards; GetCameraStatus; if (CamStatus = 2) or (CamSavedStatus = 2) then // -> Checks if Camera is Capturing begin ImageListCam1.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; CamSavedStatus := 2; VideoCapt := true; PopUpWebcamCaptures; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera is Captuting, by ' + CaptureAppName, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; if CamStatus = 0 then begin if HasPassword then begin CameraOn; ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; PopUpWebCamOn; CamStatus := 1; VideoCapt := true; CamSavedStatus := 1; end else begin AskPassword; CameraOn; if HasPassword then begin ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; PopUpWebCamOn; CamStatus := 1; VideoCapt := true; CamSavedStatus := 1; end end; end; CamClicked := true; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem4Click(Sender: TObject); // Camera On -> Off begin GetVideoCards; GetCameraStatus; if CamStatus = 1 then begin if HasPassword then begin CameraOff; ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; CamClicked := true; PopUpWebCamOff; CamStatus := 0; VideoCapt := false; CamSavedStatus := 0; end else begin AskPassword; CameraOff; if HasPassword then begin ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; CamClicked := true; PopUpWebCamOff; CamStatus := 0; VideoCapt := false; CamSavedStatus := 0; end end; end; if CamStatus = 2 then // Camera forced to Off begin if HasPassword then begin CameraOff; ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; CamClicked := true; PopUpWebCamOff; CamStatus := 0; VideoCapt := false; CamSavedStatus := 2; end else begin AskPassword; CameraOff; if HasPassword then begin ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); CamClicksCounter := 1; CamClicked := true; PopUpWebCamOff; CamStatus := 0; VideoCapt := false; CamSavedStatus := 2; end end; end; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem6Click(Sender: TObject); // Microphone Mute begin If MicStatus = true then begin S := FpSystem('amixer set Capture nocap'); //ShowMessage('Microphone has been mutted'); ImageListMic.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon2.Icon); PopUpMicOff; MicClicked := true; MicClicksCounter := 1; MicStatus := false; ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Microphone Muted by the User', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem7Click(Sender: TObject); // Microphone Unmute begin If MicStatus = false then begin S := FpSystem('amixer set Capture cap'); //ShowMessage('Microphone has been unmutted'); PopUpMicOn; ImageListMic.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon2.Icon); MicClicked := true; MicClicksCounter := 1; MicStatus := true; ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Microphone Unmuted by the User', 'None']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItem9Click(Sender: TObject); // About begin About.Form2.ImageList.GetBitmap(0, About.Form2.Image.Picture.Bitmap); About.Form2.Label1.Caption:='Developer'; About.Form2.Label2.Caption:='Licence'; About.Form2.Label3.Caption:='Project'; About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Clear; About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(Concat('Camera & Microphone Control Switches for Linux Rel. ', ReleaseNo)); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('is an LGPL2 Free Pascal Project with LCL components,'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('completely developed from scratch, at 23th, of January 2020 by'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Linuxer パスカリス スポシト'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Redesigned and further Developed at 28th of January 2020,'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('in order to provide Camera and Mic statuses alone with On/Off and'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Mute/Unmute fuctions'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Final Development Stage at 6th of February 2020, for System '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Blacklist/Whitelist Modules functions for Camera and Audio'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Bugs Corrected at 10th of February 2020, (Undo Audio Bug) '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Password is asked every time for Blacklist/Whitelist - Better'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Security, and Password Reset was removed from System''s menu '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Finalized from previous Stages, by providing exactly the same'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('functions with Camera Monitor, plus the Off stage, so now it '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('has a realtime Off (Uvc Video Off), a realtime On (Uvc Video On)'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('and a realtime Capture On/Off Icon Statuses '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Note: A big part of code, changed in order to add these statuses'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('because it rebased the total violations algorithms (hacks control)'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Done at 15th of February 2020 '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Further Capabilities added alone with better Logging Done at 22nd'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('of February 2020'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add(' '); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('Further Development for even better Logging, new Messages Output'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('and Input Forms, removal of Camera Menu''s Reset Password Function,'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('StartUp Shell Script to auto provide Sudo Password and Operating'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('System as parameters and many other improvements, Done at 5th of'); About.Form2.ListBox1.Items.Add('March 2020'); About.Form2.Show; end; procedure TForm1.PopupNotifier1Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); begin PopUpNotifier1.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.PopupNotifier2Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); begin PopUpNotifier2.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.PopupNotifier3Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); begin PopUpNotifier3.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.PopupNotifier4Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); begin PopUpNotifier4.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.PopupNotifier5Close(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); begin PopUpNotifier5.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.TrayIcon1Click(Sender: TObject); begin PopUpMenu4.PopUp; end; procedure TForm1.TrayIcon2Click(Sender: TObject); begin PopUpMenu3.PopUp; end; procedure TForm1.TrayIcon3Click(Sender: TObject); begin PopUpMenu2.PopUp; end; procedure TForm1.TrayIcon4Click(Sender: TObject); begin PopUpMenu5.PopUp; end; procedure TForm1.TrayIcon5Click(Sender: TObject); begin PopUpMenu6.PopUp; end; procedure TForm1.UniqueInstance1OtherInstance(Sender: TObject; ParamCount: Integer; const Parameters: array of String); begin MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Another instance of Camera Control' + LineEnding + 'is running and will lead in wrong' + LineEnding + 'External Events (Hack) detection' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Now both will Exit.' + LineEnding + 'Run me again!'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(3, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; //ShowMessage ( 'Another instance of Camera Control is running' + sLineBreak + // 'and will lead in wrong External Events (Hack)' + sLineBreak + // 'detection' + sLineBreak + // 'Now both will Exit.' + sLineBreak + // 'Run me again!' ); Halt(0); end; procedure CheckEvents; // Check Statuses and External Events Notifications and Logs var HackedTime : TDateTime; // Str : String; StrOff : String; begin with Form1 do begin if FromMain = true then begin ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(ActionTime), 8), 'Application Started', ' ']); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); // Reload Final Icons... (cthreads, and -O3 build level not enough? lol) ImageListCam1.GetIcon(CameraIcon, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListMic.GetIcon(MicIcon, TrayIcon2.Icon); ImageListSystem.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon4.Icon); if CamStatus = 0 then begin ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(ActionTime), 8), 'Camera is Off', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); PopUpWebcamOff; end; if CamStatus = 1 then begin ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(ActionTime), 8), 'Camera is On', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); PopUpWebcamOn; end; if CamStatus = 2 then begin ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(ActionTime), 8), 'Camera is Captuting, by ' + CaptureAppName, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); PopUpWebcamCaptures; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; end; If MicStatus = true then begin ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(ActionTime), 8), 'Microphone is Unmuted', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); PopUpMicOn; end; If MicStatus = false then begin ActionTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(ActionTime), 8), 'Microphone is Muted', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); PopUpMicOff; end; FromMain := false; end; GetVideoCards; GetCameraStatus; if RebootNeededFlag = true then begin RebootNeededDialog; //RebootNeededFlag := false; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------- Oldies but Goodies -----------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // VideoCardsCountNumber = 0 & V4L2Val = -1 -> CamStatus = 0 -> Camera is off // VideoCardsCountNumber = 0 & V4L2Val = 0 -> CamStatus = 1 -> Camera is On // VideoCardsCountNumber = 1 & V4L2Val = 0 -> CamStatus = 2 -> CameraCapturing //Str := 'VidCardsNum = ' + IntToStr(VideoCardsCountNumber) + // ' /dev/video1/ = ' + BoolToStr(DirectoryExists('/dev/video1/')) + // ' V4L2Val = ' + IntToStr(V4L2Val) + // ' CamStatus = ' + IntToStr(CamStatus) + // ' CamSavedStat = ' + IntToStr(CamSavedStatus); // //writeln(Str); //writeln('VidCardsNum = ', IntToStr(VideoCardsCountNumber), ' CamStatus = ', CamStatus, ' CamSavedStat = ', CamSavedStatus, ' V4L2Val = ', IntToStr(V4L2Val)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (CamStatus = 2) and (CamSavedStatus = 0) then // Webcam Captures from Off begin ImageListCam1.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon5.Icon); PopupNotifier2.Hide; if PopUpWebcamCaptStatus = false then begin ActionTime := now; PopUpWebcamCaptures; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; PopUpWebcamCapturing; TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera On' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Enabled and Capturing'; VideoCapt := true; CamSavedStatus := 2; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera is Captuting from Off, by ' + CaptureAppName, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; end; if (CamStatus = 2) and (CamSavedStatus = 1) then // Webcam Captures from On begin ActionTime := now; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon5.Icon); PopupNotifier2.Hide; PopUpWebcamCaptures; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; PopUpWebcamCapturing; TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera On' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Enabled and Capturing'; VideoCapt := true; CamSavedStatus := 2; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera is Captuting from On, by ' + CaptureAppName, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; if ((CamStatus = 1) and (CamSavedStatus = 1) and (CamClicked = true) and (CamClicksCounter= 1)) then // Webcam is On, User Clicked begin ActionTime := now; PopUpWebcamOn; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; CamClicked := false; CamClicksCounter := 0; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera is On, by the User', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; if (CamStatus = 1) and (CamSavedStatus = 2) then // Webcam Stopped Capturing from On begin ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); if (VideoCapt = true) then begin ActionTime := now; PopUpWebcamNotCapturing; PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; VideoCapt := false; CamSavedStatus := 1; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Stopped Captuting', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; end; //if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 1) and (CamStatus = 2) and (CamSavedStatus = 1) and (V4L2Val = 0) then // begin // ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); // if (VideoCapt = true) then // begin // PopUpWebcamNotCapturing; // PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; // PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; // VideoCapt := false; // CamSavedStatus := 1; // end; // end; if ((CamStatus = 0) and (CamSavedStatus <= 2) and (CamClicked = true) and (CamClicksCounter= 1)) then // Webcam disabled, User Clicked begin ActionTime := now; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); PopUpNoWebcam; CamClicked := false; CamClicksCounter := 0; if CamSavedStatus = 1 then StrOff := 'Camera is Off from On, by the User' else StrOff := 'Camera is Off from Capturing, by the User'; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), StrOff, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); CamSavedStatus := 0; end; if (VideoCardsCountNumber = 0) and (VideoDevicesNumber > 1) and (CamStatus = 2) and (SecondCaptureDevice = true) then begin if PopUpWebCamCaptStatus = true then begin ActionTime := now; ImageListCam1.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon5.Icon); PopupNotifier2.Hide; PopUpWebcamCaptures; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; PopUpWebcamCapturing; TrayIcon5.Hint := 'Camera On' + LineEnding + 'Camera is Enabled and Capturing'; VideoCapt := true; CamSavedStatus := 2; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', ActionTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera is Captuting from On, by ' + CaptureAppName, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); SecondCaptureDeviceOn := true; end; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hacking Checks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ((CamStatus = 1) and (CamSavedStatus = 0) and (CamClicked = false) and (CamClicksCounter= 0)) then // Webcam went On from Off, No User Clicked -> Hacked begin HackedTime := now; PopUpWebcamHacked; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Hacked to On', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); //CamClicksCounter := 1; //CamClicked := false; CamSavedStatus := 1; //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; if ((CamStatus = 0) and (CamSavedStatus = 2) and (CamClicked = false) and (CamClicksCounter= 0)) then // Webcam went Off from On, No User Clicked -> Hacked begin HackedTime := now; PopUpWebcamHacked; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Hacked from Captuting to Off', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); //CamClicksCounter := 1; //CamClicked := false; CamSavedStatus := 0; //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; //if ((VideoDevicesNumber = 0) and (CamStatus = 1) and (CamSavedStatus = 1) and (V4L2Val = -1) and (CamClicked = false) and (CamClicksCounter= 0)) then // Webcam went On from Off, No User Clicked -> Hacked // begin // HackedTime := now; // PopUpWebcamHacked; // // Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) // + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Hacked to On', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); // // ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); // // ImageListCam1.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon5.Icon); // // //CamClicksCounter := 1; // //CamClicked := false; // CamSavedStatus := 1; // //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; // PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; // PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; // Inc(GridLine); // end; if ((CamStatus = 0) and (CamSavedStatus = 1) and (CamClicked = false) and (CamClicksCounter= 0)) then // Webcam went Off from On, No User Clicked -> Hacked begin HackedTime := now; PopUpWebcamHacked; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Hacked to Off', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(3, TrayIcon1.Icon); //CamClicksCounter := 1; //CamClicked := false; CamSavedStatus := 0; //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := true; AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; //if ((CamStatus = 1) and (CamSavedStatus = 0) and (CamClicked = false) and (CamClicksCounter = 0)) then // Webcam disabled (Off), No User Clicked -> Hacked // begin // HackedTime := now; // // Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) // + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Hacked to Off', IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); // ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); // ImageListCam1.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon5.Icon); // // CamSavedStatus := 0; // //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; // PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; // PopUpWebcamHacked; // PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; // //CamClicked := false; // //CamClicksCounter := 1; // AppendLogs; // Inc(GridLine); // end; if ((CamStatus = 2) and (CamSavedStatus = 0) and (CamClicked = false) and (CamClicksCounter = 0)) then // Webcam disabled (Off), No User Clicked -> Hacked begin HackedTime := now; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine, [IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Camera Hacked to Capture from Off, by ' + CaptureAppName, IntToStr(VideoDevicesNumber)]); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListCam1.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon5.Icon); ImageListCam.GetIcon(2, TrayIcon1.Icon); CamSavedStatus := 0; //PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; PopUpWebcamNoCapturing; PopUpWebcamHacked; PopUpWebcamCaptStatus := false; //CamClicked := false; //CamClicksCounter := 1; AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; GetMicCaptureStatus; if ((isMicOn = true) and (MicStatus = false) and (MicClicked = true) and (MicClicksCounter = 1)) then begin ImageListMic.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon2.Icon); MicClicked := false; MicClicksCounter := 0; ActionTime := now; end; if ((isMicOn = true) and (MicStatus = false) and (MicClicked = false) and (MicClicksCounter = 0)) then begin ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); ImageListMic.GetIcon(0, TrayIcon2.Icon); HackedTime := now; //ShowMessage('Microphone hacked !!! Please Check Log'); PopUpMicHacked; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Microphone Hacked to Unmuted', 'None']); MicStatus := true; AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; if ((isMicOn = false) and (MicStatus = true) and (MicClicked = true) and (MicClicksCounter = 1)) then begin ImageListMic.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon2.Icon); MicClicked := false; MicClicksCounter := 0; end; if ((isMicOn = false) and (MicStatus = true) and (MicClicked = false) and (MicClicksCounter = 0)) then begin ImageListMic.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon2.Icon); ImageListStatus.GetIcon(1, TrayIcon3.Icon); HackedTime := now; //ShowMessage('Microphone hacked !!! Please Check Log'); PopUpMicHacked; Logs.Form3.StringGrid1.InsertRowWithValues ( GridLine,[IntToStr(GridLine), FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy, ', HackedTime) + RightStr(DateTimeToStr(VPClock1.Time), 8), 'Microphone Hacked to Muted', 'None']); MicStatus := false; AppendLogs; Inc(GridLine); end; end; end; procedure CheckCapturePassword; begin //Password2 := RightStr(Password2, Length(Password2) - 1); //ShowMessage(Password2 + ', ' + IntToStr(Length(Password2))); S := FpSystem(Concat('echo ', Password2, ' | sudo -S sh -c "ls /root"')); if S <> 0 then begin Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := true; HasPassword := false; Password2 := ''; NoCapturePassword; WantsPassword := true; Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := true; end else begin Password := Password2; Form1.MenuItem13.Visible := false; Form1.MenuItem37.Visible := true; Form1.MenuItem38.Visible := false; HasPassword := true; MessageForm.Form8.Caption := 'Camera Control for Linux'; MessageForm.Form8.Button1.Caption := 'Ok'; MessageForm.Form8.Label1.Caption := 'Password is Correct' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Now Kill Capturing (Sudo) is available' + LineEnding + 'on the Camera Indicator Menu' + LineEnding + ' ' + LineEnding + 'Got correct password from startup' + LineEnding + 'parameter'; MessageForm.Form8.ImageList.GetBitmap(7, MessageForm.Form8.Image.Picture.Bitmap); MessageForm.Form8.ShowModal; WantsPassword := false; end; end; procedure TForm1.VpClock1SecondChange(Sender: TObject); begin if (FromMain = true) and (CompareText(RightStr(Password2, Length(Password2) - 1), '') > 0) and (HasPassword = false) then CheckCapturePassword else if (FromMain = true) and (CompareText(RightStr(Password2, Length(Password2) - 1), '') = 0) and (HasPassword = false) then GetCapturePassword; CheckEvents; end; end.