Linuxer パスカリス スポシト a1d292352c Update
2020-01-28 23:18:30 +00:00

3.5 KiB

Camera & Microphone Control Switches for Linux on Tray

A small utility to switch your webcam on/off, microphone mute/unmute for Linux Desktops (Gtk)

This project replaces the (camera monitor), for having the full webcam status on tray and provides microphone functions aditionally.

Please note that sudo password must be providen, otherwise it will not work.


  • Camera monitor indicates the status of the camera, but it not enough to control the on/off status.

  • Microphone mute/unmute status, has no visual indicator and is difficult to remember the switch position in the Volume Icon.

  • User can not be all the time in front of the monitor, in order to check the webcam status.

  • Such solutions, as below or by plugging in and out the usb cable, are considered funny (not to say rediculous) and unacceptable on any environment (home or business)



  • Provide an additional, or standalone, webcam & microphone switch which loads and unloads the uvc driver, in order to be on the safe side, as much as possible.

Screenshots (Leftside of images is the Camera Monitor tray icon / Right side is the Camera Control tray icon) :

  • Camera on, Microphone Unmuted:


  • Switch Camera to Off:


  • Switch Microphone to Mute:


  • Camera Off, Microphone Muted:


  • Sudo password input, normally entered once per application session, or if Password Reset has been executed:


  • About:


Project History

  • Created at 23th of January 2020, from scratch with Free Pascal
  • Redesigned and further Developed at 28th of January 2020, in order to provide Camera and Mic status alone with On/Off and Mute/Unmute fuctions

Why on Free (Object) Pascal and not Python3 or any other?

Some of my reasons are:

  • Easier code mainenance, really important in the log term

  • Nice memory footprint... 29.4 MB with much more Graphical User Interface (two icon trays, one About Form and one Main Form), versus 23.2 MB of Camera Monitor Python3 (one trayicon, no Graphical User Interface)


  • Faster startup, menus, etc.

  • Robust tested Programming Language, over 30 years of Development

  • Nice Gui touch (Contemporary Looking Components)

  • Very big support community, fast responding

  • Others