#!/bin/sh # Script that automate the procces for setting up TOR as a tranparent proxy # Autor: Abdennour.py #Defining variables torconfig="/etc/tor/torrc" torconfigbackup="/etc/tor/torrc.backup" #Check if the current user have root privileges if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ] ; then echo -e "\nYou need root permisions to run it script." exit fi echo -e "Checking if TOR and Systemd are installed..." if command -v tor >/dev/null && command -v systemctl > /dev/null ; then if grep -iq "# Seting up TOR transparent proxy for tor-router" "$torconfig" ; then echo -e "\ntor-router is already configured in $torconfig" else echo -e "\nAll fundamentals tools are installed, proceding..." echo -e "\nMaking a backup of your torrc file, if you have problems with the new configuration, delete $torconfig and move $torconfigbackup to $torconfig" cp "$torconfig" "$torconfigbackup" echo -e "\nConfiguring the torrc file to use TOR as a transparent proxy..." echo -e "\n# Seting up TOR transparent proxy for tor-router\nVirtualAddrNetwork\nAutomapHostsOnResolve 1\nTransPort 9040\nDNSPort 5353" >> "$torconfig" echo -e "\nCreating, enabling and starting the service file tor transparent proxy..." echo -e "\nEnabling and restarting the TOR daemon using systemctl..." systemctl enable tor && systemctl restart tor if [ "$?" == 0 ] ; then echo -e "Checking if all are working..." if command -v curl >/dev/null ; then curl https://check.torproject.org/ | grep "Congratulations." if [ "$?" == 0 ] ; then echo -e "\nAll is OK, from now on all your network traffic is under the TOR Network, look for your IP addres in your browser." exit fi else echo -e "\nYou haven't curl installed, try opening https://check.torproject.org/ in your browser and look for 'Congratulations.'" fi else echo -e "\nAn error as ocurrer." fi fi else echo -e "Systemd or TOR are not installed, the script dont work." exit fi