#!/bin/sh # v2.0 # Depends: herbe, imagemagick, xclip ayuda() { cat << EOF Usage: capture [-APVh] Options: -A: Save selected area to clipboard -S: Save screen to clipboard -W: Save active window to clipboard -h: Show this help EOF } case $1 in -A) import png:- | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png herbe 'Selected area to clipboard' ;; -S) import -window root png:- | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png herbe 'Screen to clipboard' ;; -W) import -window $(xdotool getwindowfocus) png:- | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png herbe 'Active window to clipboard' ;; -h) ayuda ;; *) printf "Invalid option!\n" return esac