# fonts we'll be re-using here and there awesome: &awesome Font Awesome 6 Free Solid:style=Solid:pixelsize=14 awesome_brands: &awesome_brands Font Awesome 6 Brands Regular:style=Regular:pixelsize=14 std_overline: &std_overline {overline: { size: 1, color: ddddddff}} # This is THE bar configuration bar: height: 20 location: top spacing: 5 margin: 9 # Default font font: mononoki:pixelsize=14 foreground: ffffffff background: 000000cc left: - i3: sort: ascending anchors: # Not used (directly) by f00bar; used here to avoid duplication - string: &i3_common {margin: 5, on-click: "swaymsg --quiet workspace {name}"} - string: &default {<<: *i3_common, text: "{name}"} - focused: &focused deco: {stack: [background: {color: 00000000}, <<: *std_overline]} - invisible: &invisible {foreground: ffffff55} - urgent: &urgent foreground: 000000ff deco: {stack: [background: {color: ffffffff}, <<: *std_overline]} - map: &i3_mode default: - string: margin: 5 text: "{mode}" deco: {background: {color: cc421dff}} - empty: {right-margin: 7} conditions: mode == default: {empty: {}} content: "": map: conditions: state == focused: {string: {<<: [*default, *focused]}} state == unfocused: {string: {<<: *default}} state == invisible: {string: {<<: [*default, *invisible]}} state == urgent: {string: {<<: [*default, *urgent]}} - foreign-toplevel: content: map: conditions: ~activated: {empty: {}} activated: - string: {text: "{title}"} center: - clock: time-format: "%d %b %H:%M" content: - string: {text: "{time}"} right: - network: name: enp3s0 content: map: conditions: ~carrier: {empty: {}} carrier: map: default: {string: {text: , font: *awesome, foreground: ffffff66}} conditions: state == up && ipv4 != "": {string: {text: , font: *awesome}} - alsa: card: hw:0 mixer: Master content: map: conditions: ~online: {string: {text: , font: *awesome, foreground: ff0000ff}} online: map: on-click: /bin/sh -c "amixer -q sset Headphone unmute && amixer -q sset Master toggle" conditions: muted: {string: {text: , font: *awesome, foreground: ffffff66}} ~muted: ramp: tag: percent items: - string: {text: , font: *awesome} - string: {text: , font: *awesome} - string: {text: , font: *awesome} - label: content: string: on-click: session-wl text:  font: *awesome