--- title: Calendar updated: visible: false published: true taxonomy: category: - docs tags: - Hubzilla - DisHub page-toc: active: true --- # What is it? Well, it's pretty obvious what a Calendar is! # How to see a calendar? Click on the hamburger menu, and choose **Events** (or **Calendar**). ![Calendar_access](en/Calendar_access.png) There, you have different options: - **View:** how is the calendar displayed. It can be by month, by week or by day - **Export Calendar:** you get a .ics file that you can save and import in an app or website that allows .ics file importation. - **Import Calendar:** you can import a .ics file. - **Arrows:** use them to move from month to month, day to day, etc. # How to create an event? ![Calendar_create_event](en/Calendar_create_event.gif) Click on **Create Event**. You then have several options. At the very least, you need to provide: - An Event title - A Start date and time But you have several other options, and even more if you click on **Advanced options**. You can also, like always with Hubzilla, decide who is going to see your event by clicking on the **locker**. **Submit** when you're done. Your event now appears in you calendar: ![Calendar_event_view](en/Calendar_event_view.png) If you click on the even, a window pops-up. You then get more details if provided by the event creator. You can also edit (click on the **pencil**) or delete (click on the **trash**) your event if you're its creator. ![Calendar_event_view_click](en/Calendar_event_view_click.png) Automatically, a post is created to inform your audience of the event. You can see it on your channel. ![Calendar_post](en/Calendar_post.png) You can give a lot of information about your event, for example: ![Calendar_post_disroot](en/Calendar_post_disroot.png) # How to inform that I want to attend an event? People may want to inform you that they will participate into your meeting. To do so, they just click on the **calendar icon** in your event post, and then click on the right answer. ![Calendar_attendance](en/Calendar_attendance.png) As you can see in the Disroot event post above, 6 people indicated that they would attend the event.