Initial work

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Fede.- 2021-09-20 03:35:03 -03:00
parent 3ce4279285
commit 511a4969c8
11 changed files with 2286 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: 'CryptPad'
published: true
visible: true
indexed: true
- docs
- cryptpad
- office
- collaboration
active: false
# What is CryptPad?
**CryptPad** is a powerful suite of collaboration and online office tools that allows you to create, share and work with others (and in real time) on text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, polls, whiteboards, code editing and [Kanban boards]( for projects, in a secure and private environment. This means that the content of all your works and files is encrypted and decrypted in your web browser therefore no one (not even the server administrators) can access your information.
In many aspects, it is similar to well-known, privacy-unfriendly proprietary solutions such as **Google Docs**. The main difference is that **CryptPad** is [**free/libre software**]( and it is designed to be **private**, with **zero knowledge** from the server where it runs.
In the following chapters you will find the information needed to start using and get familiar with **CryptPad**.

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
title: Pastebin
active: false
published: false
visible: true
- docs
- pastebin
|What is a pastebin?|
|A pastebin is a content hosting service that allows you to upload and share text online.|
**Some of the things you can use it for**:
- Quickly share content of a text file with anyone without a need of copy/pasting large chunk of text or sending email with the content
- Publish information/documents online so that others can access
- Using it as a disposable message board, using it's message board feature
- Sending information to someone, via a url link that needs to be "burned after reading"
- Send someone a copy of a script or piece of code, note or confidential information you dont want anyone else to see.
In this how2 we'll see how to use PrivateBin at [](
|![](en/note.png) **Note**|
|PrivateBin is not a collaborative text editing tool, for that you have [Etherpad and EtherCalc](projects_office/pads/)|

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Office
subtitle: "Pads, Pastebin, Mumble, Polls & File Sharing"
title: Collaboration
subtitle: "Office, collaborative and file sharing tools"
icon: fa-file-text
published: true
@ -10,20 +10,18 @@ taxonomy:
- office
- poll
- cryptpad
- pastebin
- file
- sharing
- mumble
- disapp
active: false
# Office Tools
# Collaborative & Office tools
Disroot provide a bunch of useful web tools you may want to give them a try.
**Disroot** offers a useful set of tools to create, organize and work collaboratively.
For extra convenience, there is also a **Disroot** app that gathers all this tools and other **Disroot** services:
### [DisApp](../user/disapp)
Remember that for extra convenience, there is also an app that gathers most of these tools and other **Disroot** services: [**DisApp**](../user/disapp).