diff --git a/pages/03.services/09.privatebin/_bin-safe/2col.en.md b/pages/03.services/09.privatebin/_bin-safe/2col.en.md index 55410a91..b6f69b4d 100644 --- a/pages/03.services/09.privatebin/_bin-safe/2col.en.md +++ b/pages/03.services/09.privatebin/_bin-safe/2col.en.md @@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ wider_column: left # Safe and secure diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_blue-bar/fullbar.en.md b/pages/06.donate/_blue-bar/fullbar.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d25a1973 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/06.donate/_blue-bar/fullbar.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +title: 'Blue bar' +bgcolor: '#1F5C60' +fontcolor: '#FFF' +text_align: center +--- + +## We are grateful for your donations and support! + +With your help, we are getting closer to reaching our goal for financial sustainability, and we prove that a social model of economy is possible. diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.de.md b/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.de.md deleted file mode 100644 index dca3a8f9..00000000 --- a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.de.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Ziele -bgcolor: '#FFF' -fontcolor: '#1F5C60' -wider_column: right ---- - -## Unsere Ziele: - -
- -

Geteiltes Glück ist doppeltes Glück.


Monatliches Ziel

-So lange wir mindestens 400 EUR an Spenden erhalten, werden wir 15 % unseres Überschusses an die Entwickler der Software spenden, die wir nutzen. Ohne die harte Arbeit dieser Entwickler würde Disroot nicht existieren. - -
Click for overview ![](donated.png?lightbox=1024&resize=65,65)
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- - - ---- - -# Es gibt keine kostenlosen Dienste im Internet! -###### Ob es nun die Zeit ist, welche die Menschen aufwenden, um die Software am laufen zu halten, oder ob sie für die benötigte Hardware, den Strom für die Geräte oder den Hosting-Speicher im Datencenter zahlen. Bei den großen, bekannten Unternehmen, die "kostenlose" Dienste anbieten, sind es meistens Deine persönlichen Daten, die den Preis bezahlen. Überleg' Dir nur mal den Umfang ihrer Tätigkeiten, die Mengen an Personal und Hardware die nötig sind, um Milliarden Nutzer weltweit zu bedienen. Die sind nicht die Wohlfahrt und bieten auch keinen "freien" Service an ... - -###### Disroot.org wird von Freiwilligen betrieben und bietet alle Dienste gebührenfrei an. Wir sammeln keine Informationen, um sie an Marketingfirmen zu verkaufen oder an staatliche Institutionen weiterzugeben. Daher sind wir abhängig von Spenden und der Unterstützung der Nutzer unserer Dienste und der Gemeinschaft. Wenn Du mithelfen willst, das Projekt am Leben zu erhalten, kannst Du eine der unten aufgeführten Möglichkeiten nutzen, um uns finanziell zu unterstützen. - -### Denk dran, jeder Betrag zählt! Wenn uns jeder Disroot-Nutzer monatlich eine Tasse Kaffee kaufen würde, könnten wir dieses Projekt ohne finanzielle Schwierigkeiten betreiben. diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.en.md b/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.en.md deleted file mode 100644 index f9f27fe0..00000000 --- a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.en.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Goals -bgcolor: '#FFF' -fontcolor: '#1F5C60' -wider_column: right ---- - -## Our goals: - -
- -

Share our Good Fortune


Monthly Goal

-As long as we receive at least 400 EUR in donations, we will share 15% of our surplus with the developers of the software we are using. Without the hard work of those developers Disroot would not exist. - -
Click for overview ![](donated.png?lightbox=1024&resize=65,65)
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- - - - ---- - -# There's no such thing as a free service on the Internet! -###### Whether it's the people giving their time to maintain the software or paying for hardware running it, the electricity used to power the machines or the hosting space in the data-center. With the big popular companies that give "free" service, it is most likely your personal user data that is paying the price. Imagine a scope of their operation, the amount of staff, and hardware needed to serve billions of users world-wide. They aren't charity, and yet provide "free" service... - -###### Disroot.org is run by volunteers and offers all the services free of charge. We do not collect information to sell to advertising companies or government agencies. Thus we must rely on donations and support from users of the services and the community. If you would like to keep the project going and create space for potential new users, you can use any of the methods below to make a financial contribution. - -### Remember, any amount of money counts! If all Disrooters would buy us a cup of coffee each month, we could run this service without any financial struggles. diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.es.md b/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.es.md deleted file mode 100644 index 9cc05704..00000000 --- a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.es.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Objetivos -bgcolor: '#FFF' -fontcolor: '#1F5C60' -wider_column: right ---- - -## Nuestros objetivos: - -
- -

Compartiendo nuestra buena fortuna


Objetivo mensual

-Mientras recibamos al menos 400 EUR en donaciones, compartiremos 15% de nuestro excedente con lxs desarrolladorxs del software que usamos. Sin el duro trabajo que ellos realizan Disroot no existiría. -
- - - ---- - -# ¡No hay tal cosa como un servicio gratuito en Internet! -###### Es la gente que entrega su tiempo para mantener el software o que paga por el equipo para que funcione, la electricidad utilizada para alimentar las máquinas o el espacio de hospedaje en el centro de datos. Con las grandes compañías populares que dan servicio "gratuito", es muy probable que estés pagando el precio con tus datos personales de usuarix. Imagina el alcance de sus operaciones, la cantidad de personal, y el equipamiento necesario para dar servicio a miles de millones de usuarixs en todo el mundo. No son organizaciones de beneficencia, y sin embargo dan servicios "gratuitos"... - -###### Disroot.org es operado por voluntarios y ofrece todos los servicios sin cargo. No recopilamos información para venderla a compañías de publicidad o agencias gubernamentales. Por lo tanto, debemos depender de las donaciones y el apoyo de lxs usuarixs de los servicios y la comunidad. Si quisieras que el proyecto continuara adelante y creara espacio para potenciales nuevxs usuarixs, puedes usar cualquiera de los métodos abajo mencionados para hacer una contribución económica. - -### Recuerda, ¡cualquier suma de dinero cuenta! Si todos lxs Disrooters nos compraran una taza de café al mes, podríamos mantener el servicio sin problemas financieros. diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.fr.md b/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.fr.md deleted file mode 100644 index 8b23e26c..00000000 --- a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.fr.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Objectifs -bgcolor: '#FFF' -fontcolor: '#1F5C60' -wider_column: right ---- - -## Nos objectifs: - -
- -

Partager notre bonne fortune


Objectif mensuel

-Tant que nous recevons au moins 400€ de dons, nous partagerons 15% de notre surplus avec les développeurs des logiciels que nous utilisons. Sans le travail acharné de ces développeurs, Disroot n'existerait pas. - -
Cliquez pour un aperçu ![](donated.png?lightbox=1024&resize=65,65)
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- - - ---- - -# Il n'y a pas de service gratuit sur Internet! -###### Qu'il s'agisse des personnes qui consacrent leur temps à la maintenance du logiciel ou qui paient le matériel, de l'électricité utilisée pour alimenter les machines ou de l'espace d'hébergement dans le centre de données. Avec les grandes entreprises populaires qui offrent un service "gratuit", ce sont probablement vos données personnelles qui paient le prix. Imaginez l'ampleur de leurs opérations, la quantité de personnel et le matériel nécessaire pour servir des milliards d'utilisateurs dans le monde entier. Ce ne sont pas des œuvres de charité, et pourtant elles offrent un service "gratuit"... - -###### Disroot.org est géré par des bénévoles et offre tous les services gratuitement. Nous ne recueillons pas d'informations pour vendre à des sociétés de publicité ou des agences gouvernementales. Nous devons donc compter sur les dons et le soutien des utilisateurs des services et de la communauté. Si vous souhaitez que le projet puisse se poursuivre, et créer de l'espace pour de nouveaux utilisateurs potentiels, vous pouvez utiliser l'une des méthodes ci-dessus pour apporter une contribution financière. - -### Rappelez-vous, toute somme d'argent compte! Si tous les Disrooters nous achetaient une tasse de café par mois, nous pourrions gérer ce service sans problèmes financiers. diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.it.md b/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.it.md deleted file mode 100644 index 6f119e02..00000000 --- a/pages/06.donate/_goals/2col.it.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Obiettivi -bgcolor: '#FFF' -fontcolor: '#1F5C60' -wider_column: right ---- - -## I nostri obiettivi: - -
- -

Condividiamo le nostre fortune


Obiettivi mensili

-Finquando riceviamo almeno 400 euro in donazioni, doneremo il 15% del surplus agli sviluppatori dei software che utilizziamo. Senza il loro duro lavoro Disroot non esisterebbe. - -
Click for overview ![](donated.png?lightbox=1024&resize=65,65)
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- - - ---- - -# Non esistono servizi gratuiti in Internet! -###### Ci sono persone che sviluppano software e l'elettricità necessaria per far funzioanre le macchine presenti nei data-center. Le grandi compagnie che offrono servizi "gratuiti" vengono ripagate dai dati personali che gli utenti lasciano. Stiamo parlando dei dati di milioni di utenti. Queste aziende non fanno beneficenza e non offrono servizi "gratuiti"... -###### Dirsroot è gestito da volontari che lavorano al progetto nel loro tempo libero. Non raccogliamo informazioni da vendere ad aziende o agenzie governative. Il tutto si basa su donazioni e sul supporto dei componenti della comunità. Se sei interessato ad aiutare il progetto, puoi contribuire con una donazione. -### Ricorda, ogni centesimo conta! Se tutti gli utenti di Disroot donassero mensilmente il corrispettivo di una tazza di caffé, saremmo autosufficienti. diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/goals.en.md b/pages/06.donate/_goals/goals.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e359b5c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/06.donate/_goals/goals.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +title: 'Goals' +bgcolor: '#FFF' +fontcolor: '#327E82' +text_align: left +goals: + - + title: 'Share our Good fortune' + text: "If we receive at leat 400 EUR in donations, we share 15% of our surplus with the developers of the software we are using. Disroot would not exist without those developers." + unlock: yes + - + title: 'Pay one Volunteer Fee' + text: "If we have more than 140€ left at the end of the month, we pay to one Disroot Core member a volunteer fee of 140€." + unlock: yes + - + title: 'Pay two Volunteer Fees' + text: "If we have more than 280€ left at the end of the month, we pay to two Disroot Core members a volunteer fee of 140€." + unlock: yes + - + title: 'Pay three Volunteer Fees' + text: "If we have more than 420€ left at the end of the month, we pay to three Disroot Core members a volunteer fee of 140€." + unlock: no + - + title: 'Pay four Volunteer Fees' + text: "If we have more than 560 left at the end of the month, we pay to four Disroot Core members a volunteer fee of 140€." + unlock: no +--- + +
+ +
diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/trumpet.jpg b/pages/06.donate/_goals/trumpet.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index d1e2f6d0..00000000 Binary files a/pages/06.donate/_goals/trumpet.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_goals/donated.png b/pages/06.donate/_overview/donated.png similarity index 100% rename from pages/06.donate/_goals/donated.png rename to pages/06.donate/_overview/donated.png diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_overview/fullbar.en.md b/pages/06.donate/_overview/fullbar.en.md index f05a135c..ee9aad2d 100644 --- a/pages/06.donate/_overview/fullbar.en.md +++ b/pages/06.donate/_overview/fullbar.en.md @@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ Supported by Disrooters _(Click the number for an overview)_ ![](graph_support.png?lightbox=1024&resize=40,40&class=transparent) + +## FOSS Donations Overview +![](donated.png?lightbox=1024&resize=70%) diff --git a/pages/06.donate/_text/2col.en.md b/pages/06.donate/_text/2col.en.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2daedd86 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/06.donate/_text/2col.en.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +title: Goals +bgcolor: '#FFF' +fontcolor: '#1F5C60' +wider_column: right +--- + +## There's no such thing as a free service on the Internet! + +--- + +Whether it's the people giving their time to maintain the software or paying for hardware running it, the electricity used to power the machines or the hosting space in the data-center. With the big popular companies that give "free" service, it is most likely your personal user data that is paying the price. Imagine a scope of their operation, the amount of staff, and hardware needed to serve billions of users world-wide. They aren't charity, and yet provide "free" service... + +Disroot.org is run by volunteers and offers all the services free of charge. We do not collect information to sell to advertising companies or government agencies. Thus we must rely on donations and support from users of the services and the community. If you would like to keep the project going and create space for potential new users, you can use any of the methods below to make a financial contribution. + +**Remember, any amount of money counts! If all Disrooters would buy us a cup of coffee each month, we could run this service without any financial struggles.** diff --git a/pages/06.donate/modular.en.md b/pages/06.donate/modular.en.md index b46a3e3e..91883f24 100644 --- a/pages/06.donate/modular.en.md +++ b/pages/06.donate/modular.en.md @@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ content: dir: asc custom: - _donate - - _overview + - _text - _goals + - _blue-bar + - _overview - _reports body_classes: modular header_image: donate-banner.jpeg