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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client
# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team
# gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# -- Download client using DownloadStatusManager
# Thomas Perl <> 2007-09-15
# Based on (2005-10-29)
from __future__ import with_statement
from gpodder.liblogger import log
from gpodder.libgpodder import gl
from gpodder.dbsqlite import db
from gpodder import util
from gpodder import resolver
import gpodder
import threading
import urllib
import shutil
import os.path
import os
import time
import collections
from xml.sax import saxutils
class DownloadCancelledException(Exception): pass
class gPodderDownloadHTTPError(Exception):
def __init__(self, url, error_code, error_message):
self.url = url
self.error_code = error_code
self.error_message = error_message
class DownloadURLOpener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
version = gpodder.user_agent
def __init__( self, channel):
if gl.config.proxy_use_environment:
proxies = None
proxies = {}
if gl.config.http_proxy:
proxies['http'] = gl.config.http_proxy
if gl.config.ftp_proxy:
proxies['ftp'] = gl.config.ftp_proxy = channel
urllib.FancyURLopener.__init__( self, proxies)
def http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers):
FancyURLopener by default does not raise an exception when
there is some unknown HTTP error code. We want to override
this and provide a function to log the error and raise an
exception, so we don't download the HTTP error page here.
# The following two lines are copied from urllib.URLopener's
# implementation of http_error_default
void =
raise gPodderDownloadHTTPError(url, errcode, errmsg)
# The following is based on Python's "URLopener.retrieve"
# Also based on
def http_error_206(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers, data=None):
# The next line is taken from urllib's URLopener.open_http
# method, at the end after the line "if errcode == 200:"
return urllib.addinfourl(fp, headers, 'http:' + url)
def retrieve_resume(self, url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None):
"""retrieve_resume(url) returns (filename, headers) for a local object
or (tempfilename, headers) for a remote object.
The filename argument is REQUIRED (no tempfile creation code here!)
Additionally resumes a download if the local filename exists"""
current_size = 0
tfp = None
if os.path.exists(filename):
current_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
tfp = open(filename, 'ab')
#If the file exists, then only download the remainder
self.addheader('Range', 'bytes=%s-' % (current_size))
log('Cannot open file for resuming: %s', filename, sender=self, traceback=True)
tfp = None
current_size = 0
if tfp is None:
tfp = open(filename, 'wb')
url = urllib.unwrap(urllib.toBytes(url))
fp =, data)
headers =
# gPodder TODO: we can get the real url via fp.geturl() here
# (if anybody wants to fix filenames in the future)
result = filename, headers
bs = 1024*8
size = -1
read = current_size
blocknum = int(current_size/bs)
if reporthook:
if "content-length" in headers:
size = int(headers["Content-Length"]) + current_size
reporthook(blocknum, bs, size)
while 1:
block =
if block == "":
read += len(block)
blocknum += 1
if reporthook:
reporthook(blocknum, bs, size)
del fp
del tfp
# raise exception if actual size does not match content-length header
if size >= 0 and read < size:
raise urllib.ContentTooShortError("retrieval incomplete: got only %i out "
"of %i bytes" % (read, size), result)
return result
# end code based on
def prompt_user_passwd( self, host, realm):
if or
log( 'Authenticating as "%s" to "%s" for realm "%s".',, host, realm, sender = self)
return (, )
return ( None, None )
class DownloadQueueWorker(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, queue, exit_callback):
self.queue = queue
self.exit_callback = exit_callback
self.cancelled = False
def stop_accepting_tasks(self):
When this is called, the worker will not accept new tasks,
but quit when the current task has been finished.
if not self.cancelled:
self.cancelled = True
log('%s stopped accepting tasks.', self.getName(), sender=self)
def run(self):
log('Running new thread: %s', self.getName(), sender=self)
while not self.cancelled:
task = self.queue.pop()
log('%s is processing: %s', self.getName(), task, sender=self)
except IndexError, e:
log('No more tasks for %s to carry out.', self.getName(), sender=self)
class DownloadQueueManager(object):
def __init__(self, download_status_manager):
self.download_status_manager = download_status_manager
self.tasks = collections.deque()
self.worker_threads_access = threading.RLock()
self.worker_threads = []
def __exit_callback(self, worker_thread):
with self.worker_threads_access:
def spawn_and_retire_threads(self, request_new_thread=False):
with self.worker_threads_access:
if len(self.worker_threads) > gl.config.max_downloads and \
# Tell the excessive amount of oldest worker threads to quit, but keep at least one
count = min(len(self.worker_threads)-1, len(self.worker_threads)-gl.config.max_downloads)
for worker in self.worker_threads[:count]:
if request_new_thread and (len(self.worker_threads) == 0 or \
len(self.worker_threads) < gl.config.max_downloads or \
not gl.config.max_downloads_enabled):
# We have to create a new thread here, there's work to do
log('I am going to spawn a new worker thread.', sender=self)
worker = DownloadQueueWorker(self.tasks, self.__exit_callback)
def add_resumed_task(self, task):
"""Simply add the task without starting the download"""
def add_task(self, task):
if task.status == DownloadTask.INIT:
# This task is fresh, so add it to our status manager
task.status = DownloadTask.QUEUED
class DownloadTask(object):
"""An object representing the download task of an episode
You can create a new download task like this:
task = DownloadTask(episode)
task.status = DownloadTask.QUEUED
While the download is in progress, you can access its properties:
task.total_size # in bytes
task.progress # from 0.0 to 1.0
task.speed # in bytes per second
str(task) # name of the episode
task.status # current status
You can cancel a running download task by setting its status:
task.status = DownloadTask.CANCELLED
The task will then abort as soon as possible (due to the nature
of downloading data, this can take a while when the Internet is
While the download is taking place and after the .run() method
has finished, you can get the final status to check if the download
was successful:
if task.status == DownloadTask.DONE:
# .. everything ok ..
elif task.status == DownloadTask.FAILED:
# .. an error happened, and the
# error_message attribute is set ..
print task.error_message
elif task.status == DownloadTask.PAUSED:
# .. user paused the download ..
elif task.status == DownloadTask.CANCELLED:
# .. user cancelled the download ..
The difference between cancelling and pausing a DownloadTask is
that the temporary file gets deleted when cancelling, but does
not get deleted when pausing.
Be sure to call .removed_from_list() on this task when removing
it from the UI, so that it can carry out any pending clean-up
actions (e.g. removing the temporary file when the task has not
finished successfully; i.e. task.status != DownloadTask.DONE).
# Possible states this download task can be in
STATUS_MESSAGE = (_('Added'), _('Queued'), _('Downloading'),
_('Finished'), _('Failed'), _('Cancelled'), _('Paused'))
def __str__(self):
return self.__episode.title
def __get_status(self):
return self.__status
def __set_status(self, status):
self.__status = status
status = property(fget=__get_status, fset=__set_status)
def __get_url(self):
return self.__episode.url
url = property(fget=__get_url)
def removed_from_list(self):
if self.status != self.DONE:
def __init__(self, episode):
self.__status = DownloadTask.INIT
self.__episode = episode
# Create the target filename and save it in the database
self.filename = self.__episode.local_filename(create=True)
self.tempname = self.filename + '.partial'
self.total_size = self.__episode.length
self.speed = 0.0
self.progress = 0.0
self.error_message = None
# Variables for speed limit and speed calculation
self.__start_time = 0
self.__start_blocks = 0
self.__limit_rate_value = gl.config.limit_rate_value
self.__limit_rate = gl.config.limit_rate
# If the tempname already exists, set progress accordingly
if os.path.exists(self.tempname):
already_downloaded = os.path.getsize(self.tempname)
if self.total_size > 0:
self.progress = max(0.0, min(1.0, float(already_downloaded)/self.total_size))
except OSError, os_error:
log('Error while getting size for existing file: %s', os_error, sender=self)
# "touch self.tempname", so we also get partial
# files for resuming when the file is queued
open(self.tempname, 'w').close()
def status_updated(self, count, blockSize, totalSize):
# We see a different "total size" while downloading,
# so correct the total size variable in the thread
if totalSize != self.total_size and totalSize > 0:
self.total_size = float(totalSize)
if self.total_size > 0:
self.progress = max(0.0, min(1.0, float(count*blockSize)/self.total_size))
self.calculate_speed(count, blockSize)
if self.status == DownloadTask.CANCELLED:
raise DownloadCancelledException()
if self.status == DownloadTask.PAUSED:
raise DownloadCancelledException()
def calculate_speed(self, count, blockSize):
if count % 5 == 0:
now = time.time()
if self.__start_time > 0:
# Has rate limiting been enabled or disabled?
if self.__limit_rate != gl.config.limit_rate:
# If it has been enabled then reset base time and block count
if gl.config.limit_rate:
self.__start_time = now
self.__start_blocks = count
self.__limit_rate = gl.config.limit_rate
# Has the rate been changed and are we currently limiting?
if self.__limit_rate_value != gl.config.limit_rate_value and self.__limit_rate:
self.__start_time = now
self.__start_blocks = count
self.__limit_rate_value = gl.config.limit_rate_value
passed = now - self.__start_time
if passed > 0:
speed = ((count-self.__start_blocks)*blockSize)/passed
speed = 0
self.__start_time = now
self.__start_blocks = count
passed = now - self.__start_time
speed = count*blockSize
self.speed = float(speed)
if gl.config.limit_rate and speed > gl.config.limit_rate_value:
# calculate the time that should have passed to reach
# the desired download rate and wait if necessary
should_have_passed = float((count-self.__start_blocks)*blockSize)/(gl.config.limit_rate_value*1024.0)
if should_have_passed > passed:
# sleep a maximum of 10 seconds to not cause time-outs
delay = min(10.0, float(should_have_passed-passed))
def run(self):
# Speed calculation (re-)starts here
self.__start_time = 0
self.__start_blocks = 0
# If the download has already been cancelled, skip it
if self.status == DownloadTask.CANCELLED:
return False
# We only start this download if its status is "queued"
if self.status != DownloadTask.QUEUED:
return False
# We are downloading this file right now
self.status = DownloadTask.DOWNLOADING
# Resolve URL and start downloading the episode
url = resolver.get_real_download_url(self.__episode.url)
downloader = DownloadURLOpener(
(unused, headers) = downloader.retrieve_resume(url,
self.tempname, reporthook=self.status_updated)
new_mimetype = headers.get('content-type', self.__episode.mimetype)
old_mimetype = self.__episode.mimetype
if new_mimetype != old_mimetype:
log('Correcting mime type: %s => %s', old_mimetype, new_mimetype, sender=self)
old_extension = self.__episode.extension()
self.__episode.mimetype = new_mimetype
new_extension = self.__episode.extension()
# If the desired filename extension changed due to the new mimetype,
# we force an update of the local filename to fix the extension
if old_extension != new_extension:
self.filename = self.__episode.local_filename(create=True, force_update=True)
shutil.move(self.tempname, self.filename)
# Get the _real_ filesize once we actually have the file
self.__episode.length = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
# If a user command has been defined, execute the command setting some environment variables
if len(gl.config.cmd_download_complete) > 0:
os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_URL"]=self.__episode.url or ''
os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_TITLE"]=self.__episode.title or ''
os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_FILENAME"]=self.filename or ''
os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_LINK"] or ''
os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_DESC"]=self.__episode.description or ''
except DownloadCancelledException:
log('Download has been cancelled/paused: %s', self, sender=self)
if self.status == DownloadTask.CANCELLED:
self.progress = 0.0
self.speed = 0.0
except IOError, ioe:
log( 'Error "%s" while downloading "%s": %s', ioe.strerror, self.__episode.title, ioe.filename, sender=self)
self.status = DownloadTask.FAILED
self.error_message = _('I/O Error: %s: %s') % (ioe.strerror, ioe.filename)
except gPodderDownloadHTTPError, gdhe:
log( 'HTTP error %s while downloading "%s": %s', gdhe.error_code, self.__episode.title, gdhe.error_message, sender=self)
self.status = DownloadTask.FAILED
self.error_message = _('HTTP Error %s: %s') % (gdhe.error_code, gdhe.error_message)
except Exception, e:
self.status = DownloadTask.FAILED
self.error_message = _('Error: %s') % (e.message,)
if self.status == DownloadTask.DOWNLOADING:
# Everything went well - we're done
self.status = DownloadTask.DONE
self.progress = 1.0
return True
self.speed = 0.0
# We finished, but not successfully (at least not really)
return False