
735 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# gPodder (a media aggregator / podcast client)
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Thomas Perl <thp at>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# -- data classes for gpodder
# thomas perl <> 20051029
import gtk
import gobject
import pango
from gpodder import util
from liblogger import log
import libgpodder
from os.path import exists
from os.path import basename
from os.path import splitext
import os.path
import os
import glob
import shutil
import sys
from urllib import unquote
from types import ListType
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
from liblocdbwriter import writeLocalDB
from liblocdbreader import readLocalDB
from libtagupdate import update_metadata_on_file
from libtagupdate import tagging_supported
from threading import Event
from libwget import downloadThread
import re
from email.Utils import mktime_tz
from email.Utils import parsedate_tz
from xml.sax import saxutils
import md5
import string
class podcastChannel(ListType):
"""holds data for a complete channel"""
def __init__( self, url = "", title = "", link = "", description = ""):
self.url = url
self.title = title = link
self.description = util.remove_html_tags( description)
self.image = None
self.pubDate =
self.language = ''
self.copyright = ''
self.webMaster = ''
self.downloaded = None
# should this channel be synced to devices? (ex: iPod)
self.sync_to_devices = True
# if this is set to true, device syncing (ex: iPod) should treat this as music, not as podcast)
self.is_music_channel = False
# to which playlist should be synced when "is_music_channel" is true?
self.device_playlist_name = 'gPodder'
# if set, this overrides the channel-provided title
self.override_title = ''
self.username = ''
self.password = ''
# mapping table for maketrans
self.map_from = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
self.map_to = 'qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp9514738062'
def get_filename( self):
"""Return the MD5 sum of the channel URL"""
return self.url).hexdigest()
filename = property(fget=get_filename)
def get_title( self):
if self.override_title:
return self.override_title
elif not self.__title.strip():
return self.url
return self.__title
def set_title( self, value):
self.__title = value.strip()
title = property(fget=get_title,
def set_custom_title( self, custom_title):
custom_title = custom_title.strip()
if custom_title != self.__title:
self.override_title = custom_title
self.override_title = ''
def get_localdb_channel( self):
locdb_reader = readLocalDB( self.url)
locdb_reader.parseXML( self.index_file)
return podcastChannel( self.url, self.title,, self.description)
def set_localdb_channel( self, channel):
if channel != None:
log( 'Setting localdb channel data')
writeLocalDB( self.index_file, channel)
log( 'Cannot save channel in set_localdb_channel( %s)', channel.title)
localdb_channel = property(fget=get_localdb_channel,
def set_metadata_from_localdb( self):
log( 'Reading metadata from %s', self.index_file)
self.copy_metadata_from( self.localdb_channel)
def save_metadata_to_localdb( self):
log( 'Saving metadata to %s', self.index_file)
ch = self.localdb_channel
ch.copy_metadata_from( self)
self.localdb_channel = ch
def copy_metadata_from( self, ch):
# copy all metadata fields
self.sync_to_devices = ch.sync_to_devices
self.is_music_channel = ch.is_music_channel
self.device_playlist_name = ch.device_playlist_name
self.override_title = ch.override_title
self.username = ch.username
self.password = ch.password
def newest_pubdate_downloaded( self):
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
# Try DownloadHistory's entries first
for episode in self:
if gl.history_is_downloaded( episode.url):
return episode.pubDate
# If nothing found, do pubDate comparison
pubdate = None
for episode in self.localdb_channel:
pubdate = episode.newer_pubdate( pubdate)
return pubdate
def get_new_episodes( self, download_status_manager = None):
last_pubdate = self.newest_pubdate_downloaded()
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
if not last_pubdate:
return self[0:min(len(self),gl.default_new)]
new_episodes = []
for episode in self.get_all_episodes():
# episode is older than newest downloaded
if episode.compare_pubdate( last_pubdate) < 0:
# episode has been downloaded before
if self.is_downloaded( episode) or gl.history_is_downloaded( episode.url):
# download is currently in progress
if download_status_manager and download_status_manager.is_download_in_progress( episode.url):
new_episodes.append( episode)
return new_episodes
def can_sort_by_pubdate( self):
for episode in self:
mktime_tz(parsedate_tz( episode.pubDate))
log('Episode %s has non-parseable pubDate. Sorting disabled.', episode.title)
return False
can_sort = False
return True
def addDownloadedItem( self, item):
# no multithreaded access
localdb = self.index_file
log( 'Local database: %s', localdb)
self.downloaded = self.localdb_channel
already_in_list = False
# try to find the new item in the list
for it in self.downloaded:
if it.equals( item):
already_in_list = True
# only append if not already in list
if not already_in_list:
self.downloaded.append( item)
writeLocalDB( localdb, self.downloaded)
# Update metadata on file (if possible and wanted)
if libgpodder.gPodderLib().update_tags and tagging_supported():
filename = self.getPodcastFilename( item.url)
update_metadata_on_file( filename, title = item.title, artist = self.title)
log('Error while calling update_metadata_on_file() :(')
libgpodder.gPodderLib().history_mark_downloaded( item.url)
if self.get_file_type( item) == 'torrent':
torrent_filename = self.getPodcastFilename( item.url)
destination_filename = self.get_torrent_filename( torrent_filename)
libgpodder.gPodderLib().invoke_torrent( item.url, torrent_filename, destination_filename)
return not already_in_list
def printChannel( self):
print '- Channel: "' + self.title + '"'
for item in self:
print '-- Item: "' + item.title + '"'
def is_downloaded( self, item):
return self.podcastFilenameExists( item.url)
def is_played(self, item):
return libgpodder.gPodderLib().history_is_played( item.url)
def get_all_episodes( self):
episodes = []
added_urls = []
added_guids = []
# go through all episodes (both new and downloaded),
# prefer already-downloaded (in localdb)
for item in [] + self.localdb_channel + self:
# skip items with the same guid (if it has a guid)
if item.guid and item.guid in added_guids:
# skip items with the same download url
if item.url in added_urls:
episodes.append( item)
added_urls.append( item.url)
if item.guid:
added_guids.append( item.guid)
episodes.sort( reverse = True)
return episodes
def items_liststore( self, want_color = True, downloading_callback = None, download_status_manager = None):
"""Return a gtk.ListStore containing episodes for this channel
If want_color is True (the default), this will set special colors
for already downloaded episodes and download-in-progress episodes.
If downloading_callback is set, this should be a function that takes
the URL of the episodes and returns True if the episode is currently
being downloaded and False otherwise.
new_model = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING)
gl = libgpodder.gPodderLib()
new_episodes = self.get_new_episodes( download_status_manager = download_status_manager)
index = 1
for item in self.get_all_episodes():
played_icon = None
if self.is_downloaded( item) and want_color:
if not libgpodder.gPodderLib().history_is_played( item.url):
played_icon = gtk.STOCK_YES
file_type = self.get_file_type( item)
if file_type == 'audio':
status_icon = 'audio-x-generic'
elif file_type == 'video':
status_icon = 'video-x-generic'
elif file_type == 'torrent':
status_icon = 'applications-internet'
status_icon = 'unknown'
elif downloading_callback and downloading_callback( item.url) and want_color:
status_icon = gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN
elif libgpodder.gPodderLib().history_is_downloaded( item.url) and want_color:
status_icon = gtk.STOCK_DELETE
elif item.url in [ e.url for e in new_episodes ]:
status_icon = gtk.STOCK_NEW
status_icon = None
new_iter = new_model.append()
new_model.set( new_iter, 0, item.url)
new_model.set( new_iter, 1, item.title)
new_model.set( new_iter, 2, item.getSize())
new_model.set( new_iter, 3, True)
new_model.set( new_iter, 4, status_icon)
new_model.set( new_iter, 5, item.cute_pubdate())
new_model.set( new_iter, 6, item.one_line_description())
new_model.set( new_iter, 7, item.description)
new_model.set( new_iter, 8, played_icon)
index += 1
return new_model
def find_episode( self, url):
for item in self.get_all_episodes():
if url == item.url:
return item
return None
def downloadRss( self, force_update = True, callback_error = None, callback_is_cancelled = None):
if callback_is_cancelled:
if callback_is_cancelled() == True:
return self.cache_file
if not exists( self.cache_file) or force_update:
# remove old cache file
event = Event()
download_thread = downloadThread( self.url, self.cache_file, event)
while not event.isSet():
if callback_is_cancelled:
if callback_is_cancelled() == True:
event.wait( 0.2)
# check if download was a success
if not exists( self.cache_file):
log('(downloadRss) Download failed! Trying to restore cache file..')
restored = self.restore_cache_file()
if callback_error:
if restored:
callback_error( _('Error downloading %s. Using cached file instead.') % ( unquote( self.url), ))
callback_error( _('Error downloading %s.') % ( unquote( self.url), ))
return restored
return self.cache_file
def get_save_dir(self):
save_dir = os.path.join( libgpodder.gPodderLib().downloaddir, self.filename ) + '/'
# Create save_dir if it does not yet exist
if not util.make_directory( save_dir):
log( '(libpodcasts) Could not create: %s', save_dir)
return save_dir
save_dir = property(fget=get_save_dir)
def get_cache_file(self):
return libgpodder.gPodderLib().cachedir + self.filename + '.xml'
cache_file = property(fget=get_cache_file)
def get_cache_backup_file( self):
return libgpodder.gPodderLib().cachedir + self.filename + '.bak'
cache_backup_file = property(fget=get_cache_backup_file)
def remove_cache_file( self):
if exists( self.cache_file):
shutil.copyfile( self.cache_file, self.cache_backup_file)
util.delete_file( self.cache_file)
def restore_cache_file( self):
if exists( self.cache_backup_file):
shutil.copyfile( self.cache_backup_file, self.cache_file)
log('Successfully restored cache file from old backup :)')
return self.cache_file
log('Could not restore cache file, sorry..')
return None
def remove_downloaded( self):
shutil.rmtree( self.save_dir, True)
def get_index_file(self):
# gets index xml filename for downloaded channels list
return os.path.join( self.save_dir, 'index.xml')
index_file = property(fget=get_index_file)
def get_cover_file( self):
# gets cover filename for cover download cache
return os.path.join( self.save_dir, 'cover')
cover_file = property(fget=get_cover_file)
def get_torrent_filename( self, torrent_file):
header = open( torrent_file).readline()
# A crummy way to see if we really are dealing with a torrent file
# using index to find values like name and pieces which hopefully
# only show up in torrent files (else raise a ValueError)
testvar = header.index("6:pieces")
name_length_pos = int(header.index("4:name")) + 6
# Find the filename for fun + this will add some extra verification
colon_pos = int(header.find(":",name_length_pos))
name_length = int(header[name_length_pos:colon_pos]) + 1
name = header[(colon_pos + 1):(colon_pos + name_length)]
return name
return None
def get_file_type( self, item):
types = {
'audio': [ 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', 'wma', 'aac', 'm4a' ],
'video': [ 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'm4v', 'mov' ],
'torrent': [ 'torrent' ]
extension = splitext( self.getPodcastFilename( item.url))[1][1:]
# Torrent file detection
if self.get_torrent_filename( self.getPodcastFilename( item.url)) != None:
return 'torrent'
for type in types:
if extension in types[type]:
return type
return 'unknown'
def getPodcastFilename( self, url):
# strip question mark (and everything behind it), fix %20 errors
filename = basename( url).replace( '%20', ' ')
indexOfQuestionMark = filename.rfind( '?')
if indexOfQuestionMark != -1:
filename = filename[:indexOfQuestionMark]
# end strip questionmark
extension = splitext( filename)[1].lower()
return self.save_dir + + extension
def podcastFilenameExists( self, url):
return exists( self.getPodcastFilename( url))
def delete_episode_by_url(self, url):
log( 'Delete %s', url)
# no multithreaded access
new_localdb = self.localdb_channel
for item in new_localdb:
if item.url == url:
self.localdb_channel = new_localdb
# clean-up downloaded file
if self.podcastFilenameExists( url):
episode_filename = self.getPodcastFilename( url)
util.delete_file( episode_filename)
def obfuscate_password(self, password, unobfuscate = False):
if unobfuscate:
translation_table = string.maketrans(self.map_to + self.map_to.upper(), self.map_from + self.map_from.upper())
translation_table = string.maketrans(self.map_from + self.map_from.upper(), self.map_to + self.map_to.upper())
# For now at least, only ascii passwords will work, non-ascii passwords will be stored in plaintext :-(
return string.translate(password.encode('ascii'), translation_table)
return password
class podcastItem(object):
"""holds data for one object in a channel"""
def __init__( self,
url = "",
title = "",
length = "0",
mimetype = "",
guid = "",
description = "",
link = "",
pubDate = None):
self.url = url
self.title = title
self.length = length
self.mimetype = mimetype
self.guid = guid
self.description = util.remove_html_tags( description) = ""
self.pubDate = pubDate
if pubDate == None:
self.pubDate =
def one_line_description( self):
lines = self.description.strip().splitlines()
if not lines or lines[0] == '':
return _('No description available')
desc = lines[0].strip()
if len( desc) > 84:
return desc[:80] + '...'
return desc
def __cmp__( self, other):
timestamp_self = int(mktime_tz( parsedate_tz( self.pubDate)))
timestamp_other = int(mktime_tz( parsedate_tz( other.pubDate)))
# by default, do as if this is not the same
# this is here so that comparisons with None
# can be allowed (item != None -> True)
return -1
return timestamp_self - timestamp_other
def compare_pubdate( self, pubdate):
timestamp_self = int(mktime_tz( parsedate_tz( self.pubDate)))
return -1
timestamp_other = int(mktime_tz( parsedate_tz( pubdate)))
return 1
return timestamp_self - timestamp_other
def newer_pubdate( self, pubdate = None):
if self.compare_pubdate( pubdate) > 0:
return self.pubDate
return pubdate
def cute_pubdate( self):
seconds_in_a_day = 86400
timestamp = int(mktime_tz( parsedate_tz( self.pubDate)))
return _("(unknown)")
diff = int((time()+1)/seconds_in_a_day) - int(timestamp/seconds_in_a_day)
if diff == 0:
return _("Today")
if diff == 1:
return _("Yesterday")
if diff < 7:
return str(datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).strftime( "%A"))
return str(datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).strftime( "%x"))
def calculate_filesize( self, channel):
self.length = str(os.path.getsize( channel.getPodcastFilename( self.url)))
log( 'Could not get filesize for %s.', self.url)
def equals( self, other_item):
if other_item == None:
return False
return self.url == other_item.url
def get_title( self):
return self.__title
def set_title( self, value):
self.__title = value.strip()
title = property(fget=get_title,
def getSize( self):
size = int( self.length)
except ValueError:
return '-'
return util.format_filesize( size)
class opmlChannel(object):
def __init__( self, xmlurl, title = 'Unknown OPML Channel', description = ''):
self.title = title
self.xmlurl = xmlurl
self.description = description
class DownloadHistory( ListType):
def __init__( self, filename):
self.filename = filename
log( 'Creating new history list.', sender = self)
def read_from_file( self):
for line in open( self.filename, 'r'):
self.append( line.strip())
def save_to_file( self):
if len( self):
fp = open( self.filename, 'w')
for url in self:
fp.write( url + "\n")
log( 'Wrote %d history entries.', len( self), sender = self)
def add_item( self, data, autosave = True):
affected = 0
if data and type( data) is ListType:
# Support passing a list of urls to this function
for url in data:
affected = affected + self.add_item( url, autosave = False)
if data not in self:
log( 'Adding: %s', data, sender = self)
self.append( data)
affected = affected + 1
if affected and autosave:
return affected
class PlaybackHistory( DownloadHistory):
def channelsToModel( channels, download_status_manager = None):
new_model = gtk.ListStore( gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf)
pos = 0
for channel in channels:
new_episodes = channel.get_new_episodes( download_status_manager = download_status_manager)
count = len(channel)
count_new = len(new_episodes)
new_iter = new_model.append()
new_model.set( new_iter, 0, channel.url)
new_model.set( new_iter, 1, channel.title)
new_model.set( new_iter, 2, count)
if count_new == 0:
new_model.set( new_iter, 3, '')
elif count_new == 1:
new_model.set( new_iter, 3, _('New episode: %s') % ( new_episodes[-1].title ) + ' ')
new_model.set( new_iter, 3, _('%s new episodes') % count_new + ' ')
if count_new:
new_model.set( new_iter, 4, pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
new_model.set( new_iter, 5, str(count_new))
new_model.set( new_iter, 4, pango.WEIGHT_NORMAL)
new_model.set( new_iter, 5, '')
new_model.set( new_iter, 6, pos)
new_model.set( new_iter, 7, '%s\n<small>%s</small>' % ( saxutils.escape( channel.title), saxutils.escape( channel.description.split('\n')[0]), ))
channel_cover_found = False
if os.path.exists( channel.cover_file) and os.path.getsize(channel.cover_file) > 0:
new_model.set( new_iter, 8, gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( channel.cover_file, 32, 32))
channel_cover_found = True
exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
log( 'Could not convert icon file "%s", error was "%s"', channel.cover_file, value )
if not channel_cover_found:
iconsize = gtk.icon_size_from_name('channel-icon')
if not iconsize:
iconsize = gtk.icon_size_register('channel-icon',32,32)
icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
globe_icon_name = 'applications-internet'
new_model.set( new_iter, 8, icon_theme.load_icon(globe_icon_name, iconsize, 0))
log( 'Cannot load "%s" icon (using an old or incomplete icon theme?)', globe_icon_name)
new_model.set( new_iter, 8, None)
pos = pos + 1
return new_model