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# gPodder
# Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Perl <>
# Released under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# -- gpodder configuration
# thomas perl <> 20051030
import gtk
from xml.sax.saxutils import DefaultHandler
from xml.sax import make_parser
from string import strip
from os.path import expanduser
from os.path import basename
from os.path import exists
from os.path import dirname
from os import mkdir
from os import environ
from threading import Event
from libpodcasts import configChannel
from librssreader import rssReader
from libwget import downloadThread
# global debugging variable, set to False on release
debugging = True
def isDebugging():
return debugging
class gPodderLib( object):
gpodderdir = ""
downloaddir = ""
cachedir = ""
http_proxy = ""
ftp_proxy = ""
def __init__( self):
self.gpodderdir = expanduser( "~/.config/gpodder/")
self.createIfNecessary( self.gpodderdir)
self.downloaddir = self.gpodderdir + "downloads/"
self.createIfNecessary( self.downloaddir)
self.cachedir = self.gpodderdir + "cache/"
self.createIfNecessary( self.cachedir)
self.http_proxy = environ['http_proxy']
self.http_proxy = ''
self.ftp_proxy = environ['ftp_proxy']
self.ftp_proxy = ''
def createIfNecessary( self, path):
#TODO: recursive mkdir all parent directories
if path.endswith('/'):
path = path[:-1]
if not exists(dirname(path)):
if not exists( path):
mkdir( path)
def getConfigFilename( self):
return self.gpodderdir + "gpodder.conf"
def getChannelsFilename( self):
return self.gpodderdir + "channels.xml"
def getChannelSaveDir( self, filename):
savedir = self.downloaddir + filename + "/"
self.createIfNecessary( savedir)
return savedir
def propertiesChanged( self):
# set new environment variables for subprocesses to use
environ['http_proxy'] = self.http_proxy
environ['ftp_proxy'] = self.ftp_proxy
# save settings for next startup
def saveConfig( self):
fn = self.getConfigFilename()
fp = open( fn, "w")
fp.write( self.http_proxy + "\n")
fp.write( self.ftp_proxy + "\n")
def loadConfig( self):
fn = self.getConfigFilename()
fp = open( fn, "r")
http = fp.readline()
ftp = fp.readline()
if http != "" and ftp != "":
self.http_proxy = strip( http)
self.ftp_proxy = strip( ftp)
# TODO: well, well..
def getChannelCacheFile( self, filename):
return self.cachedir + filename + ".xml"
def getPodcastFilename( self, channel, url):
# strip question mark (and everything behind it), fix %20 errors
filename = basename( url).replace( "%20", " ")
indexOfQuestionMark = filename.rfind( "?")
if indexOfQuestionMark != -1:
filename = filename[:indexOfQuestionMark]
# end strip questionmark
return self.getChannelSaveDir( configChannel( channel.title, channel.url, channel.shortname).filename) + filename
def getChannelIndexFile( self, channel):
# gets index xml filename from a channel for downloaded channels list
return self.getChannelSaveDir( configChannel( channel.title, channel.url, channel.shortname).filename) + "index.xml"
def podcastFilenameExists( self, channel, url):
return exists( self.getPodcastFilename( channel, url))
def downloadRss( self, channel_url, channel_filename = "__unknown__", force_update = True):
if channel_filename == "":
channel_filename = "__unknown__"
cachefile = gPodderLib().getChannelCacheFile( channel_filename)
if (channel_filename == "__unknown__" or exists( cachefile) == False) or force_update:
event = Event()
downloadThread( channel_url, cachefile, event).download()
while event.isSet() == False:
event.wait( 0.2)
while gtk.events_pending():
gtk.main_iteration( False)
return cachefile
class gPodderChannelWriter( object):
def __init__( self):
def write( self, channels):
filename = gPodderLib().getChannelsFilename()
fd = open( filename, "w")
fd.write( "<!-- automatically generated, will be overwritten on next gpodder shutdown.-->\n")
fd.write( "<channels>\n")
for chan in channels:
configch = configChannel( chan.title, chan.url, chan.shortname)
fd.write( " <channel name=\"" + configch.filename + "\">\n")
fd.write( " <url>" + configch.url + "</url>\n")
fd.write( " </channel>\n")
fd.write( "</channels>\n")
class gPodderChannelReader( DefaultHandler):
channels = []
current_item = None
current_element_data = ""
def __init__( self):
def read( self, force_update = False):
self.channels = []
parser = make_parser()
parser.setContentHandler( self)
if exists( gPodderLib().getChannelsFilename()):
parser.parse( gPodderLib().getChannelsFilename())
return []
reader = rssReader()
input_channels = []
for channel in self.channels:
cachefile = gPodderLib().downloadRss( channel.url, channel.filename, force_update)
reader.parseXML( channel.url, cachefile)
if channel.filename != "" and channel.filename != "__unknown__": = channel.filename
return input_channels
def startElement( self, name, attrs):
self.current_element_data = ""
if name == "channel":
self.current_item = configChannel()
self.current_item.filename = attrs.get( "name", "")
def endElement( self, name):
if self.current_item != None:
if name == "url":
self.current_item.url = self.current_element_data
if name == "channel":
self.channels.append( self.current_item)
self.current_item = None
def characters( self, ch):
self.current_element_data = self.current_element_data + ch