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import os
import os.path
import platform
import re
import runpy
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
from os.path import join
from subprocess import PIPE, CalledProcessError, Popen
class MakeCertPem:
""" create openssl cert bundle from system certificates """
def __init__(self, openssl):
self.openssl = openssl
def is_valid_cert(self, cert):
""" check if cert is valid according to openssl"""
cmd = [self.openssl, "x509", "-inform", "pem", "-checkend", "0", "-noout"]
# print("D: is_valid_cert %r" % cmd)
proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(cert)
# print("out: %s; err:%s; ret:%i" % (stdout, stderr, proc.returncode))
return proc.returncode == 0
def get_certs(self):
""" extract System's certificates then filter them by validity
and return a list of text of valid certs
cmd = ["security", "find-certificate", "-a", "-p",
cert_re = re.compile(b"^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----$"
+ b".+?"
+ b"^-----END CERTIFICATE-----$", re.M | re.S)
certs_str = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
all_certs = cert_re.findall(certs_str)
print("I: extracted %i certificates" % len(all_certs))
valid_certs = [cert for cert in all_certs
if self.is_valid_cert(cert)]
print("I: of which %i are valid certificates" % len(valid_certs))
return valid_certs
except OSError:
print("E: extracting certificates using %r" % cmd)
except CalledProcessError as err:
print(("E: extracting certificates using %r, exit=%i" %
(cmd, err.returncode)))
def write_certs(certs, dest):
""" write concatenated certs to dest """
with open(dest, "wb") as output:
def regen(self, dest):
""" main program """
print("I: make_cert_pem %s %s" % (self.openssl, dest))
certs = self.get_certs()
if certs is None:
print("E: no certificate extracted")
return -1
self.write_certs(certs, dest)
print("I: updated %s with %i certificates" % (dest, len(certs)))
return 0
2021-05-02 03:09:39 +02:00
# print(" sys.argv=", sys.argv)
bundlepath = sys.argv.pop(0)
app = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
bundle_contents = join(bundlepath, 'Contents')
bundle_res = join(bundle_contents, 'Resources')
bundle_lib = join(bundle_res, 'lib')
bundle_bin = join(bundle_res, 'bin')
bundle_data = join(bundle_res, 'share')
bundle_etc = join(bundle_res, 'etc')
os.environ['CHARSETALIASDIR'] = bundle_lib
os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = bundle_lib
os.environ['GTK_DATA_PREFIX'] = bundle_res
os.environ['GTK_EXE_PREFIX'] = bundle_res
os.environ['GTK_PATH'] = bundle_res
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = bundle_lib
os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'] = bundle_etc
os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS'] = bundle_data
os.environ['PANGO_LIBDIR'] = bundle_lib
os.environ['PANGO_RC_FILE'] = join(bundle_etc, 'pango', 'pangorc')
os.environ['PANGO_SYSCONFDIR'] = bundle_etc
os.environ['GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE'] = join(bundle_lib, 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0',
2021-05-02 03:09:39 +02:00
'2.10.0', 'loaders.cache')
if int(platform.release().split('.')[0]) > 10:
os.environ['GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE'] = join(bundle_etc, 'gtk-3.0',
os.environ['GI_TYPELIB_PATH'] = join(bundle_lib, 'girepository-1.0')
# for forked python
os.environ['PYTHONHOME'] = bundle_res
2021-05-02 03:09:39 +02:00
# Set $PYTHON to point inside the bundle
2022-03-07 21:45:57 +01:00
PYVER = 'python3.9'
2021-05-02 03:09:39 +02:00
print('System Path:\n', '\n'.join(sys.path))
# see
# To override gPodder home and/or download directory:
# 1. uncomment (remove the pound sign and space) at the beginning of the relevant line
# 2. replace ~/gPodderData or ~/gPodderDownloads with the path you want for your gPodder home
# (you can move the original folder in the Finder first,
# then drag and drop to the in TextEdit to ensure the correct path is set)
# uncomment the following line to override gPodder home
# os.environ['GPODDER_HOME'] = expanduser('~/gPodderData')
# uncomment the following line to override gPodder download directory
# os.environ['GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR'] = expanduser('~/gPodderDownloads')
for k, v in os.environ.items():
2021-05-02 03:09:39 +02:00
print("%s=%s" % (k, v))
def gpodder_home():
# don't inadvertently create the new gPodder home,
# it would be preferred to the old one
default_path = join(os.environ['HOME'], 'Library', 'Application Support', 'gPodder')
cands = [
join(os.environ['HOME'], 'gPodder'),
for cand in cands:
if cand and os.path.exists(cand):
return cand
return default_path
gphome = gpodder_home()
os.makedirs(join(gphome, 'openssl'), exist_ok=True)
# generate cert.extracted.pem
cert_gen = join(gphome, 'openssl', 'cert.extracted.pem')
cert_pem = join(gphome, 'openssl', 'cert.pem')
regen = False
if not os.path.isfile(cert_gen):
regen = True
last_modified = os.stat(cert_gen).st_mtime
regen = last_modified < time.time() - 3600 * 7
if regen:
print('(Re)generating', cert_pem)
openssl = join(bundle_bin, 'openssl')
print('No regenerating', cert_gen, 'it\'s fresh enough')
# and link to it by default. Users may want to point cert.pem to MacPorts
# /opt/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem, for instance.
if not os.path.exists(cert_pem):
os.symlink(os.path.basename(cert_gen), cert_pem)
2021-05-02 03:09:39 +02:00
# Set path to CA files
os.environ['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = cert_pem
if app == 'run-python':
python_exe = join(bundle_contents, 'MacOS', 'python3')
# executable is repeated as argv[0].
# Old sys.argv[0] points to Contents/MacOS so must be removed
args = [python_exe] + sys.argv[1:]
# print("running", args)
os.execv(python_exe, args)
elif app == 'run-pip':
python_exe = join(bundle_contents, 'MacOS', 'python3')
pip = join(bundle_contents, 'Resources', 'bin', 'pip3')
# executable is repeated as argv[0].
# Old sys.argv[0] points to Contents/MacOS so must be removed
args = [python_exe, pip] + sys.argv[1:]
# print("running", args)
os.execv(python_exe, args)
import runpy
runpy.run_path(join(bundle_bin, app), run_name='__main__')