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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client
# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team
# gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# -- Misc utility functions
# Thomas Perl <> 2007-08-04
"""Miscellaneous helper functions for gPodder
This module provides helper and utility functions for gPodder that
are not tied to any specific part of gPodder.
import gpodder
from gpodder.liblogger import log
import gtk
import gobject
import os
import os.path
import glob
import stat
import re
import subprocess
from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs
import time
import locale
import gzip
import datetime
import threading
import urlparse
import urllib
import urllib2
import httplib
import webbrowser
import feedparser
import StringIO
import xml.dom.minidom
# Try to detect OS encoding (by Leonid Ponomarev)
encoding = 'iso-8859-15'
if 'LANG' in os.environ and '.' in os.environ['LANG']:
lang = os.environ['LANG']
(language, encoding) = lang.rsplit('.', 1)
log('Detected encoding: %s', encoding)
enc = encoding
# Using iso-8859-15 here as (hopefully) sane default
# see
log('Using ISO-8859-15 as encoding. If this')
log('is incorrect, please set your $LANG variable.')
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:05:34 +0200 <> Initial upstream support for the Maemo platform (Nokia Internet Tablets) * bin/gpodder: Add "--maemo/-m" option to enable running as a Maemo application (this is only useful on Nokia Internet Tablets or in the Maemo SDK environment); determine interface type and set the correct variables on startup (gpodder.interface) * data/ Increase the default size of some widgets to better fit the screens on Maemo (it won't do any harm on the "big" Desktop screen * data/icons/26/gpodder.png: Added * data/icons/40/gpodder.png: Added * data/maemo/gpodder.desktop: Added * Makefile: Help2man variable; new "make mtest" target that runs gPodder in Maemo scratchbox (probably useless for all other things); update the command descriptions; don't run the "generators" target from the "install" target; don't run "gen_graphics" from the "generators" target, but make it depend on the 24-pixel logo, which itself depends on the 22-pixel logo; this way, all should work out well when trying to install on systems without ImageMagick installed; remove *.pyo files on "make clean" * Support for build targets; use "TARGET=maemo" to enable Maemo-specific installation options and files * src/gpodder/ Increase the WRITE_TO_DISK_TIMEOUT to 60 seconds, so we don't unnecessarily stress memory cards (on ITs); modify default path variables on Maemo (/media/mmc2) * src/gpodder/ Maemo-specific changes; clean-up the main window a bit and make message and confirmation dialogs Hildon-compatible * src/gpodder/ Add enums for interface types: CLI, GUI and MAEMO; remove the "interface_is_gui" variable and replace with "interface", which is now used to determine where we are running * src/gpodder/ Use /media/mmc2/gpodder/ as configuration folder on Maemo; use Nokia's Media player to playback files on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific) * src/gpodder/ Maemo support; swap popup menu on Maemo; Add support for hildon banners instead of pynotify on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific); use new gpodder.interface variable in idle_add git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-04-06 02:19:03 +02:00
if gpodder.interface == gpodder.GUI:
ICON_LOCKED = 'emblem-nowrite'
elif gpodder.interface == gpodder.MAEMO:
ICON_UNPLAYED = 'qgn_list_gene_favor'
ICON_LOCKED = 'qgn_indi_KeypadLk_lock'
def make_directory( path):
Tries to create a directory if it does not exist already.
Returns True if the directory exists after the function
call, False otherwise.
if os.path.isdir( path):
return True
os.makedirs( path)
log( 'Could not create directory: %s', path)
return False
return True
def normalize_feed_url( url):
Converts any URL to http:// or ftp:// so that it can be
used with "wget". If the URL cannot be converted (invalid
or unknown scheme), "None" is returned.
This will also normalize feed:// and itpc:// to http://
Also supported are links (iTunes podcast)
and itms:// links (iTunes podcast direct link).
if not url or len( url) < 8:
return None
if url.startswith('itms://'):
url = parse_itunes_xml(url)
# Links to ""
url = itunes_discover_rss(url)
if url is None:
return None
if url.startswith( 'http://') or url.startswith( 'https://') or url.startswith( 'ftp://'):
return url
if url.startswith('feed://') or url.startswith('itpc://'):
return 'http://' + url[7:]
return None
def username_password_from_url( url):
Returns a tuple (username,password) containing authentication
data from the specified URL or (None,None) if no authentication
data can be found in the URL.
(username, password) = (None, None)
(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse( url)
if '@' in netloc:
(authentication, netloc) = netloc.rsplit('@', 1)
if ':' in authentication:
(username, password) = authentication.split(':', 1)
username = urllib.unquote(username)
password = urllib.unquote(password)
username = urllib.unquote(authentication)
return (username, password)
def directory_is_writable( path):
Returns True if the specified directory exists and is writable
by the current user.
return os.path.isdir( path) and os.access( path, os.W_OK)
def calculate_size( path):
Tries to calculate the size of a directory, including any
subdirectories found. The returned value might not be
correct if the user doesn't have appropriate permissions
to list all subdirectories of the given path.
if path is None:
return 0L
if os.path.dirname( path) == '/':
return 0L
if os.path.isfile( path):
return os.path.getsize( path)
if os.path.isdir( path) and not os.path.islink( path):
sum = os.path.getsize( path)
for item in os.listdir(path):
sum += calculate_size(os.path.join(path, item))
log('Cannot get size for %s', path)
log('Cannot access: %s', path)
return sum
return 0L
def file_modification_datetime(filename):
Returns the modification date of the specified file
as a datetime.datetime object or None if the modification
date cannot be determined.
if filename is None:
return None
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
return None
s = os.stat(filename)
timestamp = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
log('Cannot get modification timestamp for %s', filename)
return None
def file_age_in_days(filename):
Returns the age of the specified filename in days or
zero if the modification date cannot be determined.
dt = file_modification_datetime(filename)
if dt is None:
return 0
return (
def file_age_to_string(days):
Converts a "number of days" value to a string that
can be used in the UI to display the file age.
>>> file_age_to_string(0)
>>> file_age_to_string(1)
'one day ago'
>>> file_age_to_String(2)
'2 days ago'
if days == 1:
return _('one day ago')
elif days > 1:
return _('%d days ago') % days
return ''
def get_free_disk_space(path):
Calculates the free disk space available to the current user
on the file system that contains the given path.
If the path (or its parent folder) does not yet exist, this
function returns zero.
path = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return 0
s = os.statvfs(path)
return s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize
def format_date(timestamp):
Converts a UNIX timestamp to a date representation. This
function returns "Today", "Yesterday", a weekday name or
the date in %x format, which (according to the Python docs)
is the "Locale's appropriate date representation".
Returns None if there has been an error converting the
timestamp to a string representation.
seconds_in_a_day = 60*60*24
diff = int((time.time()+1)/seconds_in_a_day) - int(timestamp/seconds_in_a_day)
log('Warning: Cannot convert "%s" to date.', timestamp, traceback=True)
return None
if diff == 0:
return _('Today')
elif diff == 1:
return _('Yesterday')
elif diff < 7:
# Weekday name
return str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%A'))
# Locale's appropriate date representation
return str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%x'))
def format_filesize(bytesize, use_si_units=False, digits=2):
Formats the given size in bytes to be human-readable,
Returns a localized "(unknown)" string when the bytesize
has a negative value.
si_units = (
( 'kB', 10**3 ),
( 'MB', 10**6 ),
( 'GB', 10**9 ),
binary_units = (
( 'KiB', 2**10 ),
( 'MiB', 2**20 ),
( 'GiB', 2**30 ),
bytesize = float( bytesize)
return _('(unknown)')
if bytesize < 0:
return _('(unknown)')
if use_si_units:
units = si_units
units = binary_units
( used_unit, used_value ) = ( 'B', bytesize )
for ( unit, value ) in units:
if bytesize >= value:
used_value = bytesize / float(value)
used_unit = unit
return ('%.'+str(digits)+'f %s') % (used_value, used_unit)
def delete_file( path):
Tries to delete the given filename and silently
ignores deletion errors (if the file doesn't exist).
Also deletes extracted cover files if they exist.
log( 'Trying to delete: %s', path)
os.unlink( path)
# Remove any extracted cover art that might exist
for cover_file in glob.glob( '%s.cover.*' % ( path, )):
os.unlink( cover_file)
def remove_html_tags(html):
Remove HTML tags from a string and replace numeric and
named entities with the corresponding character, so the
HTML text can be displayed in a simple text view.
# If we would want more speed, we could make these global
re_strip_tags = re.compile('<[^>]*>')
re_unicode_entities = re.compile('&#(\d{2,4});')
re_html_entities = re.compile('&(.{2,8});')
re_newline_tags = re.compile('(<br[^>]*>|<[/]?ul[^>]*>|</li>)', re.I)
re_listing_tags = re.compile('<li[^>]*>', re.I)
result = html
# Convert common HTML elements to their text equivalent
result = re_newline_tags.sub('\n', result)
result = re_listing_tags.sub('\n * ', result)
result = re.sub('<[Pp]>', '\n\n', result)
# Remove all HTML/XML tags from the string
result = re_strip_tags.sub('', result)
# Convert numeric XML entities to their unicode character
result = re_unicode_entities.sub(lambda x: unichr(int(, result)
# Convert named HTML entities to their unicode character
result = re_html_entities.sub(lambda x: unicode(entitydefs.get(,''), 'iso-8859-1'), result)
# Convert more than two newlines to two newlines
result = re.sub('([\r\n]{2})([\r\n])+', '\\1', result)
return result.strip()
def torrent_filename( filename):
Checks if a file is a ".torrent" file by examining its
contents and searching for the file name of the file
to be downloaded.
Returns the name of the file the ".torrent" will download
or None if no filename is found (the file is no ".torrent")
if not os.path.exists( filename):
return None
header = open( filename).readline()
header.index( '6:pieces')
name_length_pos = header.index('4:name') + 6
colon_pos = header.find( ':', name_length_pos)
name_length = int(header[name_length_pos:colon_pos]) + 1
name = header[(colon_pos + 1):(colon_pos + name_length)]
return name
return None
def file_extension_from_url(url, complete_filename=False):
Extracts the (lowercase) file name extension (with dot)
from a URL, e.g.
will result in the string ".mp3" being returned.
This function will also try to best-guess the "real"
extension for a media file (audio, video, torrent) by
trying to match an extension to these types and recurse
into the query string to find better matches, if the
original extension does not resolve to a known type.
If the optional parameter "complete_filename" is set to
True, this will not return the extension, but the
complete filename (basename) of the found media file. => ".ogg"
http://server/get.jsp?file=/episode0815.MOV => ".mov"
http://s/redirect.mp4?http://serv2/test.mp4 => ".mp4"
(scheme, netloc, path, para, query, fragid) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
filename = os.path.basename( urllib.unquote(path))
(tmp, extension) = os.path.splitext(filename)
if file_type_by_extension(extension) is not None and not \
# We have found a valid extension (audio, video, torrent)
# and the query string doesn't look like a URL
if complete_filename:
return filename
return extension.lower()
# If the query string looks like a possible URL, try that first
if len(query.strip()) > 0 and query.find('/') != -1:
query_url = '://'.join((scheme, urllib.unquote(query)))
query_extension = file_extension_from_url(query_url)
if file_type_by_extension(query_extension) is not None:
if complete_filename:
return os.path.basename(query_url)
return query_extension
# No exact match found, simply return the original extension
if complete_filename:
return filename
return extension.lower()
def file_type_by_extension( extension):
Tries to guess the file type by looking up the filename
extension from a table of known file types. Will return
the type as string ("audio", "video" or "torrent") or
None if the file type cannot be determined.
types = {
'audio': [ 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', 'wma', 'aac', 'm4a' ],
'video': [ 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'm4v', 'mov', 'divx', 'flv', 'wmv', '3gp' ],
'torrent': [ 'torrent' ],
if extension == '':
return None
if extension[0] == '.':
extension = extension[1:]
extension = extension.lower()
for type in types:
if extension in types[type]:
return type
return None
def get_tree_icon(icon_name, add_bullet=False, add_padlock=False, icon_cache=None, icon_size=32):
Loads an icon from the current icon theme at the specified
size, suitable for display in a gtk.TreeView.
Optionally adds a green bullet (the GTK Stock "Yes" icon)
to the Pixbuf returned. Also, a padlock icon can be added.
If an icon_cache parameter is supplied, it has to be a
dictionary and will be used to store generated icons.
On subsequent calls, icons will be loaded from cache if
the cache is supplied again and the icon is found in
the cache.
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:05:34 +0200 <> Initial upstream support for the Maemo platform (Nokia Internet Tablets) * bin/gpodder: Add "--maemo/-m" option to enable running as a Maemo application (this is only useful on Nokia Internet Tablets or in the Maemo SDK environment); determine interface type and set the correct variables on startup (gpodder.interface) * data/ Increase the default size of some widgets to better fit the screens on Maemo (it won't do any harm on the "big" Desktop screen * data/icons/26/gpodder.png: Added * data/icons/40/gpodder.png: Added * data/maemo/gpodder.desktop: Added * Makefile: Help2man variable; new "make mtest" target that runs gPodder in Maemo scratchbox (probably useless for all other things); update the command descriptions; don't run the "generators" target from the "install" target; don't run "gen_graphics" from the "generators" target, but make it depend on the 24-pixel logo, which itself depends on the 22-pixel logo; this way, all should work out well when trying to install on systems without ImageMagick installed; remove *.pyo files on "make clean" * Support for build targets; use "TARGET=maemo" to enable Maemo-specific installation options and files * src/gpodder/ Increase the WRITE_TO_DISK_TIMEOUT to 60 seconds, so we don't unnecessarily stress memory cards (on ITs); modify default path variables on Maemo (/media/mmc2) * src/gpodder/ Maemo-specific changes; clean-up the main window a bit and make message and confirmation dialogs Hildon-compatible * src/gpodder/ Add enums for interface types: CLI, GUI and MAEMO; remove the "interface_is_gui" variable and replace with "interface", which is now used to determine where we are running * src/gpodder/ Use /media/mmc2/gpodder/ as configuration folder on Maemo; use Nokia's Media player to playback files on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific) * src/gpodder/ Maemo support; swap popup menu on Maemo; Add support for hildon banners instead of pynotify on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific); use new gpodder.interface variable in idle_add git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-04-06 02:19:03 +02:00
if icon_cache is not None and (icon_name,add_bullet,add_padlock,icon_size) in icon_cache:
return icon_cache[(icon_name,add_bullet,add_padlock,icon_size)]
icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
icon = icon_theme.load_icon(icon_name, icon_size, 0)
log( '(get_tree_icon) Warning: Cannot load icon with name "%s", will use default icon.', icon_name)
icon = icon_theme.load_icon(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION, icon_size, 0)
if icon and (add_bullet or add_padlock):
# We'll modify the icon, so use .copy()
if add_bullet:
icon = icon.copy()
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:05:34 +0200 <> Initial upstream support for the Maemo platform (Nokia Internet Tablets) * bin/gpodder: Add "--maemo/-m" option to enable running as a Maemo application (this is only useful on Nokia Internet Tablets or in the Maemo SDK environment); determine interface type and set the correct variables on startup (gpodder.interface) * data/ Increase the default size of some widgets to better fit the screens on Maemo (it won't do any harm on the "big" Desktop screen * data/icons/26/gpodder.png: Added * data/icons/40/gpodder.png: Added * data/maemo/gpodder.desktop: Added * Makefile: Help2man variable; new "make mtest" target that runs gPodder in Maemo scratchbox (probably useless for all other things); update the command descriptions; don't run the "generators" target from the "install" target; don't run "gen_graphics" from the "generators" target, but make it depend on the 24-pixel logo, which itself depends on the 22-pixel logo; this way, all should work out well when trying to install on systems without ImageMagick installed; remove *.pyo files on "make clean" * Support for build targets; use "TARGET=maemo" to enable Maemo-specific installation options and files * src/gpodder/ Increase the WRITE_TO_DISK_TIMEOUT to 60 seconds, so we don't unnecessarily stress memory cards (on ITs); modify default path variables on Maemo (/media/mmc2) * src/gpodder/ Maemo-specific changes; clean-up the main window a bit and make message and confirmation dialogs Hildon-compatible * src/gpodder/ Add enums for interface types: CLI, GUI and MAEMO; remove the "interface_is_gui" variable and replace with "interface", which is now used to determine where we are running * src/gpodder/ Use /media/mmc2/gpodder/ as configuration folder on Maemo; use Nokia's Media player to playback files on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific) * src/gpodder/ Maemo support; swap popup menu on Maemo; Add support for hildon banners instead of pynotify on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific); use new gpodder.interface variable in idle_add git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-04-06 02:19:03 +02:00
emblem = icon_theme.load_icon(ICON_UNPLAYED, int(float(icon_size)*1.2/3.0), 0)
(width, height) = (emblem.get_width(), emblem.get_height())
xpos = icon.get_width() - width
ypos = icon.get_height() - height
emblem.composite(icon, xpos, ypos, width, height, xpos, ypos, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 255)
log('(get_tree_icon) Error adding emblem to icon "%s".', icon_name)
if add_padlock:
icon = icon.copy()
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:05:34 +0200 <> Initial upstream support for the Maemo platform (Nokia Internet Tablets) * bin/gpodder: Add "--maemo/-m" option to enable running as a Maemo application (this is only useful on Nokia Internet Tablets or in the Maemo SDK environment); determine interface type and set the correct variables on startup (gpodder.interface) * data/ Increase the default size of some widgets to better fit the screens on Maemo (it won't do any harm on the "big" Desktop screen * data/icons/26/gpodder.png: Added * data/icons/40/gpodder.png: Added * data/maemo/gpodder.desktop: Added * Makefile: Help2man variable; new "make mtest" target that runs gPodder in Maemo scratchbox (probably useless for all other things); update the command descriptions; don't run the "generators" target from the "install" target; don't run "gen_graphics" from the "generators" target, but make it depend on the 24-pixel logo, which itself depends on the 22-pixel logo; this way, all should work out well when trying to install on systems without ImageMagick installed; remove *.pyo files on "make clean" * Support for build targets; use "TARGET=maemo" to enable Maemo-specific installation options and files * src/gpodder/ Increase the WRITE_TO_DISK_TIMEOUT to 60 seconds, so we don't unnecessarily stress memory cards (on ITs); modify default path variables on Maemo (/media/mmc2) * src/gpodder/ Maemo-specific changes; clean-up the main window a bit and make message and confirmation dialogs Hildon-compatible * src/gpodder/ Add enums for interface types: CLI, GUI and MAEMO; remove the "interface_is_gui" variable and replace with "interface", which is now used to determine where we are running * src/gpodder/ Use /media/mmc2/gpodder/ as configuration folder on Maemo; use Nokia's Media player to playback files on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific) * src/gpodder/ Maemo support; swap popup menu on Maemo; Add support for hildon banners instead of pynotify on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific); use new gpodder.interface variable in idle_add git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-04-06 02:19:03 +02:00
emblem = icon_theme.load_icon(ICON_LOCKED, int(float(icon_size)/2.0), 0)
(width, height) = (emblem.get_width(), emblem.get_height())
emblem.composite(icon, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 255)
log('(get_tree_icon) Error adding emblem to icon "%s".', icon_name)
if icon_cache is not None:
icon_cache[(icon_name,add_bullet,add_padlock,icon_size)] = icon
return icon
def get_first_line( s):
Returns only the first line of a string, stripped so
that it doesn't have whitespace before or after.
return s.strip().split('\n')[0].strip()
def object_string_formatter( s, **kwargs):
Makes attributes of object passed in as keyword
arguments available as {OBJECTNAME.ATTRNAME} in
the passed-in string and returns a string with
the above arguments replaced with the attribute
values of the corresponding object.
e = Episode()
e.title = 'Hello'
s = '{episode.title} World'
print object_string_formatter( s, episode = e)
=> 'Hello World'
result = s
for ( key, o ) in kwargs.items():
matches = re.findall( r'\{%s\.([^\}]+)\}' % key, s)
for attr in matches:
if hasattr( o, attr):
from_s = '{%s.%s}' % ( key, attr )
to_s = getattr( o, attr)
result = result.replace( from_s, to_s)
log( 'Could not replace attribute "%s" in string "%s".', attr, s)
return result
def format_desktop_command( command, filename):
Formats a command template from the "Exec=" line of a .desktop
file to a string that can be invoked in a shell.
Handled format strings: %U, %u, %F, %f and a fallback that
appends the filename as first parameter of the command.
items = {
'%U': 'file://%s' % filename,
'%u': 'file://%s' % filename,
'%F': filename,
'%f': filename,
for key, value in items.items():
if command.find( key) >= 0:
return command.replace( key, value)
return '%s "%s"' % ( command, filename )
def find_command( command):
Searches the system's PATH for a specific command that is
executable by the user. Returns the first occurence of an
executable binary in the PATH, or None if the command is
not available.
if 'PATH' not in os.environ:
return None
for path in os.environ['PATH'].split( os.pathsep):
command_file = os.path.join( path, command)
if os.path.isfile( command_file) and os.access( command_file, os.X_OK):
return command_file
return None
def parse_itunes_xml(url):
Parses an XML document in the "url" parameter (this has to be
a itms:// or http:// URL to a XML doc) and searches all "<dict>"
elements for the first occurence of a "<key>feedURL</key>"
element and then continues the search for the string value of
this key.
This returns the RSS feed URL for Apple iTunes Podcast XML
documents that are retrieved by itunes_discover_rss().
url = url.replace('itms://', 'http://')
doc = http_get_and_gunzip(url)
d = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(doc)
except Exception, e:
log('Error parsing document from itms:// URL: %s', e)
return None
last_key = None
for pairs in d.getElementsByTagName('dict'):
for node in pairs.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.tagName == 'key' and node.childNodes.length > 0:
if node.firstChild.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
last_key =
if last_key != 'feedURL':
if node.tagName == 'string' and node.childNodes.length > 0:
if node.firstChild.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
return None
def http_get_and_gunzip(uri):
Does a HTTP GET request and tells the server that we accept
gzip-encoded data. This is necessary, because the Apple iTunes
server will always return gzip-encoded data, regardless of what
we really request.
Returns the uncompressed document at the given URI.
request = urllib2.Request(uri)
request.add_header("Accept-encoding", "gzip")
usock = urllib2.urlopen(request)
data =
if usock.headers.get('content-encoding', None) == 'gzip':
data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(data)).read()
return data
def itunes_discover_rss(url):
Takes an iTunes-specific podcast URL and turns it
into a "normal" RSS feed URL. If the given URL is
not a URL, we will simply return
the URL and assume it's already an RSS feed URL.
Idea from Andrew Clarke's
if url is None:
return url
if not '' in url.lower():
# This doesn't look like an iTunes URL
return url
data = http_get_and_gunzip(url)
(url,) = re.findall("itmsOpen\('([^']*)", data)
return parse_itunes_xml(url)
return None
def idle_add(func, *args):
This is a wrapper function that does the Right
Thing depending on if we are running a GTK+ GUI or
not. If not, we're simply calling the function.
If we are a GUI app, we use gobject.idle_add() to
call the function later - this is needed for
threads to be able to modify GTK+ widget data.
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:05:34 +0200 <> Initial upstream support for the Maemo platform (Nokia Internet Tablets) * bin/gpodder: Add "--maemo/-m" option to enable running as a Maemo application (this is only useful on Nokia Internet Tablets or in the Maemo SDK environment); determine interface type and set the correct variables on startup (gpodder.interface) * data/ Increase the default size of some widgets to better fit the screens on Maemo (it won't do any harm on the "big" Desktop screen * data/icons/26/gpodder.png: Added * data/icons/40/gpodder.png: Added * data/maemo/gpodder.desktop: Added * Makefile: Help2man variable; new "make mtest" target that runs gPodder in Maemo scratchbox (probably useless for all other things); update the command descriptions; don't run the "generators" target from the "install" target; don't run "gen_graphics" from the "generators" target, but make it depend on the 24-pixel logo, which itself depends on the 22-pixel logo; this way, all should work out well when trying to install on systems without ImageMagick installed; remove *.pyo files on "make clean" * Support for build targets; use "TARGET=maemo" to enable Maemo-specific installation options and files * src/gpodder/ Increase the WRITE_TO_DISK_TIMEOUT to 60 seconds, so we don't unnecessarily stress memory cards (on ITs); modify default path variables on Maemo (/media/mmc2) * src/gpodder/ Maemo-specific changes; clean-up the main window a bit and make message and confirmation dialogs Hildon-compatible * src/gpodder/ Add enums for interface types: CLI, GUI and MAEMO; remove the "interface_is_gui" variable and replace with "interface", which is now used to determine where we are running * src/gpodder/ Use /media/mmc2/gpodder/ as configuration folder on Maemo; use Nokia's Media player to playback files on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific) * src/gpodder/ Maemo support; swap popup menu on Maemo; Add support for hildon banners instead of pynotify on Maemo * src/gpodder/ Icon name changes (Maemo-specific); use new gpodder.interface variable in idle_add git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-04-06 02:19:03 +02:00
if gpodder.interface in (gpodder.GUI, gpodder.MAEMO):
def x(f, *a):
return False
gobject.idle_add(func, *args)
def discover_bluetooth_devices():
This is a generator function that returns
(address, name) tuples of all nearby bluetooth
devices found.
If the user has python-bluez installed, it will
be used. If not, we're trying to use "hcitool".
If neither python-bluez or hcitool are available,
this function is the empty generator.
# If the user has python-bluez installed
import bluetooth
log('Using python-bluez to find nearby bluetooth devices')
for name, addr in bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True):
yield (name, addr)
if find_command('hcitool') is not None:
log('Using hcitool to find nearby bluetooth devices')
# If the user has "hcitool" installed
p = subprocess.Popen(['hcitool', 'scan'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
match = re.match('^\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\n$', line)
if match is not None:
(addr, name) = match.groups()
yield (name, addr)
log('Cannot find either python-bluez or hcitool - no bluetooth?')
return # <= empty generator
def bluetooth_send_file(filename, device=None, callback_finished=None):
Sends a file via bluetooth using gnome-obex send.
Optional parameter device is the bluetooth address
of the device; optional parameter callback_finished
is a callback function that will be called when the
sending process has finished - it gets one parameter
that is either True (when sending succeeded) or False
when there was some error.
This function tries to use "bluetooth-sendto", and if
it is not available, it also tries "gnome-obex-send".
command_line = None
if find_command('bluetooth-sendto'):
command_line = ['bluetooth-sendto']
if device is not None:
command_line.append('--device=%s' % device)
elif find_command('gnome-obex-send'):
command_line = ['gnome-obex-send']
if device is not None:
command_line += ['--dest', device]
if command_line is not None:
result = (subprocess.Popen(command_line).wait() == 0)
if callback_finished is not None:
return result
log('Cannot send file. Please install "bluetooth-sendto" or "gnome-obex-send".')
if callback_finished is not None:
return False
def format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(seconds):
Take the number of seconds and format it into a
human-readable string (duration).
>>> format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(3834)
'1 hour, 3 minutes and 54 seconds'
>>> format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(2600)
'1 hour'
>>> format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(62)
'1 minute and 2 seconds'
if seconds < 1:
return _('0 seconds')
result = []
hours = seconds/3600
seconds = seconds%3600
minutes = seconds/60
seconds = seconds%60
if hours == 1:
result.append(_('1 hour'))
elif hours > 1:
result.append(_('%i hours') % hours)
if minutes == 1:
result.append(_('1 minute'))
elif minutes > 1:
result.append(_('%i minutes') % minutes)
if seconds == 1:
result.append(_('1 second'))
elif seconds > 1:
result.append(_('%i seconds') % seconds)
if len(result) > 1:
return (' '+_('and')+' ').join((', '.join(result[:-1]), result[-1]))
return result[0]
def get_episode_info_from_url(url, proxy=None):
Try to get information about a podcast episode by sending
a HEAD request to the HTTP server and parsing the result.
The return value is a dict containing all fields that
could be parsed from the URL. This currently contains:
"length": The size of the file in bytes
"pubdate": The unix timestamp for the pubdate
If the "proxy" parameter is used, it has to be the URL
of the HTTP proxy server to use, e.g. http://proxy:8080/
If there is an error, this function returns {}. This will
only function with http:// and https:// URLs.
if not (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://')):
return {}
if proxy is None or proxy.strip() == '':
(scheme, netloc, path, parms, qry, fragid) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc)
start = len(scheme) + len('://') + len(netloc)
conn.request('HEAD', url[start:])
(scheme, netloc, path, parms, qry, fragid) = urlparse.urlparse(proxy)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc)
conn.request('HEAD', url)
r = conn.getresponse()
result = {}
log('Trying to get metainfo for %s', url)
if 'content-length' in r.msg:
length = int(r.msg['content-length'])
result['length'] = length
except ValueError, e:
log('Error converting content-length header.')
if 'last-modified' in r.msg:
parsed_date = feedparser._parse_date(r.msg['last-modified'])
pubdate = time.mktime(parsed_date)
result['pubdate'] = pubdate
log('Error converting last-modified header.')
return result
def gui_open(filename):
Open a file or folder with the default application set
by the Desktop environment. This uses "xdg-open".
subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', filename])
# FIXME: Win32-specific "open" code needed here
# as fallback when xdg-open not available
log('Cannot open file/folder: "%s"', filename, sender=self, traceback=True)
def open_website(url):
Opens the specified URL using the default system web
browser. This uses Python's "webbrowser" module, so
make sure your system is set up correctly.
threading.Thread(, args=(url,)).start()
def sanitize_filename(filename, max_length=0):
Generate a sanitized version of a filename that can
be written on disk (i.e. remove/replace invalid
characters and encode in the native language) and
trim filename if greater than max_length (0 = no limit).
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 21:32:57 +0200 <> Automatically download channel cover file; improve channel cover handling * data/ Simplify and clean-up the podcast editor dialog, especially with respect to the cover art stuff * src/gpodder/ Add configuration option "podcast_list_icon_size" that determines the pixel size of the cover art displayed in the podcast list * src/gpodder/ Add cover cache, register with the cover downloader service in the main window, handle messages from the cover downloader (removed and download finished); request covers for channels when refreshing the channel list; make sure drag'n'drop of image files to the channel list works directly and sets the corresponding channel cover; Rework cover download handling and add an open dialog as suggested by the May 2008 Usability Evaluation * src/gpodder/ Remove old, attic image downloading code from gPodderLib, because it now has its own service class * src/gpodder/ Remove unneeded get_cover_pixbuf helper function for podcastChannel; improve channels_to_model to take advantage of the new cover downloader service * src/gpodder/ Add CoverDownloader service that acts as a central hub for all downloading and modifying of channel cover art, including notification of observers (through ObservableService) * src/gpodder/ Add resize_pixbuf_keep_ratio helper function to resize a gtk pixbuf while keeping the aspect radio (with optional caching support through a dictionary parameter) (Closes: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:10:13 +0200 <> Fix a bug in the experimental file naming support * src/gpodder/ Fix bug that stopped the experimental file naming patch from working; thanks to Shane Donohoe for reporting git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-06-14 13:43:53 +02:00
if max_length > 0 and len(filename) > max_length:
log('Limiting file/folder name "%s" to %d characters.', filename, max_length)
filename = filename[:max_length]
global encoding
return re.sub('[/|?*<>:+\[\]\"\\\]', '_', filename.strip().encode(encoding, 'ignore'))
def find_mount_point(directory):
Try to find the mount point for a given directory.
If the directory is itself a mount point, return
it. If not, remove the last part of the path and
re-check if it's a mount point. If the directory
resides on your root filesystem, "/" is returned.
while os.path.split(directory)[0] != '/':
if os.path.ismount(directory):
return directory
(directory, tail_data) = os.path.split(directory)
return '/'
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 21:32:57 +0200 <> Automatically download channel cover file; improve channel cover handling * data/ Simplify and clean-up the podcast editor dialog, especially with respect to the cover art stuff * src/gpodder/ Add configuration option "podcast_list_icon_size" that determines the pixel size of the cover art displayed in the podcast list * src/gpodder/ Add cover cache, register with the cover downloader service in the main window, handle messages from the cover downloader (removed and download finished); request covers for channels when refreshing the channel list; make sure drag'n'drop of image files to the channel list works directly and sets the corresponding channel cover; Rework cover download handling and add an open dialog as suggested by the May 2008 Usability Evaluation * src/gpodder/ Remove old, attic image downloading code from gPodderLib, because it now has its own service class * src/gpodder/ Remove unneeded get_cover_pixbuf helper function for podcastChannel; improve channels_to_model to take advantage of the new cover downloader service * src/gpodder/ Add CoverDownloader service that acts as a central hub for all downloading and modifying of channel cover art, including notification of observers (through ObservableService) * src/gpodder/ Add resize_pixbuf_keep_ratio helper function to resize a gtk pixbuf while keeping the aspect radio (with optional caching support through a dictionary parameter) (Closes: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:10:13 +0200 <> Fix a bug in the experimental file naming support * src/gpodder/ Fix bug that stopped the experimental file naming patch from working; thanks to Shane Donohoe for reporting git-svn-id: svn:// b0d088ad-0a06-0410-aad2-9ed5178a7e87
2008-06-14 13:43:53 +02:00
def resize_pixbuf_keep_ratio(pixbuf, max_width, max_height, key=None, cache=None):
Resizes a GTK Pixbuf but keeps its aspect ratio.
Returns None if the pixbuf does not need to be
resized or the newly resized pixbuf if it does.
The optional parameter "key" is used to identify
the image in the "cache", which is a dict-object
that holds already-resized pixbufs to access.
changed = False
if cache is not None:
if (key, max_width, max_height) in cache:
return cache[(key, max_width, max_height)]
# Resize if too wide
if pixbuf.get_width() > max_width:
f = float(max_width)/pixbuf.get_width()
(width, height) = (int(pixbuf.get_width()*f), int(pixbuf.get_height()*f))
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
changed = True
# Resize if too high
if pixbuf.get_height() > max_height:
f = float(max_height)/pixbuf.get_height()
(width, height) = (int(pixbuf.get_width()*f), int(pixbuf.get_height()*f))
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
changed = True
if changed:
result = pixbuf
if cache is not None:
cache[(key, max_width, max_height)] = result
result = None
return result