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# gPodder (a media aggregator / podcast client)
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Thomas Perl <thp at>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# -- sync localdb contents with ipod playlist
# thomas perl <> 20060405
# variable tells if ipod functions are to be enabled
enable_ipod_functions = True
import gpod
import eyeD3
import dbus
# the following is taken from hal-device-manager source
if getattr( dbus, 'version', (0,0,0)) >= (0,41,0):
import dbus.glib
enable_ipod_functions = False
import os
import sys
import time
import libgpodder
import liblocaldb
import libpodcasts
import gobject
# do we provide iPod functions to the user?
def ipod_supported():
global enable_ipod_functions
return enable_ipod_functions
__ipodmanager = None
def iPodManagerSingleton():
global __ipodmanager
if __ipodmanager == None:
__ipodmanager = iPodManager()
return __ipodmanager
class gPodder_iPodSync(object):
itdb = None
ipod_mount = '' # mountpoint for ipod
playlist_name = 'gpodder' # name of playlist to sync to
pl_master = None
pl_podcasts = None
callback_progress = None
callback_status = None
callback_done = None
ipod_mgr = None
def __init__( self, callback_progress = None, callback_status = None, callback_done = None):
if not ipod_supported():
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) iPod functions not supported. (libgpod + eyed3 needed)'
self.ipod_mgr = iPodManagerSingleton()
self.ipod_mount = self.ipod_mgr.ipod.mount_point
self.callback_progress = callback_progress
self.callback_status = callback_status
self.callback_done = callback_done
def open( self):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if self.itdb == None:
self.itdb = gpod.itdb_parse( str( self.ipod_mount), None)
if not self.itdb:
return False
self.itdb.mountpoint = str(self.ipod_mount)
self.pl_master = gpod.sw_get_playlists( self.itdb)[0]
self.pl_podcasts = gpod.itdb_playlist_podcasts( self.itdb)
return True
def close( self, write_update = True):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if write_update:
if self.callback_progress != None:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_progress, 100, 100)
if self.callback_status != None:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_status, '...', '...', _('Saving iPod database...'))
if self.itdb:
gpod.itdb_write( self.itdb, None)
self.itdb = None
if self.callback_done != None:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_done)
if self.ipod_mgr != None:
if self.ipod_mgr.ipod != None:
# there has to be a better way.. ;)
# os.system( 'sudo eject %s' % ( self.ipod_mgr.ipod.device ))
return True
def remove_from_ipod( self, track, playlists):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) REMOVING FROM IPOD!! track: %s' % track.title
if self.callback_status != None:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_status, track.title, track.artist)
fname = gpod.itdb_filename_on_ipod( track)
for playlist in playlists:
gpod.itdb_playlist_remove_track( playlist, track)
gpod.itdb_track_unlink( track)
os.unlink( fname)
# suppose we've already deleted it or so..
def get_playlist_by_name( self, playlistname = 'gPodder'):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
for playlist in gpod.sw_get_playlists( self.itdb):
if == playlistname:
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print "(ipodsync) found old playlist: %s" % (
return playlist
# if we arrive here: gpodder playlist not found!
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print "creating new playlist: %s" % (playlistname)
new_playlist = gpod.itdb_playlist_new( str(playlistname), False)
gpod.itdb_playlist_add( self.itdb, new_playlist, -1)
return new_playlist
def get_playlist_for_channel( self, channel):
if channel.is_music_channel:
return self.get_playlist_by_name( channel.device_playlist_name)
return self.pl_podcasts
def episode_is_on_ipod( self, channel, episode):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
for track in gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks( self.get_playlist_for_channel( channel)):
if episode.title == track.title and channel.title == track.album:
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) Already on iPod: %s (from %s)' % (episode.title, track.title)
return True
return False
def clean_playlist( self):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
for track in gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks( self.pl_podcasts):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) trying to remove track %s' % track.title
self.remove_from_ipod( track, [ self.pl_podcasts ])
def copy_channel_to_ipod( self, channel):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if not channel.sync_to_devices:
# we don't want to sync this..
return False
max = len( channel)
i = 1
for episode in channel:
if self.callback_progress != None:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_progress, i, max)
if channel.isDownloaded( episode):
self.add_episode_from_channel( channel, episode)
if self.callback_status != None:
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_status, '...', '...', _('Complete: %s') % channel.title)
def set_podcast_flags( self, track):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
# try to modify track to be more podcast-ish
track.flag1 = 0x02
track.flag2 = 0x01
track.flag3 = 0x01
track.flag4 = 0x01
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) Seems like your python-gpod is out-of-date.'
def add_episode_from_channel( self, channel, episode):
if not ipod_supported():
return False
if self.callback_status != None:
channeltext = channel.title
if channel.is_music_channel:
channeltext = _('%s (to "%s")') % ( channel.title, channel.device_playlist_name )
gobject.idle_add( self.callback_status, episode.title, channeltext)
if self.episode_is_on_ipod( channel, episode):
# episode is already here :)
return True
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) Adding item: %s from %s' % (episode.title, channel.title)
local_filename = str(channel.getPodcastFilename( episode.url))
eyed3_info = eyeD3.Mp3AudioFile( local_filename)
track_length = eyed3_info.getPlayTime() * 1000 # in milliseconds
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) Warning: cannot get length for %s, will use zero-length' % episode.title
track_length = 0 # hmm.. better do something else?!
track = gpod.itdb_track_new()
if channel.is_music_channel:
track.artist = str(channel.title)
track.artist = 'gPodder podcast'
self.set_podcast_flags( track)
track.title = str(episode.title)
track.album = str(channel.title)
track.tracklen = track_length
track.filetype = 'mp3' # huh?! harcoded?! well, well :) FIXME, i'd say
track.description = str(episode.description)
track.podcasturl = str(episode.url)
track.podcastrss = str(channel.url)
gpod.itdb_track_add( self.itdb, track, -1)
playlist = self.get_playlist_for_channel( channel)
gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track( playlist, track, -1)
# if it's a music channel, also sync to master playlist
if channel.is_music_channel:
gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track( self.pl_master, track, -1)
if gpod.itdb_cp_track_to_ipod( track, local_filename, None) != 1:
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) could not add track: %s' % episode.title
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(ipodsync) success for %s :)' % episode.title
# silently ignore :)
class iPod(object):
__mountpoint = None
def __init__( self, udi):
self.is_connected = False
self.device = None # /dev/sda
self.children = []
self.udi = udi
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPod) new with udi: %s' % udi
def has( self, udi):
return udi in self.children
def add( self, udi):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPod) adding: %s' % udi
self.children.append( udi)
def remove( self, udi):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPod) removing: %s' % udi
self.children.remove( udi)
def get_mount_point( self):
return self.__mountpoint
def set_mount_point( self, mount_point):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPod) mountpoint: %s' % mount_point
self.__mountpoint = mount_point
if self.__mountpoint[-1] != '/':
self.__mountpoint = self.__mountpoint + '/'
mount_point = property( fget = get_mount_point, fset = set_mount_point )
def blowup( self):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPod) blown up!'
class iPodManager(object):
mgr = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager'
mgr_path = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager'
service = 'org.freedesktop.Hal'
interface = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device'
ipod_key = 'portable_audio_player.storage_device'
ipod_value = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_iPod'
ipod_parent_key = 'info.parent'
bus = None
__ipod = None
listeners = []
def __init__( self):
def dbus_connect( self):
self.bus = dbus.SystemBus()
self.bus.add_signal_receiver( self.device_added, 'DeviceAdded', self.mgr, self.service, self.mgr_path)
self.bus.add_signal_receiver( self.device_removed, 'DeviceRemoved', self.mgr, self.service, self.mgr_path)
def device_added( self, udi):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPodManager) device_added: %s' % udi
self.notify_me( udi)
props = self.get_properties( udi)
# add new iPod if connected
if props.has_key( self.ipod_key):
if props[self.ipod_key] == self.ipod_value:
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPodManager) received device_added'
self.ipod = iPod( udi)
self.ipod.device = props['block.device']
# iPod-related
if self.ipod != None and props.has_key( self.ipod_parent_key) and props[self.ipod_parent_key] == self.ipod_value:
self.ipod.add( udi)
def notify_me( self, udi):
callback = lambda *args: self.device_modified( udi, *args)
self.bus.add_signal_receiver( callback, 'PropertyModified', self.interface, self.service, udi)
def device_removed( self, udi):
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPodManager) device_removed: %s' % udi
# iPod-related
if self.ipod != None and self.ipod.has( udi):
self.ipod.remove( udi)
if self.ipod != None and self.ipod.udi == udi:
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print '(iPodManager) received device_removed'
self.ipod = None
def device_modified( self, udi, num_changes, list):
props = self.get_properties( udi)
for item in list:
key = item[0]
if self.ipod != None:
if key == 'volume.mount_point':
self.ipod.mount_point = props[key]
def get_properties( self, udi):
object = self.bus.get_object( self.service, udi)
return object.GetAllProperties( dbus_interface = self.interface)
def get_ipod( self):
return self.__ipod
def notify_all( self):
for listener in self.listeners:
listener( self.ipod)
def set_ipod( self, ipod):
self.__ipod = ipod
ipod = property( fget = get_ipod, fset = set_ipod )
def register( self, callback):
if not callback in self.listeners:
self.listeners.append( callback)
callback( self.ipod)
def unregister( self, callback):
if callback in self.listeners:
self.listeners.remove( callback)