new gpodder.util.parse_mimetype

to access params
This commit is contained in:
Eric Le Lay 2019-05-19 15:04:48 +02:00
parent 0b36f1ee60
commit 8391bafd31
1 changed files with 90 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2072,3 +2072,93 @@ class Popen(subprocess.Popen):
print("- - Caught - -\n{}: {}\n- - - - - -\n".format(e.__class__.__name__, e))'Log spam only occurs if returncode is non-zero or if explaining the Windows redirection error.')
def parse_mimetype(mimetype):
parse mimetype into (type, subtype, parameters)
see RFC 2045 §5.1
TODO: unhandled comments and continuations
>>> parse_mimetype('application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;type=feed;kind=acquisition')
('application', 'atom+xml', {'profile': 'opds-catalog', 'type': 'feed', 'kind': 'acquisition'})
>>> parse_mimetype('application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog ; type=feed ; kind=acquisition')
('application', 'atom+xml', {'profile': 'opds-catalog', 'type': 'feed', 'kind': 'acquisition'})
>>> parse_mimetype(None)
(None, None, {})
>>> parse_mimetype('')
(None, None, {})
>>> parse_mimetype('application/x-myapp;quoted="a quoted string with ; etc.";a=b')
('application', 'x-myapp', {'quoted': 'a quoted string with ; etc.', 'a': 'b'})
class MIMETypeException(Exception):
""" when an exception is encountered parsing mime type """
if not mimetype or '/' not in mimetype:
return (None, None, {})
main, sub = mimetype.split('/', 1)
sub, rawparams = sub.split(';', 1)
params = {}
key = ''
value = ''
invalue = False
inquotes = False
quotedvalue = False
nomore = False
offset = len(main) + 1 + len(sub) + 1
for i, c in enumerate(rawparams):
if inquotes:
if c == '"':
inquotes = False
quotedvalue = True
nomore = True
value += c
if c == ';':
if invalue:
params[key] = value
key = ''
invalue = False
inquotes = False
nomore = False
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': unexpected ; at %i" % (mimetype, offset + i))
elif c == '"':
if invalue:
if value:
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': unexpected \" at %i" % (mimetype, offset + i))
inquotes = True
elif c == '=':
if invalue:
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': unexpected = at %i" % (mimetype, offset + i))
invalue = True
quotedvalue = False
value = ''
elif c in (' ', '\t'):
if invalue and value:
nomore = True
if not invalue and key:
nomore = True
if nomore:
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': unexpected %s after space at %i" % (mimetype, c, offset + i))
if invalue:
value += c
key += c
# after loop
if invalue:
if value or quotedvalue:
params[key] = value
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': empty value for %s" % (mimetype, key))
elif key:
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': missing value for %s" % (mimetype, key))
elif inquotes:
raise MIMETypeException("Unable to parse mimetype '%s': unclosed \"" % mimetype)
return (main, sub, params)
except MIMETypeException as e:
return (None, None, {})