# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client # Copyright (c) 2005-2018 The gPodder Team # # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # sync.py -- Device synchronization # Thomas Perl 2007-12-06 # based on libipodsync.py (2006-04-05 Thomas Perl) # Ported to gPodder 3 by Joseph Wickremasinghe in June 2012 import calendar import glob import logging import os.path import threading import time from enum import Enum from re import S from urllib.parse import urlparse import gpodder from gpodder import download, services, util import gi # isort:skip gi.require_version('Gio', '2.0') # isort:skip from gi.repository import GLib, Gio # isort:skip logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _ = gpodder.gettext gpod_available = True try: import gpod except: gpod_available = False mplayer_available = True if util.find_command('mplayer') is not None else False eyed3mp3_available = True try: import eyed3.mp3 except: eyed3mp3_available = False def open_device(gui): config = gui._config device_type = gui._config.device_sync.device_type if device_type == 'ipod': return iPodDevice(config, gui.download_status_model, gui.download_queue_manager) elif device_type == 'filesystem': return MP3PlayerDevice(config, gui.download_status_model, gui.download_queue_manager, gui.mount_volume_for_file) return None def get_track_length(filename): attempted = False if mplayer_available: try: mplayer_output = os.popen('mplayer -msglevel all=-1 -identify -vo null -ao null -frames 0 "%s" 2>/dev/null' % filename).read() return int(float(mplayer_output[mplayer_output.index('ID_LENGTH'):].splitlines()[0][10:]) * 1000) except Exception: logger.error('MPlayer could not determine length: %s', filename, exc_info=True) attempted = True if eyd3mp3_available: try: length = int(eyed3.mp3.Mp3AudioFile(filename).info.time_secs * 1000) # Notify user on eyed3 success if mplayer failed. # A warning is used to make it visible in gpo or on console. if attempted: logger.warning('eyed3.mp3 successfully determined length: %s', filename) return length except Exception: logger.error('eyed3.mp3 could not determine length: %s', filename, exc_info=True) attempted = True if not attempted: logger.warning('Could not determine length: %s', filename) logger.warning('Please install MPlayer or the eyed3.mp3 module for track length detection.') return int(60 * 60 * 1000 * 3) # Default is three hours (to be on the safe side) def episode_filename_on_device(config, episode): """ :param gpodder.config.Config config: configuration (for sync options) :param gpodder.model.PodcastEpisode episode: episode to get filename for :return str: basename minus extension to use to save episode on device """ # get the local file from_file = episode.local_filename(create=False) # get the formated base name filename_base = util.sanitize_filename(episode.sync_filename( config.device_sync.custom_sync_name_enabled, config.device_sync.custom_sync_name), config.device_sync.max_filename_length) # add the file extension to_file = filename_base + os.path.splitext(from_file)[1].lower() # dirty workaround: on bad (empty) episode titles, # we simply use the from_file basename # (please, podcast authors, FIX YOUR RSS FEEDS!) if os.path.splitext(to_file)[0] == '': to_file = os.path.basename(from_file) return to_file def episode_foldername_on_device(config, episode): """ :param gpodder.config.Config config: configuration (for sync options) :param gpodder.model.PodcastEpisode episode: episode to get folder name for :return str: folder name to save episode to on device """ if config.device_sync.one_folder_per_podcast: # Add channel title as subfolder folder = episode.channel.title # Clean up the folder name for use on limited devices folder = util.sanitize_filename(folder, config.device_sync.max_filename_length) else: folder = None return folder class SyncTrack(object): """ This represents a track that is on a device. You need to specify at least the following keyword arguments, because these will be used to display the track in the GUI. All other keyword arguments are optional and can be used to reference internal objects, etc... See the iPod synchronization code for examples. Keyword arguments needed: playcount (How often has the track been played?) podcast (Which podcast is this track from? Or: Folder name) released (The release date of the episode) If any of these fields is unknown, it should not be passed to the function (the values will default to None for all required fields). """ def __init__(self, title, length, modified, **kwargs): self.title = title self.length = length self.filesize = util.format_filesize(length) self.modified = modified # Set some (possible) keyword arguments to default values self.playcount = 0 self.podcast = None self.released = None # Convert keyword arguments to object attributes self.__dict__.update(kwargs) @property def playcount_str(self): return str(self.playcount) class Device(services.ObservableService): def __init__(self, config): self._config = config self.cancelled = False self.allowed_types = ['audio', 'video'] self.errors = [] self.tracks_list = [] signals = ['progress', 'sub-progress', 'status', 'done', 'post-done'] services.ObservableService.__init__(self, signals) def open(self): pass def cancel(self): self.cancelled = True self.notify('status', _('Cancelled by user')) def close(self): self.notify('status', _('Writing data to disk')) if self._config.device_sync.after_sync.sync_disks and not gpodder.ui.win32: os.system('sync') else: logger.warning('Not syncing disks. Unmount your device before unplugging.') return True def create_task(self, track): return SyncTask(track) def cancel_task(self, task): pass def cleanup_task(self, task): pass def add_sync_tasks(self, tracklist, force_played=False, done_callback=None): for track in list(tracklist): # Filter tracks that are not meant to be synchronized does_not_exist = not track.was_downloaded(and_exists=True) exclude_played = (not track.is_new and self._config.device_sync.skip_played_episodes) wrong_type = track.file_type() not in self.allowed_types if does_not_exist or exclude_played or wrong_type: logger.info('Excluding %s from sync', track.title) tracklist.remove(track) if tracklist: for track in sorted(tracklist, key=lambda e: e.pubdate_prop): if self.cancelled: break # XXX: need to check if track is added properly? sync_task = self.create_task(track) sync_task.status = sync_task.NEW sync_task.device = self # New Task, we must wait on the GTK Loop self.download_status_model.register_task(sync_task) # Executes after task has been registered util.idle_add(self.download_queue_manager.queue_task, sync_task) else: logger.warning("No episodes to sync") if done_callback: done_callback() def remove_tracks(self, tracklist): for idx, track in enumerate(tracklist): if self.cancelled: return False self.notify('progress', idx, len(tracklist)) self.remove_track(track) return True def get_all_tracks(self): pass def add_track(self, track, reporthook=None): pass def remove_track(self, track): pass def get_free_space(self): pass def episode_on_device(self, episode): return self._track_on_device(episode.title) def _track_on_device(self, track_name): for t in self.tracks_list: title = t.title if track_name == title: return t return None class iPodDevice(Device): def __init__(self, config, download_status_model, download_queue_manager): Device.__init__(self, config) self.mountpoint = self._config.device_sync.device_folder self.download_status_model = download_status_model self.download_queue_manager = download_queue_manager self.itdb = None self.podcast_playlist = None def get_free_space(self): # Reserve 10 MiB for iTunesDB writing (to be on the safe side) RESERVED_FOR_ITDB = 1024 * 1024 * 10 result = util.get_free_disk_space(self.mountpoint) if result == -1: # Can't get free disk space return -1 return result - RESERVED_FOR_ITDB def open(self): Device.open(self) if not gpod_available: logger.error('Please install the gpod module to sync with an iPod device.') return False if not os.path.isdir(self.mountpoint): return False self.notify('status', _('Opening iPod database')) self.itdb = gpod.itdb_parse(self.mountpoint, None) if self.itdb is None: return False self.itdb.mountpoint = self.mountpoint self.podcasts_playlist = gpod.itdb_playlist_podcasts(self.itdb) self.master_playlist = gpod.itdb_playlist_mpl(self.itdb) if self.podcasts_playlist: self.notify('status', _('iPod opened')) # build the initial tracks_list self.tracks_list = self.get_all_tracks() return True else: return False def close(self): if self.itdb is not None: self.notify('status', _('Saving iPod database')) gpod.itdb_write(self.itdb, None) self.itdb = None if self._config.ipod_write_gtkpod_extended: self.notify('status', _('Writing extended gtkpod database')) itunes_folder = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, 'iPod_Control', 'iTunes') ext_filename = os.path.join(itunes_folder, 'iTunesDB.ext') idb_filename = os.path.join(itunes_folder, 'iTunesDB') if os.path.exists(ext_filename) and os.path.exists(idb_filename): try: db = gpod.ipod.Database(self.mountpoint) gpod.gtkpod.parse(ext_filename, db, idb_filename) gpod.gtkpod.write(ext_filename, db, idb_filename) db.close() except: logger.error('Error writing iTunesDB.ext') else: logger.warning('Could not find %s or %s.', ext_filename, idb_filename) Device.close(self) return True def update_played_or_delete(self, channel, episodes, delete_from_db): """ Check whether episodes on ipod are played and update as played and delete if required. """ for episode in episodes: track = self.episode_on_device(episode) if track: gtrack = track.libgpodtrack if gtrack.playcount > 0: if delete_from_db and not gtrack.rating: logger.info('Deleting episode from db %s', gtrack.title) channel.delete_episode(episode) else: logger.info('Marking episode as played %s', gtrack.title) def purge(self): for track in gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks(self.podcasts_playlist): if gpod.itdb_filename_on_ipod(track) is None: logger.info('Episode has no file: %s', track.title) # self.remove_track_gpod(track) elif track.playcount > 0 and not track.rating: logger.info('Purging episode: %s', track.title) self.remove_track_gpod(track) def get_all_tracks(self): tracks = [] for track in gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks(self.podcasts_playlist): filename = gpod.itdb_filename_on_ipod(track) if filename is None: # This can happen if the episode is deleted on the device logger.info('Episode has no file: %s', track.title) self.remove_track_gpod(track) continue length = util.calculate_size(filename) timestamp = util.file_modification_timestamp(filename) modified = util.format_date(timestamp) try: released = gpod.itdb_time_mac_to_host(track.time_released) released = util.format_date(released) except ValueError as ve: # timestamp out of range for platform time_t (bug 418) logger.info('Cannot convert track time: %s', ve) released = 0 t = SyncTrack(track.title, length, modified, modified_sort=timestamp, libgpodtrack=track, playcount=track.playcount, released=released, podcast=track.artist) tracks.append(t) return tracks def remove_track(self, track): self.notify('status', _('Removing %s') % track.title) self.remove_track_gpod(track.libgpodtrack) def remove_track_gpod(self, track): filename = gpod.itdb_filename_on_ipod(track) try: gpod.itdb_playlist_remove_track(self.podcasts_playlist, track) except: logger.info('Track %s not in playlist', track.title) gpod.itdb_track_unlink(track) util.delete_file(filename) def add_track(self, episode, reporthook=None): self.notify('status', _('Adding %s') % episode.title) tracklist = gpod.sw_get_playlist_tracks(self.podcasts_playlist) podcasturls = [track.podcasturl for track in tracklist] if episode.url in podcasturls: # Mark as played on iPod if played locally (and set podcast flags) self.set_podcast_flags(tracklist[podcasturls.index(episode.url)], episode) return True original_filename = episode.local_filename(create=False) # The file has to exist, if we ought to transfer it, and therefore, # local_filename(create=False) must never return None as filename assert original_filename is not None local_filename = original_filename if util.calculate_size(original_filename) > self.get_free_space(): logger.error('Not enough space on %s, sync aborted...', self.mountpoint) d = {'episode': episode.title, 'mountpoint': self.mountpoint} message = _('Error copying %(episode)s: Not enough free space on %(mountpoint)s') self.errors.append(message % d) self.cancelled = True return False local_filename = episode.local_filename(create=False) (fn, extension) = os.path.splitext(local_filename) if extension.lower().endswith('ogg'): logger.error('Cannot copy .ogg files to iPod.') return False track = gpod.itdb_track_new() # Add release time to track if episode.published has a valid value if episode.published > 0: try: # libgpod>= 0.5.x uses a new timestamp format track.time_released = gpod.itdb_time_host_to_mac(int(episode.published)) except: # old (pre-0.5.x) libgpod versions expect mactime, so # we're going to manually build a good mactime timestamp here :) # # + 2082844800 for unixtime => mactime (1970 => 1904) track.time_released = int(episode.published + 2082844800) track.title = str(episode.title) track.album = str(episode.channel.title) track.artist = str(episode.channel.title) track.description = str(util.remove_html_tags(episode.description)) track.podcasturl = str(episode.url) track.podcastrss = str(episode.channel.url) track.tracklen = get_track_length(local_filename) track.size = os.path.getsize(local_filename) if episode.file_type() == 'audio': track.filetype = 'mp3' track.mediatype = 0x00000004 elif episode.file_type() == 'video': track.filetype = 'm4v' track.mediatype = 0x00000006 self.set_podcast_flags(track, episode) gpod.itdb_track_add(self.itdb, track, -1) gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track(self.master_playlist, track, -1) gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track(self.podcasts_playlist, track, -1) copied = gpod.itdb_cp_track_to_ipod(track, str(local_filename), None) reporthook(episode.file_size, 1, episode.file_size) # If the file has been converted, delete the temporary file here if local_filename != original_filename: util.delete_file(local_filename) return True def set_podcast_flags(self, track, episode): try: # Set several flags for to podcast values track.remember_playback_position = 0x01 track.flag1 = 0x02 track.flag2 = 0x01 track.flag3 = 0x01 track.flag4 = 0x01 except: logger.warning('Seems like your python-gpod is out-of-date.') class MP3PlayerDevice(Device): def __init__(self, config, download_status_model, download_queue_manager, mount_volume_for_file): Device.__init__(self, config) folder = self._config.device_sync.device_folder self.destination = util.new_gio_file(folder) self.mount_volume_for_file = mount_volume_for_file self.download_status_model = download_status_model self.download_queue_manager = download_queue_manager def get_free_space(self): info = self.destination.query_filesystem_info(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_FREE, None) return info.get_attribute_uint64(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_FREE) def open(self): Device.open(self) self.notify('status', _('Opening MP3 player')) if not self.mount_volume_for_file(self.destination): return False try: info = self.destination.query_info( Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE + "," + Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_TYPE, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None) except GLib.Error as err: logger.error('querying destination info for %s failed with %s', self.destination.get_uri(), err.message) return False # open is ok if the target is a directory, and it can be written to # for smb, query_info doesn't return FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE, # -- if that's the case, just assume that it's writable if (info.get_file_type() == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY and ( not info.has_attribute(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE) or info.get_attribute_boolean(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_CAN_WRITE))): self.notify('status', _('MP3 player opened')) self.tracks_list = self.get_all_tracks() return True return False def get_episode_folder_on_device(self, episode): folder = episode_foldername_on_device(self._config, episode) if folder: folder = self.destination.get_child(folder) else: folder = self.destination return folder def get_episode_file_on_device(self, episode): return episode_filename_on_device(self._config, episode) def create_task(self, track): return GioSyncTask(track) def cancel_task(self, task): task.cancellable.cancel() # called by the sync task when it is removed and needs partial files cleaning up def cleanup_task(self, task): episode = task.episode folder = self.get_episode_folder_on_device(episode) file = self.get_episode_file_on_device(episode) file = folder.get_child(file) self.remove_track_file(file) def add_track(self, task, reporthook=None): episode = task.episode self.notify('status', _('Adding %s') % episode.title) # get the folder on the device folder = self.get_episode_folder_on_device(episode) filename = episode.local_filename(create=False) # The file has to exist, if we ought to transfer it, and therefore, # local_filename(create=False) must never return None as filename assert filename is not None from_file = filename # verify free space needed = util.calculate_size(from_file) free = self.get_free_space() if free == -1: logger.warning('Cannot determine free disk space on device') elif needed > free: d = {'path': self.destination, 'free': util.format_filesize(free), 'need': util.format_filesize(needed)} message = _('Not enough space in %(path)s: %(free)s available, but need at least %(need)s') raise SyncFailedException(message % d) # get the filename that will be used on the device to_file = self.get_episode_file_on_device(episode) to_file = folder.get_child(to_file) util.make_directory(folder) if not to_file.query_exists(): logger.info('Copying %s => %s', os.path.basename(from_file), to_file.get_uri()) from_file = Gio.File.new_for_path(from_file) try: def hookconvert(current_bytes, total_bytes, user_data): return reporthook(current_bytes, 1, total_bytes) from_file.copy(to_file, Gio.FileCopyFlags.OVERWRITE, task.cancellable, hookconvert, None) except GLib.Error as err: if err.matches(Gio.io_error_quark(), Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED): raise SyncCancelledException() logger.error('Error copying %s to %s: %s', from_file.get_uri(), to_file.get_uri(), err.message) d = {'from_file': from_file.get_uri(), 'to_file': to_file.get_uri(), 'message': err.message} self.errors.append(_('Error copying %(from_file)s to %(to_file)s: %(message)s') % d) return False return True def add_sync_track(self, tracks, file, info, podcast_name): (title, extension) = os.path.splitext(info.get_name()) timestamp = info.get_modification_time() modified = util.format_date(timestamp.tv_sec) t = SyncTrack(title, info.get_size(), modified, modified_sort=timestamp, filename=file.get_uri(), podcast=podcast_name) tracks.append(t) def get_all_tracks(self): tracks = [] attributes = ( Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME + "," + Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_TYPE + "," + Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SIZE + "," + Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED) root_path = self.destination for path_info in root_path.enumerate_children(attributes, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None): if self._config.one_folder_per_podcast: if path_info.get_file_type() == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY: path_file = root_path.get_child(path_info.get_name()) for child_info in path_file.enumerate_children(attributes, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None): if child_info.get_file_type() == Gio.FileType.REGULAR: child_file = path_file.get_child(child_info.get_name()) self.add_sync_track(tracks, child_file, child_info, path_info.get_name()) else: if path_info.get_file_type() == Gio.FileTypeFlags.REGULAR: path_file = root_path.get_child(path_info.get_name()) self.add_sync_track(tracks, path_file, path_info, None) return tracks def episode_on_device(self, episode): e = util.sanitize_filename(episode.sync_filename( self._config.device_sync.custom_sync_name_enabled, self._config.device_sync.custom_sync_name), self._config.device_sync.max_filename_length) return self._track_on_device(e) def remove_track_file(self, file): folder = file.get_parent() if file.query_exists(): try: file.delete() except GLib.Error as err: # if the file went away don't worry about it if not err.matches(Gio.io_error_quark(), Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND): logger.error('deleting file %s failed: %s', file.get_uri(), err.message) return if self._config.one_folder_per_podcast: try: if self.directory_is_empty(folder): folder.delete() except GLib.Error as err: # if the folder went away don't worry about it (multiple threads could # make this happen if they both notice the folder is empty simultaneously) if not err.matches(Gio.io_error_quark(), Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND): logger.error('deleting folder %s failed: %s', folder.get_uri(), err.message) def remove_track(self, track): self.notify('status', _('Removing %s') % track.title) # get the folder on the device file = Gio.File.new_for_uri(track.filename) self.remove_track_file(file) def directory_is_empty(self, directory): for child in directory.enumerate_children(Gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_NAME, Gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE, None): return False return True class SyncCancelledException(Exception): pass class SyncFailedException(Exception): pass class SyncTask(download.DownloadTask): # An object representing the synchronization task of an episode # Possible states this sync task can be in STATUS_MESSAGE = (_('Queued'), _('Queued'), _('Syncing'), _('Finished'), _('Failed'), _('Cancelling'), _('Cancelled'), _('Pausing'), _('Paused')) (NEW, QUEUED, DOWNLOADING, DONE, FAILED, CANCELLING, CANCELLED, PAUSING, PAUSED) = list(range(9)) def __str__(self): return self.__episode.title def __get_status(self): return self.__status def __set_status(self, status): if status != self.__status: self.__status_changed = True self.__status = status status = property(fget=__get_status, fset=__set_status) def __get_device(self): return self.__device def __set_device(self, device): self.__device = device device = property(fget=__get_device, fset=__set_device) def __get_status_changed(self): if self.__status_changed: self.__status_changed = False return True else: return False status_changed = property(fget=__get_status_changed) def __get_activity(self): return self.__activity def __set_activity(self, activity): self.__activity = activity activity = property(fget=__get_activity, fset=__set_activity) def __get_empty_string(self): return '' url = property(fget=__get_empty_string) podcast_url = property(fget=__get_empty_string) def __get_episode(self): return self.__episode episode = property(fget=__get_episode) def can_queue(self): return self.status in (self.CANCELLED, self.PAUSED, self.FAILED) def can_pause(self): return self.status in (self.DOWNLOADING, self.QUEUED) def pause(self): with self: # Pause a queued download if self.status == self.QUEUED: self.status = self.PAUSED # Request pause of a running download elif self.status == self.DOWNLOADING: self.status = self.PAUSING def can_cancel(self): return self.status in (self.DOWNLOADING, self.QUEUED, self.PAUSED, self.FAILED) def cancel(self): with self: # Cancelling directly is allowed if the task isn't currently downloading if self.status in (self.QUEUED, self.PAUSED, self.FAILED): self.status = self.CANCELLED # Call run, so the partial file gets deleted self.run() self.recycle() # Otherwise request cancellation elif self.status == self.DOWNLOADING: self.status = self.CANCELLING self.device.cancel() def can_remove(self): return self.status in (self.CANCELLED, self.FAILED, self.DONE) def removed_from_list(self): if self.status != self.DONE: self.device.cleanup_task(self) def __init__(self, episode): self.__lock = threading.RLock() self.__status = SyncTask.NEW self.__activity = SyncTask.ACTIVITY_SYNCHRONIZE self.__status_changed = True self.__episode = episode # Create the target filename and save it in the database self.filename = self.__episode.local_filename(create=False) self.total_size = self.__episode.file_size self.speed = 0.0 self.progress = 0.0 self.error_message = None # Have we already shown this task in a notification? self._notification_shown = False # Variables for speed limit and speed calculation self.__start_time = 0 self.__start_blocks = 0 self.__limit_rate_value = 999 self.__limit_rate = 999 # Callbacks self._progress_updated = lambda x: None def __enter__(self): return self.__lock.acquire() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.__lock.release() def notify_as_finished(self): if self.status == SyncTask.DONE: if self._notification_shown: return False else: self._notification_shown = True return True return False def notify_as_failed(self): if self.status == SyncTask.FAILED: if self._notification_shown: return False else: self._notification_shown = True return True return False def add_progress_callback(self, callback): self._progress_updated = callback def status_updated(self, count, blockSize, totalSize): # We see a different "total size" while downloading, # so correct the total size variable in the thread if totalSize != self.total_size and totalSize > 0: self.total_size = float(totalSize) if self.total_size > 0: self.progress = max(0.0, min(1.0, (count * blockSize) / self.total_size)) self._progress_updated(self.progress) if self.status in (SyncTask.CANCELLING, SyncTask.PAUSING): self._signal_cancel_from_status() # default implementation def _signal_cancel_from_status(self): raise SyncCancelledException() def recycle(self): self.episode.download_task = None def run(self): # Speed calculation (re-)starts here self.__start_time = 0 self.__start_blocks = 0 # If the download has already been cancelled/paused, skip it with self: if self.status in (SyncTask.CANCELLING, SyncTask.CANCELLED): self.progress = 0.0 self.speed = 0.0 self.status = SyncTask.CANCELLED return False if self.status == SyncTask.PAUSING: self.status = SyncTask.PAUSED return False # We only start this download if its status is downloading if self.status != SyncTask.DOWNLOADING: return False # We are synching this file right now self._notification_shown = False sync_result = SyncTask.DOWNLOADING try: logger.info('Starting SyncTask') self.device.add_track(self, reporthook=self.status_updated) except SyncCancelledException as e: sync_result = SyncTask.CANCELLED except Exception as e: sync_result = SyncTask.FAILED logger.error('Sync failed: %s', str(e), exc_info=True) self.error_message = _('Error: %s') % (str(e),) with self: if sync_result == SyncTask.DOWNLOADING: # Everything went well - we're done self.status = SyncTask.DONE if self.total_size <= 0: self.total_size = util.calculate_size(self.filename) logger.info('Total size updated to %d', self.total_size) self.progress = 1.0 gpodder.user_extensions.on_episode_synced(self.device, self.__episode) return True self.speed = 0.0 if sync_result == SyncTask.FAILED: self.status = SyncTask.FAILED # cancelled/paused -- update state to mark it as safe to manipulate this task again elif self.status == SyncTask.PAUSING: self.status = SyncTask.PAUSED elif self.status == SyncTask.CANCELLING: self.status = SyncTask.CANCELLED # We finished, but not successfully (at least not really) return False class GioSyncTask(SyncTask): def __init__(self, episode): super().__init__(episode) # For cancelling the copy self.cancellable = Gio.Cancellable() def _signal_cancel_from_status(self): self.cancellable.cancel()