# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client # Copyright (c) 2019 The gPodder Team # # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import copy import io import json import logging import os import re from urllib import parse as urlparse from xml import sax from podcastparser import (file_basename_no_extension, is_html, parse_length, parse_pubdate, parse_type, parse_url) import gpodder from gpodder import feedcore, model, registry, user_agent from gpodder.model import Feed, PodcastEpisode from gpodder.util import parse_mimetype, remove_html_tags logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _ = gpodder.gettext N_ = gpodder.ngettext __title__ = 'OPDS Feeds' __description__ = 'Subscribe to Calibre or other ebook distribution channels' __authors__ = 'Eric Le Lay ' __doc__ = 'https://gpodder.github.io/docs/extensions/opds.html' __category__ = 'custom-feeds' """ Tested with: calibre-web Calibre server https://catalog.feedbooks.com/featured.atom?lang=en https://gallica.bnf.fr/services/engine/search/opds?operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.2&exactSearch=false&query=dewey%20all%20%225%22%20and%20dc.format%20all%20%22epub%22&filter=provenance%20all%20%22bnf.fr%22 TODO: - opds catalog browser (eg. https://catalog.feedbooks.com/catalog/index.atom) in "discover new feeds dialog". Not sure if we support nesting in existing search providers... """ ATOM = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' OPDS = 'http://opds-spec.org/2010/catalog' ACQUISITION = 'http://opds-spec.org/acquisition' BUY = 'http://opds-spec.org/acquisition/buy' IMAGE = 'http://opds-spec.org/image' COVER_0_9 = 'http://opds-spec.org/cover' THUMBNAIL = 'http://opds-spec.org/image/thumbnail' THUMBNAIL_0_9 = 'http://opds-spec.org/thumbnail' ELTS_TXT = set([ (ATOM, 'content'), (ATOM, 'icon'), (ATOM, 'id'), (ATOM, 'name'), (ATOM, 'summary'), (ATOM, 'title'), (ATOM, 'updated'), (OPDS, 'price'), ]) PREFERRED_FORMATS = [ 'application/epub+zip', 'application/pdf', 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/fb2+zip', 'application/x-cbr', 'application/x-cbz', 'application/x-cbt', 'application/vnd.amazon.ebook', 'image/vnd.djvu' ] FORMAT_NAMES = { 'application/epub+zip': 'epub', 'application/pdf': 'pdf', 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook': 'mobi', 'application/xhtml+xml': 'xhtml', 'application/fb2+zip': 'fb2', 'application/x-cbr': 'cbr', 'application/x-cbz': 'cbz', 'application/x-cbt': 'cbt', 'application/vnd.amazon.ebook': 'azw', 'image/vnd.djvu': 'djvu', } # inverse map NAME_FORMATS = {v:k for k,v in FORMAT_NAMES.items()} DefaultConfig = { 'formats': [FORMAT_NAMES[f] for f in PREFERRED_FORMATS], # list wanted formats by order of preference } class NotOPDSError(sax.SAXParseException, ValueError): """ Exception raised when asked to parse an invalid feed This exception allows users of this library to catch exceptions without having to import the XML parsing library themselves. """ class OPDSHandler(sax.handler.ContentHandler): """ ContentHandler building the podcast and episodes contents """ def __init__(self, url, preferred_formats): self.url = url self.base = url self.preferred_formats = self.load_formats(preferred_formats) self.text = None self.episodes = [] self.data = { 'title': file_basename_no_extension(url), 'episodes': self.episodes, '_is_acquisition_feed': False, 'url': url } self.path_stack = [] self.ns_mapping = {} self.xhtml = None self.xhtml_output = None self.xhtml_stack_len = None @staticmethod def load_formats(formats): res = [] for f in formats: if f in NAME_FORMATS: res.append(NAME_FORMATS[f]) elif f in PREFERRED_FORMATS: res.append(f) else: logger.warning("Unknown user format: '%s'. Is it correct?", f) res.append(f) return res def set_base(self, base): self.base = base def set_podcast_attr(self, key, value): self.data[key] = value def set_episode_attr(self, key, value): self.episodes[-1][key] = value def get_episode_attr(self, key, default=None): return self.episodes[-1].get(key, default) def add_episode(self): self.episodes.append({ # title 'description': '', # url 'published': 0, # guid 'link': '', 'total_time': 0, 'payment_url': None, 'enclosures': [], '_guid_is_permalink': False, }) def make_nice_description(self, entry): descr = """ """ img = entry.get('_image', entry.get('_thumbnail')) if img: descr += ''.format(img) if '&' in entry.get('author', ''): descr += "

by {}

".format(entry['author']) descr += "


".format(entry.get('summary', '')) if entry.get('content'): descr += '
'.format(entry['content']) if entry['enclosures'] or 'buy' in entry: descr += '' entry['description_html'] = descr entry['description'] = remove_html_tags(entry.get('summary', entry.get('content', '')))[:120] def validate_episode(self): entry = self.episodes[-1] self.make_nice_description(entry) if 'guid' not in entry: if entry.get('link'): # Link element can serve as GUID entry['guid'] = entry['link'] else: if len(set(enclosure['url'] for enclosure in entry['enclosures'])) != 1: # Multi-enclosure feeds MUST have a GUID or the same URL for all enclosures self.episodes.pop() return # Maemo bug 12073 entry['guid'] = entry['enclosures'][0]['url'] if 'title' not in entry: self.episodes.pop() return if not entry.get('link') and entry.get('_guid_is_permalink'): entry['link'] = entry['guid'] # add author to title if entry.get('author'): if ' & ' in entry['author']: author = "{} et al.".format(entry['author'].split('&')[0]) else: author = entry['author'] entry['title'] = '{} - {}'.format(author, entry['title']) # set episode's attachment enclosure = None for t in self.preferred_formats: if not enclosure: for e in entry['enclosures']: if e['mime_type'] == t: enclosure = e if not enclosure and entry['enclosures']: logger.debug("couldn't find ebook with preferred format. Fallback on the first available") enclosure = entry['enclosures'][0] if enclosure: entry.update(enclosure) # cleanup custom attributes for k in list(entry.keys()): if k not in PodcastEpisode.__slots__: del entry[k] def add_enclosure(self, url, file_size, mime_type): self.episodes[-1]['enclosures'].append({ 'url': url, 'file_size': file_size, 'mime_type': mime_type, }) def validate_podcast(self): if not self.data['_is_acquisition_feed']: logger.debug('no link rel=self with opds type') raise NotOPDSError( msg='Unsupported feed type', exception=None, locator=self._locator) logger.debug('feed %s if an OPDS feed!', self.url) del self.data['_is_acquisition_feed'] # not sorting episodes by published # logger.debug("Feed contents: %s", self.data) def in_episode(self): return len(self.path_stack) == 3 \ and self.path_stack[:-1] == [(ATOM, 'feed'), (ATOM, 'entry')] def in_podcast(self): return len(self.path_stack) == 2 def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs): """ ContentHandler method """ if not self.path_stack and name != (ATOM, 'feed'): raise NotOPDSError( msg='Unsupported feed type: {}:{}'.format(*name), exception=None, locator=self._locator, ) self.path_stack.append(name) if self.xhtml: return self.xhtml.startElementNS(name, qname, attrs) if name in ELTS_TXT: self.text = [] else: self.text = None if name == (ATOM, 'entry'): self.add_episode() elif name == (ATOM, 'link'): url = self.get_attr(attrs, 'href') rel = self.get_attr(attrs, 'rel') if url: url = parse_url(urlparse.urljoin(self.base, url.lstrip())) if self.in_podcast(): if rel in ('self', 'start', 'up'): type_, sub, params = parse_mimetype(self.get_attr(attrs, 'type')) if type_ == 'application' and sub == 'atom+xml' and params.get('profile') == 'opds-catalog': self.set_podcast_attr('_is_acquisition_feed', True) # RFC 5005 (http://podlove.org/paged-feeds/) elif rel == 'first': self.set_podcast_attr('paged_feed_first', url) elif rel == 'next': # RFC 5005 (http://podlove.org/paged-feeds/) self.set_podcast_attr('paged_feed_next', url) elif self.in_episode(): if rel == ACQUISITION: file_size = parse_length(self.get_attr(attrs, 'length')) mime_type = parse_type(self.get_attr(attrs, 'type')) self.add_enclosure(url, file_size, mime_type) if rel == BUY: self.set_episode_attr('buy', url) elif rel in (IMAGE, COVER_0_9): self.set_episode_attr('_image', url) elif rel in (THUMBNAIL, THUMBNAIL_0_9): self.set_episode_attr('_thumbnail', url) elif name == (ATOM, 'content'): if self.get_attr(attrs, 'type') == 'xhtml': self.install_xhtml() elif name == (OPDS, 'price') and self.path_stack[-2] == (ATOM, 'link'): if self.get_attr(attrs, 'currencycode'): self.set_episode_attr('price_currency', self.get_attr(attrs, 'currencycode')) def characters(self, chars): """ ContentHandler method """ if self.xhtml: return self.xhtml.characters(chars) if self.text is not None: self.text.append(chars) def ignorableWhitespace(self, content): """ ContentHandler method """ if self.xhtml: return self.xhtml.ignorableWhitespace(content) def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri): """ ContentHandler method """ if self.xhtml: return self.xhtml.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri) self.ns_mapping[prefix] = uri def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix): """ ContentHandler method """ if self.xhtml: return self.xhtml.endPrefixMapping(prefix) del self.ns_mapping[prefix] def endElementNS(self, name, qname): """ ContentHandler method """ def by_published(entry): return entry.get('published') if self.xhtml: if len(self.path_stack) == self.xhtml_stack_len: self.text = [self.xhtml_output.getvalue().decode('utf-8')] self.xhtml = None self.xhtml_output = None else: self.path_stack.pop() return self.xhtml.endElementNS(name, qname) content = ''.join(self.text) if self.text is not None else '' self.text = None if name == (ATOM, 'feed'): self.validate_podcast() elif name == (ATOM, 'entry'): self.validate_episode() elif name == (ATOM, 'updated'): if self.in_episode(): self.set_episode_attr('published', parse_pubdate(content)) elif name == (ATOM, 'id'): if self.in_podcast(): self.set_podcast_attr('guid', content) elif self.in_episode(): self.set_episode_attr('guid', content) elif name == (ATOM, 'title'): if self.in_podcast() and content: self.set_podcast_attr('title', content) elif self.in_episode(): self.set_episode_attr('title', content) elif name == (ATOM, 'name') and self.path_stack[-2] == (ATOM, 'author'): if self.path_stack[-3] == (ATOM, 'entry'): self.set_episode_attr('author', content) elif name == (ATOM, 'summary'): if self.in_episode(): self.set_episode_attr('summary', content) elif name == (ATOM, 'content'): if self.in_episode(): self.set_episode_attr('content', content) elif name == (ATOM, 'icon') and self.in_podcast() and content: self.set_podcast_attr('image', urlparse.urljoin(self.url, content)) elif name == (OPDS, 'price'): if self.get_episode_attr('price_currency'): self.set_episode_attr('price', '{} {}'.format(content, self.get_episode_attr('price_currency'))) self.set_episode_attr('price_currency', None) else: self.set_episode_attr('price', content) self.path_stack.pop() def install_xhtml(self): """ ContentHandler method """ self.xhtml_output = io.BytesIO() self.xhtml = sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator(out=self.xhtml_output, encoding='utf-8') self.xhtml_stack_len = len(self.path_stack) for prefix, ns in self.ns_mapping.items(): self.xhtml.startPrefixMapping(prefix, ns) @staticmethod def get_attr(attrs, qname): """ utility method to get attribute value or None if absent """ if qname in attrs.getQNames(): return attrs.getValueByQName(qname) else: return None class OPDSCustomChannel(Feed): """ custom channel implementation for PodcastChannel._consume_custom_feed() """ def __init__(self, fetcher, data, headers, max_episodes): self.fetcher = fetcher self.data = data self.episodes = data['episodes'] del data['episodes'] if max_episodes > 0 and max_episodes < len(self.episodes): logger.debug("truncating episodes (%i out of %i)", max_episodes, len(self.episodes)) self.episodes = self.episodes[:max_episodes] self.headers = headers self.max_episodes = max_episodes def get_title(self): return self.data['title'] def get_cover_url(self): return self.data.get('image') def get_link(self): return self.data['url'] def get_description(self): return 'OPDS Feed for {}'.format(self.data['url']) def get_http_etag(self): return self.headers.get('etag') def get_http_last_modified(self): return self.headers.get('last-modified') def get_new_episodes(self, channel, existing_guids): logger.debug("get_new_episodes(%i)", len(self.episodes)) seen_guids = set(e['guid'] for e in self.episodes) episodes = [] for e in self.episodes: episode = channel.episode_factory(e) existing_episode = existing_guids.get(episode.guid) if existing_episode: existing_episode.update_from(episode) existing_episode.save() else: episode.save() episodes.append(episode) return episodes, seen_guids def get_next_page(self, channel, max_episodes): if 'paged_feed_next' in self.data: url = self.data['paged_feed_next'] logger.debug("get_next_page: opds feed has next %s", url) url = channel.authenticate_url(url) # don't pass etag/last_modified to get next page return self.fetcher.fetch(url, max_episodes=max_episodes, channel=channel) return None class OPDSFetcher(feedcore.Fetcher): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.cache_file = os.path.join(gpodder.home, 'ELLOpds') if os.path.exists(self.cache_file): try: self.cache = json.load(open(self.cache_file, 'r')) except: self.cache = {} else: self.cache = {} def commit_cache(self): json.dump(self.cache, open(self.cache_file, 'w')) def on_podcast_delete(self, channel): if channel.url in self.cache: del self.cache[channel.url] def fetch_channel(self, channel, max_episodes=0): if self.cache.get(channel.url, {}).get('not_opds') is True: logger.debug("channel %s is marked as not opds, returning None", channel.title) return None url = channel.authenticate_url(channel.url) return self.fetch(url, etag=channel.http_etag, modified=channel.http_last_modified, max_episodes=max_episodes, channel=channel) def parse_feed(self, url, data_stream, headers, status, max_episodes=0, channel=None, **kwargs): handler = OPDSHandler(url, self.config.formats) try: parser = sax.make_parser() parser.setFeature(sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True) parser.setContentHandler(handler) source = sax.saxutils.prepare_input_source(data_stream, url) parser.parse(source) if handler.data.get('episodes'): self.cache[channel.url] = {"not_opds": False} self.commit_cache() return feedcore.Result(status, OPDSCustomChannel(self, handler.data, headers, max_episodes)) except NotOPDSError: logger.debug("%s is not an OPDS feed", handler.url) self.cache[channel.url] = {"not_opds": True} self.commit_cache() return None except sax.SAXParseException: logger.exception("error parsing %s", handler.url) return None def is_opds(self, channel): return self.cache.get(channel.url, {}).get('not_opds') is False class gPodderExtension: def __init__(self, container): self.container = container self.config = self.container.config if not self.config.formats: logger.info("no selected format, restoring defaults") self.config.formats = [f for f in DefaultConfig['formats']] self.fetcher = OPDSFetcher(self.config) def on_load(self): logger.info('Registering OPDS.') registry.feed_handler.register(self.fetcher.fetch_channel) def on_unload(self): logger.info('Unregistering OPDS.') try: registry.feed_handler.unregister(self.fetcher.fetch_channel) except ValueError: pass def on_podcast_delete(self, podcast): self.fetcher.on_podcast_delete(podcast) def on_podcast_subscribe(self, podcast): if self.fetcher.is_opds(podcast) and podcast.section == _('Other'): podcast.section = _('eBooks')