# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Thomas Perl # # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import os import gtk import gtk.gdk import gobject import pango import sys import shutil from xml.sax import saxutils from threading import Event from threading import Thread from string import strip from gpodder import util from gpodder import opml from gpodder import services from gpodder import SimpleGladeApp from libpodcasts import podcastChannel from libpodcasts import channelsToModel from libpodcasts import load_channels from libpodcasts import save_channels from libwget import downloadThread from libgpodder import gPodderLib from liblogger import log from liblocaldb import localDB from libplayers import UserAppsReader from libipodsync import gPodder_iPodSync from libipodsync import gPodder_FSSync from libipodsync import ipod_supported from libtagupdate import tagging_supported app_name = "gpodder" app_version = "unknown" # will be set in main() call app_authors = [ 'Thomas Perl %s\n\n%s' % ( title, message )) else: dlg.set_markup( '%s' % ( message )) dlg.run() dlg.destroy() def show_confirmation( self, message, title = None): dlg = gtk.MessageDialog( GladeWidget.gpodder_main_window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO) if title: dlg.set_title( title) dlg.set_markup( '%s\n\n%s' % ( title, message )) else: dlg.set_markup('%s' % message) response = dlg.run() dlg.destroy() return response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES class gPodder(GladeWidget): def new(self): self.ldb = None self.uar = None gl = gPodderLib() self.gPodder.resize( gl.main_window_width, gl.main_window_height) self.gPodder.move( gl.main_window_x, gl.main_window_y) self.channelPaned.set_position( gl.paned_position) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration( False) if app_version.rfind( "svn") != -1: self.default_title = 'gPodder %s' % ( app_version, ) self.gPodder.set_title( self.default_title) # set up the rendering of the comboAvailable combobox cellrenderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.comboAvailable.pack_start( cellrenderer, False) self.comboAvailable.add_attribute( cellrenderer, 'text', 1) self.comboAvailable.add_attribute( cellrenderer, 'weight', 4) # new episodes cellrenderer = gtk.CellRendererText() cellrenderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) try: cellrenderer.set_property('alignment', pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) except: log('Failed to set alignment property for CellRendererText - using old PyGTK?', sender = self) cellrenderer.set_property( 'foreground', 'gray') self.comboAvailable.pack_end( cellrenderer, True) self.comboAvailable.add_attribute( cellrenderer, 'text', 3) # cell renderers for channel tree namecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _('Channel')) namecolumn.set_resizable( True) namecolumn.set_reorderable( True) iconcell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() namecolumn.pack_start( iconcell, False) namecolumn.add_attribute( iconcell, 'pixbuf', 8) namecell = gtk.CellRendererText() namecell.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) namecolumn.pack_start( namecell, True) namecolumn.add_attribute( namecell, 'markup', 7) namecolumn.add_attribute( namecell, 'weight', 4) namecolumn.set_expand( True) newcell = gtk.CellRendererText() namecolumn.pack_end( newcell, False) namecolumn.add_attribute( newcell, 'text', 5) namecolumn.add_attribute( newcell, 'weight', 4) namecolumn.set_expand( False) self.treeChannels.append_column( namecolumn) self.treeChannels.set_rules_hint( True) # enable alternating colors hint self.treeAvailable.set_rules_hint( True) # Add our context menu to treeAvailable self.treeAvailable.connect('button-press-event', self.treeview_button_pressed) iconcell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() iconcolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Status"), iconcell, pixbuf = 4) namecell = gtk.CellRendererText() #namecell.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) namecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Episode"), namecell, text = 1) namecolumn.set_sizing( gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE) sizecell = gtk.CellRendererText() sizecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Size"), sizecell, text=2) releasecell = gtk.CellRendererText() releasecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Released"), releasecell, text=5) desccell = gtk.CellRendererText() desccell.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) desccolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Description"), desccell, text=6) for itemcolumn in ( iconcolumn, namecolumn, sizecolumn, releasecolumn, desccolumn ): itemcolumn.set_resizable( True) itemcolumn.set_reorderable( True) self.treeAvailable.append_column( itemcolumn) # enable search in treeavailable self.treeAvailable.set_search_equal_func( self.treeAvailable_search_equal) # enable multiple selection support self.treeAvailable.get_selection().set_mode( gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) self.treeDownloads.get_selection().set_mode( gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) # columns and renderers for "download progress" tab episodecell = gtk.CellRendererText() episodecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Episode"), episodecell, text=0) speedcell = gtk.CellRendererText() speedcolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Speed"), speedcell, text=1) progresscell = gtk.CellRendererProgress() progresscolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _("Progress"), progresscell, value=2) for itemcolumn in ( episodecolumn, speedcolumn, progresscolumn ): self.treeDownloads.append_column( itemcolumn) services.download_status_manager.register( 'list-changed', self.download_status_updated) services.download_status_manager.register( 'progress-changed', self.download_progress_updated) self.treeDownloads.set_model( services.download_status_manager.tree_model) # tooltips :) self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.tooltips.set_tip( self.btnEditChannel, _("Edit channel information")) #Add Drag and Drop Support targets = [("text/plain", 0, 2), ('STRING', 0, 3), ('TEXT', 0, 4)] self.main_widget.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, targets, \ gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT | gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY | \ gtk.gdk.ACTION_DEFAULT) self.main_widget.connect("drag_data_received", self.drag_data_received) # Subscribed channels self.active_channel = None self.channels = load_channels( load_items = False) # create a localDB object self.ldb = localDB() # load list of user applications self.user_apps_reader = UserAppsReader() self.user_apps_reader.read() # Clean up old, orphaned download files gl.clean_up_downloads( delete_partial = True) # Now, update the feed cache, when everything's in place self.update_feed_cache( force_update = gl.update_on_startup) def treeview_button_pressed( self, treeview, event): if event.button == 3: ( x, y ) = ( int(event.x), int(event.y) ) ( path, column, rx, ry ) = treeview.get_path_at_pos( x, y) or (None,)*4 paths = [] # Did the user right-click into a selection? selection = self.treeAvailable.get_selection() if selection.count_selected_rows() and path: ( model, paths ) = selection.get_selected_rows() if path not in paths: # We have right-clicked, but not into the # selection, assume we don't want to operate # on the selection paths = [] # No selection or right click not in selection: # Select the single item where we clicked if not len( paths) and path: treeview.grab_focus() treeview.set_cursor( path, column, 0) ( model, paths ) = ( treeview.get_model(), [ path ] ) # We did not find a selection, and the user didn't # click on an item to select -- don't show the menu if not len( paths): return True menu = gtk.Menu() ( can_play, can_download, can_transfer, can_cancel ) = self.play_or_download() if len(paths) == 1: # Single item, add episode information menu item episode_title = model.get_value( model.get_iter( paths[0]), 1) if len(episode_title) > 30: episode_title = episode_title[:27] + '...' item = gtk.ImageMenuItem('') ( label, image ) = item.get_children() label.set_text( _('Episode information: %s') % episode_title) item.set_image( gtk.image_new_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) item.connect( 'activate', lambda w: self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( self.treeAvailable)) menu.append( item) menu.append( gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) else: episode_title = _('%d selected episodes') % len(paths) if can_play: item = gtk.ImageMenuItem( _('Play %s') % episode_title) item.set_image( gtk.image_new_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) item.connect( 'activate', lambda w: self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( self.toolPlay)) menu.append( item) item = gtk.ImageMenuItem( _('Remove %s') % episode_title) item.set_image( gtk.image_new_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_DELETE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) item.connect( 'activate', self.on_btnDownloadedDelete_clicked) menu.append( item) if can_download: item = gtk.ImageMenuItem( _('Download %s') % episode_title) item.set_image( gtk.image_new_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) item.connect( 'activate', lambda w: self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( self.toolDownload)) menu.append( item) if can_transfer: item = gtk.ImageMenuItem( _('Transfer %s to %s') % ( episode_title, gPodderLib().get_device_name() )) item.set_image( gtk.image_new_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_NETWORK, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) item.connect( 'activate', lambda w: self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( self.toolTransfer)) menu.append( item) if can_cancel: item = gtk.ImageMenuItem( _('_Cancel download')) item.set_image( gtk.image_new_from_stock( gtk.STOCK_STOP, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) item.connect( 'activate', lambda w: self.on_treeDownloads_row_activated( self.toolCancel)) menu.append( item) menu.show_all() menu.popup( None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True def download_progress_updated( self, count, percentage): title = [ self.default_title ] if count == 1: title.append( _('downloading one file')) elif count > 1: title.append( _('downloading %d files') % count) if len(title) == 2: title[1] = ''.join( [ title[1], ' (%d%%)' % ( percentage, ) ]) self.gPodder.set_title( ' - '.join( title)) def playback_episode( self, current_channel, current_podcast): ( success, application ) = gPodderLib().playback_episode( current_channel, current_podcast) if not success: self.show_message( _('The selected player application cannot be found. Please check your media player settings in the preferences dialog.'), _('Error opening player: %s') % ( saxutils.escape( application), )) self.download_status_updated() def treeAvailable_search_equal( self, model, column, key, iter, data = None): if model == None: return True key = key.lower() # columns, as defined in libpodcasts' get model method # 1 = episode title, 7 = description columns = (1, 7) for column in columns: value = model.get_value( iter, column).lower() if value.find( key) != -1: return False return True def play_or_download( self): if self.wNotebook.get_current_page() > 0: return ( can_play, can_download, can_transfer, can_cancel ) = (False,)*4 selection = self.treeAvailable.get_selection() if selection.count_selected_rows() > 0: (model, paths) = selection.get_selected_rows() for path in paths: url = model.get_value( model.get_iter( path), 0) local_filename = model.get_value( model.get_iter( path), 8) if os.path.exists( local_filename): can_play = True else: if services.download_status_manager.is_download_in_progress( url): can_cancel = True else: can_download = True if util.file_type_by_extension( util.file_extension_from_url( url)) == 'torrent': can_download = can_download or gPodderLib().use_gnome_bittorrent can_download = can_download and not can_cancel can_play = can_play and not can_cancel and not can_download can_transfer = can_play and gPodderLib().device_type != 'none' self.toolPlay.set_sensitive( can_play) self.toolDownload.set_sensitive( can_download) self.toolTransfer.set_sensitive( can_transfer) self.toolCancel.set_sensitive( can_cancel) return ( can_play, can_download, can_transfer, can_cancel ) def download_status_updated( self): count = services.download_status_manager.count() if count: self.labelDownloads.set_text( _('Downloads (%d)') % count) else: self.labelDownloads.set_text( _('Downloads')) for channel in self.channels: channel.update_model() self.updateComboBox() def updateComboBox( self): try: old_active = self.comboAvailable.get_active() if old_active < 0: old_active = 0 elif old_active > len( self.channels)-1: old_active = len(self.channels)-1 self.comboAvailable.set_model( channelsToModel( self.channels)) self.comboAvailable.set_active( old_active) self.treeChannels.set_model( self.comboAvailable.get_model()) if old_active > -1: self.treeChannels.get_selection().select_path( old_active) except: pass def updateTreeView( self): gl = gPodderLib() rect = self.treeAvailable.get_visible_rect() if self.channels: self.treeAvailable.set_model( self.active_channel.tree_model) # now, reset the scrolling position self.treeAvailable.scroll_to_point( rect.x, rect.y) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration( False) self.treeAvailable.scroll_to_point( rect.x, rect.y) self.treeAvailable.columns_autosize() self.play_or_download() else: if self.treeAvailable.get_model(): self.treeAvailable.get_model().clear() index = self.comboAvailable.get_active() if index > -1: self.treeChannels.get_selection().select_path( index) def drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, sel, ttype, time): result = sel.data self.add_new_channel( result) def refetch_channel_list( self): channels_should_be = len( self.channels) save_channels( self.channels) self.update_feed_cache( force_update = False) if channels_should_be > len( self.channels): title = _('Error adding channel') message = _('The channel could not be added. Please check the spelling of the URL or try again later.') self.show_message( message, title) return False return True def add_new_channel( self, result = None, ask_download_new = True): result = util.normalize_feed_url( result) if result: for old_channel in self.channels: if old_channel.url == result: self.show_message( _('You have already subscribed to this channel: %s') % ( saxutils.escape( old_channel.title), ), _('Already added')) log( 'Channel already exists: %s', result) # Select the existing channel in combo box for i in range( len( self.channels)): if self.channels[i] == old_channel: self.comboAvailable.set_active( i) return log( 'Adding new channel: %s', result) try: channel = podcastChannel.get_by_url( url = result, force_update = True) except: channel = None if channel: self.channels.append( channel) save_channels( self.channels) # download changed channels self.update_feed_cache( force_update = False) (username, password) = util.username_password_from_url( result) if username and self.show_confirmation( _('You have supplied %s as username and a password for this feed. Would you like to use the same authentication data for downloading episodes?') % ( saxutils.escape( username), ), _('Password authentication')): channel.username = username channel.password = password log('Saving authentication data for episode downloads..', sender = self) channel.save_settings() # ask user to download some new episodes self.comboAvailable.set_active( len( self.channels)-1) if ask_download_new: self.on_btnDownloadNewer_clicked( None) else: title = _('Error adding channel') message = _('The channel could not be added. Please check the spelling of the URL or try again later.') self.show_message( message, title) else: if result: title = _('URL scheme not supported') message = _('gPodder currently only supports URLs starting with http://, feed:// or ftp://.') self.show_message( message, title) def sync_to_ipod_proc( self, sync, episodes = None): if not sync.open(): sync.close( success = False, access_error = True) return False if episodes == None: i = 0 for channel in self.ldb.channel_list: sync.set_progress_overall( i, len(self.ldb.channel_list)) channel.load_settings() sync.sync_channel( channel, sync_played_episodes = not gPodderLib().only_sync_not_played) i += 1 sync.set_progress_overall( i, len(self.ldb.channel_list)) else: sync.sync_channel( self.active_channel, episodes, True) sync.close( success = not sync.cancelled) gobject.idle_add( self.updateTreeView) def ipod_cleanup_proc( self, sync): if not sync.open(): gobject.idle_add( self.show_message, message, title) sync.close( success = False, access_error = True) return False sync.clean_playlist() sync.close( success = not sync.cancelled, cleaned = True) gobject.idle_add( self.updateTreeView) def update_feed_cache_callback( self, label, progressbar, position, count): if len(self.channels) > position: title = _('Updating %s') % saxutils.escape( self.channels[position].title) else: title = _('Please wait...') label.set_markup( '%s' % title) progressbar.set_text( _('%d of %d channels updated') % ( position, count )) if count: progressbar.set_fraction( ((1.00*position) / (1.00*count))) def update_feed_cache_proc( self, force_update, callback_proc = None, callback_error = None, finish_proc = None): self.channels = load_channels( force_update = force_update, callback_proc = callback_proc, callback_error = callback_error) if finish_proc: finish_proc() def update_feed_cache(self, force_update = True): title = _('Downloading podcast feeds') heading = _('Downloading feeds') body = _('Podcast feeds contain channel metadata and information about current episodes.') please_wait = gtk.Dialog( title, self.gPodder, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, ( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, )) please_wait.set_transient_for( self.gPodder) please_wait.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) please_wait.vbox.set_spacing( 5) please_wait.set_border_width( 10) please_wait.set_resizable( False) label_heading = gtk.Label() label_heading.set_alignment( 0.0, 0.5) label_heading.set_markup( '%s' % heading) label_body = gtk.Label() label_body.set_text( body) label_body.set_alignment( 0.0, 0.5) label_body.set_line_wrap( True) myprogressbar = gtk.ProgressBar() mylabel = gtk.Label() mylabel.set_alignment( 0.0, 0.5) mylabel.set_ellipsize( pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) # put it all together please_wait.vbox.pack_start( label_heading) please_wait.vbox.pack_start( label_body) please_wait.vbox.pack_start( myprogressbar) please_wait.vbox.pack_end( mylabel) please_wait.show_all() # hide separator line please_wait.set_has_separator( False) # let's get down to business.. callback_proc = lambda pos, count: gobject.idle_add( self.update_feed_cache_callback, mylabel, myprogressbar, pos, count) callback_error = lambda x: gobject.idle_add( self.show_message, x) finish_proc = lambda: gobject.idle_add( please_wait.destroy) args = ( force_update, callback_proc, callback_error, finish_proc, ) thread = Thread( target = self.update_feed_cache_proc, args = args) thread.start() please_wait.run() self.updateComboBox() # download all new? if force_update and gPodderLib().download_after_update: self.on_itemDownloadAllNew_activate( self.gPodder) def download_podcast_by_url( self, url, want_message_dialog = True, widget = None): if self.active_channel == None: return current_channel = self.active_channel current_podcast = current_channel.find_episode( url) filename = current_podcast.local_filename() if widget: if (widget.get_name() == 'itemPlaySelected' or widget.get_name() == 'toolPlay') and os.path.exists( filename): # addDownloadedItem just to make sure the episode is marked correctly in localdb if current_channel.addDownloadedItem( current_podcast): self.ldb.clear_cache() # open the file now if current_podcast.file_type() != 'torrent': self.playback_episode( current_channel, current_podcast) return if widget.get_name() == 'treeAvailable': play_callback = lambda: self.playback_episode( current_channel, current_podcast) download_callback = lambda: self.download_podcast_by_url( url, want_message_dialog, None) gpe = gPodderEpisode( episode = current_podcast, channel = current_channel, download_callback = download_callback, play_callback = play_callback) return if not os.path.exists( filename) and not services.download_status_manager.is_download_in_progress( current_podcast.url): downloadThread( current_podcast.url, filename, None, current_podcast.title, current_channel, current_podcast, self.ldb).download() else: if want_message_dialog and os.path.exists( filename) and not current_podcast.file_type() == 'torrent': title = _('Episode already downloaded') message = _('You have already downloaded this episode. Click on the episode to play it.') self.show_message( message, title) elif want_message_dialog and not current_podcast.file_type() == 'torrent': title = _('Download in progress') message = _('You are currently downloading this episode. Please check the download status tab to check when the download is finished.') self.show_message( message, title) if os.path.exists( filename): log( 'Episode has already been downloaded.') if current_channel.addDownloadedItem( current_podcast): self.ldb.clear_cache() # update tree view to mark the episode as being downloaded self.updateComboBox() def close_gpodder(self, widget, *args): if self.channels: save_channels( self.channels) services.download_status_manager.cancel_all() gl = gPodderLib() size = self.gPodder.get_size() pos = self.gPodder.get_position() gl.main_window_width = size[0] gl.main_window_height = size[1] gl.main_window_x = pos[0] gl.main_window_y = pos[1] gl.paned_position = self.channelPaned.get_position() gl.propertiesChanged() self.gtk_main_quit() sys.exit( 0) def on_itemUpdate_activate(self, widget, *args): if self.channels: self.update_feed_cache() else: title = _('No channels available') message = _('You need to subscribe to some podcast feeds before you can start downloading podcasts. Use your favorite search engine to look for interesting podcasts.') self.show_message( message, title) def on_itemDownloadAllNew_activate(self, widget, *args): gl = gPodderLib() to_download = [] message_part = '' new_sum = 0 for channel in self.channels: new_episodes = channel.get_new_episodes() for episode in new_episodes: to_download.append( ( channel, episode )) if len(new_episodes): if len(new_episodes) == 1: new_part = ' ' + _('1 new episode in %s') % ( saxutils.escape(channel.title), ) else: new_part = ' ' + _('%d new episodes in %s') % ( len( new_episodes), saxutils.escape(channel.title), ) message_part += new_part + "\n" new_sum += len(new_episodes) if to_download: title = _('New episodes available') if new_sum == 1: title = _('New episode available') message = _('New episodes are available to be downloaded:\n\n%s\nDo you want to download these episodes now?') % ( message_part, ) if self.show_confirmation( message, title): for channel, episode in to_download: filename = episode.local_filename() if not os.path.exists( filename) and not services.download_status_manager.is_download_in_progress( episode.url): downloadThread( episode.url, filename, None, episode.title, channel, episode, self.ldb).download() else: title = _('No new episodes') message = _('There are no new episodes to download from your podcast subscriptions. Please check for new episodes later.') self.show_message( message, title) self.updateComboBox() def on_sync_to_ipod_activate(self, widget, *args): gl = gPodderLib() if gl.device_type == 'none': title = _('No device configured') message = _('To use the synchronization feature, please configure your device in the preferences dialog first.') self.show_message( message, title) return if gl.device_type == 'ipod' and not ipod_supported(): title = _('Libraries needed: gpod, pymad') message = _('To use the iPod synchronization feature, you need to install the python-gpod and python-pymad libraries from your distribution vendor. More information about the needed libraries can be found on the gPodder website.') self.show_message( message, title) return if gl.device_type in [ 'ipod', 'filesystem' ]: sync_class = None if gl.device_type == 'filesystem': sync_class = gPodder_FSSync elif gl.device_type == 'ipod': sync_class = gPodder_iPodSync if not sync_class: return sync_win = gPodderSync() sync = sync_class( callback_status = sync_win.set_status, callback_progress = sync_win.set_progress, callback_done = sync_win.close) sync_win.set_sync_object( sync) thread_args = [ sync ] if widget == None: thread_args.append( args[0]) thread = Thread( target = self.sync_to_ipod_proc, args = thread_args) thread.start() def on_cleanup_ipod_activate(self, widget, *args): gl = gPodderLib() if gl.device_type == 'none': title = _('No device configured') message = _('To use the synchronization feature, please configure your device in the preferences dialog first.') self.show_message( message, title) return if gl.device_type == 'ipod' and not ipod_supported(): title = _('Libraries needed: gpod, pymad') message = _('To use the iPod synchronization feature, you need to install the python-gpod and python-pymad libraries from your distribution vendor. More information about the needed libraries can be found on the gPodder website.') self.show_message( message, title) return if gl.device_type in [ 'ipod', 'filesystem' ]: sync_class = None if gl.device_type == 'filesystem': title = _('Delete podcasts from MP3 player?') message = _('Do you really want to completely remove all episodes from your MP3 player?') if self.show_confirmation( message, title): sync_class = gPodder_FSSync elif gl.device_type == 'ipod': title = _('Delete podcasts on iPod?') message = _('Do you really want to completely remove all episodes in the Podcasts playlist on your iPod?') if self.show_confirmation( message, title): sync_class = gPodder_iPodSync if not sync_class: return sync_win = gPodderSync() sync = sync_class( callback_status = sync_win.set_status, callback_progress = sync_win.set_progress, callback_done = sync_win.close) sync_win.set_sync_object( sync) thread = Thread( target = self.ipod_cleanup_proc, args = ( sync, )) thread.start() def on_itemPreferences_activate(self, widget, *args): prop = gPodderProperties() prop.set_uar( self.user_apps_reader) prop.set_callback_finished( self.updateComboBox) def on_itemAddChannel_activate(self, widget, *args): if self.channelPaned.get_position() < 200: self.channelPaned.set_position( 200) self.entryAddChannel.set_text( _('Enter podcast URL')) self.entryAddChannel.grab_focus() def on_itemEditChannel_activate(self, widget, *args): if self.active_channel == None: title = _('No channel selected') message = _('Please select a channel in the channels list to edit.') self.show_message( message, title) return gPodderChannel( channel = self.active_channel, callback_closed = self.updateComboBox) def on_itemRemoveChannel_activate(self, widget, *args): try: title = _('Remove channel and episodes?') message = _('Do you really want to remove %s and all downloaded episodes?') % ( self.active_channel.title, ) if self.show_confirmation( message, title): self.active_channel.remove_downloaded() # only delete partial files if we do not have any downloads in progress delete_partial = not services.download_status_manager.has_items() gPodderLib().clean_up_downloads( delete_partial) self.channels.remove( self.active_channel) save_channels( self.channels) self.update_feed_cache( force_update = False) except: pass def on_itemExportChannels_activate(self, widget, *args): if not self.channels: title = _('Nothing to export') message = _('Your list of channel subscriptions is empty. Please subscribe to some podcasts first before trying to export your subscription list.') self.show_message( message, title) return dlg = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title=_("Export to OPML"), parent = None, action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE) dlg.add_button( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dlg.add_button( gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) response = dlg.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: filename = dlg.get_filename() exporter = opml.Exporter( filename) if not exporter.write( self.channels): self.show_message( _('Could not export OPML to file. Please check your permissions.'), _('OPML export failed')) dlg.destroy() def on_itemImportChannels_activate(self, widget, *args): gPodderOpmlLister().get_channels_from_url( gPodderLib().opml_url, lambda url: self.add_new_channel(url,False), lambda: self.on_itemDownloadAllNew_activate( self.gPodder)) def on_btnTransfer_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( widget, args) def on_homepage_activate(self, widget, *args): os.system( 'gnome-open ' + app_website) def on_wishlist_activate(self, widget, *args): os.system( 'gnome-open http://www.amazon.de/gp/registry/2PD2MYGHE6857') def on_mailinglist_activate(self, widget, *args): os.system( 'gnome-open http://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/gpodder-devel') def on_itemAbout_activate(self, widget, *args): dlg = gtk.AboutDialog() dlg.set_name( app_name) dlg.set_version( app_version) dlg.set_authors( app_authors) dlg.set_copyright( app_copyright) dlg.set_website( app_website) dlg.set_translator_credits( _('translator-credits')) dlg.connect( 'response', lambda dlg, response: dlg.destroy()) try: dlg.set_logo( gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( scalable_dir, 200, 200)) except: pass dlg.run() def on_wNotebook_switch_page(self, widget, *args): page_num = args[1] if page_num == 0: self.updateComboBox() self.play_or_download() else: self.toolDownload.set_sensitive( False) self.toolPlay.set_sensitive( False) self.toolTransfer.set_sensitive( False) self.toolCancel.set_sensitive( services.download_status_manager.has_items()) def on_treeChannels_row_activated(self, widget, *args): self.on_itemEditChannel_activate( self.treeChannels) def on_treeChannels_cursor_changed(self, widget, *args): (model,iter) = self.treeChannels.get_selection().get_selected() pos = model.get_value( iter, 6) self.comboAvailable.set_active( pos) def on_entryAddChannel_changed(self, widget, *args): active = self.entryAddChannel.get_text() not in ('', _('Enter podcast URL')) self.btnAddChannel.set_sensitive( active) def on_btnAddChannel_clicked(self, widget, *args): url = self.entryAddChannel.get_text() self.entryAddChannel.set_text('') self.add_new_channel( url) def on_comboAvailable_changed(self, widget, *args): try: self.active_channel = self.channels[self.comboAvailable.get_active()] except: self.active_channel = None if self.active_channel != None: self.itemEditChannel.get_child().set_text( _('Edit "%s"') % ( self.active_channel.title,)) self.itemRemoveChannel.get_child().set_text( _('Remove "%s"') % ( self.active_channel.title,)) self.itemEditChannel.show_all() self.itemRemoveChannel.show_all() else: self.itemEditChannel.hide_all() self.itemRemoveChannel.hide_all() self.updateTreeView() def on_btnEditChannel_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.on_itemEditChannel_activate( widget, args) def on_treeAvailable_row_activated(self, widget, *args): try: selection = self.treeAvailable.get_selection() selection_tuple = selection.get_selected_rows() transfer_files = False episodes = [] if selection.count_selected_rows() > 1: widget_to_send = None show_message_dialog = False else: widget_to_send = widget show_message_dialog = True if widget.get_name() == 'itemTransferSelected' or widget.get_name() == 'toolTransfer': transfer_files = True for apath in selection_tuple[1]: selection_iter = self.treeAvailable.get_model().get_iter( apath) url = self.treeAvailable.get_model().get_value( selection_iter, 0) if transfer_files: episodes.append( self.active_channel.find_episode( url)) else: self.download_podcast_by_url( url, show_message_dialog, widget_to_send) if transfer_files and len(episodes): self.on_sync_to_ipod_activate( None, episodes) except: title = _('Nothing selected') message = _('Please select an episode that you want to download and then click on the download button to start downloading the selected episode.') self.show_message( message, title) def on_btnDownload_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( widget, args) def on_treeAvailable_button_release_event(self, widget, *args): self.play_or_download() def on_btnDownloadNewer_clicked(self, widget, *args): channel = self.active_channel episodes_to_download = channel.get_new_episodes() if not episodes_to_download: title = _('No episodes to download') message = _('You have already downloaded the most recent episodes from %s.') % ( channel.title, ) self.show_message( message, title) else: if len(episodes_to_download) > 1: if len(episodes_to_download) < 10: e_str = '\n'.join( [ ' '+saxutils.escape(e.title)+'' for e in episodes_to_download ] ) else: e_str = '\n'.join( [ ' '+saxutils.escape(e.title)+'' for e in episodes_to_download[:7] ] ) e_str_2 = _('(...%d more episodes...)') % ( len(episodes_to_download)-7, ) e_str = '%s\n %s' % ( e_str, e_str_2, ) title = _('Download new episodes?') message = _('New episodes are available for download. If you want, you can download these episodes to your computer now.') message = '%s\n\n%s' % ( message, e_str, ) else: title = _('Download %s?') % saxutils.escape(episodes_to_download[0].title) message = _('A new episode is available for download. If you want, you can download this episode to your computer now.') if not self.show_confirmation( message, title): return for episode in episodes_to_download: self.download_podcast_by_url( episode.url, False) def on_btnSelectAllAvailable_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.treeAvailable.get_selection().select_all() self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( self.toolDownload, args) self.treeAvailable.get_selection().unselect_all() def on_treeDownloads_row_activated(self, widget, *args): cancel_urls = [] if self.wNotebook.get_current_page() > 0: # Use the download list treeview + model ( tree, column ) = ( self.treeDownloads, 3 ) else: # Use the available podcasts treeview + model ( tree, column ) = ( self.treeAvailable, 0 ) selection = tree.get_selection() (model, paths) = selection.get_selected_rows() for path in paths: url = model.get_value( model.get_iter( path), column) cancel_urls.append( url) if len( cancel_urls) == 0: log('Nothing selected.', sender = self) return if len( cancel_urls) == 1: title = _('Cancel download?') message = _("Cancelling this download will remove the partially downloaded file and stop the download.") else: title = _('Cancel downloads?') message = _("Cancelling the download will stop the %d selected downloads and remove partially downloaded files.") % selection.count_selected_rows() if self.show_confirmation( message, title): for url in cancel_urls: services.download_status_manager.cancel_by_url( url) def on_btnCancelDownloadStatus_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.on_treeDownloads_row_activated( widget, None) def on_btnCancelAll_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.treeDownloads.get_selection().select_all() self.on_treeDownloads_row_activated( self.toolCancel, None) self.treeDownloads.get_selection().unselect_all() def on_btnDownloadedExecute_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.on_treeAvailable_row_activated( widget, args) def on_btnDownloadedDelete_clicked(self, widget, *args): if self.active_channel == None: return channel_url = self.active_channel.url selection = self.treeAvailable.get_selection() selection_tuple = selection.get_selected_rows() model = self.treeAvailable.get_model() if selection.count_selected_rows() == 0: log( 'Nothing selected - will not remove any downloaded episode.') return title = _('Remove %d episodes?') % selection.count_selected_rows() message = _('If you remove these episodes, they will be deleted from your computer. If you want to listen to any of these episodes again, you will have to re-download the episodes in question.') if selection.count_selected_rows() == 1: title = _('Remove %s?') % model.get_value( model.get_iter( selection_tuple[1][0]), 1) message = _("If you remove this episode, it will be deleted from your computer. If you want to listen to this episode again, you will have to re-download it.") # if user confirms deletion, let's remove some stuff ;) if self.show_confirmation( message, title): try: # iterate over the selection, see also on_treeDownloads_row_activated for apath in selection_tuple[1]: selection_iter = model.get_iter( apath) url = model.get_value( selection_iter, 0) self.active_channel.delete_episode_by_url( url) # now, clear local db cache so we can re-read it self.ldb.clear_cache() self.updateComboBox() except: log( 'Error while deleting (some) downloads.') # only delete partial files if we do not have any downloads in progress delete_partial = not services.download_status_manager.has_items() gPodderLib().clean_up_downloads( delete_partial) self.active_channel.force_update_tree_model() self.updateTreeView() def on_btnDeleteAll_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.treeAvailable.get_selection().select_all() self.on_btnDownloadedDelete_clicked( widget, args) self.treeAvailable.get_selection().unselect_all() class gPodderChannel(GladeWidget): def new(self): self.gPodderChannel.set_title( self.channel.title) self.entryTitle.set_text( self.channel.title) self.entryURL.set_text( self.channel.url) self.LabelDownloadTo.set_text( self.channel.save_dir) self.LabelWebsite.set_text( self.channel.link) self.channel.load_settings() self.cbNoSync.set_active( not self.channel.sync_to_devices) self.musicPlaylist.set_text( self.channel.device_playlist_name) self.cbMusicChannel.set_active( self.channel.is_music_channel) if self.channel.username: self.FeedUsername.set_text( self.channel.username) if self.channel.password: self.FeedPassword.set_text( self.channel.password) gPodderLib().get_image_from_url( self.channel.image, self.imgCover.set_from_pixbuf, self.labelCoverStatus.set_text, self.labelCoverStatus.hide, self.channel.cover_file) b = gtk.TextBuffer() b.set_text( self.channel.description) self.channel_description.set_buffer( b) def on_gPodderChannel_destroy(self, widget, *args): self.callback_closed() def on_cbMusicChannel_toggled(self, widget, *args): self.musicPlaylist.set_sensitive( self.cbMusicChannel.get_active()) def on_btnOK_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.channel.sync_to_devices = not self.cbNoSync.get_active() self.channel.is_music_channel = self.cbMusicChannel.get_active() self.channel.device_playlist_name = self.musicPlaylist.get_text() self.channel.set_custom_title( self.entryTitle.get_text()) self.channel.username = self.FeedUsername.get_text().strip() self.channel.password = self.FeedPassword.get_text() self.channel.save_settings() self.gPodderChannel.destroy() def on_btnCancel_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.gPodderChannel.destroy() class gPodderProperties(GladeWidget): def new(self): self.callback_finished = None gl = gPodderLib() self.httpProxy.set_text( gl.http_proxy) self.ftpProxy.set_text( gl.ftp_proxy) self.openApp.set_text( gl.open_app) self.iPodMountpoint.set_label( gl.ipod_mount) self.ipodIcon.set_from_icon_name( 'gnome-dev-ipod', gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) self.filesystemMountpoint.set_label( gl.mp3_player_folder) self.opmlURL.set_text( gl.opml_url) if gl.downloaddir: self.chooserDownloadTo.set_filename( gl.downloaddir) if gl.torrentdir: self.chooserBitTorrentTo.set_filename( gl.torrentdir) self.radio_copy_torrents.set_active( not gl.use_gnome_bittorrent) self.radio_gnome_bittorrent.set_active( gl.use_gnome_bittorrent) self.updateonstartup.set_active(gl.update_on_startup) self.downloadnew.set_active(gl.download_after_update) self.cbLimitDownloads.set_active(gl.limit_rate) self.spinLimitDownloads.set_value(gl.limit_rate_value) self.cbMaxDownloads.set_active(gl.max_downloads_enabled) self.spinMaxDownloads.set_value(gl.max_downloads) self.only_sync_not_played.set_active(gl.only_sync_not_played) if tagging_supported(): self.updatetags.set_active(gl.update_tags) else: self.updatetags.set_sensitive( False) new_label = '%s (%s)' % ( self.updatetags.get_label(), _('needs python-eyed3') ) self.updatetags.set_label( new_label) # device type self.comboboxDeviceType.set_active( 0) if gl.device_type == 'ipod': self.comboboxDeviceType.set_active( 1) elif gl.device_type == 'filesystem': self.comboboxDeviceType.set_active( 2) # the use proxy env vars check box self.cbEnvironmentVariables.set_active( gl.proxy_use_environment) # setup cell renderers cellrenderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() self.comboPlayerApp.pack_start( cellrenderer, False) self.comboPlayerApp.add_attribute( cellrenderer, 'pixbuf', 2) cellrenderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.comboPlayerApp.pack_start( cellrenderer, True) self.comboPlayerApp.add_attribute( cellrenderer, 'markup', 0) def update_mountpoint( self, ipod): if ipod == None or ipod.mount_point == None: self.iPodMountpoint.set_label( '') else: self.iPodMountpoint.set_label( ipod.mount_point) def set_uar( self, uar): self.comboPlayerApp.set_model( uar.get_applications_as_model()) # try to activate an item index = self.find_active() self.comboPlayerApp.set_active( index) def set_callback_finished( self, cb): self.callback_finished = cb def find_active( self): model = self.comboPlayerApp.get_model() iter = model.get_iter_first() index = 0 while iter != None: command = model.get_value( iter, 1) if command == self.openApp.get_text(): return index iter = model.iter_next( iter) index = index + 1 # return last item = custom command return index-1 def set_download_dir( self, new_download_dir, event = None): gl = gPodderLib() gl.downloaddir = self.chooserDownloadTo.get_filename() if gl.downloaddir != self.chooserDownloadTo.get_filename(): gobject.idle_add( self.show_message, _('There has been an error moving your downloads to the specified location. The old download directory will be used instead.'), _('Error moving downloads')) if event: event.set() def on_gPodderProperties_destroy(self, widget, *args): self.on_btnOK_clicked( widget, *args) def on_comboPlayerApp_changed(self, widget, *args): # find out which one iter = self.comboPlayerApp.get_active_iter() model = self.comboPlayerApp.get_model() command = model.get_value( iter, 1) if command == '': self.openApp.set_sensitive( True) self.openApp.show() self.labelCustomCommand.show() else: self.openApp.set_text( command) self.openApp.set_sensitive( False) self.openApp.hide() self.labelCustomCommand.hide() def on_cbMaxDownloads_toggled(self, widget, *args): self.spinMaxDownloads.set_sensitive( self.cbMaxDownloads.get_active()) def on_cbLimitDownloads_toggled(self, widget, *args): self.spinLimitDownloads.set_sensitive( self.cbLimitDownloads.get_active()) def on_cbEnvironmentVariables_toggled(self, widget, *args): sens = not self.cbEnvironmentVariables.get_active() self.httpProxy.set_sensitive( sens) self.ftpProxy.set_sensitive( sens) def on_comboboxDeviceType_changed(self, widget, *args): active_item = self.comboboxDeviceType.get_active() # iPod if active_item == 1: self.ipodLabel.show() self.btn_iPodMountpoint.set_sensitive( True) self.btn_iPodMountpoint.show_all() else: self.ipodLabel.hide() self.btn_iPodMountpoint.set_sensitive( False) self.btn_iPodMountpoint.hide() # filesystem-based MP3 player if active_item == 2: self.filesystemLabel.show() self.btn_filesystemMountpoint.set_sensitive( True) self.btn_filesystemMountpoint.show_all() else: self.filesystemLabel.hide() self.btn_filesystemMountpoint.set_sensitive( False) self.btn_filesystemMountpoint.hide() def on_btn_iPodMountpoint_clicked(self, widget, *args): fs = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title = _('Select iPod mountpoint'), action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER) fs.add_button( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) fs.add_button( gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) gl = gPodderLib() fs.set_filename( self.iPodMountpoint.get_label()) if fs.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.iPodMountpoint.set_label( fs.get_filename()) fs.destroy() def on_btn_FilesystemMountpoint_clicked(self, widget, *args): fs = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title = _('Select folder for MP3 player'), action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER) fs.add_button( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) fs.add_button( gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) gl = gPodderLib() fs.set_filename( self.filesystemMountpoint.get_label()) if fs.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.filesystemMountpoint.set_label( fs.get_filename()) fs.destroy() def on_btnOK_clicked(self, widget, *args): gl = gPodderLib() gl.http_proxy = self.httpProxy.get_text() gl.ftp_proxy = self.ftpProxy.get_text() gl.open_app = self.openApp.get_text() gl.proxy_use_environment = self.cbEnvironmentVariables.get_active() gl.ipod_mount = self.iPodMountpoint.get_label() gl.mp3_player_folder = self.filesystemMountpoint.get_label() gl.opml_url = self.opmlURL.get_text() if gl.downloaddir != self.chooserDownloadTo.get_filename(): new_download_dir = self.chooserDownloadTo.get_filename() download_dir_size = util.calculate_size( gl.downloaddir) download_dir_size_string = util.format_filesize( download_dir_size, 'MB') event = Event() dlg = gtk.Dialog( _('Moving downloads folder'), self.gPodderProperties) dlg.vbox.set_spacing( 5) dlg.set_border_width( 5) label = gtk.Label() label.set_line_wrap( True) label.set_markup( _('Moving downloads from %s to %s...') % ( gl.downloaddir, new_download_dir, )) myprogressbar = gtk.ProgressBar() # put it all together dlg.vbox.pack_start( label) dlg.vbox.pack_end( myprogressbar) # switch windows dlg.show_all() self.gPodderProperties.hide_all() # hide action area and separator line dlg.action_area.hide() dlg.set_has_separator( False) args = ( new_download_dir, event, ) thread = Thread( target = self.set_download_dir, args = args) thread.start() while not event.isSet(): new_download_dir_size = util.calculate_size( new_download_dir) fract = (1.00*new_download_dir_size) / (1.00*download_dir_size) if fract < 0.99: myprogressbar.set_text( _('%s of %s') % ( util.format_filesize( new_download_dir_size, 'MB'), download_dir_size_string, )) else: myprogressbar.set_text( _('Finishing... please wait.')) myprogressbar.set_fraction( fract) event.wait( 0.1) while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration( False) dlg.destroy() gl.torrentdir = self.chooserBitTorrentTo.get_filename() gl.use_gnome_bittorrent = self.radio_gnome_bittorrent.get_active() gl.update_on_startup = self.updateonstartup.get_active() gl.download_after_update = self.downloadnew.get_active() gl.limit_rate = self.cbLimitDownloads.get_active() gl.limit_rate_value = self.spinLimitDownloads.get_value() gl.max_downloads_enabled = self.cbMaxDownloads.get_active() gl.max_downloads = int(self.spinMaxDownloads.get_value()) gl.update_tags = self.updatetags.get_active() gl.only_sync_not_played = self.only_sync_not_played.get_active() device_type = self.comboboxDeviceType.get_active() if device_type == 0: gl.device_type = 'none' elif device_type == 1: gl.device_type = 'ipod' elif device_type == 2: gl.device_type = 'filesystem' gl.propertiesChanged() self.gPodderProperties.destroy() if self.callback_finished: self.callback_finished() class gPodderEpisode(GladeWidget): def new(self): services.download_status_manager.register( 'list-changed', self.on_download_status_changed) services.download_status_manager.register( 'progress-detail', self.on_download_status_progress) self.episode_title.set_markup( '%s' % saxutils.escape( self.episode.title)) b = gtk.TextBuffer() b.set_text( strip( self.episode.description)) self.episode_description.set_buffer( b) self.gPodderEpisode.set_title( self.episode.title) self.LabelDownloadLink.set_text( self.episode.url) self.LabelWebsiteLink.set_text( self.episode.link) self.labelPubDate.set_markup( self.episode.pubDate) self.channel_title.set_markup( _('from %s') % self.channel.title) self.hide_show_widgets() services.download_status_manager.request_progress_detail( self.episode.url) def on_btnCancel_clicked( self, widget): services.download_status_manager.cancel_by_url( self.episode.url) def on_gPodderEpisode_destroy( self, widget): services.download_status_manager.unregister( 'list-changed', self.on_download_status_changed) services.download_status_manager.unregister( 'progress-detail', self.on_download_status_progress) def on_download_status_changed( self): self.hide_show_widgets() def on_download_status_progress( self, url, progress, speed): if url == self.episode.url: self.progress_bar.set_fraction( 1.0*progress/100.0) self.progress_bar.set_text( 'Downloading: %d%% (%s)' % ( progress, speed, )) def hide_show_widgets( self): is_downloading = services.download_status_manager.is_download_in_progress( self.episode.url) if is_downloading: self.progress_bar.show_all() self.btnCancel.show_all() self.btnPlay.hide_all() self.btnSaveFile.hide_all() self.btnDownload.hide_all() else: self.progress_bar.hide_all() self.btnCancel.hide_all() if os.path.exists( self.episode.local_filename()): self.btnPlay.show_all() self.btnSaveFile.show_all() self.btnDownload.hide_all() else: self.btnPlay.hide_all() self.btnSaveFile.hide_all() self.btnDownload.show_all() def on_btnCloseWindow_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.gPodderEpisode.destroy() def on_btnDownload_clicked(self, widget, *args): if self.download_callback: self.download_callback() def on_btnPlay_clicked(self, widget, *args): if self.play_callback: self.play_callback() self.gPodderEpisode.destroy() def on_btnSaveFile_clicked(self, widget, *args): fn = self.episode.local_filename() ext = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] suggestion = self.channel.title + ' - ' + self.episode.title + ext dlg = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title=_("Save episode as file"), parent = self.gPodderEpisode, action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE) dlg.set_current_name( suggestion) dlg.set_current_folder( os.path.expanduser('~')) dlg.add_button( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) dlg.add_button( gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) response = dlg.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: foutname = dlg.get_filename() if foutname[-len(ext):] != ext: foutname = foutname + ext log( 'Saving episode as: %s', foutname, sender = self) try: shutil.copyfile( fn, foutname) except: log('Error saving file :/', sender = self) dlg.destroy() class gPodderSync(GladeWidget): def new(self): self.pos_overall = 0 self.max_overall = 1 self.pos_episode = 0 self.max_episode = 1 self.cancel_button.set_sensitive( False) self.sync = None self.default_title = self.gPodderSync.get_title() self.default_header = self.label_header.get_text() self.default_body = self.label_text.get_text() self.imageSync.set_from_icon_name( 'gnome-dev-ipod', gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) def set_sync_object( self, sync): self.sync = sync if self.sync.can_cancel: self.cancel_button.set_sensitive( True) def set_progress( self, pos, max, is_overall = False, is_sub_episode = False): pos = min(pos, max) if is_sub_episode: fraction_episode = 1.0*(self.pos_episode+1.0*pos/max)/self.max_episode self.pbEpisode.set_fraction( fraction_episode) self.pbSync.set_fraction( 1.0*(self.pos_overall+fraction_episode)/self.max_overall) return if is_overall: progressbar = self.pbSync self.pos_overall = pos self.max_overall = max progressbar.set_fraction( 1.0*pos/max) else: progressbar = self.pbEpisode self.pos_episode = pos self.max_episode = max progressbar.set_fraction( 1.0*pos/max) self.pbSync.set_fraction( 1.0*(self.pos_overall+1.0*pos/max)/self.max_overall) percent = _('%d of %d done') % ( pos, max ) progressbar.set_text( percent) def set_status( self, episode = None, channel = None, progressbar = None, title = None, header = None, body = None): if episode != None: self.labelEpisode.set_markup( '%s' % episode) if channel != None: self.labelChannel.set_markup( '%s' % channel) if progressbar != None: self.pbSync.set_text( progressbar) if title != None: self.gPodderSync.set_title( title) else: self.gPodderSync.set_title( self.default_title) if header != None: self.label_header.set_markup( '%s' % header) else: self.label_header.set_markup( '%s' % self.default_header) if body != None: self.label_text.set_markup( body) else: self.label_text.set_markup( self.default_body) def close( self, success = True, access_error = False, cleaned = False, error_messages = []): if self.sync: self.sync.cancelled = True self.cancel_button.set_label( gtk.STOCK_CLOSE) self.cancel_button.set_use_stock( True) self.cancel_button.set_sensitive( True) self.gPodderSync.set_resizable( True) self.pbSync.hide_all() self.pbEpisode.hide_all() self.labelChannel.hide_all() self.labelEpisode.hide_all() self.gPodderSync.set_resizable( False) if success and not cleaned: title = _('Synchronization finished') header = _('Copied Podcasts') body = _('The selected episodes have been copied to your device. You can now unplug the device.') elif access_error: title = _('Synchronization error') header = _('Cannot access device') body = _('Make sure your device is connected to your computer and mounted. Please also make sure you have set the correct path to your device in the preferences dialog.') elif cleaned: title = _('Device cleaned') header = _('Podcasts removed') body = _('Synchronized Podcasts have been removed from your device.') elif len(error_messages): title = _('Synchronization error') header = _('An error has occurred') body = '\n'.join( error_messages) else: title = _('Synchronization aborted') header = _('Aborted') body = _('The synchronization progress has been interrupted by the user. Please retry synchronization at a later time.') self.gPodderSync.set_title( title) self.label_header.set_markup( '%s' % header) self.label_text.set_text( body) def on_gPodderSync_destroy(self, widget, *args): pass def on_cancel_button_clicked(self, widget, *args): if self.sync: if self.sync.cancelled: self.gPodderSync.destroy() else: self.sync.cancelled = True self.cancel_button.set_sensitive( False) else: self.gPodderSync.destroy() class gPodderOpmlLister(GladeWidget): def new(self): # initiate channels list self.channels = [] self.callback_for_channel = None self.callback_finished = None togglecell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() togglecell.set_property( 'activatable', True) togglecell.connect( 'toggled', self.callback_edited) togglecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( '', togglecell, active=0) titlecell = gtk.CellRendererText() titlecolumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn( _('Channel'), titlecell, markup=1) for itemcolumn in ( togglecolumn, titlecolumn ): self.treeviewChannelChooser.append_column( itemcolumn) def callback_edited( self, cell, path): model = self.treeviewChannelChooser.get_model() url = model[path][2] model[path][0] = not model[path][0] if model[path][0]: self.channels.append( url) else: self.channels.remove( url) self.btnOK.set_sensitive( bool(len(self.channels))) def thread_func( self): url = self.entryURL.get_text() importer = opml.Importer( url) model = importer.get_model() gobject.idle_add( self.treeviewChannelChooser.set_model, model) gobject.idle_add( self.labelStatus.set_label, '') gobject.idle_add( self.btnDownloadOpml.set_sensitive, True) gobject.idle_add( self.entryURL.set_sensitive, True) gobject.idle_add( self.treeviewChannelChooser.set_sensitive, True) self.channels = [] def get_channels_from_url( self, url, callback_for_channel = None, callback_finished = None): if callback_for_channel: self.callback_for_channel = callback_for_channel if callback_finished: self.callback_finished = callback_finished self.labelStatus.set_label( _('Downloading, please wait...')) self.entryURL.set_text( url) self.btnDownloadOpml.set_sensitive( False) self.entryURL.set_sensitive( False) self.btnOK.set_sensitive( False) self.treeviewChannelChooser.set_sensitive( False) Thread( target = self.thread_func).start() def on_gPodderOpmlLister_destroy(self, widget, *args): pass def on_btnDownloadOpml_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.get_channels_from_url( self.entryURL.get_text()) def on_btnOK_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.gPodderOpmlLister.destroy() # add channels that have been selected for url in self.channels: if self.callback_for_channel: self.callback_for_channel( url) if self.callback_finished: self.callback_finished() def on_btnCancel_clicked(self, widget, *args): self.gPodderOpmlLister.destroy() def main(): gobject.threads_init() gtk.window_set_default_icon_name( 'gpodder') gPodder().run()