# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client # Copyright (c) 2005-2018 The gPodder Team # # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # gpodder.gtkui.desktop.sync - Glue code between GTK+ UI and sync module # Thomas Perl ; 2009-09-05 (based on code from gui.py) # Ported to gPodder 3 by Joseph Wickremasinghe in June 2012 import logging import os import gpodder from gpodder import sync, util from gpodder.deviceplaylist import gPodderDevicePlaylist _ = gpodder.gettext logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class gPodderSyncUI(object): def __init__(self, config, notification, parent_window, show_confirmation, show_preferences, channels, download_status_model, download_queue_manager, enable_download_list_update, commit_changes_to_database, delete_episode_list, select_episodes_to_delete): self.device = None self._config = config self.notification = notification self.parent_window = parent_window self.show_confirmation = show_confirmation self.show_preferences = show_preferences self.channels = channels self.download_status_model = download_status_model self.download_queue_manager = download_queue_manager self.enable_download_list_update = enable_download_list_update self.commit_changes_to_database = commit_changes_to_database self.delete_episode_list = delete_episode_list self.select_episodes_to_delete = select_episodes_to_delete def _filter_sync_episodes(self, channels, only_downloaded=False): """Return a list of episodes for device synchronization If only_downloaded is True, this will skip episodes that have not been downloaded yet and podcasts that are marked as "Do not synchronize to my device". """ episodes = [] for channel in channels: if only_downloaded or not channel.sync_to_mp3_player: logger.info('Skipping channel: %s', channel.title) continue for episode in channel.get_all_episodes(): if (episode.was_downloaded(and_exists=True) or not only_downloaded): episodes.append(episode) return episodes def _show_message_unconfigured(self): title = _('No device configured') message = _('Please set up your device in the preferences dialog.') if self.show_confirmation(message, title): self.show_preferences(self.parent_window, None) def _show_message_cannot_open(self): title = _('Cannot open device') message = _('Please check logs and the settings in the preferences dialog.') self.notification(message, title, important=True) def on_synchronize_episodes(self, channels, episodes=None, force_played=True, done_callback=None): device = sync.open_device(self) if device is None: return self._show_message_unconfigured() if not device.open(): return self._show_message_cannot_open() else: # Only set if device is configured and opened successfully self.device = device if episodes is None: force_played = False episodes = self._filter_sync_episodes(channels) def check_free_space(): # "Will we add this episode to the device?" def will_add(episode): # If already on-device, it won't take up any space if device.episode_on_device(episode): return False # Might not be synced if it's played already if (not force_played and self._config.device_sync.skip_played_episodes): return False # In all other cases, we expect the episode to be # synchronized to the device, so "answer" positive return True # "What is the file size of this episode?" def file_size(episode): filename = episode.local_filename(create=False) if filename is None: return 0 return util.calculate_size(str(filename)) # Calculate total size of sync and free space on device total_size = sum(file_size(e) for e in episodes if will_add(e)) free_space = max(device.get_free_space(), 0) if total_size > free_space: title = _('Not enough space left on device') message = (_('Additional free space required: %(required_space)s\nDo you want to continue?') % {'required_space': util.format_filesize(total_size - free_space)}) if not self.show_confirmation(message, title): device.cancel() device.close() return # enable updating of UI self.enable_download_list_update() """Update device playlists General approach is as follows: When a episode is downloaded and synched, it is added to the standard playlist for that podcast which is then written to the device. After the user has played that episode on their device, they can delete that episode from their device. At the next sync, gPodder will then compare the standard podcast-specific playlists on the device (as written by gPodder during the last sync), with the episodes on the device.If there is an episode referenced in the playlist that is no longer on the device, gPodder will assume that the episode has already been synced and subsequently deleted from the device, and will hence mark that episode as deleted in gPodder. If there are no playlists, nothing is deleted. At the next sync, the playlists will be refreshed based on the downloaded, undeleted episodes in gPodder, and the cycle begins again... """ def resume_sync(episode_urls, channel_urls, progress): if progress is not None: progress.on_finished() # rest of sync process should continue here self.commit_changes_to_database() for current_channel in self.channels: # only sync those channels marked for syncing if (self._config.device_sync.device_type == 'filesystem' and current_channel.sync_to_mp3_player and self._config.device_sync.playlists.create): # get playlist object playlist = gPodderDevicePlaylist(self._config, current_channel.title) # need to refresh episode list so that # deleted episodes aren't included in playlists episodes_for_playlist = sorted(current_channel.get_episodes(gpodder.STATE_DOWNLOADED), key=lambda ep: ep.published) # don't add played episodes to playlist if skip_played_episodes is True if self._config.device_sync.skip_played_episodes: episodes_for_playlist = [ep for ep in episodes_for_playlist if ep.is_new] playlist.write_m3u(episodes_for_playlist) # enable updating of UI self.enable_download_list_update() if (self._config.device_sync.device_type == 'filesystem' and self._config.device_sync.playlists.create): title = _('Update successful') message = _('The playlist on your MP3 player has been updated.') self.notification(message, title) # Finally start the synchronization process @util.run_in_background def sync_thread_func(): device.add_sync_tasks(episodes, force_played=force_played, done_callback=done_callback) return if self._config.device_sync.playlists.create: try: episodes_to_delete = [] if self._config.device_sync.playlists.two_way_sync: for current_channel in self.channels: # only include channels that are included in the sync if current_channel.sync_to_mp3_player: # get playlist object playlist = gPodderDevicePlaylist(self._config, current_channel.title) # get episodes to be written to playlist episodes_for_playlist = sorted(current_channel.get_episodes(gpodder.STATE_DOWNLOADED), key=lambda ep: ep.published) episode_keys = list(map(playlist.get_absolute_filename_for_playlist, episodes_for_playlist)) episode_dict = dict(list(zip(episode_keys, episodes_for_playlist))) # then get episodes in playlist (if it exists) already on device episodes_in_playlists = playlist.read_m3u() # if playlist doesn't exist (yet) episodes_in_playlist will be empty if episodes_in_playlists: for episode_filename in episodes_in_playlists: if not(os.path.exists(os.path.join(playlist.mountpoint, episode_filename))): # episode was synced but no longer on device # i.e. must have been deleted by user, so delete from gpodder try: episodes_to_delete.append(episode_dict[episode_filename]) except KeyError as ioe: logger.warn('Episode %s, removed from device has already been deleted from gpodder', episode_filename) # delete all episodes from gpodder (will prompt user) # not using playlists to delete def auto_delete_callback(episodes): if not episodes: # episodes were deleted on device # but user decided not to delete them from gpodder # so jump straight to sync logger.info('Starting sync - no episodes selected for deletion') resume_sync([], [], None) else: # episodes need to be deleted from gpodder for episode_to_delete in episodes: logger.info("Deleting episode %s", episode_to_delete.title) logger.info('Will start sync - after deleting episodes') self.delete_episode_list(episodes, False, True, resume_sync) return if episodes_to_delete: columns = ( ('markup_delete_episodes', None, None, _('Episode')), ) self.select_episodes_to_delete( self.parent_window, title=_('Episodes have been deleted on device'), instructions='Select the episodes you want to delete:', episodes=episodes_to_delete, selected=[True, ] * len(episodes_to_delete), columns=columns, callback=auto_delete_callback, _config=self._config) else: logger.warning("Starting sync - no episodes to delete") resume_sync([], [], None) except IOError as ioe: title = _('Error writing playlist files') message = _(str(ioe)) self.notification(message, title) else: logger.info('Not creating playlists - starting sync') resume_sync([], [], None) # This function is used to remove files from the device def cleanup_episodes(): # 'skip_played_episodes' must be used or else all the # played tracks will be copied then immediately deleted if (self._config.device_sync.delete_played_episodes and self._config.device_sync.skip_played_episodes): all_episodes = self._filter_sync_episodes( channels, only_downloaded=False) for local_episode in all_episodes: episode = device.episode_on_device(local_episode) if episode is None: continue if local_episode.state == gpodder.STATE_DELETED: logger.info('Removing episode from device: %s', episode.title) device.remove_track(episode) # When this is done, start the callback in the UI code util.idle_add(check_free_space) # This will run the following chain of actions: # 1. Remove old episodes (in worker thread) # 2. Check for free space (in UI thread) # 3. Sync the device (in UI thread) util.run_in_background(cleanup_episodes)