#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client # Copyright (c) 2005-2018 The gPodder Team # # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # gpo - A better command-line interface to gPodder using the gPodder API # by Thomas Perl ; 2009-05-07 """ Usage: gpo [--verbose|-v] [COMMAND] [params...] - Subscription management - subscribe URL [TITLE] Subscribe to a new feed at URL (as TITLE) search QUERY Search the gpodder.net directory for QUERY toplist Show the gpodder.net top-subscribe podcasts import FILENAME|URL Subscribe to all podcasts in an OPML file export FILENAME Export all subscriptions to an OPML file rename URL TITLE Rename feed at URL to TITLE unsubscribe URL Unsubscribe from feed at URL enable URL Enable feed updates for the feed at URL disable URL Disable feed updates for the feed at URL info URL Show information about feed at URL list List all subscribed podcasts update [URL] Check for new episodes (all or only at URL) - Episode management - download [URL] [GUID] Download new episodes (all or only from URL) or single GUID delete [URL] [GUID] Delete from feed at URL an episode with given GUID pending [URL] List new episodes (all or only from URL) episodes [--guid] [URL] List episodes with or without GUIDs (all or only from URL) partial [--guid] List partially downloaded episodes with or without GUIDs resume [--guid] Resume partially downloaded episodes or single GUID - Episode management - sync Sync podcasts to device - Configuration - set [key] [value] List one (all) keys or set to a new value - Extension management - extensions [LIST] List all available extensions extension info Information about an extension extension enable Enable an extension extension disable Disable an extension - Other commands - youtube URL Resolve the YouTube URL to a download URL rewrite OLDURL NEWURL Change the feed URL of [OLDURL] to [NEWURL] """ import collections import contextlib import functools import inspect import itertools import logging import os import pydoc import re import shlex import sys import threading try: import readline except ImportError: readline = None try: import termios import fcntl import struct except ImportError: termios = None fcntl = None struct = None # A poor man's argparse/getopt - but it works for our use case :) verbose = False for flag in ('-v', '--verbose'): if flag in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove(flag) verbose = True break gpodder_script = sys.argv[0] gpodder_script = os.path.realpath(gpodder_script) gpodder_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gpodder_script), '..') # TODO: Read parent directory links as well (/bin -> /usr/bin, like on Fedora, see Bug #1618) # This would allow /usr/share/gpodder/ (not /share/gpodder/) to be found from /bin/gpodder prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(gpodder_dir)) src_dir = os.path.join(prefix, 'src') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(src_dir, 'gpodder', '__init__.py')): # Run gPodder from local source folder (not installed) sys.path.insert(0, src_dir) import gpodder # isort:skip from gpodder import common, core, download, feedcore, log, model, my, opml, sync, util, youtube # isort:skip from gpodder.config import config_value_to_string # isort:skip from gpodder.syncui import gPodderSyncUI # isort:skip _ = gpodder.gettext N_ = gpodder.ngettext gpodder.images_folder = os.path.join(prefix, 'share', 'gpodder', 'images') gpodder.prefix = prefix # This is the command-line UI variant gpodder.ui.cli = True gpodder.verbose = verbose have_ansi = sys.stdout.isatty() and not gpodder.ui.win32 interactive_console = sys.stdin.isatty() and sys.stdout.isatty() is_single_command = False log.setup(verbose) def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass def incolor(color_id, s): if have_ansi and cli._config.ui.cli.colors: return '\033[9%dm%s\033[0m' % (color_id, s) return s # ANSI Colors: red = 1, green = 2, yellow = 3, blue = 4 inred, ingreen, inyellow, inblue = (functools.partial(incolor, x) for x in range(1, 5)) def FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL(function): """Decorator for functions that take a podcast URL as first arg""" setattr(function, '_first_arg_is_podcast', True) return function def ExtensionsFunction(function): """Decorator for functions that take an extension as second arg""" setattr(function, '_first_arg_in', ('list', 'info', 'enable', 'disable')) setattr(function, '_second_arg_is_extension', True) return function def get_terminal_size(): if None in (termios, fcntl, struct): return (80, 24) s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) stdout = sys.stdout.fileno() x = fcntl.ioctl(stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s) rows, cols, xp, yp = struct.unpack('HHHH', x) return rows, cols class gPodderCli(object): COLUMNS = 80 EXIT_COMMANDS = ('quit', 'exit', 'bye') def __init__(self): self.core = core.Core() self._db = self.core.db self._config = self.core.config self._model = self.core.model self._current_action = '' self._commands = dict( (name.rstrip('_'), func) for name, func in inspect.getmembers(self) if inspect.ismethod(func) and not name.startswith('_')) self._prefixes, self._expansions = self._build_prefixes_expansions() self._prefixes.update({'?': 'help'}) self._valid_commands = sorted(self._prefixes.values()) gpodder.user_extensions.on_ui_initialized( self.core.model, self._extensions_podcast_update_cb, self._extensions_episode_download_cb) @contextlib.contextmanager def _action(self, msg, *args): self._start_action(msg, *args) try: yield self._finish_action() except Exception as ex: logger.warning('Action could not be completed', exc_info=True) self._finish_action(False) def _run_cleanups(self): # Find expired (old) episodes and delete them old_episodes = list(common.get_expired_episodes(self._model.get_podcasts(), self._config)) if old_episodes: with self._action('Cleaning up old downloads'): for old_episode in old_episodes: old_episode.delete_from_disk() def _build_prefixes_expansions(self): prefixes = {} expansions = collections.defaultdict(list) names = sorted(self._commands.keys()) names.extend(self.EXIT_COMMANDS) # Generator for all prefixes of a given string (longest first) # e.g. ['gpodder', 'gpodde', 'gpodd', 'gpod', 'gpo', 'gp', 'g'] def mkprefixes(n): return (n[:x] for x in range(len(n), 0, -1)) # Return True if the given prefix is unique in "names" def is_unique(p): return len([n for n in names if n.startswith(p)]) == 1 for name in names: is_still_unique = True unique_expansion = None for prefix in mkprefixes(name): if is_unique(prefix): unique_expansion = '[%s]%s' % (prefix, name[len(prefix):]) prefixes[prefix] = name continue if unique_expansion is not None: expansions[prefix].append(unique_expansion) continue return prefixes, expansions def _extensions_podcast_update_cb(self, podcast): self._info(_('Podcast update requested by extensions.')) self._update_podcast(podcast) def _extensions_episode_download_cb(self, episode): self._info(_('Episode download requested by extensions.')) self._download_episode(episode) def _start_action(self, msg, *args): line = util.convert_bytes(msg % args) if len(line) > self.COLUMNS - 7: line = line[:self.COLUMNS - 7 - 3] + '...' else: line = line + (' ' * (self.COLUMNS - 7 - len(line))) self._current_action = line print(self._current_action, end='') def _update_action(self, progress): if have_ansi: progress = '%3.0f%%' % (progress * 100.,) result = '[' + inblue(progress) + ']' print('\r' + self._current_action + result, end='') def _finish_action(self, success=True, skip=False): if skip: result = '[' + inyellow('SKIP') + ']' elif success: result = '[' + ingreen('DONE') + ']' else: result = '[' + inred('FAIL') + ']' if have_ansi: print('\r' + self._current_action + result) else: print(result) self._current_action = '' def _atexit(self): self.core.shutdown() # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def import_(self, url): for channel in opml.Importer(url).items: self.subscribe(channel['url'], channel.get('title')) def export(self, filename): podcasts = self._model.get_podcasts() opml.Exporter(filename).write(podcasts) def get_podcast(self, original_url, create=False, check_only=False): """Get a specific podcast by URL Returns a podcast object for the URL or None if the podcast has not been subscribed to. """ url = util.normalize_feed_url(original_url) if url is None: self._error(_('Invalid url: %s') % original_url) return None # Check if it's a YouTube channel, user, or playlist and resolves it to its feed if that's the case url = youtube.parse_youtube_url(url) # Subscribe to new podcast if create: auth_tokens = {} while True: try: return self._model.load_podcast( url, create=True, authentication_tokens=auth_tokens.get(url, None), max_episodes=self._config.max_episodes_per_feed) except feedcore.AuthenticationRequired as e: if e.url in auth_tokens: print(inred(_('Wrong username/password'))) return None else: print(inyellow(_('Podcast requires authentication'))) print(inyellow(_('Please login to %s:') % (url,))) username = input(_('User name:') + ' ') if username: password = input(_('Password:') + ' ') if password: auth_tokens[e.url] = (username, password) url = e.url else: return None else: return None # Load existing podcast for podcast in self._model.get_podcasts(): if podcast.url == url: return podcast if not check_only: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % url) return None def subscribe(self, url, title=None): existing = self.get_podcast(url, check_only=True) if existing is not None: self._error(_('Already subscribed to %s.') % existing.url) return True try: podcast = self.get_podcast(url, create=True) if podcast is None: self._error(_('Cannot subscribe to %s.') % url) return True if title is not None: podcast.rename(title) podcast.save() except Exception as e: logger.warn('Cannot subscribe: %s', e, exc_info=True) if hasattr(e, 'strerror'): self._error(e.strerror) else: self._error(str(e)) return True self._db.commit() self._info(_('Successfully added %s.' % url)) return True def _print_config(self, search_for): for key in self._config.all_keys(): if search_for is None or search_for.lower() in key.lower(): value = config_value_to_string(self._config._lookup(key)) print(key, '=', value) def set(self, key=None, value=None): if value is None: self._print_config(key) return try: current_value = self._config._lookup(key) current_type = type(current_value) except KeyError: self._error(_('This configuration option does not exist.')) return if current_type == dict: self._error(_('Can only set leaf configuration nodes.')) return self._config.update_field(key, value) self.set(key) @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def rename(self, url, title): podcast = self.get_podcast(url) if podcast is not None: old_title = podcast.title podcast.rename(title) self._db.commit() self._info(_('Renamed %(old_title)s to %(new_title)s.') % { 'old_title': util.convert_bytes(old_title), 'new_title': util.convert_bytes(title), }) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def unsubscribe(self, url): podcast = self.get_podcast(url) if podcast is None: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % url) else: podcast.delete() self._db.commit() self._error(_('Unsubscribed from %s.') % url) return True def is_episode_new(self, episode): return (episode.state == gpodder.STATE_NORMAL and episode.is_new) def _episodesList(self, podcast, show_guid=False): def status_str(episode): # is new if self.is_episode_new(episode): return ' * ' # is downloaded if (episode.state == gpodder.STATE_DOWNLOADED): return ' ▉ ' # is deleted if (episode.state == gpodder.STATE_DELETED): return ' ░ ' return ' ' def guid_str(episode): return ((' %s' % episode.guid) if show_guid else '') episodes = ('%3d.%s %s %s' % (i + 1, guid_str(e), status_str(e), e.title) for i, e in enumerate(podcast.get_all_episodes())) return episodes @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def info(self, url): podcast = self.get_podcast(url) if podcast is None: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % url) else: def feed_update_status_msg(podcast): if podcast.pause_subscription: return "disabled" return "enabled" title, url, status = podcast.title, podcast.url, \ feed_update_status_msg(podcast) episodes = self._episodesList(podcast) episodes = '\n '.join(episodes) self._pager(""" Title: %(title)s URL: %(url)s Feed update is %(status)s Episodes: %(episodes)s """ % locals()) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def episodes(self, *args): show_guid = False args = list(args) # TODO: Start using argparse for things like that if '--guid' in args: args.remove('--guid') show_guid = True if len(args) > 1: self._error(_('Invalid command.')) return elif len(args) == 1: url = args[0] if url.startswith('-'): self._error(_('Invalid option: %s.') % (url,)) return else: url = None output = [] for podcast in self._model.get_podcasts(): podcast_printed = False if url is None or podcast.url == url: episodes = self._episodesList(podcast, show_guid=show_guid) episodes = '\n '.join(episodes) output.append(""" Episodes from %s: %s """ % (podcast.url, episodes)) self._pager('\n'.join(output)) return True def list(self): for podcast in self._model.get_podcasts(): if not podcast.pause_subscription: print('#', ingreen(podcast.title)) else: print('#', inred(podcast.title), '-', _('Updates disabled')) print(podcast.url) return True def _update_podcast(self, podcast): with self._action(' %s', podcast.title): podcast.update() def _pending_message(self, count): return N_('%(count)d new episode', '%(count)d new episodes', count) % {'count': count} @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def update(self, url=None): count = 0 print(_('Checking for new episodes')) for podcast in self._model.get_podcasts(): if url is not None and podcast.url != url: continue if not podcast.pause_subscription: self._update_podcast(podcast) count += sum(1 for e in podcast.get_all_episodes() if self.is_episode_new(e)) else: self._start_action(_('Skipping %(podcast)s') % { 'podcast': podcast.title}) self._finish_action(skip=True) util.delete_empty_folders(gpodder.downloads) print(inblue(self._pending_message(count))) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def pending(self, url=None): count = 0 for podcast in self._model.get_podcasts(): podcast_printed = False if url is None or podcast.url == url: for episode in podcast.get_all_episodes(): if self.is_episode_new(episode): if not podcast_printed: print('#', ingreen(podcast.title)) podcast_printed = True print(' ', episode.title) count += 1 util.delete_empty_folders(gpodder.downloads) print(inblue(self._pending_message(count))) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def partial(self, *args): def by_channel(e): return e.channel.title def guid_str(episode): return (('%s ' % episode.guid) if show_guid else '') def on_finish(resumable_episodes): count = len(resumable_episodes) resumable_episodes = sorted(resumable_episodes, key=by_channel) last_channel = None for e in resumable_episodes: if e.channel != last_channel: print('#', ingreen(e.channel.title)) last_channel = e.channel print(' %s%s' % (guid_str(e), e.title)) print(inblue(N_('%(count)d partial file', '%(count)d partial files', count) % {'count': count})) show_guid = '--guid' in args common.find_partial_downloads(self._model.get_podcasts(), noop, noop, on_finish) return True def _download_episode(self, episode): with self._action('Downloading %s', episode.title): task = download.DownloadTask(episode, self._config) task.add_progress_callback(self._update_action) task.status = download.DownloadTask.DOWNLOADING task.run() def _download_episodes(self, episodes): if self._config.downloads.chronological_order: # download older episodes first episodes = list(model.Model.sort_episodes_by_pubdate(episodes)) if episodes: last_podcast = None for episode in episodes: if episode.channel != last_podcast: print(inblue(episode.channel.title)) last_podcast = episode.channel self._download_episode(episode) util.delete_empty_folders(gpodder.downloads) print(len(episodes), 'episodes downloaded.') return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def download(self, url=None, guid=None): episodes = [] for podcast in self._model.get_podcasts(): if url is None or podcast.url == url: for episode in podcast.get_all_episodes(): if (not guid and self.is_episode_new(episode)) or (guid and episode.guid == guid): episodes.append(episode) return self._download_episodes(episodes) @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def resume(self, guid=None): def guid_str(episode): return (('%s ' % episode.guid) if show_guid else '') def on_finish(episodes): if guid: episodes = [e for e in episodes if e.guid == guid] self._download_episodes(episodes) common.find_partial_downloads(self._model.get_podcasts(), noop, noop, on_finish) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def delete(self, url, guid): podcast = self.get_podcast(url) episode_to_delete = None if podcast is None: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % url) else: for episode in podcast.get_all_episodes(): if (episode.guid == guid): episode_to_delete = episode if not episode_to_delete: self._error(_('No episode with the specified GUID found.')) else: if episode_to_delete.state != gpodder.STATE_DELETED: episode_to_delete.delete_from_disk() self._info(_('Deleted episode "%s".') % episode_to_delete.title) else: self._error(_('Episode has already been deleted.')) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def disable(self, url): podcast = self.get_podcast(url) if podcast is None: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % url) else: if not podcast.pause_subscription: podcast.pause_subscription = True podcast.save() self._db.commit() self._error(_('Disabling feed update from %s.') % url) return True @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def enable(self, url): podcast = self.get_podcast(url) if podcast is None: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % url) else: if podcast.pause_subscription: podcast.pause_subscription = False podcast.save() self._db.commit() self._error(_('Enabling feed update from %s.') % url) return True def youtube(self, url): fmt_ids = youtube.get_fmt_ids(self._config.youtube) yurl = youtube.get_real_download_url(url, fmt_ids) print(yurl) return True def search(self, *terms): query = ' '.join(terms) if not query: return directory = my.Directory() results = directory.search(query) self._show_directory_results(results) def toplist(self): directory = my.Directory() results = directory.toplist() self._show_directory_results(results, True) def _show_directory_results(self, results, multiple=False): if not results: self._error(_('No podcasts found.')) return if not interactive_console or is_single_command: print('\n'.join(url for title, url in results)) return def show_list(): self._pager('\n'.join( '%3d: %s\n %s' % (index + 1, title, url if title != url else '') for index, (title, url) in enumerate(results))) show_list() msg = _('Enter index to subscribe, ? for list') while True: index = input(msg + ': ') if not index: return if index == '?': show_list() continue try: index = int(index) except ValueError: self._error(_('Invalid value.')) continue if not (1 <= index <= len(results)): self._error(_('Invalid value.')) continue title, url = results[index - 1] self._info(_('Adding %s...') % title) self.subscribe(url) if not multiple: break @FirstArgumentIsPodcastURL def rewrite(self, old_url, new_url): podcast = self.get_podcast(old_url) if podcast is None: self._error(_('You are not subscribed to %s.') % old_url) else: result = podcast.rewrite_url(new_url) if result is None: self._error(_('Invalid URL: %s') % new_url) else: new_url = result self._error(_('Changed URL from %(old_url)s to %(new_url)s.') % {'old_url': old_url, 'new_url': new_url, }) return True def help(self): print(stylize(__doc__), file=sys.stderr, end='') return True def sync(self): def ep_repr(episode): return '{} / {}'.format(episode.channel.title, episode.title) def msg_title(title, message): if title: msg = '{}: {}'.format(title, message) else: msg = '{}'.format(message) return msg def _notification(message, title=None, important=False, widget=None): print(msg_title(message, title)) def _show_confirmation(message, title=None): msg = msg_title(message, title) msg = _("%(title)s: %(msg)s ([yes]/no): ") % dict(title=title, msg=message) if not interactive_console: return True line = input(msg) return not line or (line.lower() == _('yes')) def _delete_episode_list(episodes, confirm=True, skip_locked=True, callback=None): if not episodes: return False if skip_locked: episodes = [e for e in episodes if not e.archive] if not episodes: title = _('Episodes are locked') message = _( 'The selected episodes are locked. Please unlock the ' 'episodes that you want to delete before trying ' 'to delete them.') _notification(message, title) return False count = len(episodes) title = N_('Delete %(count)d episode?', 'Delete %(count)d episodes?', count) % {'count': count} message = _('Deleting episodes removes downloaded files.') if confirm and not _show_confirmation(message, title): return False print(_('Please wait while episodes are deleted')) def finish_deletion(episode_urls, channel_urls): # Episodes have been deleted - persist the database self.db.commit() episode_urls = set() channel_urls = set() episodes_status_update = [] for idx, episode in enumerate(episodes): if not episode.archive or not skip_locked: self._start_action(_('Deleting episode: %(episode)s') % { 'episode': episode.title}) episode.delete_from_disk() self._finish_action(success=True) episode_urls.add(episode.url) channel_urls.add(episode.channel.url) episodes_status_update.append(episode) # Notify the web service about the status update + upload if self.mygpo_client.can_access_webservice(): self.mygpo_client.on_delete(episodes_status_update) self.mygpo_client.flush() if callback is None: util.idle_add(finish_deletion, episode_urls, channel_urls) else: util.idle_add(callback, episode_urls, channel_urls, None) return True def _episode_selector(parent_window, title=None, instructions=None, episodes=None, selected=None, columns=None, callback=None, _config=None): if not interactive_console: return callback([e for i, e in enumerate(episodes) if selected[i]]) def show_list(): self._pager('\n'.join( '[%s] %3d: %s' % (('X' if selected[index] else ' '), index + 1, ep_repr(e)) for index, e in enumerate(episodes))) print("{}. {}".format(title, instructions)) show_list() msg = _('Enter episode index to toggle, ? for list, X to select all, space to select none, empty when ready') while True: index = input(msg + ': ') if not index: return callback([e for i, e in enumerate(episodes) if selected[i]]) if index == '?': show_list() continue elif index == 'X': selected = [True, ] * len(episodes) show_list() continue elif index == ' ': selected = [False, ] * len(episodes) show_list() continue else: try: index = int(index) except ValueError: self._error(_('Invalid value.')) continue if not (1 <= index <= len(episodes)): self._error(_('Invalid value.')) continue e = episodes[index - 1] selected[index - 1] = not selected[index - 1] if selected[index - 1]: self._info(_('Will delete %(episode)s') % dict(episode=ep_repr(e))) else: self._info(_("Won't delete %(episode)s") % dict(episode=ep_repr(e))) def _not_applicable(*args, **kwargs): pass class DownloadStatusModel(object): def register_task(self, ask): pass class DownloadQueueManager(object): def queue_task(x, task): def progress_updated(progress): self._update_action(progress) with self._action(_('Syncing %s'), ep_repr(task.episode)): task.status = sync.SyncTask.DOWNLOADING task.add_progress_callback(progress_updated) task.run() done_lock = threading.Lock() self.mygpo_client = my.MygPoClient(self._config) sync_ui = gPodderSyncUI(self._config, _notification, None, _show_confirmation, _not_applicable, self._model.get_podcasts(), DownloadStatusModel(), DownloadQueueManager(), _not_applicable, self._db.commit, _delete_episode_list, _episode_selector) done_lock.acquire() sync_ui.on_synchronize_episodes(self._model.get_podcasts(), episodes=None, force_played=True, done_callback=done_lock.release) done_lock.acquire() # block until done def _extensions_list(self): def by_category(ext): return ext.metadata.category def by_enabled_name(ext): return ('0' if ext.enabled else '1') + ext.name for cat, extensions in itertools.groupby(sorted(gpodder.user_extensions.get_extensions(), key=by_category), by_category): print(_(cat)) for ext in sorted(extensions, key=by_enabled_name): if ext.enabled: print(' ', inyellow(ext.name), ext.metadata.title, inyellow(_('(enabled)'))) else: print(' ', inblue(ext.name), ext.metadata.title) return True def _extensions_info(self, ext): if ext.enabled: print(inyellow(ext.name)) else: print(inblue(ext.name)) print(_('Title:'), ext.metadata.title) print(_('Category:'), _(ext.metadata.category)) print(_('Description:'), ext.metadata.description) print(_('Authors:'), ext.metadata.authors) if ext.metadata.doc: print(_('Documentation:'), ext.metadata.doc) print(_('Enabled:'), _('yes') if ext.enabled else _('no')) return True def _extension_enable(self, container, new_enabled): if container.enabled == new_enabled: return True enabled_extensions = list(self._config.extensions.enabled) if new_enabled and container.name not in enabled_extensions: enabled_extensions.append(container.name) elif not new_enabled and container.name in enabled_extensions: enabled_extensions.remove(container.name) self._config.extensions.enabled = enabled_extensions now_enabled = (container.name in self._config.extensions.enabled) if new_enabled == now_enabled: if now_enabled: if getattr(container, 'on_ui_initialized', None) is not None: container.on_ui_initialized( self.core.model, self._extensions_podcast_update_cb, self._extensions_episode_download_cb) enabled_str = _('enabled') if now_enabled else _('disabled') self._info(inblue(_('Extension %(name)s (%(title)s) %(enabled)s') % dict(name=container.name, title=container.metadata.title, enabled=enabled_str))) elif container.error is not None: if hasattr(container.error, 'message'): error_msg = container.error.message else: error_msg = str(container.error) self._error(_('Extension cannot be activated')) self._error(error_msg) return True @ExtensionsFunction def extensions(self, action='list', extension_name=None): if action in ('enable', 'disable', 'info'): if not extension_name: print(inred('E: extensions {} missing the extension name').format(action)) return False extension = None for ext in gpodder.user_extensions.get_extensions(): if ext.name == extension_name: extension = ext break if not extension: print(inred('E: extensions {} called with unknown extension name "{}"').format(action, extension_name)) return False if action == 'list': return self._extensions_list() elif action in ('enable', 'disable'): self._extension_enable(extension, action == 'enable') elif action == 'info': self._extensions_info(extension) return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def _pager(self, output): if have_ansi: # Need two additional rows for command prompt rows_needed = len(output.splitlines()) + 2 rows, cols = get_terminal_size() if rows_needed < rows: print(output) else: pydoc.pager(output) else: print(output) def _shell(self): print(os.linesep.join(x.strip() for x in (""" gPodder %(__version__)s (%(__date__)s) - %(__url__)s %(__copyright__)s License: %(__license__)s Entering interactive shell. Type 'help' for help. Press Ctrl+D (EOF) or type 'quit' to quit. """ % gpodder.__dict__).splitlines())) cli._run_cleanups() if readline is not None: readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') readline.set_completer(self._tab_completion) readline.set_completer_delims(' ') while True: try: line = input('gpo> ') except EOFError: print('') break except KeyboardInterrupt: print('') continue if self._prefixes.get(line, line) in self.EXIT_COMMANDS: break try: args = shlex.split(line) except ValueError as value_error: self._error(_('Syntax error: %(error)s') % {'error': value_error}) continue try: self._parse(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._error('Keyboard interrupt.') except EOFError: self._error('EOF.') self._atexit() def _error(self, *args): print(inred(' '.join(args)), file=sys.stderr) # Warnings look like error messages for now _warn = _error def _info(self, *args): print(*args) def _checkargs(self, func, command_line): argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) assert not argspec.kwonlyargs # keyword-only arguments are unsupported args, varargs, keywords, defaults = argspec.args, argspec.varargs, argspec.varkw, argspec.defaults args.pop(0) # Remove "self" from args defaults = defaults or () minarg, maxarg = len(args) - len(defaults), len(args) if (len(command_line) < minarg or (len(command_line) > maxarg and varargs is None)): self._error('Wrong argument count for %s.' % func.__name__) return False return func(*command_line) def _tab_completion_podcast(self, text, count): """Tab completion for podcast URLs""" urls = [p.url for p in self._model.get_podcasts() if text in p.url] if count < len(urls): return urls[count] return None def _tab_completion_in(self, text, count, choices): """Tab completion for a list of choices""" compat_choices = [c for c in choices if text in c] if count < len(compat_choices): return compat_choices[count] return None def _tab_completion_extensions(self, text, count): """Tab completion for extension names""" exts = [e.name for e in gpodder.user_extensions.get_extensions() if text in e.name] #print('_tab_completion_extensions', text, count, exts) if count < len(exts): return exts[count] return None def _tab_completion(self, text, count): """Tab completion function for readline""" if readline is None: return None current_line = readline.get_line_buffer() if text == current_line: for name in self._valid_commands: if name.startswith(text): if count == 0: return name else: count -= 1 else: args = current_line.split() command = args.pop(0) command_function = getattr(self, command, None) if not command_function: return None if getattr(command_function, '_first_arg_is_podcast', False): if not args or (len(args) == 1 and not current_line.endswith(' ')): return self._tab_completion_podcast(text, count) first_in = getattr(command_function, '_first_arg_in', False) if first_in: if not args or (len(args) == 1 and not current_line.endswith(' ')): return self._tab_completion_in(text, count, first_in) snd_ext = getattr(command_function, '_second_arg_is_extension', False) if snd_ext: if (len(args) > 0 and len(args) < 2 and args[0] != 'list') or (len(args) == 2 and not current_line.endswith(' ')): return self._tab_completion_extensions(text, count) return None def _parse_single(self, command_line): try: result = self._parse(command_line) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._error('Keyboard interrupt.') result = -1 self._atexit() return result def _parse(self, command_line): if not command_line: return False command = command_line.pop(0) # Resolve command aliases command = self._prefixes.get(command, command) if command in self._commands: func = self._commands[command] if inspect.ismethod(func): return self._checkargs(func, command_line) if command in self._expansions: print(_('Ambiguous command. Did you mean..')) for cmd in self._expansions[command]: print(' ', inblue(cmd)) else: self._error(_('The requested function is not available.')) return False def stylize(s): s = re.sub(r' .{27}', lambda m: inblue(m.group(0)), s) s = re.sub(r' - .*', lambda m: ingreen(m.group(0)), s) return s def main(): global logger, cli logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cli = gPodderCli() msg = model.check_root_folder_path() if msg: print(msg, file=sys.stderr) args = sys.argv[1:] if args: is_single_command = True cli._run_cleanups() cli._parse_single(args) elif interactive_console: cli._shell() else: print(__doc__, end='') if __name__ == '__main__': main()