
474 lines
20 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Manage Youtube subscriptions using youtube-dl (
# Requirements: youtube-dl module (pip install youtube_dl)
# (c) 2019-08-17 Eric Le Lay <>
# Released under the same license terms as gPodder itself.
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import youtube_dl
from youtube_dl.utils import DownloadError, ExtractorError, sanitize_url
import gpodder
from gpodder import download, feedcore, model, registry, youtube
from gpodder.util import mimetype_from_extension, remove_html_tags
_ = gpodder.gettext
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__title__ = 'Youtube-dl'
__description__ = _('Manage Youtube subscriptions using youtube-dl (pip install youtube_dl)')
__only_for__ = 'gtk, cli'
__authors__ = 'Eric Le Lay <>'
__doc__ = ''
want_ytdl_version = '2020.11.12'
want_ytdl_version_msg = _('Your version of youtube-dl %(have_version)s has known issues, please upgrade to %(want_version)s or newer.')
DefaultConfig = {
# youtube-dl downloads and parses each video page to get informations about it, which is very slow.
# Set to False to fall back to the fast but limited (only 15 episodes) gpodder code
'manage_channel': True,
# If for some reason youtube-dl download doesn't work for you, you can fallback to gpodder code.
# Set to False to fall back to default gpodder code (less available formats).
'manage_downloads': True,
# youtube feed still preprocessed by (compat)
CHANNEL_RE = re.compile(r'''\?channel_id=(.+)''')
USER_RE = re.compile(r'''\?user=(.+)''')
PLAYLIST_RE = re.compile(r'''\?playlist_id=(.+)''')
def youtube_parsedate(s):
"""Parse a string into a unix timestamp
Only strings provided by Youtube-dl API are
parsed with this function (20170920).
if s:
return time.mktime(time.strptime(s, "%Y%m%d"))
return 0
def video_guid(video_id):
generate same guid as youtube
return 'yt:video:{}'.format(video_id)
class YoutubeCustomDownload(download.CustomDownload):
Represents the download of a single episode using youtube-dl.
Actual youtube-dl interaction via gPodderYoutubeDL.
def __init__(self, ytdl, url, episode):
self._ytdl = ytdl
self._url = url
self._reporthook = None
self._prev_dl_bytes = 0
self._episode = episode
def retrieve_resume(self, tempname, reporthook=None):
called by download.DownloadTask to perform the download.
self._reporthook = reporthook
# outtmpl: use given tempname by DownloadTask
# (escape % and $ because outtmpl used as a string template by youtube-dl)
outtmpl = tempname.replace('%', '%%').replace('$', '$$')
res = self._ytdl.fetch_video(self._url, outtmpl, self._my_hook)
if outtmpl != tempname:
if 'ext' in res and os.path.isfile(outtmpl + '.{}'.format(res['ext'])):
os.rename(outtmpl + '.{}'.format(res['ext']), tempname)
os.rename(outtmpl, tempname)
if 'duration' in res and res['duration']:
self._episode.total_time = res['duration']
headers = {}
# youtube-dl doesn't return a content-type but an extension
if 'ext' in res:
dot_ext = '.{}'.format(res['ext'])
# See #673 when merging multiple formats, the extension is appended to the tempname
# by YoutubeDL resulting in empty .partial file + .partial.mp4 exists
# and #796 .mkv is chosen by ytdl sometimes
tempstat = os.stat(tempname)
if not tempstat.st_size:
for try_ext in (dot_ext, ".mp4", ".m4a", ".webm", ".mkv"):
tempname_with_ext = tempname + try_ext
if os.path.isfile(tempname_with_ext):
logger.debug('Youtubedl downloaded to "%s" instead of "%s", moving',
os.rename(tempname_with_ext, tempname)
dot_ext = try_ext
ext_filetype = mimetype_from_extension(dot_ext)
if ext_filetype:
headers['content-type'] = ext_filetype
return headers, res.get('url', self._url)
def _my_hook(self, d):
if d['status'] == 'downloading':
if self._reporthook:
dl_bytes = d['downloaded_bytes']
total_bytes = d.get('total_bytes') or d.get('total_bytes_estimate') or 0
self._reporthook(self._prev_dl_bytes + dl_bytes,
self._prev_dl_bytes + total_bytes)
elif d['status'] == 'finished':
dl_bytes = d['downloaded_bytes']
self._prev_dl_bytes += dl_bytes
if self._reporthook:
self._reporthook(self._prev_dl_bytes, 1, self._prev_dl_bytes)
elif d['status'] == 'error':
logger.error('download hook error: %r', d)
logger.debug('unknown download hook status: %r', d)
class YoutubeFeed(model.Feed):
Represents the youtube feed for model.PodcastChannel
def __init__(self, url, cover_url, description, max_episodes, ie_result, downloader):
self._url = url
self._cover_url = cover_url
self._description = description
self._max_episodes = max_episodes
ie_result['entries'] = self._process_entries(ie_result.get('entries', []))
self._ie_result = ie_result
self._downloader = downloader
def _process_entries(self, entries):
filtered_entries = []
seen_guids = set()
for i, e in enumerate(entries): # consumes the generator!
if e.get('_type', 'video') in ('url', 'url_transparent') and e.get('ie_key') == 'Youtube':
guid = video_guid(e['id'])
e['guid'] = guid
if guid in seen_guids:
logger.debug('dropping already seen entry %s title="%s"', guid, e.get('title'))
logger.debug('dropping entry not youtube video %r', e)
if len(filtered_entries) == self._max_episodes:
# entries is a generator: stopping now prevents it to download more pages
logger.debug('stopping entry enumeration')
return filtered_entries
def get_title(self):
return '{} (Youtube)'.format(self._ie_result.get('title') or self._ie_result.get('id') or self._url)
def get_link(self):
return self._ie_result.get('webpage_url')
def get_description(self):
return self._description
def get_cover_url(self):
return self._cover_url
def get_http_etag(self):
""" :return str: optional -- last HTTP etag header, for conditional request next time """
# youtube-dl doesn't provide it!
return None
def get_http_last_modified(self):
""" :return str: optional -- last HTTP Last-Modified header, for conditional request next time """
# youtube-dl doesn't provide it!
return None
def get_new_episodes(self, channel, existing_guids):
# entries are already sorted by decreasing date
# trim guids to max episodes
entries = [e for i, e in enumerate(self._ie_result['entries'])
if not self._max_episodes or i < self._max_episodes]
all_seen_guids = set(e['guid'] for e in entries)
# only fetch new ones from youtube since they are so slow to get
new_entries = [e for e in entries if e['guid'] not in existing_guids]
logger.debug('%i/%i new entries', len(new_entries), len(all_seen_guids))
self._ie_result['entries'] = new_entries
# episodes from entries
episodes = []
for en in self._ie_result['entries']:
guid = video_guid(en['id'])
description = remove_html_tags(en.get('description') or _('No description available'))
html_description = self.nice_html_description(en, description)
if en.get('ext'):
mime_type = mimetype_from_extension('.{}'.format(en['ext']))
mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
if en.get('filesize'):
filesize = int(en['filesize'] or 0)
filesize = sum(int(f.get('filesize') or 0)
for f in en.get('requested_formats', []))
ep = {
'title': en.get('title', guid),
'link': en.get('webpage_url'),
'description': description,
'description_html': html_description,
'url': en.get('webpage_url'),
'file_size': filesize,
'mime_type': mime_type,
'guid': guid,
'published': youtube_parsedate(en.get('upload_date', None)),
'total_time': int(en.get('duration') or 0),
episode = channel.episode_factory(ep)
return episodes, all_seen_guids
def get_next_page(self, channel, max_episodes):
Paginated feed support (RFC 5005).
If the feed is paged, return the next feed page.
Returned page will in turn be asked for the next page, until None is returned.
:return feedcore.Result: the next feed's page,
as a fully parsed Feed or None
return None
def nice_html_description(en, description):
basic html formating + hyperlink highlighting + video thumbnail
description = re.sub(r'''https?://[^\s]+''',
r'''<a href="\g<0>">\g<0></a>''',
description = description.replace('\n', '<br>')
html = """<style type="text/css">
body > img { float: left; max-width: 30vw; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; }
img = en.get('thumbnail')
if img:
html += '<img src="{}">'.format(img)
html += '<p>{}</p>'.format(description)
return html
class gPodderYoutubeDL(download.CustomDownloader):
def __init__(self, gpodder_config, my_config, force=False):
:param force: force using this downloader even if config says don't manage downloads
self.gpodder_config = gpodder_config
self.my_config = my_config
self.force = force
# cachedir is not much used in youtube-dl, but set it anyway
cachedir = os.path.join(gpodder.home, 'youtube-dl')
os.makedirs(cachedir, exist_ok=True)
self._ydl_opts = {
'cachedir': cachedir,
'no_color': True, # prevent escape codes in desktop notifications on errors
if gpodder.verbose:
self._ydl_opts['verbose'] = True
self._ydl_opts['quiet'] = True
# #686 on windows without a console, sys.stdout is None, causing exceptions
# when adding podcasts.
# See Note
if not sys.stdout:
logger.debug('no stdout, setting YoutubeDL logger')
self._ydl_opts['logger'] = logger
def add_format(self, gpodder_config, opts, fallback=None):
""" construct youtube-dl -f argument from configured format. """
# You can set a custom format or custom formats by editing the config for key
# `youtube.preferred_fmt_ids`
# It takes a list of format strings separated by comma: bestaudio, 18
# they are translated to youtube dl format bestaudio/18, meaning preferably
# the best audio quality (audio-only) and MP4 360p if it's not available.
# See for details
# about youtube-dl format specification.
fmt_ids = youtube.get_fmt_ids(, False)
opts['format'] = '/'.join(str(fmt) for fmt in fmt_ids)
if fallback:
opts['format'] += '/' + fallback
logger.debug('format=%s', opts['format'])
def fetch_video(self, url, tempname, reporthook):
opts = {
'outtmpl': tempname,
'nopart': True, # don't append .part (already .partial)
'retries': 3, # retry a few times
'progress_hooks': [reporthook] # to notify UI
self.add_format(self.gpodder_config, opts)
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ydl:
return ydl.extract_info(url, download=True)
def refresh_entries(self, ie_result):
# only interested in video metadata
opts = {
'skip_download': True, # don't download the video
'youtube_include_dash_manifest': False, # don't download the DASH manifest
self.add_format(self.gpodder_config, opts, fallback='18')
new_entries = []
# refresh videos one by one to catch single videos blocked by youtube
for e in ie_result.get('entries', []):
tmp = {k: v for k, v in ie_result.items() if k != 'entries'}
tmp['entries'] = [e]
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ydl:
ydl.process_ie_result(tmp, download=False)
except DownloadError as ex:
if ex.exc_info[0] == ExtractorError:
# for instance "This video contains content from xyz, who has blocked it on copyright grounds"
logger.warning('Skipping %s: %s', e.get('title', ''), ex.exc_info[1])
logger.exception('Skipping %r: %s', tmp, ex.exc_info)
ie_result['entries'] = new_entries
def refresh(self, url, channel_url, max_episodes):
Fetch a channel or playlist contents.
Doesn't yet fetch video entry informations, so we only get the video id and title.
# Duplicate a bit of the YoutubeDL machinery here because we only
# want to parse the channel/playlist first, not to fetch video entries.
# We call YoutubeDL.extract_info(process=False), so we
# have to call extract_info again ourselves when we get a result of type 'url'.
def extract_type(ie_result):
result_type = ie_result.get('_type', 'video')
if result_type not in ('url', 'playlist', 'multi_video'):
raise Exception('Unsuported result_type: {}'.format(result_type))
has_playlist = result_type in ('playlist', 'multi_video')
return result_type, has_playlist
opts = {
'youtube_include_dash_manifest': False, # only interested in video title and id
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ydl:
ie_result = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False, process=False)
result_type, has_playlist = extract_type(ie_result)
while not has_playlist:
if result_type in ('url', 'url_transparent'):
ie_result['url'] = sanitize_url(ie_result['url'])
if result_type == 'url':
logger.debug("extract_info(%s) to get the video list", ie_result['url'])
# We have to add extra_info to the results because it may be
# contained in a playlist
ie_result = ydl.extract_info(ie_result['url'],
result_type, has_playlist = extract_type(ie_result)
cover_url = youtube.get_cover(channel_url) # youtube-dl doesn't provide the cover url!
description = youtube.get_channel_desc(channel_url) # youtube-dl doesn't provide the description!
return feedcore.Result(feedcore.UPDATED_FEED,
YoutubeFeed(url, cover_url, description, max_episodes, ie_result, self))
def fetch_channel(self, channel, max_episodes=0):
called by model.gPodderFetcher to get a custom feed.
:returns feedcore.Result: a YoutubeFeed or None if channel is not a youtube channel or playlist
if not self.my_config.manage_channel:
return None
url = None
m = CHANNEL_RE.match(channel.url)
if m:
url = '{}/videos'.format(
m = USER_RE.match(channel.url)
if m:
url = '{}/videos'.format(
m = PLAYLIST_RE.match(channel.url)
if m:
url = '{}'.format(
if url:'Youtube-dl Handling %s => %s', channel.url, url)
return self.refresh(url, channel.url, max_episodes)
return None
def custom_downloader(self, unused_config, episode):
called from registry.custom_downloader.resolve
if not self.force and not self.my_config.manage_downloads:
return None
if re.match(r'''\?v=.+''', episode.url):
return YoutubeCustomDownload(self, episode.url, episode)
elif re.match(r'''\?v=.+''',
return YoutubeCustomDownload(self,, episode)
return None
class gPodderExtension:
def __init__(self, container):
self.container = container
self.ytdl = None
def on_load(self):
self.ytdl = gPodderYoutubeDL(self.container.manager.core.config, self.container.config)'Registering youtube-dl.')
logger.debug('Youtube-DL %s' % youtube_dl.version.__version__)
if youtube_dl.utils.version_tuple(youtube_dl.version.__version__) < youtube_dl.utils.version_tuple(want_ytdl_version):
% {'have_version': youtube_dl.version.__version__, 'want_version': want_ytdl_version})
def on_unload(self):'Unregistering youtube-dl.')
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
self.ytdl = None
def on_ui_object_available(self, name, ui_object):
if name == 'gpodder-gtk':
self.gpodder = ui_object
if youtube_dl.utils.version_tuple(youtube_dl.version.__version__) < youtube_dl.utils.version_tuple(want_ytdl_version):
ui_object.notification(want_ytdl_version_msg %
{'have_version': youtube_dl.version.__version__, 'want_version': want_ytdl_version},
_('Old Youtube-DL'), important=True, widget=ui_object.main_window)
def on_episodes_context_menu(self, episodes):
if not self.container.config.manage_downloads \
and not all(e.was_downloaded(and_exists=True) for e in episodes):
return [(_("Download with Youtube-DL"), self.download_episodes)]
def download_episodes(self, episodes):
# create a new gPodderYoutubeDL to force using it even if manage_downloads is False
downloader = gPodderYoutubeDL(self.container.manager.core.config, self.container.config, force=True)
self.gpodder.download_episode_list(episodes, downloader=downloader)