Bernd Schlapsi bbfcd58ba6 Add option to flattr an extensions and to show documentation
If an extension author adds an flattr url to the extensions metadata
gPodder shows the "Flattr this" menu entry in the popup menu for an
extension in the preference dialog.
Alternative the extension author can add an url to the extensions
metadata to link to the authors donation page (Support the author).

Also the extension author can add an url to the extensions metadata
to link to the extensions user documentation.
2013-04-13 12:27:13 +02:00

120 lines
4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Convertes video files to avi or mp4
# This requires ffmpeg to be installed. Also works as a context
# menu item for already-downloaded files.
# (c) 2011-08-05 Thomas Perl <>
# Released under the same license terms as gPodder itself.
import os
import subprocess
import gpodder
from gpodder import util
from gpodder import youtube
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = gpodder.gettext
__title__ = _('Convert video files')
__description__ = _('Transcode video files to avi/mp4/m4v')
__authors__ = 'Thomas Perl <>, Bernd Schlapsi <>'
__doc__ = ''
__payment__ = ''
__category__ = 'post-download'
DefaultConfig = {
'output_format': 'mp4', # At the moment we support/test only mp4, m4v and avi
'context_menu': True, # Show the conversion option in the context menu
class gPodderExtension:
MIME_TYPES = ('video/mp4', 'video/m4v', 'video/x-flv', )
EXT = ('.mp4', '.m4v', '.flv', )
CMD = {'avconv': ['-i', '%(old_file)s', '-codec', 'copy', '%(new_file)s'],
'ffmpeg': ['-i', '%(old_file)s', '-codec', 'copy', '%(new_file)s']
def __init__(self, container):
self.container = container
self.config = self.container.config
# Dependency checks
self.command = self.container.require_any_command(['avconv', 'ffmpeg'])
# extract command without extension (.exe on Windows) from command-string
command_without_ext = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(self.command)[0])
self.command_param = self.CMD[command_without_ext]
def on_episode_downloaded(self, episode):
def _get_new_extension(self):
ext = self.config.output_format
if not ext.startswith('.'):
ext = '.' + ext
return ext
def _check_source(self, episode):
if episode.extension() == self._get_new_extension():
return False
if episode.mime_type in self.MIME_TYPES:
return True
# Also check file extension (bug 1770)
if episode.extension() in self.EXT:
return True
return False
def on_episodes_context_menu(self, episodes):
if not self.config.context_menu:
return None
if not all(e.was_downloaded(and_exists=True) for e in episodes):
return None
if not any(self._check_source(episode) for episode in episodes):
return None
menu_item = _('Convert to %(format)s') % {'format': self.config.output_format}
return [(menu_item, self._convert_episodes)]
def _convert_episode(self, episode):
if not self._check_source(episode):
new_extension = self._get_new_extension()
old_filename = episode.local_filename(create=False)
filename, old_extension = os.path.splitext(old_filename)
new_filename = filename + new_extension
cmd = [self.command] + \
[param % {'old_file': old_filename, 'new_file': new_filename}
for param in self.command_param]
ffmpeg = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout, stderr = ffmpeg.communicate()
if ffmpeg.returncode == 0:
util.rename_episode_file(episode, new_filename)
os.remove(old_filename)'Converted video file to %(format)s.' % {'format': self.config.output_format})
gpodder.user_extensions.on_notification_show(_('File converted'), episode.title)
logger.warn('Error converting video file: %s / %s', stdout, stderr)
gpodder.user_extensions.on_notification_show(_('Conversion failed'), episode.title)
def _convert_episodes(self, episodes):
for episode in episodes: