Thomas Perl e6158c4f17 Fix "Download from" (Maemo bug 9093)
Downloading subscriptions from after
a fresh re-install should now be possible. All
subscriptions from the user will be shown in the
OPML selector after logging in to
2010-05-12 13:38:31 +02:00

1442 lines
43 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client
# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team
# gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# -- Misc utility functions
# Thomas Perl <> 2007-08-04
"""Miscellaneous helper functions for gPodder
This module provides helper and utility functions for gPodder that
are not tied to any specific part of gPodder.
import gpodder
from gpodder.liblogger import log
import os
import os.path
import platform
import glob
import stat
import shlex
import socket
import re
import subprocess
from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs
import time
import locale
import gzip
import datetime
import threading
import urlparse
import urllib
import urllib2
import httplib
import webbrowser
import mimetypes
import feedparser
import StringIO
import xml.dom.minidom
_ = gpodder.gettext
N_ = gpodder.ngettext
# Try to detect OS encoding (by Leonid Ponomarev)
if gpodder.ui.maemo:
encoding = 'utf8'
encoding = 'iso-8859-15'
if 'LANG' in os.environ and '.' in os.environ['LANG']:
lang = os.environ['LANG']
(language, encoding) = lang.rsplit('.', 1)
log('Detected encoding: %s', encoding)
enc = encoding
# Using iso-8859-15 here as (hopefully) sane default
# see
log('Using ISO-8859-15 as encoding. If this')
log('is incorrect, please set your $LANG variable.')
# Used by file_type_by_extension()
def make_directory( path):
Tries to create a directory if it does not exist already.
Returns True if the directory exists after the function
call, False otherwise.
if os.path.isdir( path):
return True
os.makedirs( path)
log( 'Could not create directory: %s', path)
return False
return True
def normalize_feed_url(url):
Converts any URL to http:// or ftp:// so that it can be
used with "wget". If the URL cannot be converted (invalid
or unknown scheme), "None" is returned.
This will also normalize feed:// and itpc:// to http://
Also supported are links (iTunes podcast)
and itms:// links (iTunes podcast direct link).
>>> normalize_feed_url('itpc://')
If no URL scheme is defined (e.g. ""), we will
simply assume the user intends to add a http:// feed.
>>> normalize_feed_url('')
There are even some more shortcuts for advanced users
and lazy typists (see the source for details).
>>> normalize_feed_url('fb:43FPodcast')
if not url or len(url) < 8:
return None
# This is a list of prefixes that you can use to minimize the amount of
# keystrokes that you have to use.
# Feel free to suggest other useful prefixes, and I'll add them here.
'fb:': '',
'yt:': '',
'sc:': '',
for prefix, expansion in PREFIXES.iteritems():
if url.startswith(prefix):
url = expansion % (url[len(prefix):],)
# Assume HTTP for URLs without scheme
if not '://' in url:
url = 'http://' + url
# The scheme of the URL should be all-lowercase
(scheme, rest) = url.split('://', 1)
scheme = scheme.lower()
# Remember to parse iTunes XML for itms:// URLs
do_parse_itunes_xml = (scheme == 'itms')
# feed://, itpc:// and itms:// are really http://
if scheme in ('feed', 'itpc', 'itms'):
scheme = 'http'
# Re-assemble our URL
url = scheme + '://' + rest
# If we had an itms:// URL, parse XML
if do_parse_itunes_xml:
url = parse_itunes_xml(url)
# Links to ""
url = itunes_discover_rss(url)
if scheme in ('http', 'https', 'ftp'):
return url
return None
def username_password_from_url(url):
Returns a tuple (username,password) containing authentication
data from the specified URL or (None,None) if no authentication
data can be found in the URL.
See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 (
>>> username_password_from_url('')
('', None)
>>> username_password_from_url('telnet://')
(None, None)
>>> username_password_from_url('')
('foo', '')
>>> username_password_from_url('')
('a', 'b')
>>> username_password_from_url(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: URL has to be a string or unicode object.
>>> username_password_from_url(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: URL has to be a string or unicode object.
>>> username_password_from_url('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: "@" must be encoded for username/password (RFC1738).
>>> username_password_from_url('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ":" must be encoded for username/password (RFC1738).
>>> username_password_from_url('')
('i/o', 'P@ss:')
>>> username_password_from_url('')
('\xc3\xb6sterreich', None)
if type(url) not in (str, unicode):
raise ValueError('URL has to be a string or unicode object.')
(username, password) = (None, None)
(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if '@' in netloc:
(authentication, netloc) = netloc.rsplit('@', 1)
if ':' in authentication:
(username, password) = authentication.split(':', 1)
# RFC1738 dictates that we should not allow these unquoted
# characters in the username and password field (Section 3.1).
for c in (':', '@', '/'):
if c in username or c in password:
raise ValueError('"%c" must be encoded for username/password (RFC1738).' % c)
username = urllib.unquote(username)
password = urllib.unquote(password)
username = urllib.unquote(authentication)
return (username, password)
def directory_is_writable( path):
Returns True if the specified directory exists and is writable
by the current user.
return os.path.isdir( path) and os.access( path, os.W_OK)
def calculate_size( path):
Tries to calculate the size of a directory, including any
subdirectories found. The returned value might not be
correct if the user doesn't have appropriate permissions
to list all subdirectories of the given path.
if path is None:
return 0L
if os.path.dirname( path) == '/':
return 0L
if os.path.isfile( path):
return os.path.getsize( path)
if os.path.isdir( path) and not os.path.islink( path):
sum = os.path.getsize( path)
for item in os.listdir(path):
sum += calculate_size(os.path.join(path, item))
log('Cannot get size for %s', path)
log('Cannot access: %s', path)
return sum
return 0L
def file_modification_datetime(filename):
Returns the modification date of the specified file
as a datetime.datetime object or None if the modification
date cannot be determined.
if filename is None:
return None
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
return None
s = os.stat(filename)
timestamp = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
log('Cannot get modification timestamp for %s', filename)
return None
def file_modification_timestamp(filename):
Returns the modification date of the specified file as a number
or -1 if the modification date cannot be determined.
if filename is None:
return -1
s = os.stat(filename)
return s[stat.ST_MTIME]
log('Cannot get modification timestamp for %s', filename)
return -1
def file_age_in_days(filename):
Returns the age of the specified filename in days or
zero if the modification date cannot be determined.
dt = file_modification_datetime(filename)
if dt is None:
return 0
return (
def file_age_to_string(days):
Converts a "number of days" value to a string that
can be used in the UI to display the file age.
>>> file_age_to_string(0)
>>> file_age_to_string(1)
u'1 day ago'
>>> file_age_to_string(2)
u'2 days ago'
if days < 1:
return ''
return N_('%d day ago', '%d days ago', days) % days
def get_free_disk_space_win32(path):
Win32-specific code to determine the free disk space remaining
for a given path. Uses code from:
drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(path)
import win32file
userFree, userTotal, freeOnDisk = win32file.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive)
return userFree
except ImportError:
log('Warning: Running on Win32 but win32api/win32file not installed.')
# Cannot determine free disk space
return 0
def get_free_disk_space(path):
Calculates the free disk space available to the current user
on the file system that contains the given path.
If the path (or its parent folder) does not yet exist, this
function returns zero.
if not os.path.exists(path):
return 0
if gpodder.win32:
return get_free_disk_space_win32(path)
s = os.statvfs(path)
return s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize
def format_date(timestamp):
Converts a UNIX timestamp to a date representation. This
function returns "Today", "Yesterday", a weekday name or
the date in %x format, which (according to the Python docs)
is the "Locale's appropriate date representation".
Returns None if there has been an error converting the
timestamp to a string representation.
if timestamp is None:
return None
seconds_in_a_day = 60*60*24
today = time.localtime()[:3]
yesterday = time.localtime(time.time() - seconds_in_a_day)[:3]
timestamp_date = time.localtime(timestamp)[:3]
except ValueError, ve:
log('Warning: Cannot convert timestamp', traceback=True)
return None
if timestamp_date == today:
return _('Today')
elif timestamp_date == yesterday:
return _('Yesterday')
diff = int( (time.time() - timestamp)/seconds_in_a_day )
log('Warning: Cannot convert "%s" to date.', timestamp, traceback=True)
return None
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
return None
if diff < 7:
# Weekday name
return str(timestamp.strftime('%A'))
# Locale's appropriate date representation
return str(timestamp.strftime('%x'))
def format_filesize(bytesize, use_si_units=False, digits=2):
Formats the given size in bytes to be human-readable,
Returns a localized "(unknown)" string when the bytesize
has a negative value.
si_units = (
( 'kB', 10**3 ),
( 'MB', 10**6 ),
( 'GB', 10**9 ),
binary_units = (
( 'KiB', 2**10 ),
( 'MiB', 2**20 ),
( 'GiB', 2**30 ),
bytesize = float( bytesize)
return _('(unknown)')
if bytesize < 0:
return _('(unknown)')
if use_si_units:
units = si_units
units = binary_units
( used_unit, used_value ) = ( 'B', bytesize )
for ( unit, value ) in units:
if bytesize >= value:
used_value = bytesize / float(value)
used_unit = unit
return ('%.'+str(digits)+'f %s') % (used_value, used_unit)
def delete_file(filename):
"""Delete a file from the filesystem
Errors (permissions errors or file not found)
are silently ignored.
def remove_html_tags(html):
Remove HTML tags from a string and replace numeric and
named entities with the corresponding character, so the
HTML text can be displayed in a simple text view.
# If we would want more speed, we could make these global
re_strip_tags = re.compile('<[^>]*>')
re_unicode_entities = re.compile('&#(\d{2,4});')
re_html_entities = re.compile('&(.{2,8});')
re_newline_tags = re.compile('(<br[^>]*>|<[/]?ul[^>]*>|</li>)', re.I)
re_listing_tags = re.compile('<li[^>]*>', re.I)
result = html
# Convert common HTML elements to their text equivalent
result = re_newline_tags.sub('\n', result)
result = re_listing_tags.sub('\n * ', result)
result = re.sub('<[Pp]>', '\n\n', result)
# Remove all HTML/XML tags from the string
result = re_strip_tags.sub('', result)
# Convert numeric XML entities to their unicode character
result = re_unicode_entities.sub(lambda x: unichr(int(, result)
# Convert named HTML entities to their unicode character
result = re_html_entities.sub(lambda x: unicode(entitydefs.get(,''), 'iso-8859-1'), result)
# Convert more than two newlines to two newlines
result = re.sub('([\r\n]{2})([\r\n])+', '\\1', result)
return result.strip()
def wrong_extension(extension):
Determine if a given extension looks like it's
wrong (e.g. empty, extremely long or spaces)
Returns True if the extension most likely is a
wrong one and should be replaced.
>>> wrong_extension('.mp3')
>>> wrong_extension('.divx')
>>> wrong_extension('mp3')
>>> wrong_extension('')
>>> wrong_extension('.12 - Everybody')
>>> wrong_extension('.mp3 ')
>>> wrong_extension('.')
>>> wrong_extension('.42')
if not extension:
return True
elif len(extension) > 5:
return True
elif ' ' in extension:
return True
elif extension == '.':
return True
elif not extension.startswith('.'):
return True
# ".<number>" is an invalid extension
return True
return False
def extension_from_mimetype(mimetype):
Simply guesses what the file extension should be from the mimetype
# This is required for YouTube downloads on Maemo 5
'video/x-flv': '.flv',
'video/mp4': '.mp4',
return MIMETYPE_EXTENSIONS[mimetype]
return mimetypes.guess_extension(mimetype) or ''
def extension_correct_for_mimetype(extension, mimetype):
Check if the given filename extension (e.g. ".ogg") is a possible
extension for a given mimetype (e.g. "application/ogg") and return
a boolean value (True if it's possible, False if not). Also do
>>> extension_correct_for_mimetype('.ogg', 'application/ogg')
>>> extension_correct_for_mimetype('.ogv', 'video/ogg')
>>> extension_correct_for_mimetype('.ogg', 'audio/mpeg')
>>> extension_correct_for_mimetype('mp3', 'audio/mpeg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: "mp3" is not an extension (missing .)
>>> extension_correct_for_mimetype('.mp3', 'audio mpeg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: "audio mpeg" is not a mimetype (missing /)
if not '/' in mimetype:
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a mimetype (missing /)' % mimetype)
if not extension.startswith('.'):
raise ValueError('"%s" is not an extension (missing .)' % extension)
# Create a "default" extension from the mimetype, e.g. "application/ogg"
# becomes ".ogg", "audio/mpeg" becomes ".mpeg", etc...
default = ['.'+mimetype.split('/')[-1]]
return extension in default+mimetypes.guess_all_extensions(mimetype)
def filename_from_url(url):
Extracts the filename and (lowercase) extension (with dot)
from a URL, e.g.
will result in the string ("file", ".mp3") being returned.
This function will also try to best-guess the "real"
extension for a media file (audio, video) by
trying to match an extension to these types and recurse
into the query string to find better matches, if the
original extension does not resolve to a known type. => ("file", ".ogg")
http://server/get.jsp?file=/episode0815.MOV => ("episode0815", ".mov")
http://s/redirect.mp4?http://serv2/test.mp4 => ("test", ".mp4")
(scheme, netloc, path, para, query, fragid) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( urllib.unquote(path)))
if file_type_by_extension(extension) is not None and not \
# We have found a valid extension (audio, video)
# and the query string doesn't look like a URL
return ( filename, extension.lower() )
# If the query string looks like a possible URL, try that first
if len(query.strip()) > 0 and query.find('/') != -1:
query_url = '://'.join((scheme, urllib.unquote(query)))
(query_filename, query_extension) = filename_from_url(query_url)
if file_type_by_extension(query_extension) is not None:
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(query_url))
# No exact match found, simply return the original filename & extension
return ( filename, extension.lower() )
def file_type_by_extension(extension):
Tries to guess the file type by looking up the filename
extension from a table of known file types. Will return
"audio", "video" or None.
>>> file_type_by_extension('.aif')
>>> file_type_by_extension('.3GP')
>>> file_type_by_extension('.txt') is None
>>> file_type_by_extension(None) is None
>>> file_type_by_extension('ogg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Extension does not start with a dot: ogg
if not extension:
return None
if not extension.startswith('.'):
raise ValueError('Extension does not start with a dot: %s' % extension)
# List all types that are not in the default mimetypes.types_map
# (even if they might be detected by mimetypes.guess_type)
# For OGG, see
audio_types = ('.ogg', '.oga', '.spx', '.flac', '.axa', \
'.aac', '.m4a', '.m4b', '.wma')
video_types = ('.ogv', '.axv', '.mp4', \
'.mkv', '.m4v', '.divx', '.flv', '.wmv', '.3gp')
_BUILTIN_FILE_TYPES.update((ext, 'audio') for ext in audio_types)
_BUILTIN_FILE_TYPES.update((ext, 'video') for ext in video_types)
extension = extension.lower()
if extension in _BUILTIN_FILE_TYPES:
return _BUILTIN_FILE_TYPES[extension]
# Need to prepend something to the extension, so guess_type works
type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type('file'+extension)
if type is not None and '/' in type:
filetype, rest = type.split('/', 1)
if filetype in ('audio', 'video', 'image'):
return filetype
return None
def get_first_line( s):
Returns only the first line of a string, stripped so
that it doesn't have whitespace before or after.
return s.strip().split('\n')[0].strip()
def object_string_formatter( s, **kwargs):
Makes attributes of object passed in as keyword
arguments available as {OBJECTNAME.ATTRNAME} in
the passed-in string and returns a string with
the above arguments replaced with the attribute
values of the corresponding object.
e = Episode()
e.title = 'Hello'
s = '{episode.title} World'
print object_string_formatter( s, episode = e)
=> 'Hello World'
result = s
for ( key, o ) in kwargs.items():
matches = re.findall( r'\{%s\.([^\}]+)\}' % key, s)
for attr in matches:
if hasattr( o, attr):
from_s = '{%s.%s}' % ( key, attr )
to_s = getattr( o, attr)
result = result.replace( from_s, to_s)
log( 'Could not replace attribute "%s" in string "%s".', attr, s)
return result
def format_desktop_command(command, filenames):
Formats a command template from the "Exec=" line of a .desktop
file to a string that can be invoked in a shell.
Handled format strings: %U, %u, %F, %f and a fallback that
appends the filename as first parameter of the command.
Returns a list of commands to execute, either one for
each filename if the application does not support multiple
file names or one for all filenames (%U, %F or unknown).
command = shlex.split(command)
command_before = command
command_after = []
multiple_arguments = True
for fieldcode in ('%U', '%F', '%u', '%f'):
if fieldcode in command:
command_before = command[:command.index(fieldcode)]
command_after = command[command.index(fieldcode)+1:]
multiple_arguments = fieldcode in ('%U', '%F')
if multiple_arguments:
return [command_before + filenames + command_after]
commands = []
for filename in filenames:
return commands
def url_strip_authentication(url):
Strips authentication data from an URL. Returns the URL with
the authentication data removed from it.
>>> url_strip_authentication('')
>>> url_strip_authentication('telnet://')
>>> url_strip_authentication('')
>>> url_strip_authentication('')
>>> url_strip_authentication('http://aa:bc@localhost/x')
>>> url_strip_authentication('http://i%2Fo:P%40ss%3A@blubb.lan/u.html')
>>> url_strip_authentication('')
>>> url_strip_authentication('http://P%40%3A:i%2F@cx.lan')
url_parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
# url_parts[1] is the HOST part of the URL
# Remove existing authentication data
if '@' in url_parts[1]:
url_parts[1] = url_parts[1].split('@', 2)[1]
return urlparse.urlunsplit(url_parts)
def url_add_authentication(url, username, password):
Adds authentication data (username, password) to a given
URL in order to construct an authenticated URL.
>>> url_add_authentication('', '', None)
>>> url_add_authentication('', None, None)
>>> url_add_authentication('telnet://', 'foo', 'bar')
>>> url_add_authentication('', 'billy', None)
>>> url_add_authentication('', 'billy', '')
>>> url_add_authentication('http://localhost/x', 'aa', 'bc')
>>> url_add_authentication('http://blubb.lan/u.html', 'i/o', 'P@ss:')
>>> url_add_authentication('', 'c', 'd')
>>> url_add_authentication('http://i%2F:P%40%3A@cx.lan', 'P@:', 'i/')
if username is None or username == '':
return url
username = urllib.quote_plus(username)
if password is not None:
password = urllib.quote_plus(password)
auth_string = ':'.join((username, password))
auth_string = username
url = url_strip_authentication(url)
url_parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
# url_parts[1] is the HOST part of the URL
url_parts[1] = '@'.join((auth_string, url_parts[1]))
return urlparse.urlunsplit(url_parts)
def urlopen(url):
An URL opener with the User-agent set to gPodder (with version)
username, password = username_password_from_url(url)
if username is not None or password is not None:
url = url_strip_authentication(url)
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, url, username, password)
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
headers = {'User-agent': gpodder.user_agent}
request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)
def get_real_url(url):
Gets the real URL of a file and resolves all redirects.
return urlopen(url).geturl()
log('Error getting real url for %s', url, traceback=True)
return url
def find_command( command):
Searches the system's PATH for a specific command that is
executable by the user. Returns the first occurence of an
executable binary in the PATH, or None if the command is
not available.
if 'PATH' not in os.environ:
return None
for path in os.environ['PATH'].split( os.pathsep):
command_file = os.path.join( path, command)
if os.path.isfile( command_file) and os.access( command_file, os.X_OK):
return command_file
return None
def parse_itunes_xml(url):
Parses an XML document in the "url" parameter (this has to be
a itms:// or http:// URL to a XML doc) and searches all "<dict>"
elements for the first occurence of a "<key>feedURL</key>"
element and then continues the search for the string value of
this key.
This returns the RSS feed URL for Apple iTunes Podcast XML
documents that are retrieved by itunes_discover_rss().
url = url.replace('itms://', 'http://')
doc = http_get_and_gunzip(url)
d = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(doc)
except Exception, e:
log('Error parsing document from itms:// URL: %s', e)
return None
last_key = None
for pairs in d.getElementsByTagName('dict'):
for node in pairs.childNodes:
if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.tagName == 'key' and node.childNodes.length > 0:
if node.firstChild.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
last_key =
if last_key != 'feedURL':
if node.tagName == 'string' and node.childNodes.length > 0:
if node.firstChild.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
return None
def http_get_and_gunzip(uri):
Does a HTTP GET request and tells the server that we accept
gzip-encoded data. This is necessary, because the Apple iTunes
server will always return gzip-encoded data, regardless of what
we really request.
Returns the uncompressed document at the given URI.
request = urllib2.Request(uri)
request.add_header("Accept-encoding", "gzip")
usock = urllib2.urlopen(request)
data =
if usock.headers.get('content-encoding', None) == 'gzip':
data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(data)).read()
return data
def itunes_discover_rss(url):
Takes an iTunes-specific podcast URL and turns it
into a "normal" RSS feed URL. If the given URL is
not a URL, we will simply return
the URL and assume it's already an RSS feed URL.
Idea from Andrew Clarke's
if url is None:
return url
if not '' in url.lower():
# This doesn't look like an iTunes URL
return url
data = http_get_and_gunzip(url)
(url,) = re.findall("itmsOpen\('([^']*)", data)
return parse_itunes_xml(url)
return None
def idle_add(func, *args):
This is a wrapper function that does the Right
Thing depending on if we are running a GTK+ GUI or
not. If not, we're simply calling the function.
If we are a GUI app, we use gobject.idle_add() to
call the function later - this is needed for
threads to be able to modify GTK+ widget data.
if gpodder.ui.desktop or gpodder.ui.maemo:
import gobject
def x(f, *a):
return False
gobject.idle_add(func, *args)
def bluetooth_available():
Returns True or False depending on the availability
of bluetooth functionality on the system.
if find_command('bluetooth-sendto') or \
return True
return False
def bluetooth_send_file(filename):
Sends a file via bluetooth.
This function tries to use "bluetooth-sendto", and if
it is not available, it also tries "gnome-obex-send".
command_line = None
if find_command('bluetooth-sendto'):
command_line = ['bluetooth-sendto']
elif find_command('gnome-obex-send'):
command_line = ['gnome-obex-send']
if command_line is not None:
return (subprocess.Popen(command_line).wait() == 0)
log('Cannot send file. Please install "bluetooth-sendto" or "gnome-obex-send".')
return False
def format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(seconds):
Take the number of seconds and format it into a
human-readable string (duration).
>>> format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(3834)
u'1 hour, 3 minutes and 54 seconds'
>>> format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(3600)
u'1 hour'
>>> format_seconds_to_hour_min_sec(62)
u'1 minute and 2 seconds'
if seconds < 1:
return N_('%d second', '%d seconds', seconds) % seconds
result = []
seconds = int(seconds)
hours = seconds/3600
seconds = seconds%3600
minutes = seconds/60
seconds = seconds%60
if hours:
result.append(N_('%d hour', '%d hours', hours) % hours)
if minutes:
result.append(N_('%d minute', '%d minutes', minutes) % minutes)
if seconds:
result.append(N_('%d second', '%d seconds', seconds) % seconds)
if len(result) > 1:
return (' '+_('and')+' ').join((', '.join(result[:-1]), result[-1]))
return result[0]
def http_request(url, method='HEAD'):
(scheme, netloc, path, parms, qry, fragid) = urlparse.urlparse(url)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc)
start = len(scheme) + len('://') + len(netloc)
conn.request(method, url[start:])
return conn.getresponse()
def get_episode_info_from_url(url):
Try to get information about a podcast episode by sending
a HEAD request to the HTTP server and parsing the result.
The return value is a dict containing all fields that
could be parsed from the URL. This currently contains:
"length": The size of the file in bytes
"pubdate": The unix timestamp for the pubdate
If there is an error, this function returns {}. This will
only function with http:// and https:// URLs.
if not (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://')):
return {}
r = http_request(url)
result = {}
log('Trying to get metainfo for %s', url)
if 'content-length' in r.msg:
length = int(r.msg['content-length'])
result['length'] = length
except ValueError, e:
log('Error converting content-length header.')
if 'last-modified' in r.msg:
parsed_date = feedparser._parse_date(r.msg['last-modified'])
pubdate = time.mktime(parsed_date)
result['pubdate'] = pubdate
log('Error converting last-modified header.')
return result
def gui_open(filename):
Open a file or folder with the default application set
by the Desktop environment. This uses "xdg-open" on all
systems with a few exceptions:
on Win32, os.startfile() is used
on Maemo, osso is used to communicate with Nokia Media Player
if gpodder.ui.maemo:
import osso
except ImportError, ie:
log('Cannot import osso module on maemo.')
return False
log('Using Nokia Media Player to open %s', filename)
context = osso.Context('gPodder', gpodder.__version__, False)
filename = filename.encode('utf-8')
# Fix for Maemo bug 7162 (for local files with "#" in filename)
if filename.startswith('/'):
filename = 'file://' + urllib.quote(filename)
rpc = osso.Rpc(context)
app = 'mediaplayer'
_unneeded, extension = os.path.splitext(filename.lower())
# Fix for Maemo bug 5588 (use PDF viewer and images app)
if extension == '.pdf':
app = 'osso_pdfviewer'
elif extension in ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'):
app = 'image_viewer'
svc, path = (x % app for x in ('', '/com/nokia/%s'))
rpc.rpc_run(svc, path, svc, 'mime_open', (filename,))
elif gpodder.win32:
subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', filename])
return True
log('Cannot open file/folder: "%s"', filename, traceback=True)
return False
def open_website(url):
Opens the specified URL using the default system web
browser. This uses Python's "webbrowser" module, so
make sure your system is set up correctly.
if gpodder.ui.maemo:
import osso
context = osso.Context('gPodder', gpodder.__version__, False)
rpc = osso.Rpc(context)
rpc.rpc_run_with_defaults('osso_browser', \
'open_new_window', \
threading.Thread(, args=(url,)).start()
def sanitize_encoding(filename):
Generate a sanitized version of a string (i.e.
remove invalid characters and encode in the
detected native language encoding).
>>> sanitize_encoding('\x80')
>>> sanitize_encoding(u'unicode')
global encoding
if not isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename = filename.decode(encoding, 'ignore')
return filename.encode(encoding, 'ignore')
def sanitize_filename(filename, max_length=0, use_ascii=False):
Generate a sanitized version of a filename that can
be written on disk (i.e. remove/replace invalid
characters and encode in the native language) and
trim filename if greater than max_length (0 = no limit).
If use_ascii is True, don't encode in the native language,
but use only characters from the ASCII character set.
global encoding
if use_ascii:
e = 'ascii'
e = encoding
if not isinstance(filename, unicode):
filename = filename.decode(encoding, 'ignore')
if max_length > 0 and len(filename) > max_length:
log('Limiting file/folder name "%s" to %d characters.', filename, max_length)
filename = filename[:max_length]
return re.sub('[/|?*<>:+\[\]\"\\\]', '_', filename.strip().encode(e, 'ignore'))
def find_mount_point(directory):
Try to find the mount point for a given directory.
If the directory is itself a mount point, return
it. If not, remove the last part of the path and
re-check if it's a mount point. If the directory
resides on your root filesystem, "/" is returned.
>>> find_mount_point('/')
>>> find_mount_point(u'/something')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Convert unicode objects to str first.
>>> find_mount_point(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Directory names should be of type str.
>>> find_mount_point(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Directory names should be of type str.
>>> from minimock import mock, restore
>>> mocked_mntpoints = ('/', '/home', '/media/usbdisk', '/media/cdrom')
>>> mock('os.path.ismount', returns_func=lambda x: x in mocked_mntpoints)
>>> # For mocking os.getcwd(), we simply use a lambda to avoid the
>>> # massive output of "Called os.getcwd()" lines in this doctest
>>> os.getcwd = lambda: '/home/thp'
>>> find_mount_point('.')
Called os.path.ismount('/home/thp')
Called os.path.ismount('/home')
>>> find_mount_point('relativity')
Called os.path.ismount('/home/thp/relativity')
Called os.path.ismount('/home/thp')
Called os.path.ismount('/home')
>>> find_mount_point('/media/usbdisk/')
Called os.path.ismount('/media/usbdisk')
>>> find_mount_point('/home/thp/Desktop')
Called os.path.ismount('/home/thp/Desktop')
Called os.path.ismount('/home/thp')
Called os.path.ismount('/home')
>>> find_mount_point('/media/usbdisk/Podcasts/With Spaces')
Called os.path.ismount('/media/usbdisk/Podcasts/With Spaces')
Called os.path.ismount('/media/usbdisk/Podcasts')
Called os.path.ismount('/media/usbdisk')
>>> find_mount_point('/home/')
Called os.path.ismount('/home')
>>> find_mount_point('/media/cdrom/../usbdisk/blubb//')
Called os.path.ismount('/media/usbdisk/blubb')
Called os.path.ismount('/media/usbdisk')
>>> restore()
if isinstance(directory, unicode):
# We do not accept unicode strings, because they could fail when
# trying to be converted to some native encoding, so fail loudly
# and leave it up to the callee to encode into the proper encoding.
raise ValueError('Convert unicode objects to str first.')
if not isinstance(directory, str):
raise ValueError('Directory names should be of type str.')
directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
while directory != '/':
if os.path.ismount(directory):
return directory
(directory, tail_data) = os.path.split(directory)
return '/'
# matches http:// and ftp:// and mailto://
protocolPattern = re.compile(r'^\w+://')
def isabs(string):
@return true if string is an absolute path or protocoladdress
for addresses beginning in http:// or ftp:// or ldap:// -
they are considered "absolute" paths.
if protocolPattern.match(string): return 1
return os.path.isabs(string)
def rel2abs(path, base = os.curdir):
""" converts a relative path to an absolute path.
@param path the path to convert - if already absolute, is returned
without conversion.
@param base - optional. Defaults to the current directory.
The base is intelligently concatenated to the given relative path.
@return the relative path of path from base
if isabs(path): return path
retval = os.path.join(base,path)
return os.path.abspath(retval)
def commonpath(l1, l2, common=[]):
helper functions for relpath
if len(l1) < 1: return (common, l1, l2)
if len(l2) < 1: return (common, l1, l2)
if l1[0] != l2[0]: return (common, l1, l2)
return commonpath(l1[1:], l2[1:], common+[l1[0]])
def relpath(p1, p2):
Finds relative path from p1 to p2
pathsplit = lambda s: s.split(os.path.sep)
(common,l1,l2) = commonpath(pathsplit(p1), pathsplit(p2))
p = []
if len(l1) > 0:
p = [ ('..'+os.sep) * len(l1) ]
p = p + l2
if len(p) is 0:
return "."
return os.path.join(*p)
def run_external_command(command_line):
This is the function that will be called in a separate
thread that will call an external command (specified by
command_line). In case of problem (i.e. the command has
not been found or there has been another error), we will
call the notification function with two arguments - the
first being the error message and the second being the
title to be used for the error message.
>>> from minimock import mock, Mock, restore
>>> mock('subprocess.Popen', returns=Mock('subprocess.Popen'))
>>> run_external_command('testprogramm')
Called subprocess.Popen('testprogramm', shell=True)
Called subprocess.Popen.wait()
>>> restore()
def open_process(command_line):
log('Running external command: %s', command_line)
p = subprocess.Popen(command_line, shell=True)
result = p.wait()
if result == 127:
log('Command not found: %s', command_line)
elif result == 126:
log('Command permission denied: %s', command_line)
elif result > 0:
log('Command returned an error (%d): %s', result, command_line)
log('Command finished successfully: %s', command_line)
threading.Thread(target=open_process, args=(command_line,)).start()
def get_hostname():
"""Return the hostname of this computer
This can be implemented in a different way on each
platform and should yield a unique-per-user device ID.
nodename = platform.node()
if nodename:
return nodename
# Fallback - but can this give us "localhost"?
return socket.gethostname()
def detect_device_type():
"""Device type detection for
This function tries to detect on which
kind of device gPodder is running on.
Possible return values:
desktop, laptop, mobile, server, other
if gpodder.ui.maemo:
return 'mobile'
elif glob.glob('/proc/acpi/battery/*'):
# Linux: If we have a battery, assume Laptop
return 'laptop'
return 'desktop'