# Satellite ![The main view with a GPS fix](https://github.com/flathub/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite/raw/master/screenshot-fix.png) ![Logging](https://github.com/flathub/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite/raw/master/screenshot-log.png) ![Expanded satellite SNR view](https://github.com/flathub/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite/raw/master/screenshot-snr.png) ![Speedometer and track recording](https://github.com/flathub/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite/raw/master/screenshot-track.png) Satellite is an adaptive GTK3 / libhandy application which displays global navigation satellite system (GNSS: GPS et al.) data obtained from [ModemManager](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/ModemManager/) or [gnss-share](https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/gnss-share). It can also save your position to a GPX-file. ## License GPL-3.0 ## Dependencies: python 3.6+, gi, Gtk3, libhandy, libmm-glib, pynmea2, gpxpy ## Installing and running ### Flathub Download on Flathub Satellite is [in flathub](https://flathub.org/apps/details/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite) and can be installed from there, or from a software manager like Gnome software. The direct install link is [here](https://dl.flathub.org/repo/appstream/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite.flatpakref). Run flatpak run page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite to execute from the command line. ### From source tree Run the script `bin/satellite`. ### Pip from sources Run pip install --user ./ in the source tree root (use `pipx` instead of `pip` if necessary). This creates an executable Python script in `$HOME/.local/bin/satellite`. ### Flatpak from sources Run flatpak-builder --install --user build-dir flatpak/page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite.yaml in the source tree root to install a local build to the user flatpak repo. ## Hints You can start recording a GPX track by selecting 'Record track' from the main menu. The GPX file is saved in `$HOME/Documents/satellite-tracks`.