
467 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 Funambol, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
# the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
# added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see or write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
# You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite
# 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address
# The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
# of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
# Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
# In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
# version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
# "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
# feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
# the words "Powered by Funambol".
# Usage: <file>
# <left file> <right file>
# Either normalizes a file or compares two of them in a side-by-side
# diff.
# Checks environment variables:
# CLIENT_TEST_SERVER=funambol|scheduleworld|egroupware|synthesis
# Enables code which simplifies the text files just like
# certain well-known servers do. This is useful for testing
# to ignore the data loss introduced by these servers or (for
# users) to simulate the effect of these servers on their data.
# CLIENT_TEST_CLIENT=evolution|addressbook (Mac OS X/iPhone)
# Same as for servers this replicates the effect of storing
# data in the clients.
# CLIENT_TEST_LEFT_NAME="before sync"
# CLIENT_TEST_REMOVED="removed during sync"
# CLIENT_TEST_ADDED="added during sync"
# Setting these variables changes the default legend
# print above the left and right file during a
# comparison.
# Overrides the default error code when changes are found.
use strict;
use encoding 'utf8';
use Algorithm::Diff;
# ignore differences caused by specific servers or local backends?
my $server = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_SERVER} || "funambol";
my $client = $ENV{CLIENT_TEST_CLIENT} || "evolution";
my $scheduleworld = $server =~ /scheduleworld/;
my $synthesis = $server =~ /synthesis/;
my $egroupware = $server =~ /egroupware/;
my $funambol = $server =~ /funambol/;
my $evolution = $client =~ /evolution/;
my $addressbook = $client =~ /addressbook/;
sub Usage {
print "$0 <vcards.vcf\n";
print " normalizes one file (stdin or single argument), prints to stdout\n";
print "$0 vcards1.vcf vcards2.vcf\n";
print " compares the two files\n";
print "Also works for iCalendar files.\n";
# parameters: file handle with input, width to use for reformatted lines
# returns list of lines without line breaks
sub Normalize {
my $in = shift;
my $width = shift;
$_ = join( "", <$in> );
my @items = ();
foreach $_ ( split( /(?:(?<=\nEND:VCARD)|(?<=\nEND:VCALENDAR))\n*/ ) ) {
# undo line continuation
# ignore charset specifications, assume UTF-8
# UID may differ, but only in vCards and journal entries:
# in calendar events the UID needs to be preserved to handle
# meeting invitations/replies correctly
# expand <foo> shortcuts to TYPE=<foo>
# the distinction between an empty and a missing property
# is vague and handled differently, so ignore empty properties
# use separate TYPE= fields
while( s/^(\w*)([^:\n]*);TYPE=(\w*),(\w*)/$1$2;TYPE=$3;TYPE=$4/mg ) {}
# replace parameters with a sorted parameter list
s!^([^;:\n]*);(.*?):!$1 . ";" . join(';',sort(split(/;/, $2))) . ":"!meg;
# Map non-standard ADR;TYPE=OTHER to PARCEL, just like SyncEvolution does
# Ignore remaining "other" email, address and telephone type - this is
# an Evolution specific extension which might not be preserved.
# TYPE=PREF on the other hand is not used by Evolution, but
# might be sent back.
# Evolution does not need TYPE=INTERNET for email
# ignore TYPE=PREF in address, does not matter in Evolution
# ignore extra separators in multi-value fields
# the type of certain fields is ignore by Evolution
# Evolution ignores an additional pager type
# PAGER property is sent by Evolution, but otherwise ignored
# TYPE=VOICE is the default in Evolution and may or may not appear in the vcard;
# this simplification is a bit too agressive and hides the problematic
# TYPE=PREF,VOICE combination which Evolution does not handle :-/
# don't care about the TYPE property of PHOTOs
# encoding is not case sensitive, skip white space in the middle of binary data
if (s/^PHOTO;.*?ENCODING=(b|B|BASE64).*?:\s*/PHOTO;ENCODING=B: /mgi) {
while (s/^PHOTO(.*?): (\S+)[\t ]+(\S+)/PHOTO$1: $2$3/mg) {}
# ignore extra day factor in front of weekday
# remove default VALUE=DATE-TIME
# remove fields which may differ
# remove optional fields
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
if ($scheduleworld || $egroupware || $synthesis || $addressbook || $funambol) {
# does not preserve X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=
if ($scheduleworld) {
# cannot distinguish EMAIL types
# replaces certain TZIDs with more up-to-date ones
if ($synthesis) {
# only preserves ORG "Company", but loses "Department" and "Office"
if ($funambol) {
# only preserves ORG "Company";"Department", but loses "Office"
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
if ($funambol) {
# drops the second address line
if ($addressbook) {
# some properties cannot be stored
# only some parts of ADR are preserved
my $type;
s/^ADR(.*?)\:(.*)/$type=($1 || ""); @_ = split(\/(?<!\\);\/, $2); "ADR:;;" . ($_[2] || "") . ";" . ($_[3] || "") . ";" . ($_[4] || "") . ";" . ($_[5] || "") . ";" . ($_[6] || "")/gme;
# TYPE=CAR not supported
if ($synthesis) {
# does not preserve certain properties
# default ADR is HOME
# only some parts of N are preserved
s/^N\:(.*)/@_ = split(\/(?<!\\);\/, $1); "N:$_[0];" . ($_[1] || "") . ";;" . ($_[3] || "")/gme;
# this vcard contains too many ADR and PHONE entries - ignore it
if (/This is a test case which uses almost all Evolution fields/) {
# breaks lines at semicolons, which adds white space
while( s/^ADR:(.*); +/ADR:$1;/gm ) {}
if ($egroupware) {
# CLASS:PUBLIC is added if none exists (as in our test cases),
# several properties not preserved
# org gets truncated
if ($funambol) {
# several properties are not preserved
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
# quoted-printable line breaks are =0D=0A, not just single =0A
myFUNAMBOL looses some data that was preserved by Funambol 3.0. now simplifies the test data so that the Client::Sync::vcard21::testItems passes again. For an example of what gets lost see the failed test: BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:Doe;John N:Doe;John ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #1;;Test Drive 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 1;Test Village;Lower Test County;123 45;Testovia 45;Testovia ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3;;Test Dri | ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3;;Test Drive ve 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347; | 3;Test Megacity;Test County;12347;Ne New Testonia | w Testonia ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive ADR;TYPE=WORK:Test Box #2;;Test Drive 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; 2;Test Town;Upper Test County;12346; Old Testovia Old Testovia BDAY:2006-01-08 BDAY:2006-01-08 CALURI:calender < CATEGORIES:TEST CATEGORIES:TEST EMAIL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2 | :john.doe@home.priv | EMAIL;TYPE=HOME:john.doe@home.priv EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1 | EMAIL; < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:john.doe@ < < EMAIL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:john.doe@ < < FBURL:free/busy < NICKNAME:user1 NICKNAME:user1 NOTE:This is a test case which uses a NOTE:This is a test case which uses a lmost all Evolution fields. lmost all Evolution fields. ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ORG:Test Inc.;Testing ROLE:professional test case ROLE:professional test case TEL;TYPE=CAR;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=7:ca | TEL;TYPE=CAR:car 7 r 7 | TEL;TYPE=CELL:mobile 3 TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:m | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME:homefax 5 obile 3 | TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK:businessfax 4 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=HOME:home 2 -SLOT=5:homefax 5 | TEL;TYPE=PAGER:pager 6 TEL;TYPE=FAX;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI | TEL;TYPE=PREF:primary 8 -SLOT=4:businessfax 4 | TEL;TYPE=WORK:business 1 TEL;TYPE=HOME;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:h < ome 2 < TEL;TYPE=PAGER;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=6: < pager 6 < TEL;TYPE=PREF;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=8:p < rimary 8 < TEL;TYPE=WORK;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:b < usiness 1 < TITLE:Senior Tester TITLE:Senior Tester URL: URL: VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-AIM;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:AIM JOHN < X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY:2006-01-09 < X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT:John Doe Junior < X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL:web log < X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Doe\, John X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER:John Doe Senior < X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE:Joan Doe < X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL:chat < X-GROUPWISE;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=4:GRO < UPWISE DOE < X-ICQ;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=3:ICQ JD < X-YAHOO;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=2:YAHOO J < DOE < END:VCARD END:VCARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD N:breaks;line N:breaks;line ADR;TYPE=HOME:;Address Line 2\nAddres | ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;Address Line 1 s Line 3;Address Line 1 < NICKNAME:user7 NICKNAME:user7 NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. NOTE:This test case uses line breaks. This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre This is line 1.\nLine 2.\n\nLine bre aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 aks in vcard 2.1 are encoded as =0D=0 A.\nThat means the = has to be encode A.\nThat means the = has to be encode d itself... d itself... VERSION:3.0 VERSION:3.0 X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:breaks\, line END:VCARD END:VCARD git-svn-id: e8e8ed6c-164c-0410-afcf-9e9a7c7d8c10
2007-11-07 22:30:36 +01:00
# only three email addresses, fourth one from test case gets lost
# this particular type is not preserved
s/ADR;TYPE=PARCEL:Test Box #3/ADR;TYPE=HOME:Test Box #3/;
if ($funambol || $egroupware) {
# NOTE may be truncated due to length resistrictions
# treat X-MOZILLA-HTML=FALSE as if the property didn't exist
my @formatted = ();
# Modify lines to cover not more than
# $width characters by folding lines (as done for the N or SUMMARY above),
# but also indent each inner BEGIN/END block by 2 spaces
# and finally sort the lines.
# We need to keep a stack of open blocks in @formatted:
# - BEGIN creates another open block
# - END closes it, sorts it, and adds as single string to the parent block
push @formatted, [];
foreach $_ (split /\n/, $_) {
if (/^BEGIN:/) {
# start a new block
push @formatted, [];
my $spaces = " " x ($#formatted - 1);
my $thiswidth = $width -1 - length($spaces);
$thiswidth = 1 if $thiswidth <= 0;
s/(.{$thiswidth})(?!$)/$1\n /g;
push @{$formatted[$#formatted]}, $_;
if (/^\s*END:/) {
my $block = pop @formatted;
my $begin = shift @{$block};
my $end = pop @{$block};
# Keep begin/end as first/last line,
# inbetween sort, but so that N or SUMMARY are
# at the top. This ensures that the order of items
# is the same, even if individual properties differ.
# Also put indented blocks at the end, not the top.
sub numspaces {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ /^(\s*)/;
return length($1);
$_ = join("\n",
sort( { $a =~ /^\s*(N|SUMMARY):/ ? -1 :
$b =~ /^\s*(N|SUMMARY):/ ? 1 :
($a =~ /^\s/ && $b =~ /^\S/) ? 1 :
numspaces($a) == numspaces($b) ? $a cmp $b :
numspaces($a) - numspaces($b) }
@{$block} ),
push @{$formatted[$#formatted]}, $_;
push @items, ${$formatted[0]}[0];
return split( /\n/, join( "\n\n", sort @items ));
# number of columns available for output:
# try tput without printing the shells error if not found,
# default to 80
my $columns = `which tput >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && tput 2>/dev/null && tput cols`;
if ($? || !$columns) {
$columns = 80;
if($#ARGV > 1) {
# error
exit 1;
} elsif($#ARGV == 1) {
# comparison
my ($file1, $file2) = ($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
open(IN1, "<:utf8", $file1) || die "$file1: $!";
open(IN2, "<:utf8", $file2) || die "$file2: $!";
my $singlewidth = int(($columns - 3) / 2);
$columns = $singlewidth * 2 + 3;
my @normal1 = Normalize(*IN1{IO}, $singlewidth);
my @normal2 = Normalize(*IN2{IO}, $singlewidth);
# Produce output where each line is marked as old (aka remove) with o,
# as new (aka added) with n, and as unchanged with u at the beginning.
# This allows simpler processing below.
my $res = 0;
if (0) {
# $_ = `diff "--old-line-format=o %L" "--new-line-format=n %L" "--unchanged-line-format=u %L" "$normal1" "$normal2"`;
# $res = $?;
} else {
# convert into same format as diff above - this allows reusing the
# existing output formatting code
my $diffs_ref = Algorithm::Diff::sdiff(\@normal1, \@normal2);
@_ = ();
my $hunk;
foreach $hunk ( @{$diffs_ref} ) {
my ($type, $left, $right) = @{$hunk};
if ($type eq "-") {
push @_, "o $left";
$res = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "+") {
push @_, "n $right";
$res = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "c") {
push @_, "o $left";
push @_, "n $right";
$res = 1;
} else {
push @_, "u $left";
$_ = join("\n", @_);
if ($res) {
printf "%*s | %s\n", $singlewidth,
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_LEFT_NAME} || "before sync"),
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_RIGHT_NAME} || "after sync");
printf "%*s <\n", $singlewidth,
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_REMOVED} || "removed during sync");
printf "%*s > %s\n", $singlewidth, "",
($ENV{CLIENT_TEST_ADDED} || "added during sync");
print "-" x $columns, "\n";
# fix confusing output like:
# > N:new;entry
# > FN:new
# >
# and replace it with:
# > N:new;entry
# > FN:new
# With the o/n/u markup this presents itself as:
# n N:new;entry
# n FN:new
# n
# The alternative case is also possible:
# o
# o N:old;entry
# case one above
while( s/^u BEGIN:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^n .*\n)+?)^n BEGIN:/n BEGIN:$1\n$2u BEGIN:/m) {}
# same for the other direction
while( s/^u BEGIN:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^o .*\n)+?)^o BEGIN:/o BEGIN:$1\n$2u BEGIN:/m) {}
# case two
while( s/^o END:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^o .*\n)+?)^u END:/u END:$1\n$2o END:/m) {}
while( s/^n END:(VCARD|VCALENDAR)\n((?:^n .*\n)+?)^u END:/u END:$1\n$2n END:/m) {}
# split at end of each record
my $spaces = " " x $singlewidth;
foreach $_ (split /(?:(?<=. END:VCARD\n)|(?<=. END:VCALENDAR\n))(?:^. \n)*/m, $_) {
# ignore unchanged records
if (!length($_) || /^((u [^\n]*\n)*(u [^\n]*?))$/s) {
# make all lines equally long in terms of printable characters
s/^(.*)$/$1 . (" " x ($singlewidth + 2 - length($1)))/gme;
# convert into side-by-side output
my @buffer = ();
foreach $_ (split /\n/, $_) {
if (/^u (.*)/) {
print join(" <\n", @buffer), " <\n" if $#buffer >= 0;
@buffer = ();
print $1, " ", $1, "\n";
} elsif (/^o (.*)/) {
# preserve in buffer for potential merging with "n "
push @buffer, $1;
} else {
/^n (.*)/;
# have line to be merged with?
if ($#buffer >= 0) {
print shift @buffer, " | ", $1, "\n";
} else {
print join(" <\n", @buffer), " <\n" if $#buffer >= 0;
print $spaces, " > ", $1, "\n";
print join(" <\n", @buffer), " <\n" if $#buffer >= 0;
@buffer = ();
print "-" x $columns, "\n";
# unlink($normal1);
# unlink($normal2);
} else {
# normalize
my $in;
if( $#ARGV >= 0 ) {
open(IN, "<$ARGV[0]") || die "$ARGV[0]: $!";
$in = *IN{IO};
} else {
$in = *STDIN{IO};
print STDOUT join("\n", Normalize($in, $columns)), "\n";