
426 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

include $(top_srcdir)/
include $(top_srcdir)/
include $(top_srcdir)/build/
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
## Process this file with automake to produce
# choose D-Bus implementation
gdbus_dir = $(top_srcdir)/src/gdbusxx
gdbus_build_dir = src/gdbusxx
gdbus_dir = $(top_srcdir)/src/gdbus
gdbus_build_dir = src/gdbus
disted_docs =
distbin_docs =
man_MANS =
include src/
include test/
disted_docs += README NEWS COPYING $(TEST_README_FILES) test/syncevo-http-server-logging.conf
distbin_docs += $(disted_docs)
dist_doc_DATA += $(disted_docs)
distbin_docs += README.html
# do not distribute in tarball.
doc_DATA += README.html
man_MANS += syncevolution.1
dist_noinst_DATA += \
README.rst \
description \ \
Doxyfile \
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES += config.guess config.sub configure depcomp install-sh missing mkinstalldirs
TEST_README_FILES = $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/test/README.*)
# files and file patterns which are not meant to be packaged.
DEV_FILE_PATTERN = $(1)$(2)/include $(1)$(2)/lib/*.so $(1)$(2)/lib/*.a $(1)$(2)/lib/*.la $(1)$(2)/lib/*/*.la $(1)$(2)/lib/pkgconfig
# Exclude from bundle package because that needs to
# be packaged separately.
DEV_FILE_PATTERN += $(1)$(2)/lib/syncevolution/backends/
# binary distribution as .tar.gz
# when building with D-Bus, we have no choice: the service has to go into /usr
# in order to be found
distbin : $(distbin_docs) INSTALL-tar-gz all
@ [ "$(BINSUFFIX)" ] || (echo "please invoke with e.g. 'make distbin BINSUFFIX=debian-3.1'"; exit 1 )
@ [ "$(prefix)" = "/usr" ] || (echo "please reconfigure with --prefix=/usr"; exit 1 )
rm -rf $(distdir)
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=`pwd`/$(distdir) install
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=`pwd`/$(distdir) installcheck
rm -rf $(call DEV_FILE_PATTERN,$(distdir),/usr)
for i in `find $(distdir) -type d | sort -r`; do rmdir $$i 2>/dev/null || true; done
mkdir -p $(distdir)/usr/share/doc/syncevolution
cp $(srcdir)/INSTALL-tar-gz $(distdir)/INSTALL
cp $(filter-out all, $+) $(distdir)/usr/share/doc/syncevolution
tar zcf $(distdir)-$(BINSUFFIX).tar.gz $(distdir)
rm -rf $(distdir)
# without D-Bus, we can simply create an archive with a bin directory
# and everything works
distbin : $(distbin_docs) all
@ [ "$(BINSUFFIX)" ] || (echo "please invoke with e.g. 'make distbin BINSUFFIX=debian-3.1'"; exit 1 )
rm -rf $(distdir)
$(MAKE) prefix=`pwd`/$(distdir) install
@echo removing developer files and empty directories
rm -rf $(call DEV_FILE_PATTERN,$(distdir),/)
for i in `find $(distdir) -type d | sort -r`; do rmdir $$i 2>/dev/null || true; done
cp $(filter-out all, $+) $(distdir)
tar zcf $(distdir)-$(BINSUFFIX).tar.gz $(distdir)
rm -rf $(distdir)
iphone : SyncEvolution.plist
IPHONE_FILENAME = syncevolution-$(VERSION)
SyncEvolution.plist : $(IPHONE_FILENAME)
$(AM_V_GEN)sed -e 's/__FILENAME__/$(IPHONE_FILENAME)/' \
-e 's/__VERSION__/$(VERSION)/' \
-e 's/__SIZE__/$(shell ls -l $(IPHONE_FILENAME) | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 5)/' \
$< >$@
rm -rf syncevolution-iphone $@
$(MAKE) DESTDIR=`pwd`/syncevolution-iphone install
rm -rf `ls -1 -d syncevolution-iphone/usr/share/doc/syncevolution/*/spds/sources/* | grep -v addressbook`
perl -pi -e 's;SyncEvolution test #1;;;' \
-e 's;^type = text/(x-)?vcard;type = addressbook;m;' \
cd syncevolution-iphone && zip -r ../$(IPHONE_FILENAME) .
TYPE_deb = -D
TYPE_rpm = -R
# Dependency calculation is intentionally incomplete:
# - don't force dependency on specific EDS libs via backends, their versions change too much (handled via --enable-evolution-compatibility and dynamic loading of the backends)
# - ignore client-test dependencies (because users typically don't run it)
# - ignore backend dependencies (should never prevent installing the bundle)
# - be more flexible about kdelibs5 than dpkg-shlibdeps: it is found as package
# for and on Ubuntu Lucid, but after Debian
# Squeeze the package was replaced by individual library packages. On such
# distros, libkdeui5 is what we need.
# - same for kdepimlibs5 -> libakonadi-kde4
# - kdebase-runtime became kde-runtime in Debian Wheezy
REQUIRES_SED_KDE = -e 's/kdelibs5 ([^,]*),/kdelibs5 | libkdeui5,/g' -e 's/kdepimlibs5 ([^,]*),/kdepimlibs5 | libakonadi-kde4,/g' -e 's/kdebase-runtime/kdebase-runtime | kde-runtime/g'
2021-09-29 23:01:46 +02:00
REQUIRES_deb = --requires="'$(shell set -x; cd checkinstall/dist; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(distdir)/usr/lib:$(distdir)/usr/lib/syncevolution dpkg-shlibdeps -L$(EXTRA_SHLIBS_LOCAL) --ignore-missing-info -O $$(for i in $$(find $(distdir) -type f -perm /u+x | grep -v -e client-test -e lib/syncevolution/backends/); do if file $$i | grep ELF >/dev/null; then echo $$i; fi; done) | sed $(REQUIRES_SED_KDE) -e 's/[^=]*=//')$(REQUIRES_deb_neon)$(REQUIRES_deb_ical)'"
# --enable-neon-compatibility in src/backends/webdav:
# replace dependencies from linking with hard-coded dlopen() dependencies
REQUIRES_deb_neon = , libneon27 (>= 0.29.0) | libneon27-gnutls (>= 0.29.0)
REQUIRES_deb_neon =
if ENABLE_ICAL compile on Ubuntu Trusty, libical v1/v2 compatibility binaries are now getting compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and thus no longer support distros with older EDS. The code should still compile against older EDS (for example, for Maemo), but that is not getting tested anymore. This allows removing the dynamic linker hacks related to older libraries, which was only used in those binaries. Instead, backends using libical or EDS get compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and then the soname of those libs get patched to make the backend module usable in combination with a different set of libs. That patching is part of a script maintained in the build infrastructure. This approach was already used before to generate different EDS backends for EDS versions with the newer EClient API, because that turned out to be easier than the dynamic loading approach. It works because none of the methods used by SyncEvolution changed their ABI, only some other parts of the libraries did. Should there ever be a situation again that cannot be handled like this, then backends might also get compiled on different distros than Ubuntu Trusty (however, that may lead to problems due to the libstdc++ ABI changes - to be decided...). libical still requires one special hack: system time zone loading in libical v1 (and only in that version, v2 has builtin support again) must be overridden such that time zones are generated with rules instead of transitions because that is more compatible with the peers that SyncEvolution exchanges data with. That hack now relies on overriding the two relevant functions inside the main binaries (has to be there, otherwise libical still ends up calling its own internal implementation). The overriding code is in and depends on If can be loaded, the wrappers in the main binary use it, otherwise they fall through to the code from the current, which then should be or more recent. This hack is active by default when libical v1 is detected during configuration.
2016-09-20 17:19:08 +02:00
REQUIRES_deb_ical = , libical0 | libical1 | libical1a | libical2
VERSION_rpm = `echo $(VERSION) | sed -e s/-/_/g`
# The package name: BINSUFFIX is used to distinguish binaries
# for different Evolution releases.
PKGNAME=syncevolution$(patsubst %,-%,$(BINSUFFIX))
# This is a list of packages (potentially) provided on
# The current package conflicts with any of them, but not itself.
PKGS = $(addprefix syncevolution-evolution-, 2.6 2.8 2.12)
# When calling checkinstall we cannot install into /tmp
# because any file created there will be excluded: that makes
# sense, because "make install" might create temporary files
# there. The current directory might be in /tmp, so use $HOME.
# --replaces is necessary for migrating from syncevolution-evolution-<evover>
# to syncevolution-evolution (as per
# When we build shared objects, then conflict with the corresponding
# system libs. The assumption is that the system library is named
# after the lib and its major version, which holds for libsmltk and
# libsynthesis in Debian.
deb rpm : checkinstall/dist/$(distdir) checkinstall/dist/debian/control
(echo "SyncEvolution - synchronizing personal information management data" && cat $(srcdir)/description) >checkinstall/description-pak
echo "/sbin/ldconfig" >checkinstall/postremove-pak
echo "/sbin/ldconfig" >checkinstall/postinstall-pak
conflicts=`ls -1 checkinstall/dist/$(distdir)/usr/lib/*.so.[0123456789] | sed -e 's;.*/;;' -e 's/\.so\.//' -e 's/$$/, /'` && \
tmpdir=`mktemp -d $$HOME/syncevolution.XXXXXXXXXX` && \
trap "rm -rf $$tmpdir" EXIT && \
cd checkinstall && \
fakeroot checkinstall </dev/null \
$(TYPE_$@) \
$(REQUIRES_$@) \
--fstrans=yes \
--strip=no \
--pkgversion=$(VERSION_$@) \
--pkgrelease=$(RELEASE) \
--pkgname=$(PKGNAME) \
--pkgarch=$(PKGARCH) \
--provides=syncevolution \
--replaces="'syncevolution, `echo $(filter-out $(PKGNAME), $(PKGS)) | sed -e 's/ */ (<< 1:0.8.1-2), /g'` (<< 1:0.8.1-2)'" \
--conflicts="'$${conflicts}syncevolution, `echo $(filter-out $(PKGNAME), $(PKGS)) | sed -e 's/ */ (<< 1:0.8.1-2), /g'` (<< 1:0.8.1-2)', libsmltk0, libsyncevolution0, libsynthesis0, syncevolution-common, syncevolution-libs" \
--maintainer="'Patrick Ohly <>'" \
--pkgsource='' \
--pkggroup='$*' \
--pkggroup='comm' \
cp -r `pwd`/dist/$(distdir)/* / && \
if [ $@ = "rpm" ]; then cp /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/*/${PKGNAME}-${VERSION}-2.*.rpm ..; else mv ${PKGNAME}_${VERSION}*.deb ..; fi
# Pseudo platform .deb packages:
# only depend on PKGNAME = syncevolution-$(BINSUFFIX) (usually syncevolution-bundle).
# Version number is only bumped when changing the packaging rules here.
deb : syncevolution-kde-deb
deb : syncevolution-evolution-deb
# define which files are relevant for each platform
PLATFORM_FILES_evolution = platformgnome syncecal syncebook
PLATFORM_FILES_kde = platformkde syncakonadi
# Additional parameters for syncevolution-kde/evolution.deb.
# Fake conflicts/replaces works around a bug in CheckInstall,
# which creates empty, invalid entries for those unless compile on Ubuntu Trusty, libical v1/v2 compatibility binaries are now getting compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and thus no longer support distros with older EDS. The code should still compile against older EDS (for example, for Maemo), but that is not getting tested anymore. This allows removing the dynamic linker hacks related to older libraries, which was only used in those binaries. Instead, backends using libical or EDS get compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and then the soname of those libs get patched to make the backend module usable in combination with a different set of libs. That patching is part of a script maintained in the build infrastructure. This approach was already used before to generate different EDS backends for EDS versions with the newer EClient API, because that turned out to be easier than the dynamic loading approach. It works because none of the methods used by SyncEvolution changed their ABI, only some other parts of the libraries did. Should there ever be a situation again that cannot be handled like this, then backends might also get compiled on different distros than Ubuntu Trusty (however, that may lead to problems due to the libstdc++ ABI changes - to be decided...). libical still requires one special hack: system time zone loading in libical v1 (and only in that version, v2 has builtin support again) must be overridden such that time zones are generated with rules instead of transitions because that is more compatible with the peers that SyncEvolution exchanges data with. That hack now relies on overriding the two relevant functions inside the main binaries (has to be there, otherwise libical still ends up calling its own internal implementation). The overriding code is in and depends on If can be loaded, the wrappers in the main binary use it, otherwise they fall through to the code from the current, which then should be or more recent. This hack is active by default when libical v1 is detected during configuration.
2016-09-20 17:19:08 +02:00
# something is given. For Evolution we expect the caller
# to provide the actual dependencies.
--conflicts=syncevolution-foobar \
--conflicts=syncevolution-foobar \
SYNCEVOLUTION_evolution_DEB_REQUIRES = \ compile on Ubuntu Trusty, libical v1/v2 compatibility binaries are now getting compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and thus no longer support distros with older EDS. The code should still compile against older EDS (for example, for Maemo), but that is not getting tested anymore. This allows removing the dynamic linker hacks related to older libraries, which was only used in those binaries. Instead, backends using libical or EDS get compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and then the soname of those libs get patched to make the backend module usable in combination with a different set of libs. That patching is part of a script maintained in the build infrastructure. This approach was already used before to generate different EDS backends for EDS versions with the newer EClient API, because that turned out to be easier than the dynamic loading approach. It works because none of the methods used by SyncEvolution changed their ABI, only some other parts of the libraries did. Should there ever be a situation again that cannot be handled like this, then backends might also get compiled on different distros than Ubuntu Trusty (however, that may lead to problems due to the libstdc++ ABI changes - to be decided...). libical still requires one special hack: system time zone loading in libical v1 (and only in that version, v2 has builtin support again) must be overridden such that time zones are generated with rules instead of transitions because that is more compatible with the peers that SyncEvolution exchanges data with. That hack now relies on overriding the two relevant functions inside the main binaries (has to be there, otherwise libical still ends up calling its own internal implementation). The overriding code is in and depends on If can be loaded, the wrappers in the main binary use it, otherwise they fall through to the code from the current, which then should be or more recent. This hack is active by default when libical v1 is detected during configuration.
2016-09-20 17:19:08 +02:00
syncevolution-%-deb: checkinstall/dist/$(distdir) checkinstall/dist/debian/control
(echo "SyncEvolution - meta package for $*" && cat $(srcdir)/description) >checkinstall/description-pak
tmpdir=`mktemp -d $$HOME/syncevolution.XXXXXXXXXX` && \
trap "rm -rf $$tmpdir" EXIT && \
cd checkinstall && \
fakeroot checkinstall </dev/null \
$(TYPE_deb) \
--fstrans=yes \
--strip=no \
--nodoc \
--pkgversion=$(PLATFORM_DEB_VERSION) \
--pkgrelease=$(PLATFORM_DEB_RELEASE) \
--pkgname=syncevolution-$* \
--pkgarch=all \
2021-09-29 23:01:46 +02:00
--requires="'$(shell set -x; cd checkinstall/dist; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(distdir)/usr/lib:$(distdir)/usr/lib/syncevolution dpkg-shlibdeps -L$(EXTRA_SHLIBS_LOCAL) --ignore-missing-info -O $$(for i in $(patsubst %,$(distdir)/usr/lib/syncevolution/backends/,$(PLATFORM_FILES_$*)); do if file $$i | grep ELF >/dev/null; then echo $$i; fi; done) | sed $(REQUIRES_SED_KDE) -e 's/[^=]*=//'), $(PKGNAME) (= $(VERSION_deb)-$(RELEASE))$(SYNCEVOLUTION_$*_DEB_REQUIRES)'" \
--maintainer="'Patrick Ohly <>'" \
--pkgsource='' \
--pkggroup='$*' \
sh -c 'mkdir -p touch /usr/share/doc/syncevolution-$* && echo "SyncEvolution platform pseudo-package for $*" >/usr/share/doc/syncevolution-$*/README' && \
mv syncevolution-$**.deb ..
all_phonies += checkinstall/dist/$(distdir) clean_dist
checkinstall/dist/$(distdir): all
rm -rf $@
$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=`pwd`/$@
$(MAKE) installcheck DESTDIR=`pwd`/$@
rm -rf $(call DEV_FILE_PATTERN,$@,/usr)
clean-local: clean_dist
rm -rf checkinstall
# required by dpkg-shlibdeps
mkdir -p ${dir $@}
touch $@
# Build "html" inside the build dir, using source files
# from the SyncEvolution source directory and (if built)
# the installed directory.
all_phonies += doc clean-html
rm -rf html
export VERSION="SyncEvolution $(VERSION)"; \
export OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="`pwd`"; \
export STRIP_FROM_PATH="$(srcdir) `dirname @FUNAMBOL_SUBDIR@`"; \
cd $(srcdir); doxygen
clean-local: clean-html
rm -rf html
all_dist_hooks += dot_dist_hook
@if test -d "$(srcdir)/.git"; \
then \
printf '%s' 'Creating ChangeLog...' && \
( cd "$(top_srcdir)" && \
printf '%s\n\n' '# Generated by configure. Do not edit.'; \
$(top_srcdir)/missing --run perl $(top_srcdir)/build/ ) > ChangeLog.tmp && \
( mv -f ChangeLog.tmp $(top_distdir)/ChangeLog && \
printf '%s\n' ' done.' ) || \
( rm -f ChangeLog.tmp ; \
printf '%s\n' ' failed.'; \
echo Failed to generate ChangeLog >&2 ); \
else \
echo 'A git checkout is required to generate a ChangeLog.' >&2; \
autotools: ensure that link lines are complete As mentioned by Tino Keitel on the mailing list, some libs and executables were only implicitly linked against libraries that they called directly. This happened to work by chance because these libraries ended up in the running executable anyway, due to indirect loading. To catch such problems, the "make installcheck" was extended: dpkg-shlibdeps is run, if available, and the error output is scanned for the messages which indicate that a symbol is used without linking to the right library (example output below). Had to fix quite a few _LIBADD lines to pass the test. Some exceptions are allowed: - libsmltk depends on the caller providing SySync logging support. - libneon is intentionally not linked explicitly for binaries, to make resulting binaries work with GNUTLS and OpenSSL. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/syncevolution-libs/usr/lib/syncevolution/backends/ contains an unresolvable reference to symbol icalparameter_new_from_value_string: it's probably a plugin. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: 51 other similar warnings have been skipped (use -v to see them all). ... dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlsym used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlerror used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlopen used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
2012-07-12 17:59:33 +02:00
# Check that no executable or shared object depends on symbols in
# libraries that it does not link against. Unnecessarily linking
# against libs is okay, that can be caught and fixed by
# -Wl,--as-needed. Depends on dpkg-shlibdeps, skipped if that is
# not available.
all_local_installchecks += toplevel_link_check
set -x; cd $(DESTDIR) && \
mkdir debian && \
touch debian/control && \
trap "rm -rf debian" EXIT && \
files=$$(find $(DESTDIR)/$(prefix) $(DESTDIR)/$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)/$(libexecdir) -type f -perm /u+x | sort -u) && \
files=$$(for i in $$files; do if file $$i | grep ELF >/dev/null; then echo $$i; fi; done) && \
if ! dpkg-shlibdeps --version; then \
echo "dpkg-shlibdeps not found, skipping link check"; \
elif LD_LIBRARY_PATH=usr/lib:usr/lib/syncevolution dpkg-shlibdeps \
--ignore-missing-info -O $$files \
2>&1 >/dev/null | \
grep -v $(LINK_CHECK_ALLOWED) | \
grep -e "symbol .* found in none of the libraries" \
-e "contains an unresolvable reference to symbol" \
; then \
echo "linking must be fixed"; false; \
else \
echo "linking is okay"; \
# Some exceptions for the link check above (= symbol may be used without linking).
LINK_CHECK_ALLOWED = -e xxxxxxxx
# SySync_ConsolePrintf is expected by libsmltk and has to be provided by caller.
LINK_CHECK_ALLOWED += -e 'SySync_ConsolePrintf.*'
# libneon is intentionally not linked against, to choose between
# GNUTLS and OpenSSL at runtime.
LINK_CHECK_ALLOWED += -e 'symbol ne_.*'
# Allow undefined references to libstdcxx. This happens when
# adding backends compiled on more recent Linux distros into
# the release archive.
LINK_CHECK_ALLOWED += -e '@GLIBCXX_[^ ]* used by'
autotools: ensure that link lines are complete As mentioned by Tino Keitel on the mailing list, some libs and executables were only implicitly linked against libraries that they called directly. This happened to work by chance because these libraries ended up in the running executable anyway, due to indirect loading. To catch such problems, the "make installcheck" was extended: dpkg-shlibdeps is run, if available, and the error output is scanned for the messages which indicate that a symbol is used without linking to the right library (example output below). Had to fix quite a few _LIBADD lines to pass the test. Some exceptions are allowed: - libsmltk depends on the caller providing SySync logging support. - libneon is intentionally not linked explicitly for binaries, to make resulting binaries work with GNUTLS and OpenSSL. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/syncevolution-libs/usr/lib/syncevolution/backends/ contains an unresolvable reference to symbol icalparameter_new_from_value_string: it's probably a plugin. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: 51 other similar warnings have been skipped (use -v to see them all). ... dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlsym used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlerror used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlopen used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
2012-07-12 17:59:33 +02:00
endif compile on Ubuntu Trusty, libical v1/v2 compatibility binaries are now getting compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and thus no longer support distros with older EDS. The code should still compile against older EDS (for example, for Maemo), but that is not getting tested anymore. This allows removing the dynamic linker hacks related to older libraries, which was only used in those binaries. Instead, backends using libical or EDS get compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and then the soname of those libs get patched to make the backend module usable in combination with a different set of libs. That patching is part of a script maintained in the build infrastructure. This approach was already used before to generate different EDS backends for EDS versions with the newer EClient API, because that turned out to be easier than the dynamic loading approach. It works because none of the methods used by SyncEvolution changed their ABI, only some other parts of the libraries did. Should there ever be a situation again that cannot be handled like this, then backends might also get compiled on different distros than Ubuntu Trusty (however, that may lead to problems due to the libstdc++ ABI changes - to be decided...). libical still requires one special hack: system time zone loading in libical v1 (and only in that version, v2 has builtin support again) must be overridden such that time zones are generated with rules instead of transitions because that is more compatible with the peers that SyncEvolution exchanges data with. That hack now relies on overriding the two relevant functions inside the main binaries (has to be there, otherwise libical still ends up calling its own internal implementation). The overriding code is in and depends on If can be loaded, the wrappers in the main binary use it, otherwise they fall through to the code from the current, which then should be or more recent. This hack is active by default when libical v1 is detected during configuration.
2016-09-20 17:19:08 +02:00
# libgdbussyncevo uses some symbols from libsyncevolution without
# linking against it (circular dependency).
LINK_CHECK_ALLOWED += -e SyncEvo.*libgdbussyncevo -e gsignond_pipe_stream_new.*libgdbussyncevo
autotools: ensure that link lines are complete As mentioned by Tino Keitel on the mailing list, some libs and executables were only implicitly linked against libraries that they called directly. This happened to work by chance because these libraries ended up in the running executable anyway, due to indirect loading. To catch such problems, the "make installcheck" was extended: dpkg-shlibdeps is run, if available, and the error output is scanned for the messages which indicate that a symbol is used without linking to the right library (example output below). Had to fix quite a few _LIBADD lines to pass the test. Some exceptions are allowed: - libsmltk depends on the caller providing SySync logging support. - libneon is intentionally not linked explicitly for binaries, to make resulting binaries work with GNUTLS and OpenSSL. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/syncevolution-libs/usr/lib/syncevolution/backends/ contains an unresolvable reference to symbol icalparameter_new_from_value_string: it's probably a plugin. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: 51 other similar warnings have been skipped (use -v to see them all). ... dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlsym used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlerror used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries. dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlopen used by debian/libsyncevolution0/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
2012-07-12 17:59:33 +02:00
# Be strict about running 'syncevolution' only when not doing
# cross-compilation: in that case, if running 'syncevolution' fails,
# abort the build process. Otherwise proceed with the fallback below,
# which is to keep the "see --sync/source-property ?" placeholders in
# the README.
RUN_SYNCEVOLUTION_CHECK=if ($$?) { return ""; } else { return $$buffer; }
RUN_SYNCEVOLUTION_CHECK=die if $$?; return $$buffer;
# patch README.rst properties on-the-fly
2021-09-29 23:01:46 +02:00
README.patched.rst: README.rst src/syncevolution
$(AM_V_GEN)perl -e '$$syncfound=0; $$sourcefound=0; $$res=0;' \
-e 'sub run { $$cmd = shift; $$buffer = `env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=src/syncevo/.libs:src/gdbus/.libs:src/gdbusxx/.libs:src/build-synthesis/src/.libs:$$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} $$cmd`; $(RUN_SYNCEVOLUTION_CHECK) }' \
-e 'while (<>) {' \
-e 's/^:Version: .*/:Version: $(VERSION)/;' \
-e 's/:Date: .*/":Date: " . `date +%Y-%m-%d`/e;' \
-e 'if (s;(<< see "syncevolution --sync-property ." >>\n);run("src/syncevolution --daemon=no --sync-property ?") || $$1;e) { $$syncfound=1; }' \
source -> datastore rename, improved terminology The word "source" implies reading, while in fact access is read/write. "datastore" avoids that misconception. Writing it in one word emphasizes that it is single entity. While renaming, also remove references to explicit --*-property parameters. The only necessary use today is "--sync-property ?" and "--datastore-property ?". --datastore-property was used instead of the short --store-property because "store" might be mistaken for the verb. It doesn't matter that it is longer because it doesn't get typed often. --source-property must remain valid for backward compatility. As many user-visible instances of "source" as possible got replaced in text strings by the newer term "datastore". Debug messages were left unchanged unless some regex happened to match it. The source code will continue to use the old variable and class names based on "source". Various documentation enhancements: Better explain what local sync is and how it involves two sync configs. "originating config" gets introduces instead of just "sync config". Better explain the relationship between contexts, sync configs, and source configs ("a sync config can use the datastore configs in the same context"). An entire section on config properties in the terminology section. "item" added (Todd Wilson correctly pointed out that it was missing). Less focus on conflict resolution, as suggested by Graham Cobb. Fix examples that became invalid when fixing the password storage/lookup mechanism for GNOME keyring in 1.4. The "command line conventions", "Synchronization beyond SyncML" and "CalDAV and CardDAV" sections were updated. It's possible that the other sections also contain slightly incorrect usage of the terminology or are simply out-dated.
2014-07-28 15:29:41 +02:00
-e 'if (s;(<< see "syncevolution --datastore-property ." >>\n);run("src/syncevolution --daemon=no --source-property ?") || $$1;e) { $$sourcefound=1; }' \
-e 'print;' \
-e '}' \
-e 'die "<<sync-property>> tag not in README.rst?!" unless $$syncfound;' \
-e 'die "<<source-property>> tag not in README.rst?!" unless $$sourcefound;' \
-e 'exit $$res;' \
$< >$@
2021-09-29 23:01:46 +02:00
# Simpler version without inserting the actual sync and datastore properties.
README.patched.rst: README.rst
$(AM_V_GEN)perl -p \
-e 's/^:Version: .*/:Version: $(VERSION)/;' \
-e 's/:Date: .*/":Date: " . `date +%Y-%m-%d`/e;' \
$< >$@
CLEANFILES += README.patched.rst
# produce man pages
syncevolution.1: README.patched.rst
$(AM_V_GEN)$(RST2MAN) --exit-status=3 $< >$@
CLEANFILES += syncevolution.1
# README is the traditional name in the distribution,
# continue using it instead of README.rst.
# TODO: replace some of the RST syntax
README: README.patched.rst
$(AM_V_GEN)cp $< $@
# The README.html is also used on as "Usage" page,
# therefore we must use <h3> headers and lower to fit into the page.
README.html: README.patched.rst
$(AM_V_GEN)$(RST2HTML) --initial-header-level=3 --exit-status=3 $< >$@
.PHONY: $(all_phonies) ;
installcheck-local: $(all_local_installchecks) ;
dist-hook: $(all_dist_hooks)
install-exec-hook: $(all_install_exec_hooks)
uninstall-hook: $(all_uninstall_hooks) compile on Ubuntu Trusty, libical v1/v2 compatibility binaries are now getting compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and thus no longer support distros with older EDS. The code should still compile against older EDS (for example, for Maemo), but that is not getting tested anymore. This allows removing the dynamic linker hacks related to older libraries, which was only used in those binaries. Instead, backends using libical or EDS get compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and then the soname of those libs get patched to make the backend module usable in combination with a different set of libs. That patching is part of a script maintained in the build infrastructure. This approach was already used before to generate different EDS backends for EDS versions with the newer EClient API, because that turned out to be easier than the dynamic loading approach. It works because none of the methods used by SyncEvolution changed their ABI, only some other parts of the libraries did. Should there ever be a situation again that cannot be handled like this, then backends might also get compiled on different distros than Ubuntu Trusty (however, that may lead to problems due to the libstdc++ ABI changes - to be decided...). libical still requires one special hack: system time zone loading in libical v1 (and only in that version, v2 has builtin support again) must be overridden such that time zones are generated with rules instead of transitions because that is more compatible with the peers that SyncEvolution exchanges data with. That hack now relies on overriding the two relevant functions inside the main binaries (has to be there, otherwise libical still ends up calling its own internal implementation). The overriding code is in and depends on If can be loaded, the wrappers in the main binary use it, otherwise they fall through to the code from the current, which then should be or more recent. This hack is active by default when libical v1 is detected during configuration.
2016-09-20 17:19:08 +02:00
# Can be overridden during make invocation to inject additional commands.
# Force sequential installation. This is a workaround for relinking failures
# during concurrent distcheck (a backend was relinked against not yet installed
# Also used to add additional backends. EXTRA_BACKENDS must already contain
# renamed files, by convention using,, etc as suffix instead of the
# base file's .so.
install-am: all-am
@$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am
@$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-data-am compile on Ubuntu Trusty, libical v1/v2 compatibility binaries are now getting compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and thus no longer support distros with older EDS. The code should still compile against older EDS (for example, for Maemo), but that is not getting tested anymore. This allows removing the dynamic linker hacks related to older libraries, which was only used in those binaries. Instead, backends using libical or EDS get compiled on Ubuntu Trusty and then the soname of those libs get patched to make the backend module usable in combination with a different set of libs. That patching is part of a script maintained in the build infrastructure. This approach was already used before to generate different EDS backends for EDS versions with the newer EClient API, because that turned out to be easier than the dynamic loading approach. It works because none of the methods used by SyncEvolution changed their ABI, only some other parts of the libraries did. Should there ever be a situation again that cannot be handled like this, then backends might also get compiled on different distros than Ubuntu Trusty (however, that may lead to problems due to the libstdc++ ABI changes - to be decided...). libical still requires one special hack: system time zone loading in libical v1 (and only in that version, v2 has builtin support again) must be overridden such that time zones are generated with rules instead of transitions because that is more compatible with the peers that SyncEvolution exchanges data with. That hack now relies on overriding the two relevant functions inside the main binaries (has to be there, otherwise libical still ends up calling its own internal implementation). The overriding code is in and depends on If can be loaded, the wrappers in the main binary use it, otherwise they fall through to the code from the current, which then should be or more recent. This hack is active by default when libical v1 is detected during configuration.
2016-09-20 17:19:08 +02:00
# Necessary for "make distcheck": must not leave files behind.
rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(BACKENDS_DIRECTORY)/*-[0-9].so