PIM: document enhanced searching (search part of FDO #64177)

Documents 'or', 'and' and new per-field
'is|contains|begins_with|ends_with' operations.
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Ohly 2013-05-28 16:25:19 +02:00
parent 34241881ae
commit 236a89fd86

View file

@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ The sort order can be "first/last", "last/first", "full name".
Sorting is case-insensitive. The default is "last/first" if not set
In addition, an empty string as sort order picks a simple, ASCII-based
"last/first" sorting. This is used for testing.
@ -116,7 +119,31 @@ Supported searches:
[ ] - An empty list matches all contacts.
[ ['phone', '<number>'] ] - Look up a valid phone number (= "caller ID").
[ [ <search> ], [ 'limit', <number> ] ] - a 'limit' search
term with a number as parameter (formatted as string) can be added
at the top level term to truncate the search results
after a certain number of contacts. Example: Search([['any-contains',
'Joe'], ['limit', '10']]) => return the first 10 Joes.
As with any other search, the resulting view will be updated if
contact data changes.
The limit must not be changed in a RefineSearch(). A 'limit' term
may (but doesn't have to) be given. If it is given, its value must
match the value set when creating the search. This limitation
simplifies the implementation and its testing. The limitation
could be removed if there is sufficient demand.
[ [ <search> ] ] - the same as [ <search> ]
[ 'or', <search1>, <search2>, ... ] - combines 0 to n other
searches and results in a match if any of the sub-searches
matches. ['or'] without any sub-search does not match.
[ 'and', <search1>, <search2>, ... ] - like 'or', but matches if
and only if all of the sub-searches match.
[ 'phone', '<number>' ] - Look up a valid phone number (= "caller ID").
The country code for the current locale is added if no country
code was given in the number. Phone numbers in the unified address
book must start with the resulting full number, after being normalized
@ -132,24 +159,76 @@ Supported searches:
- Phone numbers in the address book which cannot be normalized
cannot be matched.
[ ['any-contains', '<text>', <flags>] ] - Sub-string search for <text>
in the following contact values: first, middle or last name,
formatted name, nick name, phone number (sub-string search which ignores
formatting and treats alpha characters as aliases, in contrast
to prefix match in 'phone') or email address. Optional flags include:
'case-insensitive' (the default), 'case-sensitive'.
[ 'is|contains|begins-with|ends-with', '<field>', '<text>',
'<flags>' ] - compares a specified field against the search
text. For the 'is' operation, the entire field must match, for
'contains' anywhere inside the value, for 'begins_with' at the
beginning and for 'ends_with' at the end.
Using a list will allow extending the search capabilities later,
for example by allowing multiple terms which all must match
and/or adding recursive queries like this:
['or', ['any-contains', 'joe'], ['any-contains', 'joan']],
['phone', '1234']
Fields are referenced as in the contact dictionary (see below), using
multiple path components if necessary. Supported for matching are:
'full-name' - string
'nickname' - string
'structured-name/family' - string
'structured-name/given' - string
'structured-name/additional' - string
'phones/value' - telephone number
'emails/value' - string
'addresses/po-box' - string
'addresses/extension' - string
'addresses/street' - string
'addresses/locality' - string
'addresses/region' - string
'addresses/postal-code' - string
'addresses/country' - string
The fields referencing value lists ('phones', 'email', 'address')
check against any of the entries in these lists.
Lookup and search are different: the former is based on a valid
number, the later on user input.
Except for 'phones/value', all values are treated as text values.
For text values, the default search without explicit flags is
case-insensitive and accent-sensitive. Spaces between words
matter. This behavior can be modified by giving additional,
optional flags after the search value:
'case-insensitive' - force case-insensitive search (available for the sake
of consistency and just in case, should the default ever change)
'case-sensitive' - force case-sensitive search
For telephone numbers, only digits are compared. Latin alphabetic
characters are treated as aliases for digits as they typically
occur on a keypad or old rotary dial phones ('A', 'b', 'c' map to
'1', etc.).
If the full name was not set explicitly for a contact, the
concatenation of the given, middle and family with a space as
separator is used instead when matching against the 'full-name'
Using the current syntax it is not possible to define searches
where the *same* value in a value list must meet different
criteria ("cell phone number containing the digits
1234"). Something like that could be added as a future extensions,
for example by allowing search values to have more complex types
than the simple '<text>'.
[ 'any-contains', '<text>', <flags> ] - Sub-string search for
<text> in the following contact values: first, middle or last
name, formatted name, nick name, phone number, or email
address. Optional flags include: 'case-insensitive' (the default),
This search is equivalent to:
[ 'or',
[ 'contains', 'structured-name/given', '<text>', <flags> ],
[ 'contains', 'structured-name/additional', '<text>', <flags> ],
[ 'contains', 'structured-name/family', '<text>', <flags> ],
[ 'contains', 'full-name', '<text>', <flags> ],
[ 'contains', 'emails/value', '<text>', <flags> ],
[ 'contains', 'phones/value', '<text>']
Note that lookup and search are different: the former is based on a
valid number, the later on user input.
A 'phone' lookup can compare normalized numbers including the country
code, to ensure that the lookup is exact and does not mismatch numbers
@ -160,26 +239,9 @@ An 'any-contains' search is based on user input, which might contain
just some digits in the middle of the phone number. The search ignores
formatting in both input and address book.
In both cases, alpha characters are treated as aliases for their
corresponding digit on a keypad when matching phone numbers.
In addition, an empty string as sort order picks a simple, ASCII-based
"last/first" sorting. This is used for testing.
A 'limit' search term with a number as parameter (formatted as string)
can be added to a 'phone' or 'any-contains' search term to truncate the
search results after a certain number of contacts. Example:
Search([['any-contains', 'Joe'], ['limit', '10']])
=> return the first 10 Joes.
As with any other search, the resulting view will be updated if
contact data changes.
The limit must not be changed in a RefineSearch(). A 'limit' term may
(but doesn't have to) be given. If it is given, its value must match
the value set when creating the search. This limitation simplifies the
implementation and its testing. The limitation could be removed if
there is sufficient demand.
Compound searches with 'and' and 'or' are evaluated lazily, from the
first to the last sub-search. Therefore it makes sense to list
sub-searches that are more likely to match first.
Phone number lookup