D-Bus Testing: add Cmdline tests framework

This is a translation of the corresponding C++ TestCmdline from
Cmdline.cpp into Python.
This commit is contained in:
Krzesimir Nowak 2012-04-12 15:45:02 +02:00 committed by Patrick Ohly
parent dca06ad4bf
commit 2925b97bac
1 changed files with 189 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import shutil
import copy
import heapq
import string
import difflib
import dbus
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
@ -3390,5 +3391,193 @@ class TestBluetooth(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
# real hardware information
self.failUnlessEqual(config['']["hardwareName"], bt_fingerprint)
def createFiles(root, content, append = False):
if not append:
shutil.rmtree(root, True)
entries = content.split("\n")
outname = ''
outfile = None
for entry in entries:
if not entry:
parts = entry.split(":")
newname = parts[0]
line = parts[1]
if newname != outname:
fullpath = root + "/" + newname
mode = "w"
if append:
mode = "a"
outfile = open(fullpath, mode)
outname = newname
outfile.write(line + "\n")
def isPropAssignment (line):
line = line.lstrip()
if (line.startswith("KCalExtended = ") or line.startswith("mkcal = ") or line.startswith("QtContacts = ")):
return False
if line.find(" = ") > -1:
return True
return False
def scanFiles(root, peer = '', onlyProps = True, directory = ''):
newroot = root + '/' + directory
out = ''
for entry in sorted(os.listdir(newroot)):
fullEntry = newroot + "/" + entry
if os.path.isdir(fullEntry):
if not (entry.endswith("/peers") and peer and entry != peer):
if directory:
newdir = directory + '/' + entry
newdir = entry
out += scanFiles(root, peer, onlyProps, newdir)
infile = open (fullEntry)
for line in infile:
line = line.rstrip("\r\n")
if (line):
takeIt = False
if (line.startswith("# ")):
takeIt = isPropAssignment(line[2:])
takeIt = True
if (not onlyProps or takeIt):
if (directory):
out += directory + "/"
out += entry + ':' + line + "\n"
return out
def sortConfig(config):
lines = config.splitlines()
linenr = -1
unsorted = []
for line in lines:
linenr += 1
if not line:
parts = line.split(":", 1)
element = parts[0], linenr, parts[1]
lines = sorted(unsorted)
unsorted = []
newconfig = ""
for line in lines:
newconfig += line[0] + ":" + line[2] + "\n"
return newconfig
def lastLine(string):
return string.splitlines(True)[-1]
def stripTime(string):
matches = re.match("\[(\w+)\s+\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] (.*)$", string, re.DOTALL)
if matches != None:
return "[" + matches.group(1) + "] " + matches.group(2)
return string
class TestCmdline(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
"""Tests cmdline by Session::Execute()."""
def setUp(self):
self.testdir = "CmdlineTest"
shutil.rmtree(self.testdir, True)
def run(self, result):
def replaceLineInConfig(self, config, begin, to):
index = config.find(begin)
self.assertNotEqual(index, -1)
newline = config.find("\n", index + len(begin))
self.assertNotEqual(newline, -1)
return config[:index] + to + config[newline:]
def removeRandomUUID(self, config):
return self.replaceLineInConfig(config,
"deviceId = syncevolution-",
"deviceId = fixed-devid")
def removeSSLCertsPaths(self, config):
return self.replaceLineInConfig(config,
"SSLServerCertificates = ",
"SSLServerCertificates = ")
def diffStrings(self, expected, res):
if expected != res:
for line in difflib.context_diff(expected.splitlines(True), res.splitlines(True), fromfile = "expected", tofile = "actual"):
def testFramework(self):
"""TestCmdline.testFramework - tests whether utility functions work"""
content = "baz:line\n" \
"caz/subdir:booh\n" \
"caz/subdir2/sub:# comment\n" \
"caz/subdir2/sub:# foo = bar\n" \
"caz/subdir2/sub:# empty = \n" \
"caz/subdir2/sub:# another comment\n" \
"foo:bar1\n" \
"foo:\n" \
"foo: \n" \
filtered = "baz:line\n" \
"caz/subdir:booh\n" \
"caz/subdir2/sub:# foo = bar\n" \
"caz/subdir2/sub:# empty = \n" \
"foo:bar1\n" \
"foo: \n" \
createFiles(self.testdir, content)
res = scanFiles(self.testdir)
self.diffStrings(filtered, res)
randomUUID = "deviceId = syncevolution-blabla\n"
fixedUUID = "deviceId = fixed-devid\n"
res = self.removeRandomUUID(randomUUID)
self.assertEqual(fixedUUID, res)
SSLCertPaths = "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLServerCertificates = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt:/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt\n"
clearSSLCertpaths = "peers/scheduleworld/config.ini:# SSLServerCertificates = \n"
res = self.removeSSLCertsPaths(SSLCertPaths)
self.assertEqual(clearSSLCertpaths, res)
unsorted = "f:g\n" \
"f:j\n" \
"a:b\n" \
"f:a\n" \
expected = "a:b\n" \
"a/b:a\n" \
"f:g\n" \
"f:j\n" \
res = sortConfig(unsorted)
self.diffStrings(expected, res)
lines = "a\nb\nc\n"
lastline = "c\n"
res = lastLine(lines)
self.assertEqual(lastline, res)
message = "[ERROR 12:34:56] msg\n"
stripped = "[ERROR] msg\n"
res = stripTime(message)
self.assertEqual(stripped, res)
if __name__ == '__main__':