DBus Server+logging: getReports for multipeers (MB#8049)

When the config name is "" or "@xxx"(only with context the peer
name is empty), return all reports of different peers in the
specified logdir. They are sorted by their creation time,
which are encoded in their dir names.
Context info is not recorded in the logdir or directory name.
Normally different logdirs are used for different contexts to
distinguish them. If some contexts share the same logdir,
then all sessions are returned if only context is specified no
matter which context the sessions belong to.

The key 'peer' is also stored in every report dictionary sent to
dbus clients. To get it from the dir name, a new method
'getPeerNameFromLogdir' is added in the class 'LogDir'.

Also fix a bug of reports oder. Return reports in descending
order, which means the newest report at first.

Change the unit tests of test-dbus.py for ordering problem
and the peer name is empty. Add some new logging dirs to
test the ordering when the peer name is empty.
This commit is contained in:
Zhu, Yongsheng 2009-12-03 17:37:00 +08:00
parent bccdf48bcc
commit 768b3d9513
11 changed files with 204 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -1280,23 +1280,20 @@ void ReadOperations::getConfig(bool getTemplate,
void ReadOperations::getReports(uint32_t start, uint32_t count,
Reports_t &reports)
if(m_configName.empty()) {
// TODO: an empty config name should return reports for
// all peers (MB#8049)
"listing reports without peer name not implemented yet");
SyncContext client(m_configName, false);
std::vector<string> dirs;
uint32_t index = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH( const string &dir, dirs) {
// newest report firstly
for( int i = dirs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
/** if start plus count is bigger than actual size, then return actual - size reports */
if(index >= start && index - start < count) {
const string &dir = dirs[i];
std::map<string, string> aReport;
SyncReport report;
// peerName is also extracted from the dir
string peerName = client.readSessionInfo(dir,report);
/** serialize report to ConfigProps and then copy them to reports */
HashFileConfigNode node("/dev/null","",true);
@ -1307,6 +1304,8 @@ void ReadOperations::getReports(uint32_t start, uint32_t count,
BOOST_FOREACH(const ConfigProps::value_type &entry, props) {
// a new key-value pair <"peer", [peer name]> is transferred
aReport.insert(pair<string, string>("peer", peerName));

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@ -178,25 +178,28 @@ class LogDir : public LoggerBase {
bool m_readonly; /**< m_info is not to be written to */
SyncReport *m_report; /**< record start/end times here */
// internal prefix for backup directory name: "SyncEvolution-"
static const char* const DIR_PREFIX;
/** set m_logdir and adapt m_prefix accordingly */
void setLogdir(const string &logdir) {
// strip trailing slashes, but not the initial one
size_t off = logdir.size();
while (off > 0 && logdir[off - 1] == '/') {
m_logdir = logdir.substr(0, off);
m_logdir = boost::trim_right_copy_if(logdir, boost::is_any_of("/"));
string lower = m_client.getServer();
string context, peer;
SyncConfig::splitConfigString(lower, peer, context);
// escape "_" and "-" the peer name
peer = escapePeerName(peer);
if (boost::iends_with(m_logdir, "syncevolution")) {
// use just the server name as prefix
m_prefix = lower;
m_prefix = peer;
} else {
// SyncEvolution-<server>-<yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-<hh>-<mm>
m_prefix = "SyncEvolution-";
m_prefix += lower;
m_prefix = DIR_PREFIX;
m_prefix += peer;
@ -265,6 +268,22 @@ public:
m_readonly = true;
* get the corresponding peer name encoded in the logging dir name.
* The dir name must match the format(see startSession). Otherwise,
* empty string is returned.
string getPeerNameFromLogdir(const string &dir) {
// extract the dir name from the fullpath
string iDirPath, iDirName;
parseLogDir(dir, iDirPath, iDirName);
// extract the peer name from the dir name
string dirPrefix, peerName, dateTime;
if(parseDirName(iDirName, dirPrefix, peerName, dateTime)) {
return unescapePeerName(peerName);
return "";
* read sync report for session selected with openLogdir()
@ -313,15 +332,26 @@ public:
time_t ts = time(NULL);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&ts);
stringstream base;
base << m_logdir << "/"
<< m_prefix
<< "-"
base << "-"
<< setfill('0')
<< setw(4) << tm->tm_year + 1900 << "-"
<< setw(2) << tm->tm_mon + 1 << "-"
<< setw(2) << tm->tm_mday << "-"
<< setw(2) << tm->tm_hour << "-"
<< setw(2) << tm->tm_min;
// make sure no directory name has the same date time with others
// even for different peers
std::vector<string> dateTimes;
if(isDir(m_logdir)) {
ReadDir dir(m_logdir);
BOOST_FOREACH(const string &entry, dir) {
string dirPrefix, peerName, dateTime;
if(parseDirName(entry, dirPrefix, peerName, dateTime)) {
sort(dateTimes.begin(), dateTimes.end());
int seq = 0;
while (true) {
stringstream path;
@ -329,8 +359,10 @@ public:
if (seq) {
path << "-" << seq;
m_path = path.str();
if (!isDir(m_path)) {
if (!binary_search(dateTimes.begin(), dateTimes.end(), path.str())) {
m_path = m_logdir + "/";
m_path += m_prefix;
m_path += path.str();
} else {
@ -467,25 +499,112 @@ public:
m_parentLogger.messagev(level, prefix, file, line, function, format, args);
* Compare two directory by its creation time encoded in the directory name
* sort them in ascending order
bool operator()(const string &str1, const string &str2) {
string iDirPath1, iStr1;
string iDirPath2, iStr2;
parseLogDir(str1, iDirPath1, iStr1);
parseLogDir(str2, iDirPath2, iStr2);
string dirPrefix1, peerName1, dateTime1;
parseDirName(iStr1, dirPrefix1, peerName1, dateTime1);
string dirPrefix2, peerName2, dateTime2;
parseDirName(iStr2, dirPrefix2, peerName2, dateTime2);
return dateTime1 < dateTime2;
/** find all entries in a given directory, return as sorted array of full paths */
* extract backup directory name from a full backup path
* for example, a full path "/home/xxx/.cache/syncevolution/default/funambol-2009-12-08-14-05"
* is parsed as "/home/xxx/.cache/syncevolution/default" and "funambol-2009-12-08-14-05"
static void parseLogDir(const string &fullpath, string &dirPath, string &dirName) {
string iFullpath = boost::trim_right_copy_if(fullpath, boost::is_any_of("/"));
size_t off = iFullpath.find_last_of('/');
if(off != iFullpath.npos) {
dirPath = iFullpath.substr(0, off);
dirName = iFullpath.substr(off+1);
} else {
dirPath = "";
dirName = iFullpath;
// escape '-' and '_' for peer name
static string escapePeerName(const string &prefix) {
string escaped = prefix;
boost::replace_all(escaped, "_", "__");
boost::replace_all(escaped, "-", "_+");
return escaped;
// un-escape '_+' and '__' for peer name
static string unescapePeerName(const string &escaped) {
string prefix = escaped;
boost::replace_all(prefix, "_+", "-");
boost::replace_all(prefix, "__", "_");
return prefix;
* parse a directory name into dirPrefix(empty or DIR_PREFIX), peerName, dateTime.
* If directory name is in the format of '[DIR_PREFIX]-peerName-year-month-day-hour-min'
* then parsing is sucessful and these 3 strings are correctly set and true is returned.
* Otherwise, false is returned.
* Here we don't check whether the dir name is matching peer name
static bool parseDirName(const string &dir, string &dirPrefix, string &peerName, string &dateTime) {
string iDir = dir;
if (!boost::starts_with(iDir, DIR_PREFIX)) {
dirPrefix = "";
} else {
dirPrefix = DIR_PREFIX;
boost::erase_first(iDir, DIR_PREFIX);
size_t off = iDir.find('-');
if (off != iDir.npos) {
peerName = iDir.substr(0, off);
dateTime = iDir.substr(off);
// m_prefix doesn't contain peer name or it equals with dirPrefix plus peerName
return checkDirName(dateTime);
return false;
* Find all entries in a given directory, return as sorted array of full paths in ascending order.
* If m_prefix doesn't contain peer name information, then all log dirs for different peers in the
* logdir are returned.
void getLogdirs(vector<string> &dirs) {
if (!isDir(m_logdir)) {
ReadDir dir(m_logdir);
BOOST_FOREACH(const string &entry, dir) {
if (boost::starts_with(entry, m_prefix)) {
string remain = boost::erase_first_copy(entry, m_prefix);
if(checkDirName(remain)) {
string dirPrefix, peerName, dateTime;
// if directory name could not be parsed, ignore it
if(parseDirName(entry, dirPrefix, peerName, dateTime)) {
// if directory name is not satisfied with m_prefix, ignore it
if (m_prefix == dirPrefix || m_prefix == (dirPrefix + peerName)) {
dirs.push_back(m_logdir + "/" + entry);
sort(dirs.begin(), dirs.end());
// sort vector in ascending order
// if no peer name
if(m_prefix.empty() || m_prefix == DIR_PREFIX){
sort(dirs.begin(), dirs.end(), *this);
} else {
sort(dirs.begin(), dirs.end());
// check the dir name is conforming to what format we write
bool checkDirName(const string& value) {
static bool checkDirName(const string& value) {
const char* str = value.c_str();
/** need check whether string after prefix is a valid date-time we wrote, format
* should be -YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM and optional sequence number */
@ -543,6 +662,8 @@ private:
const char* const LogDir::DIR_PREFIX = "SyncEvolution-";
// this class owns the sync sources and (together with
// a logdir) handles writing of per-sync files as well
// as the final report
@ -2641,11 +2762,12 @@ void SyncContext::getSessions(vector<string> &dirs)
logging.previousLogdirs(getLogDir(), dirs);
void SyncContext::readSessionInfo(const string &dir, SyncReport &report)
string SyncContext::readSessionInfo(const string &dir, SyncReport &report)
LogDir logging(*this);
return logging.getPeerNameFromLogdir(dir);

View File

@ -268,8 +268,9 @@ class SyncContext : public SyncConfig, public ConfigUserInterface {
* fills report with information about previous session
* @return the peer name from the dir.
void readSessionInfo(const string &dir, SyncReport &report);
string readSessionInfo(const string &dir, SyncReport &report);
* fills report with information about local changes

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@ -671,15 +671,15 @@ class TestSessionAPIsEmptyName(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
self.fail("no exception thrown")
def testGetReportsEmptyName(self):
"""Test the error is reported when the server name is empty for GetReports"""
self.session.GetReports(0, 0, utf8_strings=True)
except dbus.DBusException, ex:
"org.syncevolution.NoSuchConfig: listing reports without "
"peer name not implemented yet")
self.fail("no exception thrown")
"""Test reports from all peers are returned in order when the peer name is empty for GetReports"""
reports = self.session.GetReports(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, utf8_strings=True)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(reports), 7)
refPeers = ["dummy-test", "dummy", "dummy-test", "dummy-test",
"dummy-test", "dummy_test", "dummy-test"]
for i in range(0, len(refPeers)):
self.failUnlessEqual(reports[i]["peer"], refPeers[i])
class TestSessionAPIsDummy(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
"""Tests that work for GetConfig/SetConfig/CheckSource/GetDatabases/GetReports in Session.
@ -981,8 +981,9 @@ class TestSessionAPIsDummy(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
""" Test the reports are gotten correctly from reference files. Also covers boundaries """
""" This could be extractly compared since the reference files are known """
report0 = { "start" : "1258519955",
"end" : "1258519964",
report0 = { "peer" : "dummy-test",
"start" : "1258520955",
"end" : "1258520964",
"status" : "200",
"source-addressbook-mode" : "slow",
"source-addressbook-first" : "true",
@ -1065,6 +1066,7 @@ class TestSessionAPIsDummy(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
# get only one report
reports = self.session.GetReports(0, 1, utf8_strings=True)
self.assertTrue(len(reports) == 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(reports[0], report0)
""" the number of reference sessions is totally 5. Check the returned count
when parameter is bigger than 5 """

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
start = 1258520855, 2009-11-18 12:11:25 +0800
end = 1258520865, 2009-11-18 12:11:34 +0800
status = 200
source-addressbook-mode = two-way
source-addressbook-first = false
source-addressbook-resume = false
source-addressbook-status = 0
source-addressbook-backup-before = 2
source-addressbook-backup-after = 2
source-calendar-mode = two-way
source-calendar-first = false
source-calendar-resume = false
source-calendar-status = 0
source-calendar-backup-before = 19
source-calendar-backup-after = 19
source-calendar-stat-local-any-sent = 1282
source-calendar-stat-remote-updated-total = 1
source-calendar-stat-remote-any-reject = 1

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
start = 1258519955, 2009-11-18 12:11:35 +0800
end = 1258519964, 2009-11-18 12:11:44 +0800
start = 1258520955, 2009-11-18 12:11:35 +0800
end = 1258520964, 2009-11-18 12:11:44 +0800
status = 200
source-addressbook-mode = slow
source-addressbook-first = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
start = 1258520175, 2009-11-18 12:11:55 +0800
end = 1258520225, 2009-11-18 12:11:05 +0800
status = 200
source-addressbook-mode = two-way
source-addressbook-first = false
source-addressbook-resume = false
source-addressbook-status = 0
source-addressbook-backup-before = 2
source-addressbook-backup-after = 2
source-calendar-mode = two-way
source-calendar-first = false
source-calendar-resume = false
source-calendar-status = 0
source-calendar-backup-before = 19
source-calendar-backup-after = 19
source-calendar-stat-local-any-sent = 1282
source-calendar-stat-remote-updated-total = 1
source-calendar-stat-remote-any-reject = 1