removed obsolete example config files

git-svn-id: 15ad00c4-1369-45f4-8270-35d70d36bdcd
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Ohly 2008-06-25 20:11:27 +00:00
parent dd248f6a9e
commit 9d4a6cb369
6 changed files with 1 additions and 228 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce
SUBDIRS = src etc test
SUBDIRS = src test
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = config.guess config.sub configure depcomp install-sh missing mkinstalldirs

View File

@ -358,6 +358,5 @@ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdarg.h valgrind/valgrind.h execinfo.h)

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# the original source files suitable for Funambol running on localhost,
# will be manipulated as necessary for other example configs
localhost_source = source-config.txt \
# copy for Funambol:
# everything but addressbook disabled
funambol_copy = funambol/spds/syncml/config.txt \
funambol/spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt \
funambol/spds/sources/calendar/config.txt \
funambol/spds/sources/memo/config.txt \
# copy for ScheduleWorld:
# everything enabled
scheduleworld_copy = \
$(subst funambol,scheduleworld,$(funambol_copy))
all_copy = \
$(funambol_copy) \
EXTRA_DIST = $(localhost_source)
CLEANFILES = $(all_copy)
all: $(all_copy)
# apparently only very recent versions of automake know about $(docdir):
# this is a custom rule to install the etc example files there
install-data-local: $(all_copy)
set -e; \
docdir="$(docdir)"; \
if [ ! "$$docdir" ]; then docdir="$(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)"; fi; \
for file in $(all_copy); do \
$(INSTALL) -d -m 744 "$(DESTDIR)/$$docdir/`dirname $$file`"; \
$(INSTALL) -m 744 $$file "$(DESTDIR)/$$docdir/`dirname $$file`"; \
docdir="$(docdir)"; \
if [ ! "$$docdir" ]; then docdir="$(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)"; fi; \
for file in $(all_copy); do \
rm "$(DESTDIR)/$$docdir/$$file"; \
funambol/spds/syncml/config.txt : syncml-config.txt
mkdir -p $(@D)
cp $< $@
funambol/spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt : source-config.txt
mkdir -p $(@D)
cp $< $@
funambol/spds/sources/calendar/config.txt : source-config.txt
mkdir -p $(@D)
sed -e s/addressbook/calendar/ -e 's:type = text/x-vcard:type = text/calendar:' -e 's/uri = card/uri = event/' -e 's/sync = two-way/sync = none/' $< >$@
funambol/spds/sources/todo/config.txt : funambol/spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt
mkdir -p $(@D)
sed -e s/addressbook/todo/ -e 's:type = text/x-vcard:type = text/x-todo:' -e 's/uri = card/uri = task/' -e 's/sync = two-way/sync = none/' $< >$@
funambol/spds/sources/memo/config.txt : funambol/spds/sources/addressbook/config.txt
mkdir -p $(@D)
sed -e s/addressbook/memo/ -e 's:type = text/x-vcard:type = text/plain:' -e 's/uri = card/uri = note/' -e 's/sync = two-way/sync = none/' $< >$@
# configuration:
# - different URL
# - RFC compliant types
# - standard sync sources, not the custom "todo" one
$(scheduleworld_copy) : scheduleworld% : funambol%
mkdir -p $(@D)
sed -e 's;^syncURL = ;#syncURL = ;' \
-e 's;^#syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld;syncURL = http://sync.scheduleworld;' \
-e 's;^type = text/x-calendar;type = text/calendar;' \
-e 's;^type = text/x-vcard;type = text/vcard;' \
-e 's;^uri = task;uri = task2;' \
-e 's;^uri = card;uri = card3;' \
-e 's;^uri = event;uri = cal2;' \
-e 's;^sync = none;sync = two-way;' \
$< >$@

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# name of the source, must match the <source> in
# spds/sources/<source>/config.txt
name = addressbook
# requests a certain synchronization mode:
# two-way = only send/receive changes since last sync
# slow = exchange all items
# refresh-from-client = discard all remote items and replace with
# the items on the client
# refresh-from-server = discard all local items and replace with
# the items on the server
# one-way-from-client = transmit changes from client
# one-way-from-server = transmit changes from server
# none = synchronization disabled
sync = two-way
# overrides the supported synchronization modes (at least one must
# be specified)
syncModes = slow,two-way,refresh-from-client,refresh-from-server,one-way-from-client,one-way-from-server
# specifies the format of the data
# text/calendar = Evolution calender data (in iCalendar 2.0 format)
# text/x-todo = Evolution task data (iCalendar 2.0)
# text/x-journal = Evolution memos (iCalendar 2.0) - not supported by any
# known SyncML server and not actively tested
# text/plain = Evolution memos in plain text format, UTF-8 encoding,
# first line acts as summary
# text/x-vcard = Evolution contact data in vCard 2.1 format
# (works with most servers)
# text/vcard = Evolution contact data in vCard 3.0 (RFC 2425) format
# (internal format of Evolution, preferred with servers
# that support it and thus recommended for ScheduleWorld
# together with the "card3" uri)
# addressbook = Mac OS X or iPhone address book
# Sending and receiving items in the same format as used by the server for
# the uri selected below is essential. Errors while parsing and/or storing
# items one either client or server can be caused by a mismatch between
# type and uri.
type = text/x-vcard
# picks one of Evolution's data sources:
# enter either the name or the full URL
# To get a full list of available data sources,
# run syncevolution without parameters. The name
# is printed in front of the colon, followed by
# the URL. Usually the name is unique and can be
# used to reference the data source.
evolutionsource = Personal
# this is appended to the server's URL to identify the
# server's database
uri = card
# authentication for Evolution source
# Warning: setting evolutionuser/password in cases where it is not
# needed as with local calendars and addressbooks can cause the
# Evolution backend to hang.
evolutionuser =
evolutionpassword =
# used by the SyncML library internally; do not modify
last =

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# the base URL of the SyncML server:
# - Sync4j 2.3
#syncURL = http://localhost:8080/sync4j/sync
# - Funambol >= 3.0
#syncURL = http://localhost:8080/funambol/ds
syncURL =
# -
#syncURL =
# the SyncML server gets this string and will use it to keep track of
# changes that still need to be synchronized with this particular
# client; it must be set to something unique if SyncEvolution is used
# to synchronize data between different computers
deviceId = sc-api-nat
# authorization for the SyncML server
username = your SyncML server account name
password = your SyncML server password
# set to T to enable an HTTP proxy
useProxy = F
# proxy URL (http://<host>:<port>)
proxyHost =
# user agent string used for HTTP
userAgent = SyncEvolution
# full path to directory where automatic backups and logs
# are stored for all synchronizations; if empty, the temporary
# directory "$TMPDIR/SyncEvolution-<username>-<server>" will
# be used to keep the data of just the latest synchronization run;
# if "none", then no backups of the databases are made and any
# output is printed directly instead of writing it into a log
# When writing into a log nothing will be shown during the
# synchronization. Instead the important messages are extracted
# automatically from the log at the end.
logdir =
# level of detail for log messages:
# - 0 (or unset) = INFO messages without log file, DEBUG with log file
# - 1 = only ERROR messages
# - 2 = also INFO messages
# - 3 = also DEBUG messages
loglevel = 0
# Unless this option is set, SyncEvolution will never delete
# anything in the "logdir". If set, the oldest directories and
# all their content will be removed after a successful sync
# to prevent the number of log directories from growing beyond
# the given limit.
maxlogdirs =
# Support for large objects and limiting the message size was added in
# SyncEvolution 0.5, but still disabled in the example configurations
# of that version. Some servers had problems with that configuration,
# so now both features are enabled by default and it is recommended
# to update existing configurations.
# The maximum size of each message can be set (maxMsgSize) and the
# server can be told to never sent items larger than a certain
# threshold (maxObjSize). Presumably the server has to truncate or
# skip larger items. Finally the client and server may be given the
# permission to transmit large items in multiple messages (loSupport =
# large object support).
maxMsgSize = 8192
maxObjSize = 500000
loSupport = 1
# used by the SyncML library internally; do not modify
begin =
end =
firstTimeSyncMode = 0