updated --help text

git-svn-id: https://zeitsenke.de/svn/SyncEvolution/trunk@582 15ad00c4-1369-45f4-8270-35d70d36bdcd
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Ohly 2008-04-10 19:36:57 +00:00
parent 5520f9deb3
commit bd23cc9de8

View file

@ -508,25 +508,97 @@ void SyncEvolutionCmdline::usage(bool full, const string &error, const string &p
if (full) {
out << endl <<
"Options:" << endl <<
" --sync|-s <mode>" << endl <<
" Temporarily synchronize the active sources in that mode. Useful" << endl <<
" for a 'refresh-from-server' or 'refresh-from-client' sync which" << endl <<
" clears all data at one end and copies all items from the other." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --status|-t" << endl <<
" The changes made to local data since the last synchronization are" << endl <<
" shown without starting a new one. This can be used to see in advance" << endl <<
" whether the local data needs to be synchronized with the server." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --quiet|-q" << endl <<
" Suppresses most of the normal output during a synchronization. The" << endl <<
" log file still contains all the information." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --help|-h" << endl <<
" Prints usage information." << endl <<
" " << endl <<
" --version" << endl <<
" Prints the SyncEvolution version." << endl;
"--sync|-s <mode>" << endl <<
"--sync|-s ?" << endl <<
" Temporarily synchronize the active sources in that mode. Useful" << endl <<
" for a \"refresh-from-server\" or \"refresh-from-client\" sync which" << endl <<
" clears all data at one end and copies all items from the other." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--print-servers" << endl <<
" Prints the names of all configured servers to stdout." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--print-config|-p" << endl <<
" Prints the complete configuration for the selected server" << endl <<
" to stdout, including up-to-date comments for all properties. The" << endl <<
" format is the normal .ini format with source configurations in" << endl <<
" different sections introduced with [<source>] lines. Can be combined" << endl <<
" with --sync-property and --source-property to modify the configuration" << endl <<
" on-the-fly. When one or more sources are listed after the <server>" << endl <<
" name on the command line, then only the configs of those sources are" << endl <<
" printed. Using --quiet suppresses the comments for each property." << endl <<
" When setting a --template, then the reference configuration for" << endl <<
" that server is printed instead of an existing configuration." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"-configure|-c" << endl <<
" Modify the configuration files for the selected server. If no such" << endl <<
" configuration exists, then a new one is created using one of the" << endl <<
" template configurations (see --template option). When creating" << endl <<
" a new configuration only the active sources will be set to active" << endl <<
" in the new configuration, i.e. \"syncevolution -c scheduleworld addressbook\"" << endl <<
" followed by \"syncevolution scheduleworld\" will only synchronize the" << endl <<
" address book. The other sources are created in a disabled state." << endl <<
" When modifying an existing configuration and sources are specified," << endl <<
" then the source properties of only those sources are modified." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--migrate" << endl <<
" In SyncEvolution <= 0.7 a different layout of configuration files" << endl <<
" was used. Using --migrate will automatically migrate to the new" << endl <<
" layout and rename the old directory $HOME/.sync4j/evolution/<server> " << endl <<
" into $HOME/.sync4j/evolution/<server>.old to prevent accidental use" << endl <<
" of the old configuration. WARNING: old SyncEvolution releases cannot" << endl <<
" use the new configuration!" << endl <<
" The switch can also be used to migrate a configuration in the current" << endl <<
" configuration directory: this preserves all property values, discards" << endl <<
" obsolete properties and sets all comments exactly as if the configuration" << endl <<
" had been created from scratch. WARNING: custom comments in the" << endl <<
" configuration are not preserved." << endl <<
" --migrate implies --configure and can be combined with modifying" << endl <<
" properties." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--sync-property|-y <property>=<value>" << endl <<
"--sync-property|-y ?" << endl <<
"--sync-property|-y <property>=?" << endl <<
" Overrides a configuration property in the <server>/config.ini file" << endl <<
" for the current synchronization run or permanently when --configure" << endl <<
" is used to update the configuration. Can be used multiple times." << endl <<
" Specifying an unused property will trigger an error message." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--source-property|-z <property>=<value>" << endl <<
"--source-property|-z ?" << endl <<
"--source-property|-z <property>=?" << endl <<
" Same as --sync-option, but applies to the configuration of all active" << endl <<
" sources. \"--sync <mode>\" is a shortcut for \"--source-option sync=<mode>\"." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--properties|-r <file name>|- [NOT IMPLEMENTED]" << endl <<
" Same as --sync-property and --source-property, but with properties" << endl <<
" specified in a file with the same format that --print-config uses." << endl <<
" \"-\" reads from stdin." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--template|-l <server name>|default|?" << endl <<
" Can be used to select from one of the built-in default configurations" << endl <<
" for known SyncML servers. Defaults to the <server> name, so --template" << endl <<
" only has to be specified when creating multiple different configurations" << endl <<
" for the same server. \"default\" is an alias for \"scheduleworld\" and can be" << endl <<
" used as the starting point for servers which do not have a built-in" << endl <<
" configuration." << endl <<
" Each template contains a pseudo-random device ID. Therefore setting the" << endl <<
" \"deviceId\" sync property is only necessary when manually recreating a" << endl <<
" configuration or when a more descriptive name is desired." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--status|-t" << endl <<
" The changes made to local data since the last synchronization are" << endl <<
" shown without starting a new one. This can be used to see in advance" << endl <<
" whether the local data needs to be synchronized with the server." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--quiet|-q" << endl <<
" Suppresses most of the normal output during a synchronization. The" << endl <<
" log file still contains all the information." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--help|-h" << endl <<
" Prints usage information." << endl <<
"" << endl <<
"--version" << endl <<
" Prints the SyncEvolution version." << endl;
if (error != "") {