D-Bus testing: added test for sync output

The test uses a local sync config with just one address book. It
checks the right ordering of stdout/stderr output by merging both into
one stream. Checking D-Bus signals during the sync could (should?!)
be added.
This commit is contained in:
Patrick Ohly 2012-04-30 10:24:30 +02:00
parent e71a1bbf20
commit e02d296923
1 changed files with 313 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -756,6 +756,32 @@ class DBusUtil(Timeout):
def setUpLocalSyncConfigs(self, childPassword=None):
# create file<->file configs
addressbook = { "sync": "two-way",
"backend": "file",
"databaseFormat": "text/vcard",
"database": "file://" + xdg_root + "/client" }
if childPassword:
addressbook["databaseUser"] = "foo-user"
addressbook["databasePassword"] = childPassword
self.session.SetConfig(False, False,
{"" : { "loglevel": "4" },
"source/addressbook": addressbook })
self.session.SetConfig(False, False,
{"" : { "loglevel": "4",
"syncURL": "local://@client",
"RetryDuration": self.getTestProperty("resendDuration", "60"),
"peerIsClient": "1" },
"source/addressbook": { "sync": "two-way",
"uri": "addressbook",
"backend": "file",
"databaseFormat": "text/vcard",
"database": "file://" + xdg_root + "/server" } })
def setUpFiles(self, snapshot):
""" Copy reference directory trees from
test/test-dbus/<snapshot> to own xdg_root (=./test-dbus). To
@ -3152,30 +3178,7 @@ class TestLocalSync(unittest.TestCase, DBusUtil):
def setUpConfigs(self, childPassword=None):
# create file<->file configs
addressbook = { "sync": "two-way",
"backend": "file",
"databaseFormat": "text/vcard",
"database": "file://" + xdg_root + "/client" }
if childPassword:
addressbook["databaseUser"] = "foo-user"
addressbook["databasePassword"] = childPassword
self.session.SetConfig(False, False,
{"" : { "loglevel": "4" },
"source/addressbook": addressbook })
self.session.SetConfig(False, False,
{"" : { "loglevel": "4",
"syncURL": "local://@client",
"RetryDuration": self.getTestProperty("resendDuration", "60"),
"peerIsClient": "1" },
"source/addressbook": { "sync": "two-way",
"uri": "addressbook",
"backend": "file",
"databaseFormat": "text/vcard",
"database": "file://" + xdg_root + "/server" } })
def testSync(self):
@ -5898,5 +5901,291 @@ END:VCARD
self.expectUsageError(out, err,
"[ERROR] No configuration name specified.\n")
def stripSyncTime(self, out):
'''remove varying time from sync session output'''
p = re.compile(r'^\| +start .*?, duration \d:\d\dmin +\|$',
return p.sub('| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |', out)
@property("debug", False)
def testSyncOutput(self):
"""TestCmdline.testSyncOutput - run syncs between local dirs and check output"""
os.makedirs(xdg_root + "/server")
item = xdg_root + "/server/0"
output = open(item, "w")
FN:John Doe
# TODO: check D-Bus events while command line sync runs
out, err, code = self.runCmdline(["--sync", "slow", "server"],
self.assertEqual(err, None)
self.assertEqual(0, code)
out = self.stripSyncTime(out)
self.assertEqualDiff('''[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: starting first time sync, two-way (peer is server)
[INFO @client] creating complete data backup of source addressbook before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@client data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @client/addressbook ***
Comparison was impossible.
[INFO] @default/addressbook: starting first time sync, two-way (peer is client)
[INFO] creating complete data backup of source addressbook before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@default data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @default/addressbook ***
Comparison was impossible.
[INFO] @default/addressbook: started
[INFO] @default/addressbook: sent 1
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: started
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: received 1/1
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: added 1, updated 0, removed 0
[INFO] @default/addressbook: first time sync done successfully
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: first time sync done successfully
[INFO @client] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
Synchronization successful.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| | @client | @default | FLI |
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| slow, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received |
| item(s) in database backup: 0 before sync, 1 after it |
| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |
| synchronization completed successfully |
Data modified @client during synchronization:
*** @client/addressbook ***
before sync | after sync
removed during sync <
> added during sync
> N:Doe;John
> FN:John Doe
[INFO] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
Synchronization successful.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| | @default | @client | FLI |
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| slow, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received |
| item(s) in database backup: 1 before sync, 1 after it |
| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |
| synchronization completed successfully |
Data modified @default during synchronization:
*** @default/addressbook ***
no changes
''', out)
# check result (should be unchanged)
input = open(item, "r")
self.assertIn("FN:John Doe", input.read())
# update contact
output = open(item, "w")
FN:Joan Doe
out, err, code = self.runCmdline(["server"],
self.assertEqual(err, None)
self.assertEqual(0, code)
out = self.stripSyncTime(out)
self.assertEqualDiff('''[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: starting normal sync, two-way (peer is server)
[INFO @client] creating complete data backup of source addressbook before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@client data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @client/addressbook ***
no changes
[INFO] @default/addressbook: starting normal sync, two-way (peer is client)
[INFO] creating complete data backup of source addressbook before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@default data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @default/addressbook ***
after last sync | current data
removed since last sync <
> added since last sync
N:Doe;John | N:Doe;Joan
FN:John Doe | FN:Joan Doe
[INFO] @default/addressbook: started
[INFO] @default/addressbook: sent 1
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: started
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: received 1/1
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: added 0, updated 1, removed 0
[INFO] @default/addressbook: normal sync done successfully
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: normal sync done successfully
[INFO @client] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
Synchronization successful.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| | @client | @default | FLI |
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| two-way, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received |
| item(s) in database backup: 1 before sync, 1 after it |
| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |
| synchronization completed successfully |
Data modified @client during synchronization:
*** @client/addressbook ***
before sync | after sync
removed during sync <
> added during sync
N:Doe;John | N:Doe;Joan
FN:John Doe | FN:Joan Doe
[INFO] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
Synchronization successful.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| | @default | @client | FLI |
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| two-way, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received |
| item(s) in database backup: 1 before sync, 1 after it |
| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |
| synchronization completed successfully |
Data modified @default during synchronization:
*** @default/addressbook ***
no changes
''', out)
# now remove contact
out, err, code = self.runCmdline(["server"],
self.assertEqual(err, None)
self.assertEqual(0, code)
out = self.stripSyncTime(out)
self.assertEqualDiff('''[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: starting normal sync, two-way (peer is server)
[INFO @client] creating complete data backup of source addressbook before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@client data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @client/addressbook ***
no changes
[INFO] @default/addressbook: starting normal sync, two-way (peer is client)
[INFO] creating complete data backup of source addressbook before sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
@default data changes to be applied during synchronization:
*** @default/addressbook ***
after last sync | current data
removed since last sync <
> added since last sync
N:Doe;Joan <
FN:Joan Doe <
[INFO] @default/addressbook: started
[INFO] @default/addressbook: sent 1
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: started
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: received 1/1
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: added 0, updated 0, removed 1
[INFO] @default/addressbook: normal sync done successfully
[INFO @client] @client/addressbook: normal sync done successfully
[INFO @client] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
Synchronization successful.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| | @client | @default | FLI |
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| two-way, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received |
| item(s) in database backup: 1 before sync, 0 after it |
| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |
| synchronization completed successfully |
Data modified @client during synchronization:
*** @client/addressbook ***
before sync | after sync
removed during sync <
> added during sync
N:Doe;Joan <
FN:Joan Doe <
[INFO] creating complete data backup after sync (enabled with dumpData and needed for printChanges)
Synchronization successful.
Changes applied during synchronization:
| | @default | @client | FLI |
| Source | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | NEW | MOD | DEL | ERR | CTS |
| addressbook | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| two-way, 0 KB sent by client, 0 KB received |
| item(s) in database backup: 0 before sync, 0 after it |
| start xxx, duration a:bcmin |
| synchronization completed successfully |
Data modified @default during synchronization:
*** @default/addressbook ***
no changes
''', out)
if __name__ == '__main__':