This is a demo backend. It uses a database schema that is similar to the one used on the iPhone, but it is not as complete. To compile this backend as part of SyncEvolution, configure with --enable-sqlite. To compile it against a binary distribution of SyncEvolution, make sure that the SyncEvolution, Synthesis and sqlite developer files are installed and that pkg-config can find syncevolution.pc, synthesis.pc and sqlite.pc. Set your PKG_CONFIG_PATH if necessary. Then the source files can be compiled as follows: g++ -fpic -DPIC -DENABLE_SQLITE -shared -I. \ `pkg-config --cflags --libs syncevolution` `pkg-config --cflags --libs sqlite` *.cpp \ -o /tmp/ Install /tmp/ by moving it into the "lib/syncevolution/backends" directory of the SyncEvolution installation. It then should show up as additional choice for the "type" property: syncevolution --datastore-property type=? ... SQLite Address Book = addressbook = contacts = sqlite-contacts vCard 2.1 (default) = text/x-vcard