/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include SE_BEGIN_CXX SDKInterface *SubSyncSource::getSynthesisAPI() const { return m_parent ? m_parent->getSynthesisAPI() : NULL; } MapSyncSource::MapSyncSource(const SyncSourceParams ¶ms, const boost::shared_ptr &sub) : TestingSyncSource(params), m_sub(sub) { boost::shared_ptr safeNode(new SafeConfigNode(params.m_nodes.getTrackingNode())); m_trackingNode.reset(new PrefixConfigNode("item-", safeNode)); m_metaNode = safeNode; // parameters don't matter because actual implementation is in sub source SyncSourceLogging::init(std::list(), ", ", m_operations); m_sub->setParent(this); // Redirect backup/restore into sub source, if it defines a backup // operation. Otherwise continue to use our own, // SyncSourceRevision based implementation. The expectation is // that a custom backup operation implies a custom restore, // because of custom data formats in the data dump. Therefore if() // only checks the m_backupData pointer. if (m_sub->getOperations().m_backupData) { m_operations.m_backupData = m_sub->getOperations().m_backupData; m_operations.m_restoreData = m_sub->getOperations().m_restoreData; } m_operations.m_isEmpty = m_sub->getOperations().m_isEmpty; } void MapSyncSource::enableServerMode() { SyncSourceAdmin::init(m_operations, this); SyncSourceBlob::init(m_operations, getCacheDir()); } bool MapSyncSource::serverModeEnabled() const { return m_operations.m_loadAdminData; } void MapSyncSource::detectChanges(SyncSourceRevisions::ChangeMode mode) { // erase content which might have been set in a previous call reset(); // read old list from node (matches endSync() code) m_revisions.clear(); ConfigProps props; m_trackingNode->readProperties(props); BOOST_FOREACH(const StringPair &prop, props) { const std::string &mainid = prop.first; const std::string &value = prop.second; size_t pos = value.find('/'); bool okay = false; if (pos == 0) { pos = value.find('/', 1); if (pos != value.npos) { std::string revision = m_escape.unescape(value.substr(1, pos - 1)); size_t nextpos = value.find('/', pos + 1); if (nextpos != value.npos) { std::string uid = m_escape.unescape(value.substr(pos + 1, nextpos - pos - 1)); SubRevisionEntry &ids = m_revisions[mainid]; ids.m_revision = revision; ids.m_uid = uid; pos = nextpos; while ((nextpos = value.find('/', pos + 1)) != value.npos) { std::string subid = m_escape.unescape(value.substr(pos + 1, nextpos - pos - 1)); ids.m_subids.insert(subid); pos = nextpos; } okay = true; } } } if (!okay) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(getDisplayName(), "unsupported or corrupt revision entry: %s = %s", mainid.c_str(), value.c_str()); } } // determine how to update that list and find changes switch (mode) { case SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_NONE: // nothing to do, just tell sub source m_sub->setAllSubItems(m_revisions); break; case SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_FULL: { // update the list and compare to find changes SubRevisionMap_t newRevisions; if (m_revisions.empty()) { // nothing to reuse, just ask for current items m_sub->listAllSubItems(newRevisions); } else { // update old information newRevisions = m_revisions; m_sub->updateAllSubItems(newRevisions); } // deleted items... BOOST_FOREACH(const SubRevisionMap_t::value_type &entry, m_revisions) { const std::string &mainid = entry.first; const SubRevisionEntry &ids = entry.second; if (newRevisions.find(entry.first) == newRevisions.end()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &subid, ids.m_subids) { addItem(createLUID(mainid, subid), DELETED); } } } // added or updated items... BOOST_FOREACH(const SubRevisionMap_t::value_type &entry, newRevisions) { const std::string &mainid = entry.first; const SubRevisionEntry &ids = entry.second; SubRevisionMap_t::iterator it = m_revisions.find(entry.first); if (it == m_revisions.end()) { // all sub-items are added BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &subid, ids.m_subids) { addItem(createLUID(mainid, subid), NEW); } } else if (it->second.m_revision != ids.m_revision) { // merged item was modified, some of its sub-items // might have been removed... BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &subid, it->second.m_subids) { if (ids.m_subids.find(subid) == ids.m_subids.end()) { addItem(createLUID(mainid, subid), DELETED); } } // ... or added/modified BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &subid, ids.m_subids) { if (it->second.m_subids.find(subid) == it->second.m_subids.end()){ addItem(createLUID(mainid, subid), NEW); } else { addItem(createLUID(mainid, subid), UPDATED); } } } } // continue with up-to-date list m_revisions = newRevisions; break; } case SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_SLOW: // replace with current list, don't bother about finding changes m_revisions.clear(); m_sub->listAllSubItems(m_revisions); break; default: // ?! throwError(SE_HERE, "unknown change mode"); break; } // always set the full list of luids in SyncSourceChanges BOOST_FOREACH(const SubRevisionMap_t::value_type &entry, m_revisions) { const std::string &mainid = entry.first; const SubRevisionEntry &ids = entry.second; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &subid, ids.m_subids) { addItem(createLUID(mainid, subid)); } } } void MapSyncSource::beginSync(const std::string &lastToken, const std::string &resumeToken) { m_sub->begin(); // TODO: copy-and-pasted from TrackingSyncSource::beginSync() - refactor! // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv // use the most reliable (and most expensive) method by default SyncSourceRevisions::ChangeMode mode = SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_FULL; // resume token overrides the normal token; safe to ignore in most // cases and this detectChanges() is done independently of the // token, but let's do it right here anyway string token; if (!resumeToken.empty()) { token = resumeToken; } else { token = lastToken; } // slow sync if token is empty if (token.empty()) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(getDisplayName(), "slow sync or testing, do full item scan to detect changes"); mode = SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_SLOW; } else { string oldRevision = m_metaNode->readProperty("databaseRevision"); if (!oldRevision.empty()) { string newRevision = m_sub->subDatabaseRevision(); SE_LOG_DEBUG(getDisplayName(), "old database revision '%s', new revision '%s'", oldRevision.c_str(), newRevision.c_str()); if (newRevision == oldRevision) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(getDisplayName(), "revisions match, no item changes"); mode = SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_NONE; } // Reset old revision. If anything goes wrong, then we // don't want to rely on a possibly incorrect optimization. m_metaNode->setProperty("databaseRevision", ""); m_metaNode->flush(); } } if (mode == SyncSourceRevisions::CHANGES_FULL) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(getDisplayName(), "using full item scan to detect changes"); } detectChanges(mode); // TODO: refactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ } std::string MapSyncSource::endSync(bool success) { m_sub->endSubSync(success); // TODO: refactor vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if (success) { string updatedRevision = m_sub->subDatabaseRevision(); m_metaNode->setProperty("databaseRevision", updatedRevision); // This part is different from TrackingSyncSource: our luid/rev information // is in m_revisions and only gets dumped into m_trackingNode at the very end here. m_trackingNode->clear(); BOOST_FOREACH(const SubRevisionMap_t::value_type &entry, m_revisions) { const std::string &mainid = entry.first; const SubRevisionEntry &ids = entry.second; std::stringstream buffer; buffer << '/' << m_escape.escape(ids.m_revision) << '/'; buffer << m_escape.escape(ids.m_uid) << '/'; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &subid, ids.m_subids) { buffer << m_escape.escape(subid) << '/'; } m_trackingNode->setProperty(mainid, buffer.str()); } // flush both nodes, just in case; in practice, the properties // end up in the same file and only get flushed once m_trackingNode->flush(); m_metaNode->flush(); } else { // The Synthesis docs say that we should rollback in case of // failure. Cannot do that for data, so lets at least keep // the revision map unchanged. } // no token handling at the moment (not needed for clients): // return a non-empty token to distinguish an incremental // sync from a slow sync in beginSync() return "1"; // TODO: refactor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ } SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult MapSyncSource::insertItem(const std::string &luid, const std::string &item) { StringPair ids = splitLUID(luid); SubSyncSource::SubItemResult res = m_sub->insertSubItem(ids.first, ids.second, item); // anything changed? if (res.m_state != ITEM_NEEDS_MERGE) { SubRevisionEntry &entry = m_revisions[res.m_mainid]; entry.m_uid = res.m_uid; entry.m_revision = res.m_revision; entry.m_subids.insert(res.m_subid); } return SyncSourceRaw::InsertItemResult(createLUID(res.m_mainid, res.m_subid), res.m_revision, res.m_state); } void MapSyncSource::readItem(const std::string &luid, std::string &item) { StringPair ids = splitLUID(luid); m_sub->readSubItem(ids.first, ids.second, item); } void MapSyncSource::deleteItem(const string &luid) { StringPair ids = splitLUID(luid); std::string rev = m_sub->removeSubItem(ids.first, ids.second); SubRevisionMap_t::iterator it = m_revisions.find(ids.first); if (it != m_revisions.end()) { it->second.m_subids.erase(ids.second); if (it->second.m_subids.empty()) { // last sub item removed, remove merged item m_revisions.erase(it); } else { // still some sub items, update revision in merged item it->second.m_revision = rev; } } } std::string MapSyncSource::getDescription(const string &luid) { StringPair ids = splitLUID(luid); return m_sub->getSubDescription(ids.first, ids.second); } std::string MapSyncSource::createLUID(const std::string &uid, const std::string &subid) { std::string luid = m_escape.escape(uid); if (!subid.empty()) { luid += '/'; luid += m_escape.escape(subid); } return luid; } std::pair MapSyncSource::splitLUID(const std::string &luid) { size_t index = luid.find('/'); if (index != luid.npos) { return make_pair(m_escape.unescape(luid.substr(0, index)), m_escape.unescape(luid.substr(index + 1))); } else { return make_pair(m_escape.unescape(luid), ""); } } StringEscape MapSyncSource::m_escape('%', "/"); void MapSyncSource::removeAllItems() { BOOST_FOREACH(const SubRevisionMap_t::value_type &entry, m_revisions) { m_sub->removeMergedItem(entry.first); } m_revisions.clear(); } SE_END_CXX